Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dawsobn March Schedule

Here is the Dawson Cultural Centre March Schedule:


For those who remember him Nick is doing well. I saw him yesterday in his old restaurany on Wellington near Hickson. His son Kostas is working at a Steak house
in Greenfield Park. Nick, you'll remember is the man who started Rex and moved to the new location to have room for more tables. He is doing well in retirement but misses Annie of course.                  Ed


Laurie I can.t find it now I deleted it I ck delete
box and don't see it I hope you get it It is good to se photo's The face with
the name. Sorry

Laugh Vitamin

The true measure of a person is not in dollars but
in sence.

The Black Donnellys TV Show - The Black Donnellys Television Show -

The last one b/c I hope it doesn't get cut or turn into a soap opera.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Visit to SHGV

A visit is organised by Kathryn Harvey of the Dawson Cultural Centre to the
Soci챕t챕 d'Histoire et de G챕n챕alogie de Verdun (SHGV) at 5955 Bannantyne, Verdun, (below the library) at 1.30 pm Thursday afternoon. All are welcome.

The Black Donnellys -

Great Pilot TV show played Monday night and will replay on Thursday. I heard the term Black Irish ever since I was a kid, and never knew what it meant.
This show has Canadian roots. Now I know why my father had black hair and blue eyes.

  • Actress Lauren Graham is referred to as Black Irish in a celebrity profile.[16]
  • In the pilot to NBC's new television series The Black Donnellys, Joey "Ice Cream", one of the mainstay characters (portrayed by actor Keith Nobbs) narrates the action drama and at one point indirectly refers to himself and unspecified Donnelly brothers as Black Irish. Joey cites a story told by his grandmother asserting that Ireland was originally inhabited by a 'dark haired race of people' who the invading Celts attempted to unsuccesfully wipe out.

  • Actress Lauren Graham is referred to as Black Irish in a celebrity profile.[16]
  • In the pilot to NBC's new television series The Black Donnellys, Joey "Ice Cream", one of the mainstay characters (portrayed by actor Keith Nobbs) narrates the action drama and at one point indirectly refers to himself and unspecified Donnelly brothers as Black Irish. Joey cites a story told by his grandmother asserting that Ireland was originally inhabited by a 'dark haired race of people' who the invading Celts attempted to unsuccesfully wipe out.

Black Irish

Great Pilot TV show played Monday night and will replay on Thursday. I heard the term Black Irish ever since I was a kid, and never knew what it meant.
This show has Canadian roots. Now I know why my father had Black hair and blue eyes.

• Actress Lauren Graham is referred to as Black Irish in a celebrity profile.[16]
• In the pilot to NBC's new television series The Black Donnellys, Joey "Ice Cream", one of the mainstay characters (portrayed by actor Keith Nobbs) narrates the action drama and at one point indirectly refers to himself and unspecified Donnelly brothers as Black Irish. Joey cites a story told by his grandmother asserting that Ireland was originally inhabited by a 'dark haired race of people' who the invading Celts attempted to unsuccesfully wipe out.

• Actress Lauren Graham is referred to as Black Irish in a celebrity profile.[16]
• In the pilot to NBC's new television series The Black Donnellys, Joey "Ice Cream", one of the mainstay characters (portrayed by actor Keith Nobbs) narrates the action drama and at one point indirectly refers to himself and unspecified Donnelly brothers as Black Irish. Joey cites a story told by his grandmother asserting that Ireland was originally inhabited by a 'dark haired race of people' who the invading Celts attempted to unsuccesfully wipe out.

things to ponder....???? (Btw I'm not even the piano player go ahead & shoot

Monday, February 26, 2007

Toboggan Slives

Here are pictures of the toboggan slides wich where behind  the Verdun General Hospital and wich appear in the winter editionn of our SHGV magazine, Les Argoulets. Guy

Moon Mullins Comic strip

Arbutus    I love the name Big Bill
Blotch from the comic strip.  I know a few Bills that would fit that one

Save the animals

Wendy I remeber the cat our moms would'nt let us
keep we wrote this poem and put the cat in some ones porch with the poem ,rang
their bell and ran.


Please take me in and keep me safe & warm all
through the mid day storm. and in the morning bright and gay, keep me safe all
through the day.

If you can't keep me give me to a friend, Please
don't throw me out again. ( Author's  Wendy & Lynn )



I can't belive that I remember that it was written
at least 40yrs ago.   Lov ya Bud


 Wendy  Do you remember the time my mom
was freaking out because there was a mouse in our back shed. We caught it and
brought it down to Verdun United Church. and let it go under a pew?  We
tryed to save every animal big or small. Those we could'nt save we buried at the
school. Ha Ha Ha !

Judy Roy

I posted this email on VC a year or so ago.
Just curious if anyone remembers Judy Roy from the 1950s? No big
deal. I dated her once. Cute strawberry blond.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Out of the mouth of babes

 Looking at the photo's & talking about
church's. We went to Verdun United My sister Glo was married there next to
Dawson's Boys Club. All The kids gathered outside the church to see the
beautiful bride come out. I have a picture all the gang out side . I'd like to
post it. Some of you might even be in the picture. In later years my daughter
and I were at a turkey dinner there down in the basement . There was a big
picture of the last supper . My daughter pullereverands cloak and said " I know
that jesus is sitting in the middle , but what's the names of the other guys?

bobby nielson

any idea where bobby nielson is
carolyn bennett

The Hole

Anybody else out there remember the Hole, our gang hung around there in the early 60's  thought it was only ours ha ha.  It was like our private place.  Just past the Nat. a small dip in the lawn and some bushes to keep us a little private.  It was a hot spot to make out (right Wendy) and to sneak a smoke. If you had a portable radio you could even dance.
  Funny never knew that my little sister hung out there also a decade later.

Crawford Park Stuff

Here's a timeline from a Church on Clemenceau,.............
      I couldn't find any actual pictures of it yet,.( but I will) , I thought I'd post this for Our Crawford Park members, may spark some memories???

The Early Days:

Although the actual structure that was to become Crawford Park United Church was not begun until 1947, the actual community of faith began to form much earlier.  This small group of people who met in the little red schoolhouse would eventually form the nucleus of Crawford Park United Church.

In the growing community of Crawford Park, a dozen or so faithful souls felt the need to gather together on Sundays to worship in some form of the Protestant faith.  Permission was secured to use the two classrooms of the little red schoolhouse then standing on the corner of Lloyd George and Churchill Avenues.  The Rev. Wilkinson came out to lead these services each Sunday beginning in the early 1940's and continuing until 1944.  As time went on about 34 to 45 hardy citizens braved the pioneer conditions prevailing in the schoolhouse and supplied the enthusiasm and fellowship that  more than made up for any lack of comfort.

In 1942 their Sunday collections amounted to $236.58 and in 1943 had swelled to $327.25.

As the word spread that a service was held each Sunday, the congregation sometimes filled all the desk seats and available chairs and those in charge at the door would hurriedly borrow kitchen chairs from the nearest homes to seat the overflow.

Begun as a joint community Church to serve the needs of the Protestant people of Crawford Park and neighboring environs, the present building of what is now Crawford Park United Church was begun in 1947.  With such funds as could be given or pledged by members, adherents and friends and with the help of the Home Mission Board of The United Church of Canada, the group meeting in the little red schoolhouse planned and prepared the basement of what was later to be completed as the splendid Church which now stands on Clemenceau Avenue.  A six roomed manse was constructed as well, and in February of 1948 the congregation began to hold its meetings in the basement hall of its own building.

After Mr. Wilkinson gave up the charge in the fall of 1944,the Rev. Meech carried on.  The Rev. J.K. Brown took overall responsibility for the Church and filled in when needed.  During the period from 1944 to 1947 the Rev. O. Stevens, Rev. Starkey and Rev. Williams supplied leadership briefly.  The Rev. Douglas Reed, the Rev. W. Morris and the Rev. R. Purvis Smith came for somewhat lengthier periods.  In 1947 Rev. J.C. Downing came from Greenfield Park and continued services in the schoolhouse and then took charge of the Church congregation preaching there in the morning and traveling to St. Jerome in the afternoon to hold evening services there.

Sunday School sessions began simultaneously with the Church services and continued diligently through the years offering leadership and training in Christian living to all children in the vicinity.  The first Sunday School party was held in 1942 in the schoolhouse, and these festivities became an annual event.  In 1948 the party was held in the present Church basement hall.

In 1944 the Women's Auxiliary (W.A.) was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Oke and Mrs. Hepworth and the group held regular monthly meetings in the homes.  Soon the membership and popularity of this organization made a larger  meeting place imperative, and in 1948 the basement hall made it possible to extend the hospitality and interests of this group.

Late in 1944, the Women's Missionary Society (W.M.S.) was begun under the leadership of Mrs. Maud Hall, gradually assuming responsibility for the extension of spiritual welfare in missionary work and younger groups.

C.G.I.T., Explorer and Mission Band groups were formed to service the needs of girls from ages 6 to 16.  Cubs and Boy scouts began to meet weekly in the hall.

Beginning with a piano and small group to lead the singing in the schoolhouse, the choir met faithfully and unceasingly to prepare music to enhance the atmosphere of worship as the congregation moved on from the schoolhouse to the basement hall.  It was very fortunate that upon completion of the Church and the gift of an electric organ from the Men's Club, a gifted and willing organist Mr. W. Hindle arrived in the district.  Under the leadership and training of Mr. Hindle the music of the services contributed much to the enjoyment of the congregation.

Early historical sketch by church member (Author unknown)

A Chronology of Significant Events :

1939 - 1944 Crawford Park began as a Home Mission Field in the fall of 1939 when Rev. J. Wilkinson arranged regular Church services and Sunday School in a two-room Protestant school building located on the corner of Churchill and Lloyd George.

1944-46 Rev. J. Wilkinson retired in the Fall of 1944, due to sickness.  Rev. J.K. Brown was appointed Supervisor of Pastoral Supply in February 1945.

1944-1945 Mr. M.O. Stevens was student supply
1945-1946 Rev. W.A. Morris supplied until May 1946
1946-1947 Rev. R.Purvis Smith supplied until May 1947

February, 1945, the Board of Stewards was organized and the congregation was officially constituted in March of the same year.

1944 The W.A. was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Oke and Mrs. R. Hepworth

July, 1945 Lots on Clemenceau Street were purchased for the new church building

September, 1946 Registers of Civil Status were secured.

February 1947 Permission to erect a church hall in the form of a basement for a Church was granted by Presbytery.  In July permission to erect a manse was given.

1947 A properly constituted Official Board was formed.  A Board of Trustees was also formed.   The church decided on a seven year plan for the construction of the church basement and super-structure.  In the summer of 1947 Rev. J.C. Downing was appointed Minister  of Crawford Park  Church.  The cornerstone of the present building was laid on November 23, 1947.

November, 1952 the completed Church was dedicated in a special service and the first Sunday Service was held on Sunday, November 9, 1952 at 11 a.m.

1957 Crawford Park United Church moved from a mission to a fully independent status.

1967 The Centennial project was the reconstruction of the church basement.

1979 The burning of the mortgage took place on November 24, 1979

1972-73 Crawford Park became a shared pastoral charge with St. Paul United

1976 Crawford Park became a shared pastoral charge with Verdun United

1987 Crawford celebrated its 40th. Anniversary

1997 Crawford celebrated its 50th. Anniversary

based on the info from this chronologial timeline,.it looks like this Church will be celebrating it's 60th this year......................???

Do you like fast cars ?

This message has been deleted by the author.

Academy Awards

Big night tonight. 'The Departed' better win best picture. I bought the 2 disk DVD from Costco b/c I really wanted the special features which Netfix didn't provide. Watched the movie 3 times already.
Sometimes the academy feels sorry for a nominee such as John Wayne in 'True Grit', when it really should have gone to 'Midnight Cowboy's Dustin Hoffman or Jon Voight that year in my opinion -- I bought that movie a few years ago. Also another gift was to Paul Newman for the 'Color of Money' and missed 'Salvador's James Woods. Btw I like all of Newman's films especially 'The Verdict', which I also own.
I walked out of "dreamgirls'. Music was too loud for my tastes, but Eddy Murphy was incredible.

douglas hospital

I wonder why they took down the black iron fence around the Douglas..looks better that way.Strange i live in Crawfordpark and i  new only one person from crawford that actually worked at the hospital, a Mrs. Davies...never heard any gosspip about the hospital either,  not like nuns island.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Crawford Park Churches

Does anyone remember Sunday mornings in Crawford Park when the Catholic church  bells would chime ... they had ser vices at the school at the corner of Fayolle and Churchill....
All Saints  on Ouimet  and then the United Church on Clemenceau had it's taped hymns blasting.
I believe there was a noise pollution law passed and all these bells were reduced.


 If you have one foot in yesterday and another
foot in yeaterday you won't have any balance

Park Theater

The old Park Theatre on Church St. was replaced by a Bowling alley and Billiard Hall. Enclosed are pictures I took this afternoon. I saw many movies there in the 40s and 50s.

Going Upwind in a Tugboat

VHS Class of '51 Reunion

From: MSN NicknameWayneFeb2940  (Original Message) Sent: 22/02/2007 10:17 AM
I just received this info today so thought I would post it. I don't know if its been mentioned before.
Wayne Brien
"Class 1951 of Verdun High School, Verdun, Quebec is having a reunion in
Montreal, April 27 and 28, 2007. Please contact Sylvia @ 416-498-8836 for
more information. We are trying to locate classmates.

Friday, February 23, 2007


This week we saw the passing of Jim Mancini. Originally from Verdun, Jim's family moved to Sixth Avenue LaSalle where he lived until his death at 61 years old. Jim was a popular member of the Crawford Park Youth Association that held dances at the Verdun-LaSalle YMCA and was equally well-known in Verdun and LaSalle. As a young man he joined the LaSalle Police Force and was later swallowed up in the MUC amalgamation. The funeral was at Wilson's on Verdun Avenue.     Ed

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Funny Pics

This message has been deleted by the author.

Kids today


I liked what you had to say about "Snow Days" No

When we were kids we had no school buses so we
walked, truged, and dottled. There was very few days the school was closed due
to bad weather. However I would't want to be a kid today some things are much
harder. So much competition, alot of us had nothing we were all the

We hung out with lots of friend's and had alot of
back up if we needed it. Our friends were loyal and moral even if it was in a
curupt sorta way. The only drugs I heard of before I hit High School was
somthing called Goof Balls. ecstasy was some other thing that your parent's
never talked about, In front of the children that is. I feel very fortunate to
have grown up in a time like ours! Here's to us and the future

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

sign in difficulty

Anyone else expereience the old
              Hmmmmmmmmm We Can't seem to find that page...............
                    I found I was unable to even access the Verdun Connections site,
          -----  never mind be able to Sign In,...........
               I guess not finding the actual Opening Page, a little more concerning than ,not being able to 'SignIn'  (that option is frustrating ) but at least you can still read the msg's /posts,.........and from the looks of it,there were not many (if any posts for quite a while).......
I see HD2 has left a msg,.........  Congrats btw Di,.Guess you weren't affected by the Eastern Storm today ,??  Glad you got to see your Grandson,.........and got back too......................................

Newfoundland snow storm

This message has been deleted by the author.

Outdoor Hockey Rinks

Any idea wher this rink might be????

Birth Order of Children


Your Clothes: *
1st baby:* You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN
confirms  your pregnancy. *
2nd baby:* You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible. *
3rd baby:* Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.
Preparing for the Birth: *
1st baby:* You practice your breathing religiously. *
2nd baby:* You don't bother because you remember that last time,
breathing  didn't
do a thing. *
3rd baby:* You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.
The Layette: *
1st baby:* You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold
them neatly in the baby's little bureau. *
2nd baby:* You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and
only the  ones with the darkest stains. *
3rd baby:* Boys can wear pink, can't they?
Worries: *
1st baby:* At the first sign of distress-a whimper, a frown-you pick up the
baby. *
2nd baby:* You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your
firstborn. *
3rd baby:* You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical
Pacifier: *
1st baby:* If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can
go  home and wash and boil it. *
2nd baby:* When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with
some  juice from the baby's bottle. *
3rd baby:* You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.
Diapering: *
baby:* You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it
or not. *
2nd baby:* You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed. *
3rd baby:* You try to change their diaper before others start to
complain  about
the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.
Activities: *
1st baby:* You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing, and Baby
Story Hour. *
2nd baby:* You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics. *
3rd ba by:* You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.
Going Out: *
1st baby:* The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home
five times. *
2nd baby:* Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a
number where you can be reached. *
3rd baby:*
You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees
At Home:
*1st baby:* You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby. *
2nd baby:* You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child
isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby. *
**3rd baby:* You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

Swallowing Coins (a favorite): *
1st child:* When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the
hospital  and demand x-rays. *
2nd child:* When second child swallows a coin, you carefully watch for the
coin to pass. *
3rd child:* When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from
Pass this on to everyone you know who has children . . . or everyone who
KNOWS  someone who has had children . . . (The older the mother, the funnier
this is!)

God's reward for allowing your children to live

Find a local pizza place, movie theater, and more….then map the best route!


"Sudbury saterday night" Is'nt a song maybe
Stomping Tom? Well the same goes for North Bay eh!

To metalman108

Hi metalman108...I was just looking at all your photo's, great job by the way. Is that you in photo # 190 ? If so then you look familiar. What is your name if you don't mind me asking ? Donna

Monday, February 19, 2007

I can't get into VC

Hi guys

I am trying to post something and just can't get in - Members only. Join. So I pressed join, my old snowflake_54 came up.  I typed in the new and it said that this e mail belongs to someone ........

Now what  do I do. ?

I have been able to post this afternoon without any problem.

What's happening now. 

Thanks  Laurie Etienne 

Edinburgh Tatto - Gottasee this.

If you want to see five wonderful minutes of awsome drumming and fancy footwork take a look at this.
It was part of the Edinburgh Tattoo  2006

Famous Chocolate Refrigerator Roll

Anyone tasted these?

Famous Chocolate Refrigerator Roll

Recipe by : Adriana Lorini
Submitted_by : Adriana Lorini - Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

2 cups heavy cream OR
1 box Dream Whip Whipped Topping mix
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons granulated sugar (non-needed if using Dream Whip Topping mix)
1 package (9oz) Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers
Chocolate curls, for garnish

1) Beat together cream with vanilla and sugar (if using heavy cream only) in a medium-size bowl until stiff peaks form. If using Dream Whip whipped topping, mix according to package with the vanilla too.

2) Spread 1/2-teaspoon whipped cream on each wafer. Stack together on edge to form 14-inch-long log.

3) Frost with remaining whipped cream. Chill for 4-6 hours.

4) Garnish with chocolate curls. Slice at 45-degree angle to serve.

Note - Frozen whipped topping, thawed, may be substituted for whipped heavy cream and granulated sugar. Stir the vanilla into the whipped topping.

Makes: 12 Servings
Prep: 10 Minutes

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Any truth.

I seem to be having a slight problem with hotmail. But that is nothing new. Anyways. Dianne. Thanks for the picture of the sheep....oh what memories.


Les. No I really didn't work with anyone at the Forum. I just walked in one day and asked if they need any help. The guy said yes. Sent me to the highest part of the Forum. And guess what..I didn't sell one program, but I did see the hockey game for free. Did that for a very short time, but like I said, I got to see the games for free. And to this day, I don't think I evr sold one program. Of course the Alan, who was working for the star, got some press passes and we got in for free up along the catwalk. We got busted, and Sam Pollack himself, escorted us out the gate. Never chewed us out or anything. What a guy. As for alan, we did a bunch of things together. Never did get his number from you. Or if I did, I must have lost it.

With tax season right around the corner, make sure to follow these few simple tips.

Dawson Workshop

A reminder that historian Kathryn Harvey Ph D. is holding a workshop at the Dawson Cultural Center this Wenesday evening February the 21st at 7 PM. Present will be Serge Durflinger, Author of  ``Fighting from Verdun`` who will participate in the workshop. Entry is free so the invitation is out to everyone.

Chinese New Year

The Year of the Pig
Zodiac gift items available at the Gallery Shop

1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007,Feb 18th

People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep

Good Afternoon fellow Verdunites

Hi Guys, hope all is well. I've been having major problems with our PC all wk. long. Today is the 1st day I've been able to get on since last wknd. and I'm still having a rough time. I feel left out of the loop and have some catching up to do. Take care, got a race to watch.

Check Your E-mail Settings

The Choices are simple.................................

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This group receives an average of 824 messages per day.

Send all messages immediately to my e-mail inbox.

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If you select those two choices of   'Onthe Web'  and then in the second batch of three choices Select                 'Never'

and you will be Ok,........ it takes all of 'less than a minute' to make these changes,......................     So if you don't want E-mails ,.Change the Settings

              Good luck            and if you need assistance ,We will try to Help

                    (but We cannot do it for you).they are your settings

Florence Minnie Puttick

Worked at VHS as a lunch hour supervisor in the 70's. See the information posted today in the "in memoriam" section

Verdun Memories @ Dawson Community Centre

Next event:

Wednesday, February 21, @ 7:00 pm

Workshop with Serge Durflinger

Author of Fighting from Verdun


Dawson Community Centre

666 Woodland, Verdun   514-767-9967

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Animal World / Priceless

This message has been deleted by the author.

Open borders

Mortgage loans and credit cards for illegals.

Highlight -- copy --paste this URL to your search engine. I can't
send a clickable URL.

Mortgage and credit cards for illegals

News from Verdun

If you would like to get news from Verdun, here is the e-mail address of  Le Messager de Verdun wich also has some English articles:

Profound Stuff

Hmmm  How's this work ,....any truth to this,
Yup pretty much explains the organized crap.........................................
I wonder if it lends more credence to the old post...................................

New OLDE photo added

Hi Verdunites!
I found an olde Montreal Star Clipping in an olde scrapbook of mine. Pictures taken of the  1949-1950 Verdun High #69
Air Cadets who participated in Band and Drill Competition
in the Sir Arthur Currie Gymnasium. They won the Band Competition  and did well in the Drill Competition. The Previous year they won the Drill Competition Trophy. I was lucky enough to be in the Drill  Flight the previous year and the Band the next. (In the photo,see X)  If you enjoyed the 40's and 50's at VHS, you may recognize a few faces. What a great time it was.

Friday, February 16, 2007


One or two of you can appreciate the significance of these military

Interesting facts about the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier and the Sentinels of the
Third United States Infantry Regiment "Old Guard"

1. How many steps does the guard take during
his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why?

21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun
salute, which is the highest honor given any
military or foreign dignitary.

2. How long does he hesitate after his about
face to begin his return walk and why?

21 seconds for the same reason as answer
number 1.

3. Why are his gloves wet?

His gloves are moistened to prevent his
losing his grip on the rifle.

4. Does he carry his rifle on the same
shoulder all the time, and if not, why not?

No, he carries the rifle on the shoulder
away from the tomb. After his march across
the path, he executes an about face, and
moves the rifle to the outside shoulder

5. How often are the guards changed?

Guards are changed every thirty minutes,
twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

6. What are the physical traits of the guard
limited to?

For a person to apply for guard duty at the
tomb, he must be between 5' 10" and 6' 2"
tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30."

Other requirements of the Guard:

They must commit 2 years of life to guard
the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb,
and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty
and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting}
or the tomb in any way.

After TWO YEARS, the guard is given a wreath
pin that is worn on their lapel signifying
they served as guard of the tomb. There are
only 400 presently worn. The guard must obey
these rules for the rest of their lives or
give up the wreath pin.

The shoes are specially made with very thick
soles to keep the heat and cold from their
feet. There are metal heel plates that
extend to the top of the shoe in order to
make the loud click as they come to a halt.
There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the
uniform. Guards dress for duty in front of a
full-length mirror.

The first SIX MONTHS of duty a guard cannot
talk to anyone, nor watch TV. All off duty
time is spent studying the 175 notable
people laid to rest in Arlington National
Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are
and where they are interred. Among the
notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis
{the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie
Murphy, {the most decorated soldier of
W.W.II} of Hollywood fame. Every guard
spends FIVE HOURS A DAY getting his uniforms
ready for guard duty.

The Sentinels Creed:

My dedication to this sacred duty is total
and whole hearted. In the responsibility
bestowed on me never will I falter. And with
dignity and perseverance my standard will
remain perfection. Through the years of
diligence and praise and the discomfort of
the elements, I will walk my tour in humble
reverence to the best of my ability. It is
he who commands the respect I protect. His
bravery that made us so proud. Surrounded by
well meaning crowds by day alone in the
thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will
in honored glory rest under my eternal

More Interesting facts about the Tomb of the
Unknowns itself:

The marble for the Tomb of the Unknowns was
furnished by the Vermont Marble

Company of Danby, Vt. The marble is the
finest and whitest of American marble,
quarried from the Yule Marble Quarry located
near Marble, Colorado and is called Yule
Marble. The Marble for the Lincoln memorial
and other famous buildings was also quarried

The Tomb consists of seven pieces of
rectangular marble:

Four pieces in sub base; weight - 15 tons
One piece in base or plinth; weight - 16
tons One piece in die; weight - 36 tons One
piece in cap; weight - 12 tons Carved on the
East side (the front of the Tomb, which
faces Washington, D.C.) is a composite of
three figures, commemorative of the spirit
of the Allies of World War I.

In the center of the panel stands Victory

On the right side, a male figure symbolizes

On the left side stands Peace, with her palm
branch to reward the devotion and sacrifice
that went with courage to make the cause of
righteousness triumphant.

The north and south sides are divided into
three panels by Doric pilasters. In each
panel is an inverted wreath.

On the west, or rear, panel (facing the
Amphitheater) is inscribed:


The first Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was a
sub base and a base or plinth. It was
slightly smaller than the present base. This
was torn away when the present Tomb was
started Aug. 27, 1931. The Tomb was
completed and the area opened to the public
9:15 a.m. April 9, 1932, without any

Cost of the Tomb - $48,000 Sculptor - Thomas
Hudson Jones Architect - Lorimer Rich
Contractors - Hagerman & Harris, New York
City Inscription - Author Unknown

(Interesting Commentary)

The Third Infantry Regiment at Fort Myer has
the responsibility for providing ceremonial
units and honor guards for state occasions,
White House social functions, public
celebrations and interments at Arlington
National Cemetery and standing a very formal
sentry watch at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

The public is familiar with the precision of
what is called "walking post" at the Tombs.
There are roped off galleries where visitors
can form to observe the troopers and their
measured step and almost mechanically silent
rifle shoulder changes. They are relieved
every hour in a very formal drill that has
to be seen to be believed.

Some people think that when the Cemetery is
closed to the public in the evening that
this show stops. First, to the men who are
dedicated to this work, it is no show. It is
a "charge of honor." The formality and
precision continues uninterrupted all night.
During the nighttime, the drill of relief
and the measured step of the on duty sentry
remain unchanged from the daylight hours. To
these men, these special men, the continuity
of this post is the key to the honor and
respect shown to these honored dead,
symbolic of all American unaccounted for
American combat dead. The steady rhythmic
step in rain, sleet, snow, hail, heat, cold,
must be uninterrupted. Uninterrupted is the
important part of the honor shown.

Recently, while you were sleeping, the teeth
of hurricane Isabel came through this area
and tore hell out of everything. We had
thousands of trees down, power outages,
traffic signals out, roads filled with
downed limbs and "gear adrift" debris. We
had flooding and the place looked like it
had been the impact area of an off shore

The Regimental Commander of the U.S. Third
Infantry sent word to the nighttime Sentry
Detail to secure the post and seek shelter
from the high winds, to ensure their
personal safety.


During winds that turned over vehicles and
turned debris into projectiles, the measured
step continued. One fellow said "I've got
buddies getting shot at in Iraq who would
kick my butt if word got to them that we let
them down. I sure as hell have no intention
of spending my Army career being known as
the damned idiot who couldn't stand a little
light breeze and shirked his duty." Then he
said something in response to a female
reporters question regarding silly
purposeless personal risk.... "I wouldn't
expect you to understand. It's an enlisted
man's thing." God bless the rascal... In a
time in our nation's history when spin and
total b.s. seem to have become the accepted
coin-of-the-realm, there beat hearts - the
enlisted hearts we all knew and were so damn
proud to be a part of - that fully
understand that devotion to duty is not a
part time occupation. While we slept, we
were represented by some damn fine men who
fully understood their post orders and
proudly went about their assigned
responsibilities unseen, unrecognized and in
the finest tradition of the American
Enlisted Man. Folks, there's hope. The
spirit that George S. Patton, Arliegh Burke
and Jimmy Doolittle left us ... survives.

On the ABC evening news, it was reported
recently that, because of the dangers from
Hurricane Isabel approaching Washington DC,
the military members assigned the duty of
guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
were given permission to suspend the
assignment. They refused. "No way, Sir!"

Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting
rain of a tropical storm, they said that
guarding the Tomb was not just an
assignment; it was the highest honor that
can be afforded to a service person. The
tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7,
since 1930.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lightening bolt

This message has been deleted by the author.

Men-Do you feel rejected.

This message has been deleted by the author.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Hey Linda
I remember the garters  and garter belts and the stockings with the seams up the back  so horrible,but do you remember the PRETTY POLLY'S stockings you pulled on with tight elastic at the top, they stayed up by themselves.  So tight they stopped the blood circulation, I think that is why I have fat thighs today. lol  Then of course the fun with the first panty hose that looked like they could fit your doll.

Ypres Day Parade & Corpus Christi

Does anyone know if they still hold the Ypres Day Parade, I remember it came along Verdun Ave. and seemed to me like a big event that I looked forward to. I think I even have some photos somewhere.
 Also seeing the first Communion picture reminded me of the Corpus Christi. We protestants called it a parade and the alter was often on Desmarchais on someones' big balcony.  We used to follow it and make fun of our RC friends that had to march in it.  Wonder what is was about and if they still hold it.  I wonder if it was a Verdun thing?

Verdun friends, a recommended site from Winston Allison - "Valentine Prayer"

Hello Verdun friends,

Happy Valentine's Day To all my Verdun Connection
Friends. Turn up the sound.

Winston Allison stopped by our site and thought you would enjoy a visit to "Valentine Prayer":

LLERRAH's collection of Poems, Stories and Inspiration featuring the music of Margi Harrell can be viewed at

Information on Margi Harrell's CDs and music samples can be found at

This e-mail was sent by Winston Allison
Thank you.

Verdun People & Places

MaggieMck had this photograph in one of her Picture Albums,
..Apparently submitted by Tom Sullivan & posted courtesy of MaggieMck
Piano player: Warner _____, Grant Gauld. Girls,l -r: Betty _Ainsworth, Germaine Henni, Audrey Livingston, Gloria Travers. Contributed by Tony
This picture is found in the Album Titled  "Faded Photographs"
and is from  "Grad 1952"
.........I see the name Grant Gauld,.and I wonder if anyone out there knows if this is the Father of  Mike or Kevin (and I think there was a sister Marquerite ??)  
................................................Looks like they were having a 'ball'..........

Sorry for the errors

 Happy Valentines Day !


Reveived an email from Maggie asking if I'm trying
to post something Yes I am , I am new to this whole computer thing. I have had
people trying to help me , however I am not every good with this kinda stuff. I
still don't use an electric can opener and I still don't read instructions first
before assemble anything. . I feel like a child first time trying to tie my shoe

Please except my sincere

Happy Valentines

This message has been deleted by the author.

Happy Valentine's Day


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Is it true?

Is it true that Verdun is predominately French speaking now? That would certainly be quite a 360 from the Irish (Point overflow I would assume? haha), English, Scottish, Italian Verdun I remember...

Valentine's Day

Ok guys ,...........Don't forget tomorrow is Valentine's DAy, if you don't Rememeber anything else,......................Remember to wish your Gal, a Happy Valentine's Day,'ll go a long way, in the brownie points department,................
                   You Have Been Notified,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                                                     doesn't matter what you get her ,.as long as you get 'her' attention........................
.........and to all Our Gals here on Verdun Connections,...Happy Valentine's
                                              Enjoy your day,.............

BOMARC Bombers

Gary your probably aware of this site as well, has a lot of photo's from all over,........
You can view plenty of pictures,.maybe you know some of the people in them,
newfydog9,.............maybe you will see some familiar faces too............
Have a look,............if you like

Snow, snow, wonderful, beautiful SNOW

Good morning ALL, well today we are presently experiencing the first part of
a snow storm that will leave us with at least 30 centimeters of the white
stuff on the ground. I think it's about time that we had some good old
Montreal weather here in Southern Ontario..... Those of you here in the
South of Ontario "ENJOY"....... & remember HOME..............


Find out the restaurants participating in Winterlicious!1329
From January 26 to February 8, 2007

karla homolka - a new mom - baby boy

This message has been deleted by the author.

Ma's (Miss Verdun) diner / restaurant

Anyone out there remember a restaurant  that the patrons called Ma's across the street from Woodland school...I can't remember the real name of the place but a LOT of friends I haven't seen in years used to hang out there (below the pool hall)...I think that it may have been owned by the Kafenzakis family?

Monday, February 12, 2007

VHS Yearbooks 69,70,71,72

This message has been deleted by the author.

TURNING 50!!!!!

.....was not so bad, I know Greg Mackasey turned fifty last month, so a BHBD to him and to all you other Class of 74's who will soon hit this mother used to say  a birthday is just another does beat the alternative...not turning 50!   Robert Bowles

Good Morning Everyone

I am so happy to be back home in the Bay. In front
of my Computer on this site I see you guys had alot of fun here this week-end. 3
months ago I didn't know how to turn a computer on look at me now! Hooked I am.
I guess there are other habits that are worse. Look forward to what people have
to say today.


I wonder if anyone else remembers the cannons that used to be across from the Legion where the present city hall was latyer built. My Mother and Father had pictures taken there but I don't know where they are now. The pictures I mean not the cannons. Come to think of it, I don't know where the cannons are either. Ed

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Glass top stoves

Anyone out there in Verdunland know of a cooking pots/pans which do
not leave a stain on a glass top stove. I've tried them all i think.
If it has an aluminum bottom it will leave a stain. Oxidation maybe?
I should have opted for gas.
Second Avenue



 You sure are a bonus to this site. Your tour
of Verdun is the best . I feel as if I did the tour myself. GREAT shots. What
type of camara are you using? I love the one of the red top. You have a good eye
and I can tell you are as nostalgic

as the rest of us.

Much Appreciated Lynn

Want you wanna be?

Winnie I was in Toronto all weekend just got back
to the Bay. I had 170 Messages or more from Verdun Conntections. I like to read
them all I don"t want to miss anything! Yes I still would love to be in the
Circus! When the circus came to the Mtl Forum they used to let the elephants
walk around the block it was amazing to see them walking St Catherine St.Wendy
and I snuck in the back one year were they kept all the animals. The circus
people had their trailers near by. We used to walk around them . I still think
it would be so cool to be a circus person! Here's to childhood

Any truth to this article?

There was a small article appearing in the middle section of the Edmonton Journal this morning that the FLQ is starting to make noises again.  Apparently, RCMP are investigating rumoured threats of mail bombings on Anglophone territories and establishments on February 15 and March 15.   History repeating itself? 
Here we go again.  Even if untrue, that black cloud still seems to be lingering over a majestic city that has had its share of violence and terrorists.  It is no way to live.
Say it isn't so.

personal info&looking for...

My name is Steve Mace. Son of Robin Maddeaux, brother of Dave Mace. My brother and I went to Riverview...
We lived on Allard Ave. until 1984, when we moved to Ontario. Our neighbours were Doreen, Jackie, Wendy and Cindy Maye. I recently made contact with a childhood friend from Allard Ave; which made me wonder what may have happened to the rest of my friends?  The people I'm most interested in finding out what happened to them are Fred Langavine, Gary and Kenny Parr, and Mark Krysholnowski... any info would appreciated.
I now live in Auburn Hills, Michigan...
I'd just assumed all my childhood friends were victims of the Anglo-expulsion as my family were...

Sortable Member List

Please check your info on the "sml" list.
click on documents
click on sml
click on your nickname
send your missing information to
please include your nickname.
If you see any of your own old unused IDs, please notify us so they can be deleted.

What Peace Looks Like

This message has been deleted by the author.

Cops verdun

Anyone knew Detective John Walsh., Detective Newlove,, Mr. Gallagher etc  etc  all good persons.Kept us straight..

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Big Orange

This message has been deleted by the author.

Internet Attack

Apparently the internet came under atack by Hackers ,....believed to be in South East Asia,............this started Saturday,......and most computer users didn't feel the effects,...some did,....Microsoft hasn't said whether they were affected (which is not surprising) as why would you admit to being affected even if you were,....but they have been oddly quiet re: the whole thing ,.....i hope that all we've expirenced is nothing more than some temporary inconvienence,..........but it is rather annoying & of course frustrating,to not be able to use a system ,the way it was designed,....even 'Signing In' has been difficult,......
Let's hope it's over soon.....................................................

10 days

I will be returning to Montreal and Verdun for the first time in thirty years and wonder what members suggestions are for how I can spend my ten day visit.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Snow Taxi Morin Heights

 Thanks for the pictures.  I still live in the area and remember Old George Watchorn who drove the horse taxi and picked up the skier at the station.  I alway loved to listen to his stories, he lived to be in his ninties and had  wonderful stories to tell right up to the end.  Of couse we remember the Baldwins, some are still around.  As for the Taxi, snowmobile, it was also used to take the kids from Christieville to Morin Heights to school.  Although I have lived here for over 30 yrs. I am still considered a new comer, lots of history here.  Maggie what was the  last name of your Uncle Charlie

Smoked Meat and Spruce Beer/ Calgary

I'm in Calgary for a few days. Does anyone know of a good place to get real Montreal Smoked Meat and maybe a little Spruce Beer?

The Disco Era

This message has been deleted by the author.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thank you for helping me search

I just want to say thank you for helping me search, and to post an update.

A ended up getting help from an aquaintance's brother. My neighbour is renovating his house, and his contractor has a brother who is an RCMP. I gave him all the info I had, and received a phone call this morning. He gave me my uncles address, and I found his phone number through a reverse search.

I am devistated to say that my father passed away 3 years ago from cancer that attacked his brain, lungs and pancreas.

I do though, now have contact with my grandparents, and aunts and uncles.

Once again, thank you for the help. :)

Anna Nicole Smith

Anna Nicole Smith died today. I don't have any details except she was
about 38 years old..


Hi All, There is presently a major fire in Verdun. It is on Bannantyne in block where old CB club the Grocery store and coin  laundry and the old Kosta's. Don't know much more than that.

Computer problems

Hi guys, I'm having alot of trouble today.I'm trying to reply and nothing is happening.I'm coming up with a blank screen when I try to go to the subjects.What's up with that?

Home Page

 I am not sure why, but I can't get Verdun
Connections Home Page.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

M-S-N...............Slow or what

I cannot believe how difficult it has been (not to mention) frustrating ,to even open a message,.....or any of the other stuff we have here,.......
Almost all day,.I have not been able to 'Sign In'.................
You should see the 'gobbleyGook' email I got from MSN from the other days,.slow performance issues, pure BS
.....then get this,...I get another email from MSN,.....asking me

'How'd we Do'..........solving my problem ............hahahahahahaha
They are IDIOTS.......................................I didn't bother emailing them back as I'm sure there is only a room full of Monkey's ,tapping any keys in front of them in hopes of getting a Banana................hahahahahah
For a company woth Billions,....there flagship MSN Groups , about the worst I've seen .........................can you say Yahoo........
and there Customer Service Stinks,......................................
I've used different computers here too,.....So they can't all be slow...........
This is worse than a dial up ever was 15 years ago,......
Ok.....................................Breathe Deep,......Relax, go out to the front lawan and pick up the Monitor  & bring it back in..........hahahahaha

VHS hangouts

Wendy and I used to go to Johnnie's Snack bar alot we lived on Melrose a
short  walk away. Johnnie was so huge he almost didn't fit behind the

Magpie I am saying Hi

Just wondering if you are the same Magpie, and may remember the Glo-worm and the Woodchucker from the old CB days.   Are you in Calgary?.  We are in Mille Isles.??? If this rings a bell get back to me.

Emailing: Fw_ Newfie Valentine'sPoem

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link
Fw_ Newfie Valentine'sPoem

Note: To protect against
computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types
of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how
attachments are handled.




Frankie Laine

Frankie Laine----93---RIP. Good music!!!!!!

Talk now to your Hotmail contacts with Windows Live Messenger.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

William Shatner Again

No news from his Fan Club site. I along with others have emailed the fan club with getting any reply. I'm not to impressed. It reinforces my belief that he could never have attended VHS. No ex VHS student would refuse to recognize his ROOTS..............LOL


Our Bill breaks a leg

Posted August 15, 2006 * Comments(3)

William Shatner gets his due.

Montreal’s own William Shatner was making headlines for his acting chops 50 years ago this month. According to the online Canadian Encyclopedia, it was the year of his big break, “when he replaced Christopher Plummer on three hours’ notice in the role of Henry V, after Plummer was hospitalized.” (Plummer — who grew up in Montreal, attending the High School of Montreal — now called MIND High FACE, an arts-intensive public school (thanks for the correction, Kate M) — and learned his craft here, had made his big splash two years before in New York.)

You’ve got to hand it to him: he did very well for himself over the years — a Golden Globe award, a couple of Emmys (as well as three Emmy nominations in ‘06), plus his induction into the Television Hall of Fame. And he’s still going strong.

This Canadian Press item comes from the Montreal Herald, Wednesday, August 1, 1956.

His co-recipient of a 1956 Guthrie Award, Marie Day, is the daughter of a former Toronto mayor. She won for costume design. She is also a published author of children’s fiction.

Fittingly, the man who handed out the awards — Vincent Massey, who was the first Canadian-born vice-regal (i.e., the ceremonial representative of the British monarch to Canada) — just happened to be the brother of Raymond Massey, one of Canada’s greatest movie stars.

Tyrone Guthrie (after whom the award was named) was a pretty interesting chap, too. A legend of the British stage, he accepted an unlikely posting to Canada and helped build the Stratford festival into one of the world’s great Shakespearean attractions.

1950s drama montreal Montreal history Montreal Repertory Theatre movie stars MRT Quebec culture stage theatre1950s drama montreal Montreal history Montreal Repertory Theatre movie stars MRT Quebec culture stage theatre

Mom45 Thanks

Hi Linda I just got a call that package arrived,.....Thanks ,I am going to head Downtown shortly and check it out,........Your pretty quick there,
You can come on our two year tour of Montreal fine & not so fine eatery's and drink(ery's).........hahahahaha  Gilles has to drive cause he doesn't like Steamies........hahahahahah
Can you see a whole bunch of us sitting inside Dillalo's and Gilles sitting out in (your motorhome Btw......hahahah) We'll bring him a bag of chips and a coke,..............
Anyway Thanks ,.I'll see if I can copy that ,this afternoon:

Tap dancing

Wendy  Do you remember any of our tap dancing
teachers names? Who else was in Mr Sharron's glee Club? Joe & Richard
Sweeney  who else ?

Who was your first waltz with I think Little Surfer
The Beach Boy's were playing. Remember Danny Taylor I do

Big Box at Dawson's

Les  I am sure that Dawson's has an Archives.
I am going to try and find out about all thoses old photo's. I have a friend who
I believe still works there. It would be awasome to get a hold of those old

55 Years Ago.

February 6,1952 Queen Elizabeth was crowned Queen of England 55 years ago today oh so long ago !!! I remember watching it on the T.V in all the furniture stores on wellington street.They had all of their T.V in the store going all at once.We all stood outside watching in amassment.I think I was up at 4:AM listening to it on the radio.I remember Allies furniture store, Belanger furniture,Fifth Avenue dept store,there was another one on Wellington near Church I think it was called Woodwards ? That was a lot of furniture stores on Wellington street. In later years there was one at 3rd and Wellington forgot the name.That was the days when shopping on Wellinton was the only place to shop or St Catherine street.I still enjoy shopping on a street I don't like malls.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Rapids Prince Crashes into Lock no. 2.

This article wich appeared in a newspaper called The Canal Express dated Summer 1998 reports an incidence wich happened on August 2nd 1931 whereby the Rapids Prince crashed into lock No. 2  in the Lachine canal causing a gush of water down to lock no. 1. Luckily there was no loss of life. The original article appeared in the August 3rd 1931 Herald. I recall when the same boat got stuck in the Lachine rapids around 1946.

Word of the Day

A little while ago someone told me that I was a typical loquacious Gemini.   I though to myself that sounds impressive.
So I had an idea........why not look it up.  I did, and now need to I or am I not.
Do you have a word of the day that you would like to share?

Teacher - Eugene Jousse.

Does anyone have any recollections of Eugene Jousse, a drama teacher from the 50s and 60s.  (Verdun High)

Laurie Etienne

making rubber gloves

From: "john allison"
Subject: FW: making rubber gloves
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:26:17 -0800

>Subject: making rubber gloves
>Manufacturing Rubber Gloves
>"Next time you use a pair of rubber gloves you can remember this. A
>dentist noticed that his next patient, a little old lady, was nervous.
>So he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on his gloves. "Do you
>know how they make these gloves?" he asked.
>"No, I don't," she replied.
>"Well," he spoofed, "there's a building in Mexico with a big tank of
>latex and workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in their
>hands, let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into boxes
>of the right size."
>She didn't crack a smile.
>"Oh, well. I tried," he thought. But five minutes later, during
>portion of the procedure, she burst out laughing.
>"What's so funny?" he asked.
>"I was just envisioning how condoms are made!"
>Gotta watch those little old ladies!
>Their minds are always working


Valentine’s Day -- Shop for gifts that spell L-O-V-E at MSN Shopping

FREE online classifieds from Windows Live Expo – buy and sell with people you know

Thanks for the photo

Laurie  I was sent a photo of my class
picture. I am in the 2nd row 1st to the left. What a hoot!!!

Thanks so much

Sunday, February 4, 2007

the laidlaws

Does anyone know Joan Laidlaw? she used to live near the corner of  verdun and 4th ave. Know of her where about?

Pat another hang out

Hey Pat
Do you remember hanging out at a Rest. on the corner of Verdun Ave. and 5th. Ave. I can not recall the name, but remember we all would squash in the same booth.  Remember Rolly Pearson, Rolly Gireau, Sandra Brennan ??

verdun fish & chips

Hi does anyone remember having greesy chips with gravy at this restaurant? Gail Mcwilliams, Eric Ditty, Pat & louis Bordeau and a few others.There was a Bobby Gravel from Crawford Park. Does anyone remember these people. My name is Pat Haselden . Hope to hear from you guys.

The new tramway in Montreal

The new tramway in Verdun ... 

Maybe some VC members will be interested in this project: a streetcar in Montreal including Verdun and Nun’s Island.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Back to food again


If anyone who wishes to venture up to Norh Bay we
have a place here that is famous for it's wings. restuarent is called The Moose.
The wings aren't moose wings or Ailes they are real chicken wings. Lot's of
Moose heads on the walls.

Good God it sounds like I live in the

Thanks for all the tasty

Wendy and other Verdunites in Fla.

To all our members in Fla. thinking about you and hoping you are all safe.  Not sure how close you are to where the storm went through. 

Wackers Ball Hockey 2007 reunion

Message from Mike Butler



Just an update that we have confirmed that The Wackers Reunion Tournament will be on the June 16th weekend with the Legion booked for the Saturday night! The games will be played at VCHS with the usual beer tent in the park and we will raise money for charity. In Montreal Chris Hurley and Barry Ranger along with Gerry Alcalde (Deb Thompson’s husband) will start setting up the venue and Boyle and me from this end. Hopefully we will be able to get out old players as well as old friends to play or watch! If you can post the date on your web site in Montreal we will have more info and schedules soon. I hope you can make it out!!!


Regards, Mike


Mike Butler

Friday, February 2, 2007

The Martin Family

Does anyone remember a family by the name of Martin that lived at 4th avenue and Wellington through the 40s and into the fifties before they moved to Ville Emard.There was the mother and a father(who died in the early 50s) and  four children ,Kenny,Jean,Jessy and Donna.They would have gone to school in the Catholic system.
Thanks for any help.

Ground Hog Day

Have a great day.      Laurie

Verdun Stuff (imagine that)

from Margo's Photo Album
Hope this sparks a few Real Verdun type Memory's.........................................

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Just Wonderful Reflections !

  Good Evening Everyone !
        Sometimes I reflect in the past, and think of all the wonderful times spent in School, I did not like it too much back then, but we really had it good ! If only we  could  go back  just for a little while ? No headaches, fancy free days, the homework load was not as heavy as it is today ! I see it with my daughter, we hardly had any compared to today  and she is graduating this year Oie Vey !
        Verdun was really a fantastic place to grow up in the sixties, and seventies, it will always hold a wonderful  warm spot in my heart, and memory banks as I am sure it does to a lot of Past Verdunites and still present!
        I am sure I am not the only one out there that is for sure. I can still smell  the hallways, and classrooms still to this day of Banantyne School, the Verdun Annexe, and last but not least Verdun High School !
       I at least go to Verdun every second week, and walk around from Ethel Street ( Where my Grandmother use to live, at 3586 Ethel ) right up to the end of Wellington, and then on other occasions , I do Verdun Avenue , or Banantyne, or walk down Champlain )
      I myself use to live at 3971 Lesage Street , and you can see all the changes as the years go by,  the next generation will see something else.
       It really does feel good to walk, and look around and reflect back !
      Great Memories to hold in our hearts till we grow cold !  Awww, what can I    say ???
       Sweet_N_Gorgeous Anna  

Three Sixes Club

When I hung around Dawson's we had a club called the Three Sixes Club. 
 I still have all the Guardian Newspaper clips from the clubs newletters.  Who won the jidder bug contest etc.  fun stuff.  I guess we didn't worry about the Devil cause we were full of the Devil  lol

Hello Gordon Gibbons

  Hello Gordon Gibbons,
       I just happen to see your address that you lived on Egan, well in the seventies I lived at 684 Egan on the third floor right behind the Dawson's Boys Club,do you  still live there now, for Enquiring Minds ha, ha !     
      Sweet_N_Gorgeous Anna

Mum1945 - Little brudder's grad pic

 I  thought you might like this. Laurie 

Dawson's Today

This notice was on the CJAD site today

Verdun Memories - Historical Workshops

The Dawson Community Centre is offering a series of FREE workshops for seniors. Through guided tours and talks led by Kathryn Harvey, historian and former resident of Verdun. The program seeks to encourage the exchange of stories about Verdun's past. The first workshop will take place with a visit to the "Growing Up In Montreal" exhibition at the McCord Museum.

Date: Thursday, February 1, 2007
1:00pm to 3:30pm
Location: Dawson Community Centre (666 Woodland in Verdun)Contact: 514-767-9967    

A little late, as it would be starting right about now,........

Is this the same thing as Guy mentioned re: the trip to McCord,....are they related ......"???