THANKS for stopping by, I do my best to acknowledge when someone leaves a comment,you do not have to be a member here & everyone is welcome.
Ps: This site is monitored but not actively posting on a regular basis. Mostly these are stories & some photos saved from a defunct site known as Verdun Connections which was on MSN Groups initially then on a social network called Multiply.
Have no idea why that last post came out as one long message,...but just keep your finger on te scroll button and you'll be able to read it all,...................................................................................................................hf&rv
I too did not know that we were "the poor". We were usually enthusiastic about helping with fundraisers that raised money to help the "less fortunate".
We were so poor, Momma couldn't afford to give us laxatives when we were bound up - that's constipated - she'd sit us on the pottie and tell us ghost stories. That way we'd be scared and cleaned out at the same time.
We were so poor, supper was a cup of Mazola oil. Next? Dolly
We were so poor we ate cereal with a fork to save milk Next
We were so poor that we watched TV on an Etch-A-Sketch.
HappyDi you HAD forks, AND Cereal, milk where'd you live, Westmount ?? hahahahaha HF&RV
Les: I forgot to add that we took turns eating.......GROAN....
We were so poor we couldn't afford to pay attention.......
We were so poor, we thought when they said round steak, they meant bologna!
We were so poor, we had to use both side of the toilet paper. And the toillet paper was newspaper. Now that is poor. Enough said.
Frank McCourt ,paid us for Our Story......................hahahahahaha
Actually We were Filthy,Stinking,Rich ............Well Two out of Three ain't bad.......... hahahahahaha Have Fun & Remember Verdun least you could afford newspaper.We used our hands. Steve
We were so poor I ate at my friend's place (This is a true fact). Guy
Have no idea why that last post came out as one long message,...but just keep your finger on te scroll button and you'll be able to read it all, ...................................................................................................................hf&rv
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
Tried to post it so it's easier to read ,..but no luck, You have to scroll from side to side,.....
We were so poor we didn't have a pot to plant our petunias in.
You almost had me on that one...very funny...... Dianne
No to's a mouse.....isn't it cute?....Dianne
"We didn't have Pets,..........just Recipes for them" .............................................................hahahahahahha HF&RV
We were so poor that......we went to KFC to lick other people's fingers. Cheers
I too did not know that we were "the poor". We were usually enthusiastic about helping with fundraisers that raised money to help the "less fortunate".
We were so poor, we were "less fortunate", than those "less fortunate".
Worse for me I couldn't' afford the rest of those letters, and to this day I'm known as Les_F.....................................hahahahahaha
Good one, Les_F. I'll drink to that . Cheers
You had a glass? Ed
We were so poor, we could only afford fourth hand Salada Tea Bag strings !
We were so poor, Momma couldn't afford to give us laxatives when we were bound up - that's constipated - she'd sit us on the pottie and tell us ghost stories. That way we'd be scared and cleaned out at the same time.
Here is a site for you if you'd like to read some silly poor stories.
Like I'm constantly reminding the grandchildren, "When I was being raised in the forest by wolves.................' Ed
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