Took this pic this afternoon, thought you might like to see it hehehe.
Keeping in mind of course, that as most of you know, I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia now....
This is actually what "Verdun" is here:
Still thought it was neat. Made me miss home all over again tho.
We're headed back to Mtl. for 10 days on June 24th tho! Renting a cottage up north for a week then staying in a hotel downtown for 2 nights so I can share the whole "Canada Day at the Old Port and fireworks" experience with my American hubby!
I won't have been back in a YEAR...I'm counting the daysssssssssss...
Sharon *
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Sharon that's a good link you posted. Steve
Geez a year already , where does time go tempus fuget , have a great trip home Jimmy
I was searching for something related to VHS and came up with a couple of other VHS's......... and .........the letters VHS are very common.
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