Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ruelles de Verdun Lanes-Archives SHGV



multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Guy, Verdun has certainly improved its appearance with the demolition of these sheds. They were fun to play in though years ago. Thanks, Ralph.

secondave MSN said...

If you took the stairwell up to the 3rd floor in those musty stinky
sheds, you could climb the ladder up to the roof.
We would throw off homemade parachutes (hanky, string and a heavy
nail), paper planes. or try and hit a passerby with a pebble and duck
when they looked up. It was a bit scary up there for myself, b/c you
never knew if some idiot would 'pretend' to push you off the edge,
and getting busted by an adult, who would teach us a lesson, was no
picnic either. The Verdun lanes were full of adventure for us little
Second Avenue.