We got slammed here pretty good in Virginia by Ernesto. A good 10 inches of rain in my area but even worse in other areas. Norfolk had some terrible flooding.
Just the day before Ernesto landed here, we had been enduring a drought to the point where our little Rush River at the end of our driveway wasn't completely dry. In the 6 years that I've known my husband and then moved here, I had never seen that happen. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because the river is definitely not dry any longer but it didn't overflow it's banks.
We had a lot of downed trees that caused us to lose power and telephone for about 15 hours and a lot of debris everywhere but all in all we think we fared very well. The only casualty was one of our lilac trees that got blown down. My daughter had started school just last Monday and already has a "hurricane day" they have to make up now...lol.
I had taken the summer off from my job at The Inn because I couldn't find a babysitter for my daughter over the summer and refused to dish out 3/4 of my pay for childcare for my 10 year old...lol. I'm lucky that financially we were able to do that because I know a lot of people don't have that luxury. But darn, my daughter feeds herself and has been toilet trained for many years now haha and it's hard to part with my pay like that when I work my butt off (literally! I lost 20 lbs. in 3 months there! Not necessarily a bad thing....lol) for my money. My daughter is worth it of course and if I plan on keeping any seniority at the job I will have to dish out for the daycare next summer but I digress..
We just got back from our annual family trip - 2 weeks on beautiful Ocracoke Island in North Carolina. The ocean rejuvenated me and the sunsets energized me, and catching a CITATION POMPANO (which means...ahem...record size which I will be receiving a certificate from the North Carolina Fisheries for hehe hubby is SO jealous
) just made the trip fantastic. I have many pics which I plan on sharing a little later as soon as I'm awake...lol.
Nowwwwww I am back to work tomorrow after being off for 3 months and ooooh my legs are gonna be killing me on Wednesday and Thursday, I just know it haha. But I am a Verdunite after all, so I'm tough and will get it thru it, right?
What have you all been up to this summer? Anything exciting happen?
Just to Edit: "Just the day before Ernesto landed here, we had been enduring a drought to the point where our little Rush River at the end of our driveway wasn't completely dry." Should read "WAS completely dry".
Asa Florida resident I am happy that Ernesto was only a Tropical Storm and
gave us much needed rain in our area. We are 10 or I should say were 10"
behind last year am\nd glad for you thatyou also get much needed rai. I'm
just a little concerned about the potential of Florence looming on the
horizon. I may have to escape the area and visit friends in South Carolina
or my son in North Carolina.
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