Saturday, September 9, 2006

Misc. Photos

New thread.


biking2006 MSN said...

Gridlock at the entrance to Waikiki.

biking2006 MSN said...

How about this attempt?

biking2006 MSN said...

Can anyone open this picture? I can't

mom1945-linda MSN said...

It just keeps asking if I want to save the file....not if I want to open it.  Same thing happens for both attempts.   Cheers.

biking2006 MSN said...

Same here. I found out if I 'save as' it will appear on my desk top.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

secondave,   If you want to add pic to your message (as opposed to an attachment) go to the little icon at top of message box, click on icon of "mountains", click on "my computer" and then click on "browse".  If you have saved the picture to your desktop, then look in "desktop".  Click on item, then 'open'.  You won't see the picture until you click on "add photo".  It may take a coule of seconds, but then your picture should appear in the message box, along with your message.   Hope this isn't as clear as mud, and that it is what you are trying to do.  Good luck.   Cheers.

biking2006 MSN said...

I get 'Choose File' or 'Browse'
Then 'Attach This File'. The only icon is a pair of sissors on the left of the file name to remove the file. It wont let me drag one on either.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Wheee.......picture showed up.  Yea, yea, yea .   I usually upload the picture to the message, but I have also done the "attachment" thing.  But who cares, you have accomplished what you tried to us what your area of the world is like.  Thanks.   Cheers.

biking2006 MSN said...

Check this unusual picture in germany.

les__f MSN said...

That is different,......a canal over a river? Looks strange ,but also kind of interesting,especially combined with people walking on each side as well,........Now That's People Moving  

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Maybe they are commuter boats.  Very interesting.   Cheers.

biking2006 MSN said...

Bike trail I use every morning. These photos were taken during mid day however. I apparently cannot send them all at once.
Secon Avenue.

biking2006 MSN said...


biking2006 MSN said...


biking2006 MSN said...


biking2006 MSN said...


biking2006 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

biking2006 MSN said...


biking2006 MSN said...

last one I promise.
Second Avenue.

les__f MSN said...

You picked the perfect day to post those Bill,'s raining here,right now and seeing a nice beach with sand & surf,is great......... the difference here ,Teresa & I went for a walk on Willows Beach ,last night after supper,.....but jeans & a sweatshirt & a vest ,were the order of the day.........hahahah Still nice to get out, many miles do you cycle each day? You have to be careful ,not to burn yourself out ( or bore yourself out),....or you end up with your bike sitting in the garage (looking like it's ready to go any muinute) (like my bike)..........hahahaha including a helmet hanging from the handlebars,...... Thanks for posting those pics,...... Keep experimenting ,& you will be able to load more than one at a time in any one message,Good Luck Now that you have a different operating system,...try signing into VC through msn ,using your old ID,      and you may be able to utilise your 3mb of storage space,.It's worth a try,then you will have double your storage: now that SecondAve (Bill) has posted his neck of the woods (rainforest),.......maybe we can see some pictures from some of the other places ,some of members call home ...........

biking2006 MSN said...

Interesting picture I thought.

maggiemck MSN said...

Thank you Sailorboy for posting your photos. You guys look all gussied up. Do you remember where you were off to?

edbro68 MSN said...

Bill, I have a friend that wants to vacation in Hawaii. They were asking if you have any poisonous snakes down there.    Ed

biking2006 MSN said...

Not yet. We are worried the brown tree snake will make its way here from Guam in the cargo of a ship or plane, not poisonous but will give a nasty bite.

biking2006 MSN said...

Did you recognize me? New outfit.

edbro68 MSN said...

You're lookin' good Bill. Ed