THANKS for stopping by, I do my best to acknowledge when someone leaves a comment,you do not have to be a member here & everyone is welcome.
Ps: This site is monitored but not actively posting on a regular basis. Mostly these are stories & some photos saved from a defunct site known as Verdun Connections which was on MSN Groups initially then on a social network called Multiply.
Friday, September 1, 2006
Mini Verdun Connection
What is this Mini Verdun Connection from Bubacut all about. Are you involved with this ?
Guy, Near as I can tell, this a group who are discontent with the management's editing out some of their posts. I too, at one time was unhappy when Les edited out some ofd the silly rants between Vic and myself but I decided it's not my web site so 'when in Rome'............Frankly, I think Les does an excellent job of controlling the site and we must not take ourselves too seriously. Vic and I still carry on ranting about things but we do it in private. I'll stay with V.C. Ed
What I was "bored" with was a group of members that were continuously trying to tear down what they referred to as "management" with accusations and mean comments! The "Recipe" message thread was deleted by ME. After some very heated emails and messages were exchanged, I banned a couple of members because it was clear they had no intention of letting Verdun Connections return to it's former self. I also welcomed one of those members back when she rejoined under a new ID. Sandy, you are quite welcome to start up another "recipe file" thread. The only time I delete messages is if they are obvious attacks on other members, or offensive material (pornographics and prejudice) Or if it was a message line that I started that did not get any interest. Verdun Connections is all about making connections. I hope that most of it's members agree.
Sandy, The posts of late have been few and far between because it's summer. People will get back in swing in September. There are always new people coming who have things to tell or remind us of. We should advertise the site. I'm sure that people all over North America would love to hear about Verdun Connections. Newspapers in every big city have a community calendar section where they advertise Church sales and so on for free. If we all put a note in our individual cities we could brighten a lot of lives. I cannot go with another website. I could never take someone else's idea and go against them. Ed
Now I have 2 choices....I could delete this whole thing (these are not the things I like to air in "public"......or I could just let it you think I am making the right choice?
Maggie, I am compelled to put in my 2 cents worth about Verdun Connections. It is a place that has given me a great deal of enjoyment and have met a lot of new and caring people. I left Verdun in 1959 and have not been back since the mid 60's because my Mom moved to Rosemere. Although I have not personally known many people on this site, I have "talked" to some that our paths have crossed in many ways. I moved to Plattsburgh in the spring of '61 one and that has a been a playground for many folks from Verdun. As a recent example there was a post about the cost of cigarettes in the 60's in the states and I backed up that data by personal experience. Also added what things were no longer there at the 4 corners on the way to the City beach and State Park. I made the statement that Gus's was still going strong. Next night there was a message from Les_F with a old and new picture of Gus'. That is the kind of commardary that I appreciate. Another situation is with Fresco. He remembered that we had talked about my dad being in the Westmount Fire Dept months and months ago, he sent me a dirrect email about Jim Adams' passing, not knowing that we had actually gone to VHS together and our "Gang" was still in close touch with each other. I don't know what this Mini Verdun Connections is all about , but I for one will stick with the original edition. Ruth Armstrong
To all the members of VC....It's been over 2 years since I found VC while surfing the Net. I am from Cote St. Paul, not Verdun but am married to a Verdunite from Crawford Park.I have thoroughly enjoyed VC. I have reconnected with my hometown and have made some very good friends along the way and have learned so much from the willingness of people sharing their knowledge. It was such a fun place to visit and I'd visit every day. I for one enjoyed the "rants" between some of the members, as far as I was concerned they offered the site some life and entertainment. You can only discuss your favourite smoked meat place so much before it becomes boring! I was very disappointed when the recipe thread was deleted it was a lively topic and enjoyed by many. I on several occasions tried to get some lively conversations going around St Jean Baptiste day and was successful until we were told that VC wasn't the site to discuss Politics and there were other sights for that purpose. But the main purpose of sites such as this is to connect with people, share experiences, to laugh and enjoy a lively debate once in awhile, isn't it? Well, then, I for one have felt the exact opposite. I feel that I have to watch every word that I send because it might be censured in some way or misunderstood, or considered offensive when the exact opposite was intended. So where is the fun in that? It's too bad its come down to this because I think VC and MVC do share many of the same goals and want the same thing, unfortuantely we seem to have a different view point. So, I hope you read this post with an open mind. Dianne
Sandy, You need to make up your mind. Do you want in or out. You say you just want to chat and be happy in MINIVC, fine do it and I wish you all the best, but don't come back just to argue about what is past. Yes, I was discontent when I left, but when I came back, I was adult enough to put the past behind me and enjoy the company at VC. Incidentally, I was not so much angry at VC management. I was more angry at the people who could not see that the rants between Vic and myself were not serious and critizised so much that Les was forced to remove them. If we all pull together we can build the site. I'm reminded of the Priest that grew tired of hearing people say that the Church was dead. He announced that next Sunday would be the funeral of the Church since it was supposed to be dead. When they came the following week they saw a coffin near the Altar and were invited to come and see the death of the Church. One by one they looked in the coffin and found themselves looking into a mirror. We are the site. If things are slowing down it's up to us. Ed
If the majority of members would prefer for management to do nothing when members are insulted and attacked I would gladly sit by and do nothing. I was by far not the only person at VC that thought the message line was getting out of hand. As for "MINI VC" I do take offense to the "management" borrowing our name but I would gladly join the group if I were welcome. It seems to be an "exclusive" group.
Someone has to rule the problems here..never had..never will..people create their own problems in here..this is run fair and square,,dont like it move on..MHO.
Thanks to Guy for bringing this out. It explains some of the disappearing members. I was beginning to check the obits! It certainly has sparked some members into action! I have tried to find the "group" through searches at MSN Groups but have come up empty. Any of you "double agents" (LOL) out there that can guide me, you know my email address!
I peeped on the site you mention and was surprised to see that my name appears as a visitor. I think I was trapped when I replied to a message from Mini Verdun Connection. The site is solliciting members from Verdun Connections and I see that members have responded , such as Ralph (MPU) which explains why we have not heard from him lately. Hopefully these members will come back to the fold. Imitation is the best form of flattery. However, I think it is dishonest of them to copy the VC name, they could have at least come up with an original name. Guy
I consider myself an occasional user of the VC site. I am also member of alot of other groups, I pop in pop out and I am sure thier are alot of members like me. I want to keep the "connection" open but not get overly involved. The site has many people with many reasons for joining. I read what I want, comment on the things I feel I want to and just ignore the rest. I felt compelled to write today for two reasons, I think the whole thing that is going on is ridiculous and yet I agree with everyone. I think alot of the everyday rants "are a bit overdone" but at the same time, I just didn't bother reading them. No offfence to anyone, it's just I read the ones I am interested in and leave the others ones alone. I didn't read any of the recipe rants so I cannot comment on that, all I know is that I trust what the managers do or I wouldn't have joined in the first place. I wouldn't join a site that I don't like the content. Secondly I think the managers work hard, have every right to "censor" the site if they feel that members are not interested or being insulted in anyway. After all, it is thier site and you knew this when you joined it. To the new mini site or whatever, I think stealing someone's idea and making it your own just because you disagree leaves a bad taste in your mouth and is hurtful to everyone even if you didn't realize it at the time. We "the regular members" had nothing to do with what happened yet you put us in the middle of this both by taking away membership and by losing you as members. We can longer listen to the rants if we wanted to. A wise man once said " ever reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. You can count me out of even checking it out, Im staying right here.
"A smile is not a smile until you give it to someone" Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.
Dianne, Hello from Vedun. It's sad to see anyone unhappy and I for one feel your pain having had my posts censored as well. I suggest you ask your husband what I told him and Brian Connolly when there was a rift while trying to get the Crawford Park Youth Association started. As the group's advisor I told them to put their individual ideas aside and pull together for the good of the group as a whole. It worked and that wonderful group lived on for more than a decade. We must remember, when we say this is our group, it is not registered in our names. Maggie is the one who answers to MSN if they feel we are out of line, there must be control by the person taking the responsibility. Maggies work on this site has helped to bring people all over the world together electronically and enabled others to have reunions by bringing people together as one entity. Anything that detracts from that weakens the good work that has been done. I feel it was wrong to use the name she created and her work to build another site without so much as letting her know it was being done. In my experience these mini rebellions never work and create nothing but bad feelings. I say let's sail on in the same ship. If it's leaking man the pumps. If you choose not to God bless you and Paul, it's been nice communicating with you. Ed
Ed, Well spoken. My sentiments also. Perhaps there was a need for 2 different sites....why not 2 different names...lest anyone be confused. My own preference is that I'm not fond of 'small talk' and I certainly don't need my ego stroked.....soooooo.....I'll stay with this site. Cheers
Hello everyone! I decided to take a breather from my writing to check out VC. Woooooboy! What a difference a couple of weeks make? What happened? A mini VC? Kinda like mini-me. Reminds me of the schoolyard. Ya know, I don't like playing with your toys, so I'm gonna get my own toys and if anyone wants to join me, come over to my end of the school yard. Kinda cliquish, isn't it? I never belonged to any clique in school and not about to start now. I always did my own thing, and no one should be forced to take sides either. Look, an original painting is worth more than a copy. But a copy can be just as enjoyable. I haven't been a member long enough to understand what all the stomping was about re the recipes. Child's play I imagine. As a writer, I do believe in freedom of speech, and not censoring people. Everyone has a right to their opinion and no one should take it personally. If someone doesn't like something, then they can ignore it. Heavens! We are adults here and should have outgrown the schoolyard! I think one of the members here said it best about belonging to many MSN groups and dipping in and out and not reading what doesn't appeal to him. I do that all the time. What I enjoy on this site is the exchange and banter, the diversity of opinions and comments. I like a good argument, a good debate. It exercises the brain cells. (Wish the rest of me got the same workout!) It's called Verdun Connection, so it should be about Verdunites connecting on all levels, not just happy memories of splashing around at the Nat. And I think for most part, it is about that kind of connection too. So I'll be dipping into both sites just because it is a free world and each site has its own familiarity and style even though one is a copy. Kinda childish to have to take sides, isn't it? Now, back to my writing....Play nice now! Dolly
Hi Ed: Greetings from Nova Scotia! It is one fine day here and I hope it's the same for you in Verdun. Ed, I must clear up something. You are under the impression that I have baled ship! Nothing is further from the truth! Also Ed, I have absolutely no problem with Maggie what so ever. In fact it is nice to see her posting more often. Ed, you and I both know where the real problem lies. So lets leave it there, shall we? Our mission at MVC is simply this: we believe in freedom of expression, respect of others opinions, justice and humour, lots of humour. I certainly do think that there is room for both VC and MVC. We seem to have different stlyes but that is what makes life so interesting! Ed, from the way you ended your post it sounds like you will not communicate with me if I stay with MVC. That's a shame because I have no intention of leaving MVC. So, unless I am terminated from VC, I'll see you here, then. Dianne
Dianne, When Dag Hammerskold, one of the greatest leaders the United Nations ever had, was killed in a plane crash they found a note in his pocket. It said, "Communicate, communicate never cease to communicate." I believe in this strongly. I simply meant that we do all our communicating through V.C. if anyone leaves there is no connection as I do not check the other site. Delighted to hear we're back on track. God bless you and my old friend Paul. Don't tell him I said old. Ed
Wow. I hadn't realized any of this was going on. That's what happens when you're out of the As Ed said, it was the summertime and I was busy, I was living life to the fullest rather than being in a cocoon. I have a 10 year old daughter still and I had taken the summer off from work to be with her so yes I was definitely occupied. I think the last I posted here was just after I returned back from my trip to Montreal and up north, if I'm not mistaken... It's unfortunate that some people have taken offense at we moderators doing our jobs but this happens in every forum at some time or another. I've been running one group for 6 years now in Yahoo and am a member of at least 5 more so I know this from experience.You know that saying - "You can't please all of the people all of the time"'s true, you can't. There's also another saying that I pay heed and that's "Take what you need and leave the rest". As Mad_real_life stated, she just reads what she wants to and doesn't read what doesn't interest her. It's that simple. That said, I don't understand why, if there are those who would have liked different topics etc then why didn't they initiate the topic with a thread themselves? That's simple too. I'm rambling here so just throwing out things at random as I'm thinking of them, sorry. I agree with Sabby that it really is reminiscent of schoolyard antics. But we all grow up sooner or later. Then again...
Hi fellow members, Mini Verdun Connections! Should we not be shocked that somebody jumped ship and stole the Recipe for a top notch MSN Group from a person that took it upon herself to bring many of us back to a time and place that we may never of had the chance, if not for the creation of Verdun Connections. To possibly have give us the chance to reconnect with friends and to bring back memories that we may never of had the chance to enjoy again. The chance to view and post pictures we possibly would have never seen again. The chance to share memories from not only our own generation but the chance to share the memories of other generations. We all have the right to leave this group at any time and start another group that has different points of view or values or sensorship than this group. The only thing is that the name of this group is original and thus should be given the same respect as a trade mark. Maggie could not have given this group a more suitable name than Verdun Connections. Shame on anybody who would take the name of this group. This is how I see it. Danny
Hi, Why was there a MVC created anyways? I don't understand why we all can't stay together. I must have missed something previously. I did wonder what happened to some of the members. Was there a "falling out"? Claroleca
I think, Coach, that you have it right. We don't run into a ball game, grab someone else's ball and go find people to play with somewhere else. This is the case here. I have been asked to join but I would not think of it until the name is changed. The name Verdun Connections belongs to Maggie. Until then, I wish them luck. Everyone is free to enjoy communicating in their own way. These are all good people and have been our online sisters and brothers for the past few years. I still feel that they are, but cannot communicate with them in a pirated group. Ed
Well Said Ed, This is the internet and I am sure it's happened in the past and will undoubtfully happen in the future.I thought it was all about fun and finding old friends,I guess I was wrong.Alot of the members here share the common status of being a VERDUNITE at one time or another, it's a special bond.Whatever is done is done,so we move on. Bim
Guy, Near as I can tell, this a group who are discontent with the management's editing out some of their posts. I too, at one time was unhappy when Les edited out some ofd the silly rants between Vic and myself but I decided it's not my web site so 'when in Rome'............Frankly, I think Les does an excellent job of controlling the site and we must not take ourselves too seriously. Vic and I still carry on ranting about things but we do it in private. I'll stay with V.C. Ed
I don't know, This is the first I have heard about it. I think they forgot to send me an invitation.
This message has been deleted by the author.
What I was "bored" with was a group of members that were continuously trying to tear down what they referred to as "management" with accusations and mean comments! The "Recipe" message thread was deleted by ME. After some very heated emails and messages were exchanged, I banned a couple of members because it was clear they had no intention of letting Verdun Connections return to it's former self. I also welcomed one of those members back when she rejoined under a new ID. Sandy, you are quite welcome to start up another "recipe file" thread. The only time I delete messages is if they are obvious attacks on other members, or offensive material (pornographics and prejudice) Or if it was a message line that I started that did not get any interest. Verdun Connections is all about making connections. I hope that most of it's members agree.
Sandy, The posts of late have been few and far between because it's summer. People will get back in swing in September. There are always new people coming who have things to tell or remind us of. We should advertise the site. I'm sure that people all over North America would love to hear about Verdun Connections. Newspapers in every big city have a community calendar section where they advertise Church sales and so on for free. If we all put a note in our individual cities we could brighten a lot of lives. I cannot go with another website. I could never take someone else's idea and go against them. Ed
This message has been deleted by the author.
Now I have 2 choices....I could delete this whole thing (these are not the things I like to air in "public"......or I could just let it you think I am making the right choice?
This message has been deleted by the author.
Maggie, I am compelled to put in my 2 cents worth about Verdun Connections. It is a place that has given me a great deal of enjoyment and have met a lot of new and caring people. I left Verdun in 1959 and have not been back since the mid 60's because my Mom moved to Rosemere. Although I have not personally known many people on this site, I have "talked" to some that our paths have crossed in many ways. I moved to Plattsburgh in the spring of '61 one and that has a been a playground for many folks from Verdun. As a recent example there was a post about the cost of cigarettes in the 60's in the states and I backed up that data by personal experience. Also added what things were no longer there at the 4 corners on the way to the City beach and State Park. I made the statement that Gus's was still going strong. Next night there was a message from Les_F with a old and new picture of Gus'. That is the kind of commardary that I appreciate. Another situation is with Fresco. He remembered that we had talked about my dad being in the Westmount Fire Dept months and months ago, he sent me a dirrect email about Jim Adams' passing, not knowing that we had actually gone to VHS together and our "Gang" was still in close touch with each other. I don't know what this Mini Verdun Connections is all about , but I for one will stick with the original edition. Ruth Armstrong
To all the members of VC....It's been over 2 years since I found VC while surfing the Net. I am from Cote St. Paul, not Verdun but am married to a Verdunite from Crawford Park.I have thoroughly enjoyed VC. I have reconnected with my hometown and have made some very good friends along the way and have learned so much from the willingness of people sharing their knowledge. It was such a fun place to visit and I'd visit every day. I for one enjoyed the "rants" between some of the members, as far as I was concerned they offered the site some life and entertainment. You can only discuss your favourite smoked meat place so much before it becomes boring! I was very disappointed when the recipe thread was deleted it was a lively topic and enjoyed by many. I on several occasions tried to get some lively conversations going around St Jean Baptiste day and was successful until we were told that VC wasn't the site to discuss Politics and there were other sights for that purpose. But the main purpose of sites such as this is to connect with people, share experiences, to laugh and enjoy a lively debate once in awhile, isn't it? Well, then, I for one have felt the exact opposite. I feel that I have to watch every word that I send because it might be censured in some way or misunderstood, or considered offensive when the exact opposite was intended. So where is the fun in that? It's too bad its come down to this because I think VC and MVC do share many of the same goals and want the same thing, unfortuantely we seem to have a different view point. So, I hope you read this post with an open mind. Dianne
Sandy, You need to make up your mind. Do you want in or out. You say you just want to chat and be happy in MINIVC, fine do it and I wish you all the best, but don't come back just to argue about what is past. Yes, I was discontent when I left, but when I came back, I was adult enough to put the past behind me and enjoy the company at VC. Incidentally, I was not so much angry at VC management. I was more angry at the people who could not see that the rants between Vic and myself were not serious and critizised so much that Les was forced to remove them. If we all pull together we can build the site. I'm reminded of the Priest that grew tired of hearing people say that the Church was dead. He announced that next Sunday would be the funeral of the Church since it was supposed to be dead. When they came the following week they saw a coffin near the Altar and were invited to come and see the death of the Church. One by one they looked in the coffin and found themselves looking into a mirror. We are the site. If things are slowing down it's up to us. Ed
Holy, moly.....and I just thought that all you guys were on vacation! Cheers.
If the majority of members would prefer for management to do nothing when members are insulted and attacked I would gladly sit by and do nothing. I was by far not the only person at VC that thought the message line was getting out of hand. As for "MINI VC" I do take offense to the "management" borrowing our name but I would gladly join the group if I were welcome. It seems to be an "exclusive" group.
Someone has to rule the problems here..never had..never will..people create their own problems in here..this is run fair and square,,dont like it move on..MHO.
sad but true...beeaired, we humans need to be monitored.
Would you all please stop mentioning Gus's Red Hots. My mouth is watering. Now I have to go to Patates Normand. Ed
Thanks to Guy for bringing this out. It explains some of the disappearing members. I was beginning to check the obits! It certainly has sparked some members into action! I have tried to find the "group" through searches at MSN Groups but have come up empty. Any of you "double agents" (LOL) out there that can guide me, you know my email address!
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
I peeped on the site you mention and was surprised to see that my name appears as a visitor. I think I was trapped when I replied to a message from Mini Verdun Connection. The site is solliciting members from Verdun Connections and I see that members have responded , such as Ralph (MPU) which explains why we have not heard from him lately. Hopefully these members will come back to the fold. Imitation is the best form of flattery. However, I think it is dishonest of them to copy the VC name, they could have at least come up with an original name. Guy
I consider myself an occasional user of the VC site. I am also member of alot of other groups, I pop in pop out and I am sure thier are alot of members like me. I want to keep the "connection" open but not get overly involved. The site has many people with many reasons for joining. I read what I want, comment on the things I feel I want to and just ignore the rest. I felt compelled to write today for two reasons, I think the whole thing that is going on is ridiculous and yet I agree with everyone. I think alot of the everyday rants "are a bit overdone" but at the same time, I just didn't bother reading them. No offfence to anyone, it's just I read the ones I am interested in and leave the others ones alone. I didn't read any of the recipe rants so I cannot comment on that, all I know is that I trust what the managers do or I wouldn't have joined in the first place. I wouldn't join a site that I don't
like the content. Secondly I think the managers work hard, have every right to "censor" the site if they feel that members are not interested or being insulted in anyway. After all, it is thier site and you knew this when you joined it. To the new mini site or whatever, I think stealing someone's idea and making it your own just because you disagree leaves a bad taste in your mouth and is hurtful to everyone even if you didn't realize it at the time. We "the regular members" had nothing to do with what happened yet you put us in the middle of this both by taking away membership and by losing you as members. We can longer listen to the rants if we wanted to. A wise man once said " ever reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. You can count me out of even checking it out, Im staying right here.
"A smile is not a smile until you give it to someone"
Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.
Dianne, Hello from Vedun. It's sad to see anyone unhappy and I for one feel your pain having had my posts censored as well. I suggest you ask your husband what I told him and Brian Connolly when there was a rift while trying to get the Crawford Park Youth Association started. As the group's advisor I told them to put their individual ideas aside and pull together for the good of the group as a whole. It worked and that wonderful group lived on for more than a decade. We must remember, when we say this is our group, it is not registered in our names. Maggie is the one who answers to MSN if they feel we are out of line, there must be control by the person taking the responsibility. Maggies work on this site has helped to bring people all over the world together electronically and enabled others to have reunions by bringing people together as one entity. Anything that detracts from that weakens the good work that has been done. I feel it was wrong to use the name she created and her work to build another site without so much as letting her know it was being done. In my experience these mini rebellions never work and create nothing but bad feelings. I say let's sail on in the same ship. If it's leaking man the pumps. If you choose not to God bless you and Paul, it's been nice communicating with you. Ed
Ed, Well spoken. My sentiments also. Perhaps there was a need for 2 different sites....why not 2 different names...lest anyone be confused. My own preference is that I'm not fond of 'small talk' and I certainly don't need my ego stroked.....soooooo.....I'll stay with this site. Cheers
Hello everyone! I decided to take a breather from my writing to check out VC. Woooooboy! What a difference a couple of weeks make? What happened? A mini VC? Kinda like mini-me. Reminds me of the schoolyard. Ya know, I don't like playing with your toys, so I'm gonna get my own toys and if anyone wants to join me, come over to my end of the school yard. Kinda cliquish, isn't it? I never belonged to any clique in school and not about to start now. I always did my own thing, and no one should be forced to take sides either. Look, an original painting is worth more than a copy. But a copy can be just as enjoyable. I haven't been a member long enough to understand what all the stomping was about re the recipes. Child's play I imagine. As a writer, I do believe in freedom of speech, and not censoring people. Everyone has a right to their opinion and no one should take it personally. If someone doesn't like something, then they can ignore it. Heavens! We are adults here and should have outgrown the schoolyard! I think one of the members here said it best about belonging to many MSN groups and dipping in and out and not reading what doesn't appeal to him. I do that all the time. What I enjoy on this site is the exchange and banter, the diversity of opinions and comments. I like a good argument, a good debate. It exercises the brain cells. (Wish the rest of me got the same workout!) It's called Verdun Connection, so it should be about Verdunites connecting on all levels, not just happy memories of splashing around at the Nat. And I think for most part, it is about that kind of connection too. So I'll be dipping into both sites just because it is a free world and each site has its own familiarity and style even though one is a copy. Kinda childish to have to take sides, isn't it? Now, back to my writing....Play nice now! Dolly
Hi Ed: Greetings from Nova Scotia! It is one fine day here and I hope it's the same for you in Verdun. Ed, I must clear up something. You are under the impression that I have baled ship! Nothing is further from the truth! Also Ed, I have absolutely no problem with Maggie what so ever. In fact it is nice to see her posting more often. Ed, you and I both know where the real problem lies. So lets leave it there, shall we? Our mission at MVC is simply this: we believe in freedom of expression, respect of others opinions, justice and humour, lots of humour. I certainly do think that there is room for both VC and MVC. We seem to have different stlyes but that is what makes life so interesting! Ed, from the way you ended your post it sounds like you will not communicate with me if I stay with MVC. That's a shame because I have no intention of leaving MVC. So, unless I am terminated from VC, I'll see you here, then. Dianne
Dianne, When Dag Hammerskold, one of the greatest leaders the United Nations ever had, was killed in a plane crash they found a note in his pocket. It said, "Communicate, communicate
never cease to communicate." I believe in this strongly. I simply meant that we do all our communicating through V.C. if anyone leaves there is no connection as I do not check the other site.
Delighted to hear we're back on track. God bless you and my old friend Paul. Don't tell him I said old. Ed
Wow. I hadn't realized any of this was going on. That's what happens when you're out of the As Ed said, it was the summertime and I was busy, I was living life to the fullest rather than being in a cocoon. I have a 10 year old daughter still and I had taken the summer off from work to be with her so yes I was definitely occupied. I think the last I posted here was just after I returned back from my trip to Montreal and up north, if I'm not mistaken... It's unfortunate that some people have taken offense at we moderators doing our jobs but this happens in every forum at some time or another. I've been running one group for 6 years now in Yahoo and am a member of at least 5 more so I know this from experience.You know that saying - "You can't please all of the people all of the time"'s true, you can't. There's also another saying that I pay heed and that's "Take what you need and leave the rest". As Mad_real_life stated, she just reads what she wants to and doesn't read what doesn't interest her. It's that simple. That said, I don't understand why, if there are those who would have liked different topics etc then why didn't they initiate the topic with a thread themselves? That's simple too. I'm rambling here so just throwing out things at random as I'm thinking of them, sorry. I agree with Sabby that it really is reminiscent of schoolyard antics. But we all grow up sooner or later. Then again...
Hi fellow members, Mini Verdun Connections! Should we not be shocked that somebody jumped ship and stole the Recipe for a top notch MSN Group from a person that took it upon herself to bring many of us back to a time and place that we may never of had the chance, if not for the creation of Verdun Connections. To possibly have give us the chance to reconnect with friends and to bring back memories that we may never of had the chance to enjoy again. The chance to view and post pictures we possibly would have never seen again. The chance to share memories from not only our own generation but the chance to share the memories of other generations. We all have the right to leave this group at any time and start another group that has different points of view or values or sensorship than this group. The only thing is that the name of this group is original and thus should be given the same respect as a trade mark. Maggie could not have given this group a more suitable name than Verdun Connections. Shame on anybody who would take the name of this group. This is how I see it. Danny
Hi, Why was there a MVC created anyways? I don't understand why we all can't stay together. I must have missed something previously. I did wonder what happened to some of the members. Was there a "falling out"? Claroleca
I think, Coach, that you have it right. We don't run into a ball game, grab someone else's ball and go find people to play with somewhere else. This is the case here. I have been asked to join but I would not think of it until the name is changed. The name Verdun Connections belongs to Maggie. Until then, I wish them luck. Everyone is free to enjoy communicating in their own way. These are all good people and have been our online sisters and brothers for the past few years. I still feel that they are, but cannot communicate with them in a pirated group. Ed
Well Said Ed, This is the internet and I am sure it's happened in the past and will undoubtfully happen in the future.I thought it was all about fun and finding old friends,I guess I was wrong.Alot of the members here share the common status of being a VERDUNITE at one time or another, it's a special bond.Whatever is done is done,so we move on. Bim
This new site is getting a lot of play here huh.
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