Thursday, September 7, 2006


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maggiemck MSN said...

Did anyone go into chat tonight?  

joey-verdun MSN said...

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edbro68 MSN said...

Can someone tell me the best way to make Sangria? Ed

les__f MSN said...

here under Google

dannyb--1 MSN said...

How is everything going Les? I knew it would not take you long to post the Pez dispenser picture.  

maggiemck MSN said...

Ed, The VHS motto is Sapere est Vincere. Now, how is your latin?  

bfantie MSN said...

I'm pretty sure that "Sapere est Vincere" means "To know is to conquer".....One of the best mottos I've ever seen for a place of learning and one that certainly captures the character of Verdunites.


maggiemck MSN said...

Thanks Bryan, I knew someone out there would know.

maggiemck MSN said...

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maggiemck MSN said...

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rutharmstrong MSN said...

BFantie, You are absolutely right "To Know is to Conquer"   Ruth Class of '58 VHS