There was a small article appearing in the middle section of the Edmonton Journal this morning that the FLQ is starting to make noises again. Apparently, RCMP are investigating rumoured threats of mail bombings on Anglophone territories and establishments on February 15 and March 15. History repeating itself?
Here we go again. Even if untrue, that black cloud still seems to be lingering over a majestic city that has had its share of violence and terrorists. It is no way to live.
Say it isn't so.
1 – 200 of 271 Newer› Newest»I had headr something to that affest,a month or so ago,.and then it seemed to die down,.well I hope some nut doesn't try to emulate the stupidity of the past,.the City has been recovering and doing better after 30 years of somewhat decline,.however only time will tell,.and I hope it doesn't insite the radical actions of usually a select few ,who have nothing to lose,A few Malcontents can be a real pain for the majority who just want to live and enjoy a reasonable life,...I hope they deal with these clowns quickly,& don't linger and draw everyone into a big frenzy.............. Life's too Short ...........................................................
I always have to laugh had my spelling ,when I read the post afterwards,.after being quite certain I spelled everything properly,........ hahahahahah Gues I should read first ,and don't touch that 'send ' button (I am always so sure that I did hit all the right keys,..............too !!!_ Sabby & any other writers & teachers out there ...HELP........hahahahah)
okay, I'm looking......
Don't worry pal I am the best of all speelers , wy , did ya no , I wined the speeling boat of chumps , and the rest can take a hike ahahaha Jimmy
Although I live in Kingston, I still tune into CFCF 12 news. I heard something like that early last month about FLQ terrorism being planned for Montreal. Laurie
Jimmy (kungfu) your msg reminds me of the old joke about "Sweating like Leon Spinks at a Spelling Bee"................hahahaha
You da girl!!!!
You be looking?
Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the Academy Awards짰
Les_F......said.....see So.....I.....looked
Oops.....wrong thread. There you go, getting me in trouble.....again......Winston!!!! Course, you probably think that's how I speak....3 words at a time, eh?
Strange that you fellows all over Canada are hearing about FLQ activity because here in Quebec I've heard nothing. I read the paper thoroughly every day and watch the news so it would be surprising if I missed it. I think the FLQ is finished. Neither The Bloc Quebecois, The Parti Quebecois or the St.Jean Baptiste Society wants any of that publicity. They know that violence works against their cause. Ed
The Parti Quebecois or the Bloc are likely not behind the new "threats" but the RCMP is taking them seriously. It's likely extremists or some unstable nutcase behind it. Here is the story from January 19: Today (Feb. 11) in the Winnipeg Sun, Edmonton Journal, and Toronto Sun all reporting the same:
Can't sleep so on the computer I go.I did hear that about the FLQ I had forgotten about it thank goodness.If we didn't forget we would end up in the mad house if we had to worry about everything we hear.There is so much going on in this crazy world we live in we don't need more violence in Quebec we have had our share of violence.Oh to go back to the good old days when we were kids never worried about bombs going off in mail boxes,or a bridge blowing up we didn't have over passes in those days to blow up only roads I never heard of a road blown up.The biggest threat is the environment my great grandchildren will have to ware a gas mask and not know what a polar bear looks like in the wild.These people that think violence, should put there brains into something that might save our planet.I need a nap now ha! ha! deedee
Linda. no! I think you are probably very smooth talking and eloquent(?).....and a fun loving lady!!!!! That is my story, AND you know...... I am going to stick with that!!!!!
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Well Ed I also live around here, and yes I read and heard about what sabby said , supposed to be against the west Island , as to much english being used . I definately read it , supposed to be in Feb. , we shall see jim
Yes Jimmy (kungfu) ,.that is basically what I heard as well (now that you mention it),.the West Island,,,,,,,let's hope some dummy doesn't start another, lunatic fringe,...........Montreal's had enough ,........They should deal with these fools (assuming they catch them),.the old fashion way,....... ...Mind you they are trying to keep the river & canals clean these days aren't they,................................... Watch out for those Potholes ,.....Jimmy,.it's getting close to that time of year isn't it?..................................Remember how bad StPAtrick Street used to be,,,,,,,,,hahahahah you had to be on the ball all the time to not hit those things................................
Les You mentioned the potholes on St.Patrick street. Man I drove down near Bridge St. and the potholes were too much.Hope they paved since I was down there last yr. Woodland in Verdun between Champlain and down to what thrill ride that is...don't even start me on the side streets in west end of town... Too bad its not the City of Verdun anymore... Lad
Reading about it brought it all back. It's not so much that it may or may not happen and perhaps some of us choose to ignore the threats, but I have family and friends who still reside there, so yeah, call me a worrier. I remember how stressful it was living under threats of separation and referendums and Bills and having my democratic rights taken away. You just never know, so why chance it? My family decided to err on the side of caution and so we left. I love the French language and culture and here in Edmonton I speak it whenever I have the opportunity. Yes, there is a huge Francophone population here. I don't want to lose what I once had! So some group, somebody obviously, because the letter was sent and the RCMP is investigating, is still unhappy that there are Anglophones left in Quebec. It will never end until Quebec is let go. Let her go. Dolly
C'mon Dolly, You know there will always be some nut who is trying to scare away those he doesn't like. If we pay any attention to these guys we' all have ulcers. Remember what Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." You ask, 'Why chance it? ' If we all run away they have accomplished what they want. So many had to leave here because of their companies going, but if more had been able to stay we could have votes down the stupid referendums right up front. I say to all, Don't let this worry you. It's in the hands of the police. Don't be discouraged and leave Quebec because it's no better anywhere else than it is here. Ed
When looking at this recent picture by metalman, I noticed that there is absolutely no English advertising! Is this more the norm ~~ or an exception?
The Norm , see the government in all its majesty has dictated , under Bourrasa that FRENCH must be dominant on all signs, NOW the Big Corporations , not wanting to spend the big bucks to make everything BiLingual , just use the french language , so yup , french is dominant , on road signs, all french , because that's the government , Loblaws , bought Provigo and Maxi grocery stores , I MEAN the owner or major shareholder is Galon Weston, and was , or is his wife not the Governal General of ONtario , and all signs in Loblaws here are in french , cheaper and no one to complain , I have lived here for all these years and you know what , because I speak french well, have not allowed this to bother me , I still live a great life all over Quebec , I have come to realize the rest of the Country is English basically , not to many french signs , wherever you live today in CAnada , truthfully , how many french signs do you see? If I were French , I am of Scotish decent , Quebec should be French and accomidate others , as the rest of Canada does. HOWEVER if I were English in another Province , Quebec should seperate , let em go , keep a highway through the Province to reach the Maritimes and let them become completely FRENCH . There is no way in the world that this province should dictate , as it does to the rest of the country , seeing Harper suck up to Charest as I did today , and remember I am a navy vet , makes me want to puke , enough said , hang tough Bonne chance Quebec , you are going to need it jim
business is business, i'll talk chinese if i have
to get that persons business.
something to know, a lot of quebec contractors
work in the ottawa area.
i work as a subcontractor for a project at times
when the project manager from montreal comes
to my office, they just love the flags on my desk.
its not the average joe like myself and fellow quebecs
its the politician's, putting fear.
you are not born with fear it is manmade
When people in the rest of Canada think that Quebec should go, let them separate, I would remind them that a lot of the good industry you got came from here. I lived in Vancouver in 68-70 when they had about two buildings more than three stories. Montreal was the industrial and business center of Canada. It was the French signs, (among other things) that sent it all your way and unfortunately our jobs and most of our best people with it. We are carrying on as best we can with what's left, but if you're English and can't go with the flow then Quebec is not the place for you. What you need here is simple. Learn French and have a sense of humour. When we're all gone it won't matter anyway. Ed
When people have asked me over the years why we left Quebec, I still to this day tell them "no, we fled". We fled bureaucratic persecution. Legal isolation. Bigotry with a piece of paper and a smile. Am I still angry, yes. I am angry that we had to leave our home. Leave our friends. Leave our roots. Why? Here's what I started telling people in Ontario years ago. The exact same thing I tell my friends now that I live in the United States when I'm asked about separtism... It's like a 17yr old kid who lives with his parents. He has spent most of his life throwing tantrums whenever he hasn't gotten what he's wanted; when he wanted. Well, now he wants more. He wants to move out of the house. He knows everything. No one is going to tell him otherwise. He's got it ALL figured out. He's going to get a new house. A new car. He's going to set up accounts, get credit cards; whatever he needs. Best of all... he thinks his parents are going to pay for it! That's the "pipe dream". The reality is; The Bloc, P.Q., they know it'll never happen, they've always known. (Leveque knew it). So, if you can't get your parents to foot the bill, and you've always gotten your own way. Make new house rules. At anyone's expense. Your parents will just say, "oh thats just him being himself". Make your little brother move down to the basement, if he doesn't like it, he can move out! But his parents still support him, at all costs. Every once in awhile, pound your chest, make some noise, say you're leaving, bully your friends and neighbours... eventually, they all just begin to ignore you... and call you "distinct". That's just an "Anglo-boy" from The Swamps view of it. Sorry for the rant. 23 years on, it still touches a nerv.
back then- i left school decided to become carpenter
took the bus to cremaize to the ocq office.
i walked up to the front desk and asked in english
that i want to be a carpenter.
the man looking at me surprised?
asked me do you speak french, i replied no
but i want to learn french and work in construction.
he looked at me, took me to his office and got me
my aprenti card.
i'll never forget his name mr white, that was over 30
years ago.
back then nobody was given a aprenti card, french or
whatever, but this good man knew i wanted to learn
i was in local134, worked on many construction sites
as a aprenti to becoming a carpenter.
those french carpenters treated as a true brother
my french was bad, but i tried everyday
and they gave me respect.
i own a construction company, because of mr white
and my french brothers.
one of there sons are a partmer with me today.
also to finish the best trades people are from quebec
a quebec trades person would be welcomed
anywere in canada.
even he couldn't speak english, they would
love to have him.
every large construction company owner knows
that quebec trades person are number 1
never let language be a barrier
If your comments are in direct coralation to mine metalman, please let me make this crystal clear... my views are in NO WAY any indication of my feelings towards French Canadians and/or The Quebecquois... my views are reserved solely for separtists and people who whole heartedly believe in and keep alive thier misguided principles and lies. Righting wrongs of the past, are not corrected by commiting another wrong. Bill 101 does not rectify 200 years of English rule. It only forces blue collar people from their homes.
you read it wrong sorry i'll explain.
quebec did alot of damage to me also
i made mistakes going back to quebec
not once but twice.
everytime the politics kicked in, construction
was the first to collapse, lost big time
so the first time lose ok
years later go back, now its twice politics
again i go boom again.
its going good the last few years in montreal
last month a fellow in montreal asked
me to start up again in montreal.
my replie was peter i can't take more beatings
everytime when its going good in no time boom.
today in construction you need a million in assets
that's a very small business to run.
you can lose that in one bad discussion
hell knows maybe i'm crazy to take that risk again
read message- 23
as a little kid in verdun living on woodland
not knowing english or french?
going to school, not knowing what the teacher is telling
the class. classmates making fun of your name
calling you pollack.
your mom walking you to school so the other kids
don't beat you up.
i had broken bones, massive cuts on my head
from older kids calling me pollack, throwing
chucks of ice at my head.
my mom came to canada alone at 16 years old
lost her dad,mom, 2 sisters she was in a camp
her numbers are still marked on her arm..
a few verduners that worked at the douglas hospital
know my mom her name was emma.
my dad was a polish spitfire pilot in ww11
in was in england.
after the war they weren't allowed to march on the victory parade.
my grandfather lived next door, he was in the
polish army, he fought together with the jewish
on mont cassino, yes they took the hill.
any canadian solidier will tell you the poles
were doing there best along side with them.
i have only grade 9 education, my french is
very bad.
i worked on sites in montreal with PQ
supporters, only english speaking on site.
they asked me at times questions
they respected my answer.
my carpenters local was PQ supportive
today the young quebecers are very business
it was my loss not learning french better
i would have done more business.
a employer and a employee
look at thinks different
back then
sorry i forgot, i always wondered if i was the only
later in years, when lots of dad's and mom's lost
there jobs.
many young kids were having hard times
at christmas time, i seen lots of boxes of grocery
delivered to my freinds houses, the salvation army
came to there doors.
myself and those special freinds shared the same pain.
i know of a few that have done much better than i have
today they employee people driving this country
Sabby. I did not want to get involved in this, but I have to agree with you. The Montreal, and The Verdun I knew is no longer my home. I have the memories, and then cannot be taken away from me. But I went back in 1977, and knew then that Montreal was no longer my home. I left in 1972, because I did not want to be involved in a dictatorship. That is what Quebec was becoming, We were told we would speak in french, do everything in french, and given 6 months to learn french. Even if I wanted to, I was not going to be dictated to. That was my choice, and that is the path I chose. I had been in The United States Marine Corps, so it was fairly easy to return to The USA....I left the best job a person could ever have....was I sad...No, because it was time. Winston Allison
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this is my last post on this topic, i'll put on my ignore
switch after writing this?
i don't spend time on writing, i just write write fast and go and do other stuff, here goes.
we are the old generation of the industrial, manufacting times.
back then you can quit school work at dosco, cn.cp
factories etc.
the great demand for labour, employee demand
well not today, india and china took that over
we have nothing left in those feilds, we are all in massive debt, if you think our goverment in the next 10 years help us retire forget it.
i'm surprised we still have health care, its just a matter of time.
we heading in only the rich and poor class lifestyle
our education system
they are teaching our children to become
employees, finish school then look for a job.
if everyone did that nobody would have a job.
the schools have to teach on business matters
knowing what money is all about, how to become
employers, etc to drive this country to the top.
i study the metal markets everynite, its my hobby
i enjoy, you read whats going on in the world everyday
gold and silver, the euro dollar are up rising
this is not good news, our dollar is falling
2007 is a start of collapse in the usa
which canada is affected.
are future generation have a massive debt to pay
we all enjoyed the good times, now the future generation will pay for it.
some think alberta is a safe haven, well look
at the history of alberta.
i lived there in the 70's booming, they told us the east
can freeze in the dark, don't come here easterners
we have our heritage fund??
when the oil dropped, alberta became a ghost town
everybody lost out, were was the heritage fund to
build up industry etc to keep us working
the oil men that invested lost everything also.
gold and oil go together in the market value
lots of oil investors are very nervous rite now
because of what happened before in the world markets.
they are saying oil may drop to 30 dollars a barrel
if this happens alberta is over that's all they have is oil
our canadian dollar is better from the help of
alberta oil.
i worry for the future, there is no full time jobs, pension plans, etc.
india and china are power houses in no time
they will control the world money markets.
two years ago they built 1 starbuck in china
today there's more starbucks in china than all of
they are building the size of 10 toronto's every year
india controls the hi tec, telimarketing, controls
our banking systems.
the asians own all our homes they gave the money to the banks, now you know why you don't need a down payment to buy a house?
the stock market crashed in 2000,
lots of people lost all there money no retiring now?
the goverments dropped the interest next to nothing
some the ones with money would take it out
and invest it into the housing market.
got good returns, that made up good in jobs etc
now the housing market is crashing.
nobody has savings in there bank accounts anymore.
our country is in big trouble, we have to become
employers not employees for other companies
that in time you will have to learn chinese
to climb the ladder of manager?
talk about bridges and roads, they are bad everywere
today china is planning to fix the bridges and roads
in the usa, pay for the repairs, in return china
will install toll booths to get there investment back.
today they are looking at alberta's oil, they already
own land in alberta, yes they plan for the future.
i can write for days on the real dangers we face in the near future.
there is no more safe havens of employment today.
i am on ignore mood now on this topic
i will continue going to verdun, taking pictures
so others can enjoy, even some requests
i'm happy to do that also.
Todays Gazette page A8.FLQ threats put Mounties on alert.January 15th 2007
HI Metalman Just reading the conversations about the state of the province...hang on gotta dig out from the s---load of snow...Hamilton got at least 40cm at last report...not so bad for us who are west of them..but reminded me of a good old Verdun snowstorm..said as much this am when driving in it..brought back a lot memories..I agree with alot of what everyone said about the language laws..hard to take and going back sometimes makes it harder to accept...You did mention about getting a job back in the day at Dosco,CN,CP.I could add the Northern as well..Lot easier than..Did you happen to know anyone at Dosco?Have not heard that name in a long time... Thnks for the pics u posted. Lad
SORRYYYY !!!! To days gazette page A8 FLQ threats put Mounties on a lert Should have read FEBRUARY 15th,2007 NOT January 15,2007 January 15th 2007 must have been a good day.ha ha deedee
my grandfather and my uncle both lived on woodland.
the two worked at dosco as labourers making wire.
just remembered, there was a terrible day
when we all heard this big boom,
like a atomic boom one of the plants
i think near the dosco plant, it was a scary day
for lots of verdun famlies.
as a small verduner can't remember that far back
i'm sure les will dig that up
we are not hearing alot about it in ontario deedee, doesn't surprise me though.. i mean after all, they did get away with murder once...
Haven't heard anything about it here in Nova Scotia. It seems to me that there will always be that element in Quebec.....I think the average person in Quebec just wants to live a good life in peace and harmony. Dianne
hey happy di.... will you be my valentine ...
You betcha..... Dianne
we should all look at the real problem we have here.
rite now are troops are figthing and there is a shortage
of men and women in the armed forces.
everynite, i look up at the sky and ask to stop
and to get everyone to get along.
just reading the economist and looking at the metal markets just how can i tell others, to look at this picture?
i pray for peace, i don't want my sons drafted to battle,nor i want your sons and daughters to go
i know war, our vets that came back told us
the solidiers that didn't come back, the
hurt that those kids got that mom or dad aren't coming
yet we worry about a few fools in quebec making
trouble over a english sign?
i like sabby, yes her writing gets under my skin
at times big time, i don't have the skill to write
back ?
i respect her thoughts
sitting at a starbucks and face to face both parties
can learn of each other, i'm a well educated person
in the world news, but i don't have the writing skills
to explain lots read it in a different form?
sabby if you think alberta is a safe haven
if war breaks out, that i don't want, alberta's
oil refiners will be the first to go?
you need oil to run those big war machines
in war.
in history of wars, they knock out the oil
suppliers first.
look at the dessert fox in north africa, a great german
general, yes we used his talents in the gulf war.
shortage of fuel was the defeat of the panzer tanks.
i dont think sabby said alberta was a safe haven... but it is true when she stated there are more opportunities in alberta.. and especially true that the infastructure in montreal is deteriorating... that back in the late 70's and early 80's we did worry about our english signs... because it wasn't only the sign issued that concerned us... it was other issues, such as opportunities on the job market..such as promotions.. we also had a culture we were trying to protect... now we are spread out across the country...
Back in my father's and grandfather's day in Quebec it was the English Westmount establishment that had all the opportunities for advancement in Montreal. My father, a Quebecois, had no choice but had to learn English. Just something to think about. Dianne
again my writng skills, i meant safe haven, jobs
future etc.
montreal in way is falling apart?
don't forget montreal has a underground city
a metro system, and still are building more and more
underground in years it will be a massive underground place, no snow, nice and warm and you can live
under montreal all your life and don't have to go outside ever.
were do you have that in canada.
i go lots of times to montrea l, lots of asians are
moving in investing big time.
go to verdun and see how much the asians took
the italians never left montreal today
they have massive investments in montreal.
when the canadain dollar was 60 cents to the american dollar.
that was bargin time for the americans to buy up
montreal buildings, look at old montreal
all those new buildings and lofts are invested by the american investor.
all those cranes downtown are from outside
i know of a few verduners that invested in buildings
i myself have a building also, we all did well
the americans even own the 2 mountains
that they made ski resorts, condo's that cost
a fortune, hotels, restaurants, even tommy hillfigher
clothes designer has a monster chalet,
many famous people live in montreal
look at magog, eastern townships
go into the mls and find out how much a little
cabin costs in those area's.
investors outside canada own a big part of canada
they have no problem to invest in quebec
we don't even own petro canada. look and see
who are the major share holders.
Happy Di... i understand what you are saying... and it is very true... the french were definetley at one time second class citizens... that is why it was inevitable that they would eventually rebel... oh by the way... i cant seem to remember whether it took both hands to build montreal?????
Dianne, If the French felt like second class citizens it had more to do with the Roman Catholic Church then the English or WestMount. When one ethnic group is left behind the other it is easy to point the finger across the aisle and say it is their fault. Truth is the English pulled ahead because of education. The English Catholics followed the Protestants, not listening to the Church doctrine they were more lilkely to use birth control. But the Church ahad an iron grip on French families under the fist of people like Lionel Groulx. French families were often nine or ten kids. Babies need milk and diapers but it's nbot the same for teenagers. So many young French boys left school at fourteen to go to work for the family. I remember a time when there were four Protestant Elementary schools in Verdun and the High School had Senior Matric. At the same time there were twelve French elementary schools and one high school that went to grade ten. At the same time big companies were demanding higher education. My Father had a very high position in the CNR. He tried to get me a job driving a truck for them but because I did not finish grade nine they would not take me even with his pull. Truck drivers needed grade nine, office workers grade eleven. CNR had a ran a company course to upgrade employees education. Westmounters were not the enemy. They created and ran the companies that gave us jobs. If you're offered a ride on the wagon you have to run fast enough to get on. Ed
By the way Metalman, I too grew up on Woodland next door to Woodland garage. My Father and I built the house we lived in from three rooms to eleven over a ten year period. It was a bungalow set back about 20 feet from the street. When he bought it it was sitting on four cement posts and had swamp underneath. Us kids loved it and caught tadpoles and frogs. My Father uncle and I dug out the basement. I spent a summer pushing wheelbarrows full of wet mud up a board into the feild next door as fast as they could fill them. By the end of my twelfth year I had shoulders like an athlete from hard work. I could drive a softball across Melrose park and into the high school yard. We made forms for the base and mixed concrete for the walls. Jacked the house up 10 inches and made a complete basement dry as a bone. One of the reasons I was bored with school was because Mr. Oliver White was teaching us to make ashtrays and lamps while I was already laying hardwood floors. We did the dining room in knotty pine paneling. The house that looked old on the outside had a mansion interior with two bathrooms and four bedrooms all finshed nicely. You're right that hard work gets you ahead. Not what the other guy does or does not do. Ed
back then- our school system didn't prepare us
remember in grade school, french class?
the teacher taking a billboard puting it
on a stand of a picture of a boy
taking her yard stick pointing at the ear
telling the french word for ear, nose etc?
i enjoyed chez hellin on the black white tv
chez and her little mouse did better teaching?
can't forget her after all these years
i loved living on woodland everything was there
the old cabin is still there 314 woodland, no basement
just a crawl space, not a warm place in the winter
mom would get blankets from sally ann
a few blankets each it was ok.
i remember in the morning going to the front door
getting that bottle of frozen milk.
at times mom would get us chocolate milk
that was a treat.
back then- captian bohomme, was building a
aptment building across the street.
everyday i watched them building sitting on
my wagon, later my grandfather came over gave me a hammer.
later i would go to bennits hardware, give 5 cents of nails, borrow some wood from across the street
and start building a go cart.
it was a matter of time a few of us had them
wooden go carts.
Rainy day man...I think it only took one hand to build Montreal...and the other hand to shovel ....???? Dianne
Metalman. Just want to pose a question to you. The USA gets lots of oil from Canada. We down here depend upon that oil. If that oil were to stop, it would have great economic and personal hardships on us. So if a war that you are talking about were to would be a civil war, consisting of a small discontented group.....against the Government of Canada, and not against the Canadian public in general....and would be a guerrilla action type war. First, the government would protect those oil fields, because Canada (Alberta) depends on that revenue, and also Canada needs that oil itself. Having said that...if the government of Canada could not protect those oil fields, do you not think that they would ask for help from The United States???? While the FLQ did cause some problems in Quebec, Trudeau was quick to quash that. This time it would be different...NEVER appease the enemy!!!!!! Appeasement never stops them, it only makes them more determined!!!!!!
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i just a news flash on the tv here in the hotel??
go to CTV.CA
canadian oil facilities on saudi groups hit list
i'll read your post now
Don't forget the American who bought my beloved HABS if he ever decided to move the HABS the riot would be bigger then the Rockets. He just bought a soccor team in England.An American bought out the Bay department stores.No more famous stiped bags bright yellow now with white writing on them.There has been talk of Zellers going and bringing in Target they are all owned by the same people. deedee
I am more concerned about the our oil fields being attacked by Al - Qaeda terrorists. There was a news report about this today. Dianne
at one time the oceans were our protection
today its not, they have weapons that can
destroy for thousands and thousands
of miles and hit bang on!!!
there is no fear of us canadians, quebecers
natives, in any emergency will become all
canadians brothers and sisters helping the cause
in the 1980's the boom died in alberta, oil droped
many american investors took massive lossess
back then.
they came back again took big risks
alberta is booming again, the american investors
are the employers for the jobs in alberta
also quebec, toronto, you see those trucks on
the 401 driving to alberta to feed the demand.
again it was better a few years ago when it was 60 cents on the canadian.
they got good returns, now its a different story
the american dollar is getting weaker, some are
saying oil may drop to 30 dollars a barrel.
now after the fear on the oil in alberta on ctv
just like the quebec stuff oil may shoot up
anytime things go up, gold and oil will rise in price
its 60 cents on the american doolar.
did you know that usa is going to make the one dollar coin.
also the canadian mint is going to make a
1 million dollar gold coin.
its the size of a small pizza round
weights 170+ pounds
happy Di LMAO one hand on a shovel...good one
foret about the oil fields... better not take the habs out of montreal...
Taking the Habs out of Montreal would cause a civil war!! Dianne
Dianne, Forget the terrorists. You'll give yourself and everyone around you ulcers It's ok for Paul to worry he had them since he was 12. Worry about it when it happens. If it happens we'll deal with it. Go back to your old happy self. Sorry about the word old. Ed
Thanks Ed for the advice....I will forget about the terrorists.....but taking the Habs out of Montreal, now that is something to be annoyed about!!!! I don't get bent out of shape over a word like 'old' or 'broad', well maybe if I was called an 'old broad'....'old happy self' just means be my usual happy self! Dianne
Hey Di, Does Paul still have the fifties music. If you ever come to Montrteal we'll get a fifties dance going. Ed
Ed we still have the 50's music and that would be a blast! On Saturday night past we were at a 60th birthday party and the dj played all 50's 60's music and boy did we dance up a storm! I don't know when we'll be in Montreal, but hopefully this summer we'll make it up there. Dianne
montreal exchange nymex to form xchange
in calgary.
Well interesting conversation here for sure. Lots of substance. Glad to hear so many views. I too heard on the news re the threat to Alberta's oil fields and they interviewed people who lived in Fort McMurray. No concern there. The connection was that we supply oil to the USA and the terrorists are against the USA, not us but they would hit us because of that tie. They would want to cut the oil supply going to the States. It's the first time Alberta has received any kind of threat and as the TV commentator said: it is a remote possibility of happening. You'd be surprised to learn that Alberta is not just about the oil industry. It's diversifying and many techie companies, international call centres, and other businesses have moved here like Dell for exmple. Highrises are being built because there is no office vacancy downtown. What wrecked Alberta in the eighties was Trudeau's National Energy Program and if you speak to any Albertan today, they will tell you they would separate from Canada before they would let that happen again. Alberta drives the economy of the rest of Canada, so that ain't gonna happen. It's a new Alberta. Please stop comparing it to the past. This place is the best kept secret in the country and I have to laugh when there is an election and a media type will always get some bumpkin wearing a baseball cap extolling his conservative red neck ideas and the rest of the country nods and says, "Yep that's Alberta." They haven't a clue! The people who are coming here are from sophisticated centers in Ontario and Quebec and are changing the face of Alberta. We've got a multi million dollar art museum going up like you've never seen, the LRT (Metro) extending (finally) to points South. The best hospitals and research centres. Example, new discovery on treatment of cancer and diabetes was found here. A new heart institute and Women's hospital is being constructed as we speak. We have the best care and treatment at the Cross Cancer for cancer patients. Best children's heart specialist is here. Roads and well built over passes are being constructed and old bridges are being renovated. The new Albertan is filling up concert halls and art galleries. So, don't let the secret out. Keep thinking it's the Edmonton/Alberta of the past -- Deadmonton as some people enjoy repeating. We have enough people here. You have no idea unless you live here what's happening. But don't tell anyone I told you so. Dolly PS. What we need here is some entrepreneur to come here and open a bakery that makes real bagels with holes in them, and a deli like Dunn's or Ben's. The downtown core could use something like Ben's in the Arts District. That's my only beef!
Heaven's! The world is not all gloom and doom! Here's something to think about: Spring is just around the corner! I received an e mail from Ottawa (I work for the feds) reminding us that this year Daylight Saving Time will begin three weeks earlier than in previous years----on the second Sunday in March (March 11 at 2 am) and fall back to Standard Time the first Sunday in November (November 4.) These dates were set in the United States by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. To keep Canada's Daylight Saving Time pattern consistent with the States, all provinces in Canada that observe Daylight Saving Time will follow this initiative and each province has amended its legislation to reflect the change. Of course, this will impact your computer and any other automated systems that automatically adjust the system time. Ha! Another example of how closely tied our economy is to our neighbour south. All to say, YES! spring is not far away and joy joy, that means summer can't be too far behind! I say this on one of the coldest days here. Now, let's go and look at our gardening magazines and order our seeds. Doesn't that make you feel better! Thoughts? Are we happy about this? Dolly
I'm biting my tongue so hard! Sabby, be careful, you'll cause a rush of untrained transients to rush into Alberta and cause a housing shortage! After all, the US has closed it's doors and Alberta is the "next best thing"! The opinion of this member is not necessarily that of the managemnt!
That's okay Maggie --- don't hurt yourself. :-) I'm just defending my turf! Of course, there already is a housing shortage here and no, I wouldn't recommend anyone coming unless they have a skill and a place to stay. It's tough! Dolly
Metalman. I read that! I can well imagine them trying something like that...And a lot more. That includes the bombing of cities and power plants, and any other structures that have anything to do with the economy. And we as a society cannot stop going after them. We cannot appease them in any way. They will stop at nothing. The thing that really bothers me, is that these same people have come to our countries, have gone to school here, worked here, befriend some our people, but are very evil and could care less about us as a people or a nation. But we cannot live our lives in fear...then they will win....
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Metalman.... The Canadian dollar was getting back up there. When I first moved down here, I got $1.07 American for every Canadian dollar. When I moved back to Canada, I got $1.07 Canadian. Then I moved back to the States again, and got $1.07 American..... Since then the Canadian dollar has been in the toilet. Not as bad as it was 65 cents not to long ago.
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everyday we are losing jobs by the thousands
the goverment won't tell you this?
manufacturing is going very bad?
why because of our dollar, our dollar was much better at the 60 cent level.
the americans for one was good for them to buy our goods, invest in our country.
overseas, also we had a edge?
the big boom in montreal was mainly from investors outside.
even trump built a building in toronto if i remember
build a highrise at 60% cost.
back to alberta, the cost of labour in alberta went to the moon?
this rite now is killing the investors, investors will
dump money in other countries like india, china
even africa is a big place to invest rite now. in the world markets.
like i said 2007 is the start of the black cloud
if you put in 1996 10k into gold today its 26k
and growing.
very scary, the american dollar is crashing, massive debts, lenders are worried about the returns
they are getting into gold and silver now for security
they say, the euro will replace the american dollar
india and asia, will be the power money holders.
i can write for weeks on this topic.
yes it hurts us little people, to travel to usa
but i look at the bigger picture it was much better off at 6o cents even less.
it would be booming here in canada at those levels
compitetion is the name of the game.
i remember myself paying over a 1000.00
canada for 550.00 american dollars?
back to alberta, in the investors world, they look
at numbers only.
the costs of getting that oil is going up every day
oil peaked to 75 dollars a barrel to low 55 dollars
all we did is iran, and his freinds to drop
the barrel to 30 dollars a barrel??
those places of oil are trying to destroy amercia
with the power of money?
people just don't know, again look at the labour, rents,
housing, in alberta with our canadian dollar going up
you get a canadian engineer to alberta he gets
120k a year, and wants more?
when i can go to india or asian country
get a smarter engineer, even will wortk much harder
doesn't care about sick days. benifits, vacation pay,.
time off because his wife has a baby for a year
that person will cost you less than half the cost
i'll get two for the price of one engineer, plus no benifits
plus our canadain dollar is 60 cents.
capitalism is the world today
without capitalism you wouldn't be eating that orange
the world today is a very very small place
we have to educate our people to become employers
not employees just looking for work?
again people just don't know???
looking at the metal markets
gold 778.92 per ounce
silver 16.24 per ounce
in the next few months we will see what happens?
here's a example of costs in the oil sands
last year a rubber tire, one rubber tire cost 40k
today that same tire costs over 65k??
those are the tires for those massive trucks to
haul the oil sand.
at this time they have trucks sitting there
parked, losing money every minute.
why because of the demand of those tires
in asia, india, africa.
there is a massive shortage of those huge tries.
yes alberta oil sands project, has massive
trucks parked not making money.
all because we can't get tires at anycost?
not good for the investor.
people just don't know
HaHa sis bite your tongue then as there is already a shortage of housing in Calgary. In fact the Albertians are working thier way up here to our little town and trying(are) facelifting Apartment Buildings and almost doubling rents. Would be great if they brought jobs with them but they don't. Too Many people MONEY HUNGRY no VALUE on FAMILY anymore Tiny Tina HF & SY
Here in Halifax......Canada's best kept secret......The Province put a building moratorium on new subdivisions in the Halifax Regional Municipality or HRM. This HRM was created when Dartmouth/Bedford/Halifax/Lower Sackville and the entire Halifax County was amalgamated several years ago against all the citizen's wishes I might add. Anyway....the Province and HRM said no more building outside of HRM or already exisiting lands that had been approved for building. The reason? Once these subdivisions were created out in the middle of no where the people demanded all the services that the other developed areas had...such as water and sewer, paved roads, street lighting, policing, schools, street clearing in winter, garbage pick up etc etc.....This new infrastructure was costing the province and HRM too much money and the people didn't want to pay more taxes. So every piece of available land within the previously zoned areas in HRM are being built up very quickly......huge houses, condos etc even on the Halifax water front ..... Lower Sackville and the Beaver Bank area 34 years ago when I moved here from Montreal had less than 5,000 residents and within 3 years the area had grown to 35,000 residents and because the area fits into the new guidlines it is growing by leaps and bounds......soon there wont be any green spaces left.....And where I live in 1999 we got water and sewer and now everyone with a wide lot is subdividing their lots and what once was a quiet rural area is becoming a suburban area over night. That's my rant for the day......gotta get a coffee now!!!! Oh another matter where you live...nothing is 100% is how you live your life that counts. Dianne
We have a similar deal,...... CRD (Capitol Regional District) this is an unelected body that screws up whatever they can,,,,,,,,,,,,, Also we have an ALR ( agricultural land reserve),........this body is always meeting with challenges fromWannabe Developers who want to develop every pieces of farm land ,just for a quick buck today,,,Where will the food come from if it's all developed,.....?? Generally it's speculators who buy a piece of property inside the ALR,.and immediately try to get it our of the ALR,.so they can sell it,....Well you bought it,You Got it,........... Btw , need to even visit out here ,it's always raining ,snowing ,windy,were on an earthquake Zone (Big ones too....very dangerous),..Nothing to see here folks,.move along...............hahahahaha Oh yea and with this Global Warming,.this Island will be completetly submerged,..........probably before you can say "What 50,000 years have gone by already"...............hahahahahaha ps: the sky is falling
Global warming...they say that Halifax will one day be submerged.....glad I live inland and on a hill!!! Dianne
Dianne. Now we know how the people outside of Quebec and Ontario felt during the 60's and 70's, etc. The rest of Canada was a big secret. Wide open spaces, green areas, trees up the gazzo, clean rivers and lakes, and not very much smog if any. Then the migration, mostly west, and the heartache these people having to move, and the heartache the people that were already there felt. Oh well, we can probably say the same thing about Morin Heights, Val David, and other places that seemed isolated. Then they put in the freeways, and now all the places in the north are where permanent residences are. People then commute back towards the big city to work. The wide open beautiful lakes are crowded with so many homes around them, you can hardly see the water. Okay now my ranting is over....Time to get the laudry done, and drink some mor coffee!!!!
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no-1 when you owed land you were wealthy
no- 2 when industry started you became wealthy
n0- 3 internet, information is the new wealth today
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Oh, my goodness! How a small question about an FLQ article branched into various areas of discussion from metals, gold, investments and flipping property. Interesting stuff though and I was censored by Maggie! :-) It's Freedom to Read Week next week BTW! What did Bertrand Russell say about not being silenced? Will have to find the quote. Metalman, don't believe everything you read in books especially if it's written by Trump. These get-rich-quick guys get rich from selling their books and CDs and getting speaking gigs. They invite you for a freebie first session and then propagandize you into buying their merchandise. That's how they make their money --- from the books and CDs. The next sessions you have to pay. How do I know? My husband attended a session when we lived in Montreal. Money isn't everything in life. Sounds like it's your hobby though because you know lots about the markets, so if it works for you why not! But we've had this conversation before so we won't go there. You'll have to explain your #82 post because I don't get it. Sorry. It must be the lateness of the hour here and my brain cells have died. Well, the Canada I see is not all this gloom and doom. Call me a positive person. I work for the feds in the day (pays the bills) and my department doles out the CPP and EI cheques so we have stats on the unemployment rate in Canada. Last time I looked, Alberta was 4% unemployed and Quebec 7%. I believe. Newfoundland and the Maritimes were the highest. Canada is chugging along at 9% average. I will get more up to date stats from work. Great country to live in --- I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! But as you said Di, there is development in your area and that is not always a bad thing. It means the economy is good. People can protest and stop development if they feel strongly about it changing their environment. It's been done. Government is the people. I noticed you mentioned Nova Scotia as being the best kept secret. That phrase is not mine in my description of Edmonton but comes from the media here--- I hear it all the time. I guess we are all defensive of where we live. You needn't be as indeed Nova Scotia is heaven. More people should vacation there. Each corner of Canada is so unique. My husband and I have seen it coast to coast except for Newfoundland and the North. Why see Paris when you can see Iqaluit? Never understood why people went to exotic places when they hadn't even seen their own country. We swore we would return and revisit because it was a quick tour. And PEI was paradise. We had the sweetest strawberries there,---had to pull over to the side of the road and devour them! We drove from Montreal to Edmonton when we moved here so our 8 year old son would see his country and get a history lesson. I took notes, photos and sketched. I loved the Prairies and did not see them as flat. I found the vegetation, the movement of tumbleweed, the weather changes, the sky, the light amazing. People have to learn how to see---not just look. I guess that's why I'm a writer. We see the things that people miss and have to write about them so maybe they will also see. I guess the way you live depends on your values and how you see the world. My world is pretty good --- as I'm sure all of yours are! Tell me about what is great about where you are now. Dolly
This whole thing was probably started by some old flq guy that's bored out of his skull and remembers the excitement caused in the good old days so he picks up the cellphone and makes a call to the media who are also bored stiff waiting for such a call. Ed Hey Sabby, How's that for one sentence - 50 words. Ed
Right on, Ed! There are always people around who want to stir up the universe. Ha! Dolly
Ed. Do you write flash fiction? 50 words. Pretty good to get a story across. Dolly
Yup,..since the planet we are on is estimated to be somewhere around 4 billion years old ,.and we've had people study core samples and determine that 15 - 20 thousand years ago,.this part of the planet was under 1000 meters of ice,.......(roughly),.......and we've only been keeping weather records for 140 years apprx:,........then isn't the planet always warming,............hahah BS on the 'new threat' that every Politician around the 'free world' has glommed on to,...............that in itself should alarm ,....most people ,if Politicians are jumping on board,.then it's most likely a new 'Fear' to keep our minds occupied ,while we miss what's really going on........we're being robbed....................hahahahah Let's panic,...Btw I'll have some prime realestate for sale right on the beach here in Victoria,..but you may have to wait a bit,.cause right now were about 5 blocks away,................but hey you can get in on the ground floor ,so to speak..........hahahahahah Every part of this country is pretty cool,'s usually only the fools in office that ruin it,........and we all have our share of those........... pssssssst: Canada's best kept secret,........everywhere,.Home is what you make it................................ How'd the old song go,....this land is my land,.this land is ,,,,,,,hahahahaha (just having Fun & sometimes Remembering Verdun)
Les, Can't dispute your executive summary! I'll drink to that! Here's to Peter Paul and Mary! Dolly
Sabby, what are you talking about in message #84? Where did I censor you?
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This message has been deleted by the author.
This message has been deleted by the author.
This message has been deleted by the author.
Hi Maggie, Perhaps censure was too strong a word to use. I should remember not to post late at night when I am tired and my eyes are blurry. It was a tongue in cheek remark (notice the smiley face I added beside it) to tease you re your disclaimer about my thoughts and biting your tongue. So my apologies if it was taken in any other way. Communicating on e-mails and posts are not always the best way to express oneself because we cannot see facial expressions or tone of voice. The meaning of the word to censor also applies to preventing ideas from emerging into consciousness and that's why I used it. Because in truth your disclaimer kinda censured my thoughts. I didn't understand the reason for it and so took it as censorship. Again, even writers choose the wrong words and need to be edited. I also noticed that after your post, there were 4 messages that were deleted by the author. That is a form of self-censorship. Everyone has a right to their opinion whether you agree or not. This subject is very interesting coming on the heels of next week's Freedom to read/Freedom of Expression week. Here's the website for anyone interested in becoming informed on this subject. Our vets fought for our freedoms and still they are being denied. We honour them by upholding what they fought for, by making sure that books like Of Mice and Men are not band. So again Maggie, my apologies. I did not mean any disrespect to you. Dolly
I had mentioned that I would check with a colleague who compiles stats from Labour Canada re the unemployment rate across the nation. The rate of unemployment measures the economic growth of the province/country. So here are the latest stats for anyone interested: Canada 6.2% BC 4.3% Alberta 3.3% (Fully employed - Signifies 0 with labour shortages) Sask 4.1% Manitoba 4.6% Ontario 6.4% Quebec 7.7% Nova Scotia 7.8% New Bruns. 8.1% PEI 10.7% Nfld/Lab 15.4% Notice the treand. So unless the politicians do something silly, we're in a good position.
Sabby, biting my tongue had nothing to do with what you were saying. It had more to do with what I could have said had I not "self censored". I try to do most of that before I write it. I don't like to make waves. I just want to make connections and share memories like most of the members here. My view of Alberta (especially Calgary) is quite different from yours but I respect that you love it. I love Saskatchewan (second lowest unemployment rate) and I'm happy that life's journey has led me here. After a week in Calgary, on roads covered in ice and snow, it was good to be home. Now I have to go back, I sure hope that a Chinook has taken care of the winter road conditions, The City of Calgary had decided that it couldn't afford to clear snow or sand roads any more this year. How is the weather there now?
that's very interesting tidbit of info maggie... it's mindboggling that the wealthy or supposedly wealthy city of calgary.. can't afford to clear the snow off it's roads... interesting
sabby interesting as well your comment re: self censorship... but dont you think that people self censor because of pressure from others??? so is it truly 'self'' .. just a thought... Disclaimer: the author of the latest posts cannot be held accountable for the's his dna that causes him to behave. as with most men his thoughts are processed with whats in his genes,,,
It's not all a bed of roses RDM,.......... Young people have been lured to Alta,.with promises of big paying jobs,.......and the old story's that they (Alta) are paying people mega bucks to flip burgers.........mostly BS,. If you are not skilled you will get screwed,.....rents for the young are very high,.....there are many 'entry level jobs' but people owe no allegiance to an employer they are led away ,by promises of sugar plums dancing intheir heads.....(the grass is greener theory)........ low unemployment does not truly translate into a booming economy,...... Big business makes big money,.......small biz scrapes by,like evrywhere else snow covered streets with no dough to remove it,sounds like typical We are over our let's raise some tax's..........everyone has their hand out I see alot of the same stuff here in BC ,...the news reports are full of news saying plenty of jobs reports of plenty of money..........hahahahaha Same crap different day, it busy in these provinces ,.absolutely, everyone making money.........NO,. I have friends of mine who have owned business'in Alta & BC for years now and they make money,.but they also have no shortage of workers cause people Have to stay alive,.and they will work anywhere for a spell,& move on, if things were really that Fantastic they would not have to move around as much,............... Happens everywhere ....Greed always kills business, but I will say this that if someone wants to work they can find it,...but the better paying jobs are for people with a trade ,..or have already landed a Gov't type position that's almost impossible to be thrown out of......hahahah So an education in the 'real world' is always what gets you ahead........ and of course the old 'Who you know ,almost always works' the Flip side is that a Chinook can blow through tomorrow,.and then you don't need snow removal: --------------- Just an Observation,hope noone minds hahahahahahahah
it's so true what you've stated les... and it's no different here in ontario.. lots of money... but only the same few are getting rich...
RDM let's get a big Bus and sneek into the states illegally of course where we can secure large lines of credit (how's your spanish ?...never mind we'll fake it with our limited Latin ..........hahahahaha) Once we have a few Platinum & Gold Cards,secured we'll come to Canada for a VAcation..... I'm thinking a tour of Montreal for the whjole group if we can swing it,...... and then renounce our illegal status in the states,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Whadya think........"? hahahahahah besides our RC background allows us to be forgiven at anytime in our lives ,. all we have to do is see the light ,..and we're at the front of the que........... (it's in there rules) ........................hahahaha
believe it or not les... but that makes perfect sense... it'll work.. i'm signing up for spanish classes
i deleted because its a waste of my time??
we are in two different worlds.
rite now if i wanted i can use this laptop
sitting on my leather couch, in front of his big plasma
watching cnn.
contact a land developer, fly to alberta the next day
meet with them, have dinner meeting at the hotel
order a few bottles of wine, at 500 dollars a bottle.
no problem i'll pay the bill.
here's the deal, i'll supply my carpenters
my banks and suppliers will cover me
i'll build the houses in good business
i want you to give me a free lot in the deal
so i can build a house and dump it?
i have a friend who is a land developer in calgary. i'm sure he'd be interested in your proposal. let me know
RDM don't you ever sleep.............hahahahaha
Les. Everything is the same. We as voters voted to limited property taxes to an increase of a maximum of 1% per year. Big deal. Supposedly property values went down last year. Not here they didn't. If you can't raise more than 1% of the property values....raise the property values to get more taxes. This last year 2006 vs 2007....our propety accessed values went up by $60,000.00 So that translates into and increase of an extra $600.00 a year they can collect, plus of course what they collected in 2006 (plus the maximum 1% increase). Boy, if I was a cussing man I would probably say those F*#@*&G SOBS!!!!!! Boy I am not, so will refrain.
With tax season right around the corner, make sure to follow these few simple tips.
Winston...I am glad you're not a cussing man......we had the same thing here.....they take away with one hand and then whammy you with the other hand..those rotten F*#@$*&G SOBS !!!! Dianne
Very True Winston,...... It seems that this is the overall Modus Operandi (sp?) at least all down the Westcoast,.in both our country's,....Our assessment here went up & so consequently as you say ,a new tax grab......... The unfortunate thing is that it only takes the sale of one home in your area,to warrant that as the benchmark of all the other properties around,.So it can be easily orchestrated ...just have some one buy in a neighbourhood for an inflated amount ,.and the ball starts to roll,.......I have seen some old people who lived in a community alot of their lives,.supported it,paid their taxes there,.until they were theoretcally wealthy (based on the value of the home & dirt),.but they then were struggling to stay in the home they built,. House Rich ,Cash Poor,............ for speculators to move in and put a run on a neighbourhood,causing undue rises in Tax's should be almost illegal,.it's fine when your young enough to sell & reap the inflated profit,but for the elderly they are sometimes forced to sell,.& then have to buy an overinflated Condo.......... I think that the person buying a home for whatever price,.should start paying tax's on that purchase price,..but not all the neighbours who have not sold , but it's sure easy to manipulate,..Like you say the Land Assesment People,could send out notices tomorow,stating that all the homes in your neighbourhood have now doubles,.so you now have to pay the higher tax rate.................but people who have demonstrated that they are not flipping their properties,...( they actually live in them....hahahaha) should not be penalized at the same rate as speculators,who are flipping over & over,...but don't live in the area ..........but I do understand that ,that is business, .....................Move over Winston ,.a bunch of us are coming down to become illegals,..(just till our lines of credit come through........hahahahah ) rainy day man & myself will be leading the charge,........I don't suppose you need a pile of Domestics & handymen do you..........hahahahaha
rainy day man
when there is a shortage, everyone, even as low
as a flipper to make the quick buck.
a young couple buying a house today?
on just 200k with the interest rate today
it's 14k a year for just interest?
lots of young couples have 300k+
debts 1 just loses there job?
worst the interest rates, if they go up?
look at the gold and silver markets?
we have massive debts, people don't have savings in the bank?
in 2000 most lost there life savings.
funny but true, the asians own all those new homes
the banks borrowed fom them to give you mortages
that's why you can buy a house with no money down
its the asians money not the banks?
now the outside investors want bigger returns
so here's the question- does interest rates go up
the usa is going into troubles, housing was the
driving force for the last 6 years no more?
our canadian reached new highs not good for us
americans are our main business partners.
india and china are going to be or soon the driving
force of the dollar.
people don't know, with this computer,interent
go and see what's gong on.
i worry very much for our daughters and sons
our generation of industry, manufacturing,
gm, ford, chrysler, are gone.
the future is the imformation world
as for alberta, i lived there in 1977
till the boom was over.
the world oil markets dropped below 10 dollars
a barrel.
last may 80+ dollars a barrel then down to low 50's.
soon it will peak to a hundred dollars a barrel
then a big drop?
if it becomes 30 dollars a barrel alberta will
ALBERTA does not control the world markets
USA controls us, why because they buy our oil.
look at the stock market on the oil markets?
its a massive risk to be in, how would you feel
buying at 80+ then drops to low50's
now 60's.
would you buy now at 60, when the investors
are saying it may drop to the 30's.
this year was a very good year on returns
last week i had lunch with a director from
investors group, knew him for years,
we talked and he didn't want the truth
because when you give him your hard earned money
win or loss he gets his cut.
i told him but my stuff in very low risk
the markets peaked, and reading everynite on the
world news.
investments will crash 2007, maybe not i'll take
the low risk.
warren buffet is in the gold and silver markets
wonder why?
I agree metalman ,...I worry about our kids too,..because most of them will not be in well enough paying jobs ,to exist,...and the old saying that everything that goes up....must come down; I could see that since we've become a consumer based economy,.that we no longer produce or manufacture anything ,.we essentially give this power over to the new Economy's of China & India ,.etc etc will be 50 years before it comes around again in our favour,........right now labour is cheap in Asian countries,...ours is expensive,.and we've got our heads in the sand it seems,.unwilling to look at the problem for what it is,........ .on the other side ofthings,........the Banks cannot afford to let things get to out of hand,.because the last thing they want to do is have to foreclose on a pile of property's that can't be paid for,.this would cause a tumble in value Remember 1980 -82 Crazy High Interest Rates.............= Collapse the interest rates are being kept artificially low.(perhaps the Asian investment you mentioned),....but when Reality hits..................lookout we will be in for an interesting ride Funny that you mention the information era,.I have a friend of mine who taught us in the late 80's that 'information' was going to be the coming thing,& then throughout the 90's he was right we made money Teaching Others How to run their business & we trained their staff,......and it seems that even now 'information & knowledge' are very valuable tools to have: Interesting how things work...............................making the right choices is the difficult thing............................
you are bang on
today lots of old people on pension
can't stay in there own home
because of property taxes.
yet these people worked most of there lives
paying taxes.
now the pensioner has to pay taxes on there little
savings they have left.
my mom lives in her own building
she can't afford it, myself and my bro
help pay her taxes and bills.
hell she was ashamed when i noticed she had no tv
that day i went to best buy, got her a plasma
then to a pet shop and got her a kitten
plus all the food, and stuff for the cat.
everytime i see her a give her a roll of money
yes i'm blessed to do it.
back then- as a little verduner my mom
invested in a wagon for me to make a buck.
my dad was pissed but my mom took the
the best investment she did was me of all people
back then, her returns are there now
That's the good thing metalman ,being able to do stuff like that , I'm sure she's very proud of her kids,...... It's funny no matter how much we have ,Our Moms never want us to spend anything on them,,,,,,,,,,,, (but they are Happy ,when they see how people turn out) but they are always worried about saving for a rainy day,...............they grew up in different times and appreciate what they have,....... and you ever notice they are always quick to smile & laugh,..they appreciate life,.whether they have stuff or not,.............. Get all the visits in that we can with our parents & friends ,cause it can all change very quickly,............and they spent a lifetime taking care of us, So it's our turn......a Big thing is to listen to them they have important things to tell us about..............
selling our cows to buy milk?
learning now and always tell others
you learn from your mistakes and failures
when the boom died in 1980 in alberta
going back to verdun, broke but i had a hell
of a party all those years.
today i look at it as a blessing
i live in two cities, i can look after my mom
business is very good here.
as going back to alberta, i did my time
us quebecers built the first highrises
and plants and i'm proud of that?
my next goal in the next few years
is to invest in florid, this comng winter
i'll spend time there and find fresco
why move alberta, when i'll go to florida
and enjoy my last years in this world.
Metalman ,.Florida is Ok ,...but you might want to check out Arizona ,or parts of Nevada,...I have a good friend of mine ,who has several business in the Kamloops BC area,.and they like the Lake Havasu area,..There is a lot of good deals in the States,.......and you can be comfortable in beautiful surroundings ,.and get back to Canada in the summer months of course,... I always founf Florida nice,.but getting more crowded all the time,....but after living here on the Westcoast,.I'm not inot big crowds anymore,........besides if I feel the need for Big City stuff,...........Vancouver's an hour and a half ferry ride,...and also Seattle is only hours away,........can also take a high speed ferry from Downtown Victoria's InnerHarbour right to Downtown Seattle,.....or of course I can explore the Oregon Coast ,.( that's really nice,).... If you can travel all over the Southern States before you choose,..there's lots to see out there,.especially if your retired,...............You can have a ball
Les. It won't take much for you or anyone to get credit cards down here. Remember going to the Forum, and some guy (I was one of them, when I was a young teenager), yelling program, program, get your program? That is what they are going here, "Credit cards, credit cards, get your credit cards here". I get them in the mail on a daily basis. You name the Company, and they are trying to get you to us theirs!!!!
The average US Credit Score is 675. The cost to see yours: $0 by Experian.
what about my developer friend in calgary??????
if i decided that was my next project?
i would see several, see who will give
the best offer.
give me the contact anyways
i'll find the people he needs
in return i'll get a finders fee
thanks for the lead
if it works out i will give you
a little piece of the action.
i'll even upgrade your computer
into the package.
thanks again
Winston did you work with my brother in the Forum,.he too worked there when they were just starting to experiment with color broadcasts,.that's why the Forum ice looked so white,.they were trying to get the right effect,..... but I know that my brother went to Sea Cadets with your brother Bumpy of course,..but maybe you guys worked together as well???? ps: can you just send me those cards,........I like Platinum,preferably but I will accept Gold, let me just clarify this ,.i need to change my name to Juan or something like that don't I .......hahahahaha also i don't expect to have to actually pay anything back (is that wrong???...hahahaha) I can't wait to run up those cardsd,..cause Teresa & I could have a ball because I 'm sure that ."Two can live as cheaply as Juan" hahahahahahahahah
lmao les...
i know that bc is a special place to live
100 percent on that, all down that side
rite down to califorina.
i know florida is not the best, just look at the crime etc.
the main reason is i love the montrealers culture
the lifestyle of a montrealer is the best.
even in the east part in ottawa were i live
is like montreal was 25 years ago.
french and english living together.
its just something i can't explain
i'll live with the montrealers in florida
i heard a story about a fellow moved to a cuban
area in florida.
that's the place to live for him.
the cubans, eat good, party all the time
the men and women look good
its just fun 24/7's they know how to live
why should i live in a quiet place.
its the person's lifestyle on how to live
Yes I know exacxtly what you mean ,..I have a number of my friends who are all Montreler's (ex) ,.and it's true we seem to have a kinship of sorts I guess,.... I talk to antone anywhere I go,.and I'm always getting to know new people ,.but I do like being around a Montreal type crowd,...I guess it's just ingrained in us,............. and anyime I visit Montreal,.I'm right back in the pace quickly,.....but I sort of like the Westcoast laid back lifestyle,.but people here still think were always a little more hyped than everyone else,......even though it over 30 years,here.......hahahahaha I guess were alive,.in our 'characters I guess................... amd I have to admit ,that while I love Montreal & all it's going ons.....I now prefer here,....but like we've said before Home is what you make it,.no matter where we go......................I sort of like the idea of having escaped the Big City ,anywhere's all what you get used to,I guess.......
I didn't get to the computer until today and just catching up on some of the posts. I hear you Maggie. Thanks for defining VC for me. I thought it also welcomed discussion and lively debate. I didn't see anything I said as derogatory. I guess I'm just used to saying what I think. As a writer I do that without thinking. I didn't attack anyone personally, use swear words or risky humour. I just shared my thoughts and experiences, and wanted other's opinions. Sorry if some people took them personally. Not my problem. Metalman, yes indeed we do live in two different worlds. We've locked horns before and you've personally attacked me many times because I disagreed with your world. Read my lips: I couldn't care less about money. Don't have a pot to piss on but sleep well at night and I'm one happy dudette. I understand where you come from because I grew up in Verdun in your European environment and I respect that, a self made man, but please don't beat me over the head with it. I won't change my way of thinking to yours. My values are just different. I never said Alberta was perfect. Far from it. We had to fight to get snow removal here and with all this money, you'd think they'd open their trembling hands and share it. Edmontonians made a fuss and they got it. People are government as I said on another post. If you don't like it, then do something about it instead of whining. I don't know about Calgary. Their council is different. Calgary has a different breed of people. Mostly cowboys and wealthy oil men. The government shows a commercial on TV about harness racing being an industry and all the jobs it generates for Albertans. They gave them $81 million this year; the arts a fraction of that and a fraction of that for low income housing. They don't say anything about the cost of gambling addiction from racing, and the cost to families and society. They left that part out of the commercial. They just care about the money. Yes, Metalman, you would fit right in. No, this isn't a perfect province. I fight with words and a letter of mine appeared in the Journal yesterday. Don't know if it'll make a difference but at least I got it off my chest and maybe I'll be heard. This dialogue gave members an opportunity to see what was happening across the land and generated much discussion. I respected all of your ideas although the negative gloom and doom bothered me. I'm more of a positive type and will look at the glass half full instead of half empty. Enjoy the present. Rainy day man: love your humour in post 99 and disclaimer. At least someone can still laugh! It's Freedom to Read/Freedom of Expression next week. Maggie, mum's the word from me then. No more discussions or debates because I don't want to think that I need to edit or self censor my thoughts --- whatever you want to call it. I won't go there. "Be Isolated, be ignored, be attacked, be in doubt, be frightened....but do not be silenced." Bertrand Russell Dolly
"The Lady,doth protest too Much, Methinks" ----- ------------------ William Shakespeare,....(he's a writer ,you know) hahahahahahaha
Why do people who think the glass is half full instead of half empty call themselves a positive person? I think the positive person would think of the glass as full ~~ right up to the top! Or even 3/4 full and 1/4 empty! Even if the glass were half empty or all empty I think I would be a positive person just thinking about how good whatever was in the glass tasted and hoping to get another glassfull. My thoughts a little early for "Freedom of Expression" week.
could always pour it in a smaller glass...............hahahahaha ........................Whadya think?......................hahahahaha
Notice the credit card on the counter.....I would be thinking .... crikey I should hurry up and finish drinking what's in my glass, and because he enjoys my company he will probably buy me another glass of whatever....hahaha
Hey, Linda, Don't get yourself in a knot over that one. It's just an expression. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. And I'm NOT touching that one! Ha! I always liked your humour Les. Love the cartoon. Dolly
I was going to stay out of this debate re: of all people who loves to post some of the craziest stuff i.e. jokes, clipart for example, believes that there is nothing wrong in self censorship. That is of course, if it is indeed self censorship. Please allow me to explain. Sometimes when I read some of the posts regarding certain debates or topics, I feel like the person being addressed 'is' under attack. I would like to think this is not the intent of the author of the post, and I know sometimes we get caught up in the heat of the moment or we are so intent on getting our point across that we don't realize that the way we are expressing ourselves may seem like an attack against the views of the other person or persons. So perhaps in this instance, there is a need for self censorship. Or if you don't like that term, call it a need for editing. Having said that I guess I will be contradicting what I just said..... the other thing that I don't get is why people can't relax more with all this is like when someone posts his opinions on the economy for instance, and another person expresses their opposing point of view the other one gets bent out of shape, then posts some very sarcastic comments and then deletes all his posts. And if some people feel it is right for them to self censorship why does another person have to take the high road and say there will be no more debate from that individual. I read all the posts and I enjoy just about all of it. If there are any that get to me or upset me, I do have free will here, and I can skip over's like changing the channel if I don't like the content of a certain show on TV. So, that is what I think.....RELAX people......make love not war......have a glass of wine!!! Dianne
Metalman: It's great that you can do those things
for your Mom. My own Mother passed away last August and I miss her so bad, I was
a very lucky gal to have such a caring Mom,she gave to us without reservation.
Back in the day when we lived on Melrose she would curl most of the women's hair
in the neighbourhood never took any money for it. She had one man in her life my
Dad. When I had trouble falling asleep at night she would say "just think of
only good things"
I know for a fact that I caused my mom alot of
worry, however before she passed I was able to make amends to her. She left
knowing that all her chidren were ok.
To all who still are lucky enough to still have
their folks around Tell them how much you love them. And if you have any Amends
to make do it now before it's too late.
Anyone can read more into something than is there,............ far as a need for 'editing' ....... we decided a long time ago that ,we'll do the things necessary to keep the site going,.............(without consultation),...but we do hear everyone, There are no proems that I can see,.......... If we were all living in Verdun all together ,....there's a good chance that differences of opinion are inevitable, least that 's what I Rememeber from Verdun,....(or were all those 'fights' in the streets over evrything from parking spots to whatever) were just for keeping in shape................hahahaha Have a Laugh ,'s not all that serious,. That's what's neat about the general direction of the site is to recall the things that spark Our Collective Memories,.about having grown up in Verdun/Montreal.... ..........other topics ,can sometimes lend themselves to becomming out of hand ,..........We'll handle it,.....No Problems,.. Generally there is not much Static,.............I get a laugh out of most of it: Let's face it there's alot of People here that may never ever meet each other,.. but they share thoughts & memories,....... Have Fun & Remember Verdun.............
You made some very good points Dianne. I looked at my previous posts and I do not see where I attacked anyone, or their views. I just stated my opinions about living in Alberta as opposed to Quebec. The original thread suddenly branched into several directions, all noteworthy. Metalman/popdog and I have butted heads before. He is determined that I see it his way rather than accept the fact that my values are different. I've always respected his opinions and have never attacked him until my last post. That was done in frustration. I felt under attack so what does one do when that happens? You fight back. So I gave Metalman/popdog a taste of his own medicine. You are absolutely right that people take themselves much too seriously here sometimes and should just accept what is said and if they don't like it then move on to another post. That's why there are so many threads. You can't say this site is boring! Dolly
Dolly I understand completely where you are coming from. Some people think that if you have a different idea or point of view then therefore you must be against them and this is certainly not the case. Can you imagine what a boring existance we'd have if we all thought the same, did the same and acted the same? It would drive me insane!! Yes, this site is never boring thanks to the many people who share their thoughts, their experiences and ideas. Dianne
Levisjeans I agree wth you completely ,.......Life can change your position very quickly .................................and We should make sure we appreciate those close to us,..................(and as you say Tell them),.........
Dianne, You took the words right out of my mouth. Couldn't say it better. Dolly
Di. Alright....make love....have a glass of wine.....alright.... I am with you. We can get upset or like I do...ignore it in most cases....In the words of the unforgettable American....Rodney King..."Can't we just all get along"....Life is to friggin' (remember I am no a cussing man) short. Lets enjoy each other, cause one day that friggin' grim reaper is gonna come along and snatch you right up.....then everyone can say what a wonderful person that person was...and not say anything bad. I enjoy this site for the memories, the jokes, the horsing around, the innuendos. AND all I want to do is make people laugh......Leave 'em laughin' ...that is my motto!!!!!
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Winston...I'm with you on life being too short!!! One day it will be game over, so we might as well try to do our best and have a good time while we're at it. I was trying to copy and paste some quotes and they got all messed up! I'll try again! Dianne
Life Quotes I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles these three things: A rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights.
- Unknown Fear less, hope more. Eat less, chew more. Whine less, breathe more. Talk less, say more. Hate less, love more . . . And all good things are yours.
- Swedish proverb Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
- Joseph Addison You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
- Stephen Wright May you live all the days of your life.
- Jonathan Swift
Japanese Quotations,.........................................I like a few ,but the last one best.................................. Overcoming Adversity: Japanese Proverb
Adversity is the foundation of virtue. Teacher: Japanese Proverb
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. Overcoming Failure: Japanese Proverb
Fall seven times, stand up eight. Kindness: Japanese Proverb
One kind word can warm three winter months. Integrity: Japanese Proverb
The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour. Creativity: Japanese Proverb
There is nothing that cannot be achieved by firm imagination. Joy: Japanese Proverb
Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods. ................................................................................................................................. and don't forget my oldmans favourite : "You can lead a Horse to Water,............. ..................but a Pencil must be Lead "
Reading those Japanese proverbs makes one understand how and why the Japanese have had such a long civiliztion. I like your dad's proverb too. Dianne
i like the steven wright one..
and especially the japaneese joy one
i know from your writing about your mom
that you are a special girl.
my mom told me when you see your girlfreind
loving her mom, that's a very good sign
she will love you the same.
just like your boyfriend loving his mom he will
love you the same.
Dianne. I like the way you think.Keep hubby away while you are on VC and have some fun. So many times in life we have heartache, troubles, worries, and thorns in our sides. Lets just have a place where we can go and lose ourselves among some good friends. And to me that is what Verdun Connections is. No heartache, no frustrations, just friends sharing good times. Thanks to you and so many others on here..."I am having a wonderful time...wish others were here"!!!!!
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Winston I agree with you 100%!!! I have been having so much fun since I found VC almost 2 years ago.....My husband should be on this site but I guess it's not his thing, but every now and then a name comes up or a picture and it brings back a lot of great memories of Verdun for him. Having said that...the less he knows the better...HEHEHE!!!!! Dianne
Dianne/Winston ~~ I think I would feel intimidated if my other half were on this site also. It's a little bit selfish of me, but this is my place....but.....that being said, every once in a while when I'm chuckling about something happening here, he comes over and asks what's so funny. But, really, he is a kind, caring, loveable old fart....and he's a keeper.
Linda is your hubby from Verdun? Dianne Where you ask.....just find the big nickle! hehehe
If it counts, my previous husband was from St. Lambert, naa, that doesn't count. But when we first were married and lived in Lasalle, he hung around all the bars that the guys talk about on here, so I tell ya, it's a small world. But let's not even go there.
Linda...I explanation necessary.....I've been to Sudbury...I see why you live on Vancouver Island! LOL!!!! dianne
He keeps telling me that's where they practiced for the moon landing. The landscape there is something else.....I can see why they chose that place!
Yeah so can I!!! My next door neighbour lived in Sudbury about 30 years ago. Dianne
there's nothin like a 'sudbury saturday night'..
RDM...youse talkin from sperience? Di
no way i'm one who 'must' keep his past to himself...
Woohoo!! do tell,...I's all ears, man!! di you like to drop a little tidbit and back off, eh? D
yup hey you know the 'shoveler' dont you... there's a lot of shovelling going on at our neighbours barn...
Oh yeah...I know exactly what you mean...been there, nough to make a person gag D
well i'm off to la la land.. enjoy that bundle of joy.. hope you get to see him today
Yeah..La la land..that's a good place to be and I sure hope I see that little bundle of joy later today too. Thanks for your good wishes and have a good night! Dianne
i know i'm not explaining to thousands of people
only a little handful of people, so here goes.
i will explain what money is, it had be used for bad things, it can be used for good things.
you can be a slave to money
working everyday, paying your bills, worried
afraid of losing your job, how will i retire
fear and so on.
making money in a good way
i meet people everyday, all kinds of people
big business, little business
i enjoy meeting the little employer
what makes this country is the little business
owner, that risks everything he or she owns
most of the time they go boom and start up
go boom again and again.
in time they win, which in return hire employees
i build there little offices, shops, stores
warehouses, i always give a good bid,
always go the extra mile to help out
the little business person.
some can't pay, i'll risk to help
at times they get much bigger and i get more business
in return.
they make jobs
i have a group of freinds from 40 years old to 82 years
the youngest owns a dental lab that employees 55
the oldest owns a engineering company employees 22
construction, flooring, granite, auto body business
consultant, bank manager, supplier of lumber.
when we meet, we don't play cards, drink beer
we drink water, coffee, we all love what we do
we talk mostly of what's going on in this country
how can we get better, how can we get more contracts
should we hire more employees
can we afford to get more employees
mostly how to better our selves and do good
for the economy.
its works both ways.
we don't ask the goverment for help
we know the goverment has a big debt problem
we know the goverment needs us to employee people.
there's thousands of us that make money
and use in good ways.
again we employee people
yes you are a good writer and like me a few only read this?
a writer, the story does not sell
what sells is the author?
the author has to go to the people to sell
his or her book.
if you don't go out there to sell yourself
yes you need salesmen skills to make it work?
i always hear the goverment has lots of money
why aren't they helping in many cases.
with the small population here in canada
the goverment can only tax so much.
in the near future so many baby boomers retiring
health care is draining, already they extened
the retirement age?
the goverment can't handle the big load of costs
then later our sons and daughters have the massive
debts to pay for our heath care, oldage, pension
you are biting the had that feeds you?
those people just like me, risking, losing
putting everycent on the line
thousands of us, creating jobs
for our sons, our daugthers
your sons your daughters
so sabby i wrote the best in 5 minutes time
there's the few will respect your writing skills?
also we need the trumps, for they hire thousands
of people.
some truth to what you say metalman.. but tell me where would these so called risk takers and the trumps of this world be.. without the average joe / jane working for them.. and who dont get a fair shake of the profits... so they have to depend on the government pension when they retire.. especially the minimum wage earner?... you belittle the front line worker.. but they truly are the backbone of our econmy..
metalman Thanks for your insight. I now have
a new way at looking at how people love. When I was younger I never had too much
time for old folks was too self absorbed I now love sitting with the old timers
and listening to all their wonderful memories. They have so much wisdom through
life's experiences. I enjoy reading but to me you can't beat a heart to
hart talk with another person. Here's to all the old
Good evening, Everyone, To the men: rainy day and metal—you make valid points. Both boss and employee are dependent upon each other, but neither sees it this way. Jack P.S.: The "neither" refers to boss and employee, not to rainy day man or metalman.
you make lot of true questions
i'm in the construction business, like i wrote
my carpenters that started with my 14 years ago are still with me today.
yes i profit share
, with out them i'm finished.
i find the food and restaurant industry is hard
to pay employees.
its called a nickel, dime business
ever ice cube in your glass of pop is 5 cents to make?
most look at the tax after the meal + tip
the waitress collects the tips
they at closing hours spilt up the tips with the whole staff.
the walmarts, costco's, ronna's home depots
home sense, winners, tim hortons,
pizza pizza, macdonalds, wendy's
harvey's st huberts. swiss chalet.
this is all we have left?
doctors, professionals go to the usa for bigger dollars
we lost almost all industry, gm, ford, chrysler
even lost in smith falls hershey
the cherry blossom king factory gone to mexico-
look at the canadian dollar?
rite now everyday we are losing jobs
good paying jobs are going
china,and india have millions of avaerage joes
they will work for a few dollars a day?
look around you everything is made in china
hell. if you need a body part, heart,lungs
whatever, go to china, they us get a average
joe, out of prision and take his or her body part
delivered to your chinese doctor to transplant
at a very cheap price?
india is no better, hard to understand
but many americans and canadians
go there?
our education system failed big time?
yes yes all you have to do is smile and say hi
myself i love to talk, i talk to anyone, just today
i'm working at a hospital, great people
from janitors, maintence, nurses, a priest
director, securtiy gaurd, the lady at the coffee shop
talked to patients, ambulance driver, pharmedtics
volunteers, then when i have time left i go see the carpenters and say lets go for coffee and talk to
a sober alcoholic for over 26years
i go at times to aa meetings, at times i'm a speaker
i even at times sit with a bunch of wino's and
talk up a storm. some of them have more smarts
and education, than our primeminister
and can be dam good writers
i saw a elderly lady earlier today in the elevator
i told her if i was 20 years younger, good looking
rich, i would be after you.
she laughed so hard her false teeh almost fell out
of her mouth?
best the director of the hospital was beside me
going to a construction schedule meeting.
yes its been awhile, i agree 100%
myself i don't like people calling me boss
i'm no better than the other person
today at the hospital, i played the bingo tickets
50 cents a ticket.
all the profits go to the hospital, the volunteers
see me coming and love it?
i do alot of work there so i like to give back
go the extra mile stuff
been there for two years of work
me and two elderly cleaning ladies
make the show.
the two girls love cassino, las vegas
at work they love the bingo tickets.
today i blew 250,00 won 100 bucks
grand winner today.
most that i liked was the elderly lady volunteer
telling me out loud you sure take those risks?
hell i said even a little turtle takes risks sticking
his neck out for a look?
bless the volunteers they are a special kind of people
yes i enjoy the show as much as they do.
Hi, Metalman, There's probably a lot of reasons why your carpenters are still with you after all this time. Let me take a stab at a few, okay?—they like what they do, they like their fellow-carpenters, they like the company, they like their boss because he's fair, and they like the profit sharing. Everyone benefits. Jack
those are good questions and i'll tell you
if you work for a big company all you are is a number on a paycheck.
the managers get all the medals from the workers
when its time for layoff everybody goes.
my guys and myself are a family type business
most of the time thay don't want me on site
they want me to just to bid the work and give them
the plans and specs.
this way i have more time, i own a flooring business
furniture, now i'm starting a grantie business
you need a granite counter top in your kitchen
let me know?
my hobbies - collect trucks, play the metal
markets everynite, and in break time i make
trouble with sabby on vc.
i have many names- bear, fatboy, popdog
metalman and more- why because i get new
computers and don't know how to get back in with original name?
today i got some pic's for you on my bingo playing?
the guys tell me to leave, so i spend time
talking to everyone.
that doesn't make sense metalman... i've changed computers and still have been able to keep my names... you must be doing something wrong... maybe i can help.. i sort of schitso to have so many names.. LMAO you'll soon forget the real you... but dont fret if that happens.. there's always people around here who will remember the real you...
some can do things others can't
i have 4 computers at home
i have 2 conputers at the office
i have a laptop in my truck
i have another laptop that i carry
in a metal case, that i am writing to you
now in a motel room?
i just don't care to learn really
if i wanted i would hire someone to
teach me.
i even have camera's i don't know how to use
just put on the green coded button green
all i know is how to build and sell?
the fellow at the bingo booth, he had cancer
today he's fine, works as a volunteer
he had a fuel business sold it cause kids didn't want it?
i enjoy meeting with him, today i blew 300.00
and i won total 125.00.
that fellow has no schooling, but he donated
1 million dollars.
hell of a nice man
every human in this world is very important
everyone can do something different that
the other can't do.
i have a writing problem to explain stuff
i'm much better than 3+ years ago?
i was bear at vc, posted number 200 post?
my writing has improved, in time people
will understand my posts?.
metalman ~~ no problem understanding....and kudos for learning how to post the pictures. Thanks.
mom 1945 linda
i make mistakes on those picture stuff ?
if i knew how to pay for this more space
i'd do it.
this sunday, i'll take pics in verdun
one for sure lad's barber shop
the capri, magan's for les
mom you want one let me know
I am also a good friend of Bill W. I knew we had
some things in common. Levis
Hey metalman108 how come you haven't responded to my message on "say Hi here " from yesterday ? Did you miss it ? Donna
donna mcfarlane
yes i have missed your post sorry for that
the fellow in the picture is the master chef
for the humbugs.
he's married to the owners daughter
picture 190
What is his name ? And what is yours ? D
I understand that he used to be married to the owner's daughter. Somehow he ended up with the business.
Metalman, I have not forgotten you --- just been busy being a slave to my day job, then coming home and not taking any risks as a writer. This will probably be a 3-parter as you are a prolific writer and some of your ideas need addressing plus, since your post #164 is addressed to me, I will answer. PART 1 Looking at yours posts, both past and present, the common theme is always money --- making it, spending it, giving it away, buying things and worrying what wil happen to it in the future --- there will be no money, no jobs, no nothing. Doomsday! You colour us all with one paintbrush. We are not all like you! What drives me to get up in the morning is not money. Some of us, believe it or not, do not want to be self employed. People I know who run small businesses (they are called mom and pop operations here) do so for many reasons --- they can't find work, their age, lack of skills or experience, problems with authority, want to be their own boss, like their independence. Pick one. The rest of us slobs who work for someone else, do so because we'd rather have a steady job, and then we go home and enjoy others things --- family, hobbies, friends, volunteer work, social activities. To be a slave to money is rather pathetic. I can tell you I love my day job and my boss is fabulous. In my years as an office worker, I had several opportunities for promotions with huge salary increases and I rejected them because I did not like the work or did not respect the boss. People thought I was crazy but money never ruled my life. Silly me! The one time I worked for a small family-owned hat manufacturer in Montreal was my nightmare. He had air conditioning in his office and in the storage room with all the fur pelts, while the rest of us sweltered in the summer heat. He was a tyrant. I left after a month and found a job with a large company that provided many benefits and opportunities. I never ever felt I was a number on a pay cheque. If people do, then change it. You make your life what you want it to be by the decisions you make based on your values. Don't worry about us baby boomers. We crowded the schools and we will crowd the shopping malls. We are healthier, richer and more knowledgeable than the former generation. The government pension is your pension. If you worked, then you contributed, so it's yours. It is not just handed out. I have a friend who retired at 50 and went back to work after 5 years because she was bored! Businesses lose when they do not use the minds, talents and experiences of older workers who still want to contribute to the workplace because they like what they do. It is, of course, another matter if you hate your job or are in poor health. ...
...PART 2 I am disappointed that you chose the Donald as a role model. I've seen him in interviews and watched the first year of the Apprentice. He is a shallow, self indulgent, narrow minded, ruthless, egotistical, self centred educated materialistic moron. Pick one. I see his apartment decorated in gold walls and ceiling and think of all the people he could help in the world with all that gold. Sure he donates by organizing sports/charity events and then walks away with a smug smile, knowing he's just saved a bundle in taxes. I would suggest you look to people like Oprah and Bill Gates who are far richer, not only materialistically but spiritually. Oprah gives her money in numerous ways to make the world a better place. You see her open a school in Africa, post her own money to capture sexual predators who rob children of their innocence, build homes for the Katrina victims. Bill Gates who is the richest man in the world has formed a foundation with his wife, Linda ,and their philanthrophic efforts extend not only to donations but going into American schools and providing what is necessary to make sure the poorest of the poor have the opportunity for a good education, and they are actively involved in finding cures for diseases such as HIV. Trump you say? Give me a break! Books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad are one of many that have been around for decades. They inspire and promote materialistic wealth, all the things that you can't take with you when you die. Don't go by one book, or the opinions of a bunch of small business men sitting around drinking coffee finding ways to get richer. Indeed it is the consumer that drives the economy, not you. You would be without a business if we slaves didn't buy your products or services. I posted actual numbers about unemployment in one post but obviously you didn't notice. The country is working for the most part except for the Maritimes. It's always been difficult there. There is currently a $51 Billion surplus from the EI account, money that gets deducted from employee paychecks. (If you're self-employed, you don't have this deduction). That money is going into government's general fund to pay off the debt. Put it another way. It is we slobs, the slaves, who are getting the country out of debt not the entrepreneurs. Rightfully it should be coming back into our pockets because it is our money. Of course, here in Alberta, we are debt free. Unlike your doom and gloom scenairio, the country is doing very well, thank you. And when you speak about Asia and China, my husband can tell you a thing or two because he lost his job due to NAFTA, Mulroney's legacy. So unless our politicians do something really stupid, we are not in bad shape. The unemployment figures are one measure of how the country is doing BUT it is not the only one. Both RDM and Jack had valid points in their posts. be continued.
...PART 3 As for taking risks...every day we take risks. You and your business friends aren't the only ones. My risks are little compared to the far greater risks our soldiers, firemen and policemen take every day. Your issues with me re writing and being a writer. In past and current posts, you have jabbed me several times. One jab deserves another. You are correct, it is not the story that sells books, it is the author. In olden days, publishers had the money to hire publicists and sales reps to hawk the books. Now, we have to book our own venues and do our own marketing. Most writers would rather write than have to sell themselves and their books because it takes time away from their writing. Most writers are introverts who don't boost about themselves unless asked. In one post (on another site), you mention about taking risks --- if you want to act, you go to Hollywood; if you want to write, you go to New York, you said. What world are you living in? The writers I know, who are all published by the way, all do something else to feed their families and pay the rent. We are office workers, librairians, teachers, waitresses, and some of us freelance. I had an opportunity to take over a freelancer's business about 10 years ago. My friend built her business over the years eventually contracting other writers to help her. She made $100,000 one year and after paying all her expenses including other writers, her net income came to $25,000. I thought about it and decided it wasn't the kind of writer I wanted to be. I didn't want to write brochures, flyers, profiles, articles for other businesses. (I do that at work anyhow and am well paid.) My friend eventually married a man with money and now spends her days writing poetry. There is no market for poets in this country. When was the last time you bought a book of poetry? I write literary short stories and creative non fiction. It is my passion. Everything I've sent out has been published. I do not write genre like horror or thrillers or romance. If you sell 5,000 books in Canada, it's a best seller. I could share with you the life of a writer but I wouldn't want to bore the others here. I never wanted to put my family on welfare and live in a cardboard box so I could write the great Canadian novel. So don't judge my writing life because you don't know me. I laugh when new writers approach me and their first question is how much money they can make. They obviously are inexperienced! They see JK Rowling and her Harry Potter bookds and Stephen King and they think that could be them. They are not the norm. They are the exception. Even Pierre Berton made his living as a panelist on the TV show Front Page Challenge while churning out his Canadiana books until he became famous and wealthy enough from the TV royalties to hire reseachers who wrote his books for him while he was busy being a celebrity ---that's where he made his money. We live in a disposable society. We buy TVs, computers phones, and throw them away because we want the latest toy. I would hope Metalman that all those computers and cameras that you have around can be put to better use by donating them to schools. That's what we do here. Yours posts are very clear indeed. There is no misunderstanding. There is a tone of haste and hurry in your wriitng. I've spent way too much time on this site when I should be writing. (Writers like to procrastinate). So I will bid adieu and come up later, another time, when I need to be amused by you again. A writer friend of mine sent me this Buddhist quote at a time when I felt I wasn't accomplishing much in my life. There is a quiet urgency to it, so I throw it out: What are you going to do with your one precious life? Dolly
here you go get the cd's and the book
donald trump &robert t kiyosaki
a small invesment to understand
what's gong on the world today
how to help prepare our sons and daughters
for the future.
is it just me that denotes.. that someone missed the point... nah... it must be me..
sabby i'd like to's all based on our values.....our values are basically what makes us secure.....personally i'm wealthy with family.....i'm secure with makes me feel that i have not screwed everything up.....i do have a wonderful family... some people are only secure with material's not wrong....metalman is needs material wealth to feel secure.....if metalman is happy with his life.....then all the more power to him..... the only problem is.....material wealth can be today.....gone tomorrow....and that isn't very secure..... not material can last forever...
Dolly...I consider myself to be very wealthy, my treasure is my family, my friends and my health. Without those three all the money and material things in life have no meaning to me. I try to do my best everyday. When I leave this earth, I doubt very much I'll be thinking about money, about plasma TV's or computers. I'll be remembering the love and all the good times I had with the people I love. Dianne
No thank you Metalman, Been there, done that. If you don't understand what I'm saying, please see RDM and Di's post. Now I'm off to a workshop and have to write an article about it when I get back.. Have a good wekend! Dolly
so when you get to old to work?
need a nursing home,? healthcare?
for kids need help with there education costs?
they need money for there new home?
they get in financial troubles and need help?
you built them a little nest egg?
yes i feel secure, that i don't need my kids
to pay for my needs of old age.
yes i feel secure that i can help out my family
members that hit a bad time.
my wife stayed home with her children
i knew that was a matter of importance
for a mom to be at home with her children.
i worked 3 jobs, to pay the bills
i worked my ass off, to keep those family valves
both parents working, is not fun?
today its more harder on the mom's then
ever, they work 24/7's.
was your wife at home taking care of her children,
that's a mom dream to have today
its very hard on a caring mom to leave
her babies and go to work.
did you work 3 jobs to support this gift to your
young children and loving wife.
if you did that rainydayman
i have the greatest respect for you
You know what's difficult is Balance,.... if you can achieve this regardless of what direction & goals you pursue,. you most likely will be successful,...... as for the thought of one jab deserves one in return.......(Sounds schoolyard like) I think everyone is on the same page,.they just have different values,same direction (to achieve),...but with different goal posts: Enjoying what you have or things you like is fine,and the common theme I've seen here,is that everyone Really Enjoys what they have.......& what they do: Do what you Love to do,& You will be successful, with different benchmarks of your own success,................ a little kid growing up ,learning to finally 'cross the street' on their own ,is a great success,......learning How To Do , anything were all great success's for us. The path may be a different one along the way for everyone,.but the end the Same: ...and generally most of us (just like kids) want to be recognized,with a the occassional tout ,that we did a 'Good Job'.........??
I just read your message "You know what difficult
Just to give you a tout YOU DONE GOOD
Well Thank You Levisjeans,/.............I like your sense of humour........... hahahahaha it was not lost on me ,after re-reading the previous post,, hahahahah
if the inference to taking jabs is directed at me.. I apologize.. i didn't mean to insult or be aggressive to anyone... just giving an opinion.. so once again i apologize to anyone who may feel i'm taking a jab at them...
RDM...I don't see any jabs..only differences of opinion.... Dianne
Interesting posts!! Les, I agree totally with your comment on "balance". Easily said but not as easy to accomplish. Takes alot of time, effort and discipline! One thing we all learned well in Verdun were debating skills,,,,had to,,,to survive. The premise was someone was right and someone was wrong!! Very black and white thinking!! I have come to the realization, after 50+ years, that there is much grey in the middle,,,,as well as on my head. I guess we have to be careful when "opinion" crosses the line to become "judgement". I will post the following for people to ponder. I think that every parent would benefit from this,,,,as I did!! Dialogue and Debate -- One Comparison Adapted from a paper prepared by Shelley Berman, which was based on discussions of the Dialogue Group of the Boston Chapter of Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR). Published in Focus on Study Circles, Winter 1993.
Dialogue is collaborative: two of more sides work together toward common understanding. Debate is oppositional: two sides oppose each other and attempt to prove each other wrong. In dialogue, finding common ground is the goal. In debate, winning is the goal.
In dialogue, one listens to the other side(s) in order to understand, find meaning, and find agreement. In debate, one listens to the other side in order to find flaws and to counter its arguments.
Dialogue enlarges and possibly changes a participant's point of view. Debate affirms a participant's own point of view.
Dialogue reveals assumptions for reevaluation. Debate defends assumptions as truth.
Dialogue causes introspection on one's own position. Debate causes critique of the other position. Dialogue opens the possibility of reaching a better solution than any of the original solutions. Debate defends one's own positions as the best solution and excludes other solutions.
Dialogue creates an open-minded attitude: an openness to being wrong and an openness to change. Debate creates a close-minded attitude, a determination to be right.
In dialogue, one submits one's best thinking, knowing that other peoples' reflections will help improve it rather than destroy it. In debate, one submits one's best thinking and defends it against challenge to show that it is right. Dialogue calls for temporarily suspending one's beliefs. Debate calls for investing wholeheartedly in one's beliefs. In dialogue, one searches for basic agreements. In debate, one searches for glaring differences. In dialogue, one searches for strengths in the other positions. In debate, one searches for flaws and weaknesses in the other position.
Dialogue involves a real concern for the other person and seeks to not alienate or offend. Debate involves a countering of the other position without focusing on feelings or relationship and often belittles or deprecates the other person.
Dialogue assumes that many people have pieces of the answer and that together they can put them into a workable solution. Debate assumes that there is a right answer and that someone has it. Dialogue remains open-ended. Debate implies a conclusion I mean no disrepect to anyone, Mike Mitakuye Oyasin
Hey Kid's
Behave your selves out
there !
no RDM it's from an post 184,........... I don't 'direct' things at anyone,.I'll tell you right up front,......... One jab deserves another. this is an excerpt from that post. metalman understood the post,'s about Balance. & that is what is difficult to achieve:
Message #184 refers to a posting on another site. I just think that what goes on in another site should stay on that site. Goodness knows, don't we have enough challenges right here on this site? MHO only. Cheers
yes you are 100% rite on your
i posted pictures of the books and cd's
that can answer questions to the ones
that are interested in helping with there future.
some people think that these books are just about
money, they are totally wrong!!!
it doesn't hurt to read one of them books
and find out for yourself?
its a small investment of your time
and it may change your life of looking
at things a little different at the
world we live in today.
mom have you been slumming it...LOL
Thanks Maggie When I was having problems I fired off the e mail to Verdun connections management. I figured someone out there could help this computer dummy. I couldn't post anything - just a white page - arrow and hourglass. I tried over and over. When I switched to Internet Explorer and Google and Verdun Connections I managed to be able to post. Weird. Later this afternoon I was looking into some Lovell stuff and the same thing happened - white page - arrow and hourglass.
Now, mysteriously, I am back on the troublesome one and it is OK. I apologize for being a bother, but nobody in my house could figure this out. Thanks again - Laurie
RDM ~~ No...not me.....obviously Sabby does though. Cheers.
laurie it may simply be your server... and in that case you can't do anything about it...
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