MaggieMck had this photograph in one of her Picture Albums,
..Apparently submitted by Tom Sullivan & posted courtesy of MaggieMck
Piano player: Warner _____, Grant Gauld. Girls,l -r: Betty _Ainsworth, Germaine Henni, Audrey Livingston, Gloria Travers. Contributed by Tony
This picture is found in the Album Titled "Faded Photographs"
and is from "Grad 1952"
.........I see the name Grant Gauld,.and I wonder if anyone out there knows if this is the Father of Mike or Kevin (and I think there was a sister Marquerite ??)
................................................Looks like they were having a 'ball'..........
Here's another neat shot ,from days gone by,...note the 'Redtop' in the background,.and the old truck,.................I wonder how these peoples lives turned out.........................Funny how in our heads we still Remember quite well,being young,.and we almost think that it wasn't that long ago that we stood on a street in Verdun,.........and then start thinking of the time that has gone by,.with our lives taking the different courses ,seemlessly,bringing us to present day,..................YIKES,.....where did that Time Go, but like I've said before to Quote the frog sitting on the Lily Pad "Times Fun ,when your Having Flies " .................Thanks for the pics ,.MaggieMck.............................. Funny how it doesn't matter who the people in the pictures are,.they are all from Verdun,.and So We all can relate, sharing those same streets, and of course the rest of Greater Montreal .as well: ..So Again I will ask if any of you out there have some old photographs,or new for that matter,..........We encourage you to share them with us, Have Fun & Remember Verdun
That is a lovely picture and the girls are all beautiful in their strapless gowns! I like the floor model radio. My in laws had one just like it and they had the radio taken out and used the cabinet for their crystal glassware. Dianne
hi HappyDi,.................Funny you mention the floor model radio,.I guess we all had one at one time or another,.but I too was reminded of one I had that was both Am(there was no FM channels yet) but this radio also had shortwave,.........and i would lie in bed at night tuning in channels from all over,..aslso on the normal radio band I would be able to get the out of town Habs Games (when they used to win...hahahah).........and also tune in American channels that you could only get at nightime,....Alaways Imagininng the big old world out there........... I also saw a radio like the one I had ,.in a MArx Brothers Movie fromaround the late 20's (27 comes to mind),.............So it was old,........(I think it was my Mom's origianlly)...I'd love to still have it ,but it was given away ,when my oldman moved out here in his later years, probably still works...hahaha
Les That pic of the Red Top circa 1950. Is that the road next to them Lasalle Blvd? Really close or is it Verdun Ave? Nice to see how close the boardwalk looks. Lastly any guesses what the W means on the jacket? Looks like a sports crest on the other side. Lad
Lad If you are on line - what is it you want from the VHS year books 69-72
that's Lasalle Blvd,...........the redtop is at the far end of Woodland Park .........don't know what the crest is ,....MaghgieMck may know see ya's later..gotta go
This one has been posted many times here,........but I think it's a neat old picture ,showing a lot of Verdun kids,.having fun ..............................I have to ask again,..........Has anyone out there got a real good (even not so good .will do..hahahaha) picture of the PAV ??
I wonder what held up those gowns. Guy (Roxboro)
I posted this page a while back but I thought it appropriate to reproduce it again. Of particular interest is the Shell stand wich was at the end of Woodland. I saw many movies there in the 40s. The Pavilion was just behind it. We never did find a photo of the PAV. Sorry for the bad photos. I am having problems with my scanner. Guy
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The "kids" in the photo with the redtop are Harry Haukala & Lois Foster. I would guess that the jacket was from Westmount or Westhill High.
HI In the book page Guy posted..did anyone see how much the rents were back then... Lad
Sandy you are too funny!
know this ????? or this: ............................the more things change the more they remain the same
How about this old place,........on the edge of a main street & a lane:
Remeber where this is? I can't believe the old phonebooth is still around
Hey this is a Bank Again ? For a while it was an India Restaurant,..? We used to get those Banks as kids from the old City & District SavingsBank and right around the corner from here was the old Richard School ?? JMH you went there ............right? I played all around this area as a kid..................
Is this an old bus ,...........or ?? .....................that's definetly the old MTC Logo............................................
We've all seen this view: a time or two..................... and then you could go out & head downtown:
How's this one Jan 15th 2007.........................................Anyone miss this? ......................Looks a little Cold ,.Remember when the snow would 'crunch & squeek ' under your feet............Yikes I hated that Cold Frigid Wind that used to Bite into your skin,...and you would walk along with your chin tucked into your cheat,.while the sleet would sting your eyes...............
This pic was taken in Jan 2007,.as well . It's a different look to it,..... sort of a real winter look to the sky,.............
This last one gives me goosebumps just thinking about how cold it is. Remember as kids our mom's used to dress us with umpteen layers of clothes when we went outside to play, so much so that you couldn't bend your arms, and who needed knees when you couldn't bend your legs? Our snowsuits were always 'hand-me-downs', with patches on the elbows and knees. And perchance if my mom found a really, really hardly used one at the SallyAnn, well, all was well in my corner of the world. My grandmother used to knit all our hats, scarves and mittens....used real wool.....soooooooo....shrank when they got wet, then dried out over hot stoves.
I remember my mom would store all our winter coats in a barrel with moth balls in the attic...oh, how I hated wearing my coat on a snowy or rainy day...all you could smell was that awful moth ball smell!!!! Dianne
Remember the rooftops,......................................this one looks a little more accessible than having to climb up to the hatch at the top of those old sheds,....but onve up there,it was kind of neat: picture your kids or gran kids coming home today and telling you they were playing on the 3rd floor rooftops,.........hahahahaha and running the length of the block,..and learning to know where you could make the leap from a rooftop to a back gallery.......................................yup it was a ball.
A verdun Story from '74...........................with George O'Reilly involved as an alderman of Verdun at the time: George O’Reilly marshaled the parade which showed spectators lining the steps of the Ukraina Hotel that a color other than red can be beautiful.
Dressed in green except for his large black top hat, O’Reilly led Verdun players, officials, Canadian delegates and traveling newsmen in the singing of McNamara’s Band.
Spectators stood on the steps scratching their heads, probably asking themselves what were those crazy Canadians doing.
Little did they realize Canadians weren’t the only ones participating. Behind O’Reilly came Lt. Colonel Bistoff of the Central Red Army Sports Club and chef de mission Brian McKeown. In their hands they carried a banner decorated with shamrocks and, of all the laughter, Lt. Colonel Bistoff’s was the loudest.
Decked out in their green Wrigley’s team uniforms, the Leafs walked behind. Coach Rollie Dagenais and trainer Gilles Leduc carried a large Canadian flag, followed by the players waving small Canadian flags.
"The best St Patrick’s Day Parade ever held in the Soviet Union" roared O’Reilly. "Isn’t green a nicer color than red?" ....................If you would like to read the whole story then here's the direct link,........ called O'Reilly in Russia:
Les message 20: Would you mind pointing out what and where this picture was taken? Looks like a bridge headed into town. What are those dome like structures in the back ground? Great shot no doubt.
Second Avenue.
Nice pics Les. I liked the one of Montreal Winter and your description. When my daughter gets a snow day from school - I usually respond with - they close the school for this ????? You should have experience the winters your Dad and I have, The squeak of the freezing snow under your books. Layers of clothes. Scarf covering your face- just your eyes sticking out. They would water because it was so cold and you would have frozen tears stuck to the eyelids. The buses would be cancelled. We would walk. It was a great experience and certaily made us alot tougher. The kids of today are spoiled and lazy in this regard - school buses, snow days. One could argue if what we went through making us tougher and making us risk injury is better than today. When it rains my daughter is grumbling to get her dad to drop her off. Forget it kiddo. You walk. Ahhhh that brought back memories. Where on earth do you get these fantastic pictures from.
Talking about how our Moms bundled us up to go play
in the winter and the feeling of your neck getting caught in the zipper of your
coat as she dressed you ouch !
Les - Your picture of that skinny building on the edge of a main street and a lane - where would that be located. It looks very much like some place I have seen before. The rooms in that place would have some uneven measurements for sure !
Hi Les Great winter pics.. we used to in the lane between 6th and Desmarchais below Verdun and slide off the garage roofs into a pile of snow below... hey do you remember the guy who used to rent bikes on Galt across from the school. Go in thru a small driveway and he was in back... Lad
Hi Bill the photo you are referring to in post #20 this thread,.is taken down at the old Port,.and looking at the Bonsecour Market (dome at the right) the building in the middle is the City Hall (Montreal) ,.and the name of the other dome escapes me right now,..but they are on the Champ de Mar (I think they call it),.. Here's a shot looking back towards the other pictures direction: usually there is a webcam that shows you one of the buildings,in question,........ this next link should show you the Bonsecoures Market building as well as the Public Outdoor Skating Rink along the old Port (harbour) ............There also (on the above link) a drop down Menu ,.to allow you to select various Montreal webcams,....and will probably explain better than I am the area,where that orheer picture was taken,....towards Bonsecour Market,from the River entrance to what at one time would have led to the lAchine Canal in Montreal's Harbour that runs along Common St (Commune as they call it now),..........................Hope that helps,.........
Les Right knew it was B thought it was Boyer's. Great place rent bike for 2 and peddle like mad downtown and then to LaSalle and back to Verdun..2hrs about 2.50 I think. Lad P.S. see my message on the article?
HI Les That dome is Bonscecours market I think.. Lad
A common sight this morning all around Verdun & Montreal,. Have a look at the snow on the 'stairs' across the street............Yikes !!!!! I'll bet We all can Remember these type of days,.......out with the scraper,or brush,.or both..................if your smart ,the car gets started first ,while you clear the rest of the car,.& by the time your finished brushing off the car,.and maybe shovelling out your spot,.............the cars nice & warm,..... then you go out to the store for 15 minutes,....and someone steals your spot!! See how possevie we were .it's Our spot.........hahahahaha
...................and How about this ,.....being channeled into one lane, on your way home Friday afternoon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the type of day that if you really don't have to go out,.Why bother? What was this guy thinking .......a bicycle hahahahaha Unless of course it's not his,.....but it will be..........hahahahah ...........all photos were available in the Gazette this morning edition
Apparently the Planetarium is having a Free Admission for tonight's Lunar Eclipse,............ The Montreal Planetarium is holding a free viewing party, indoors and outside, for those who want to take in tonight's celestial light show. not always a common occurence,.but maybe some of our Montreal area members would like to take their kids or grankids ,.(whatever the case maybe) but Just to Clarify my thinking,.....Wouldn't the Lunar Eclipse be Free anyway...........hahahahahah Hope you have clear skies to check it out ,
The old Church has been posted many times ,.but Here's just a bit of a different view of the twin spires,....and little rooftop action from verdun That's apretty good picture,showing just how close we really were to Downtown & the mountain......................................kind of a nice shot I think
Remember when they first started building this building that was the highest building in Verdun (maybe still is? Anyone know for sure?
Les I sent you an email but I'm not sure if it was the right address. Let me know, Danny
before my time in Verdun,.when the River was clean enough to allow swimming and they created these somewhat safe areas to cool off from the summer heat,.. .......but the old river sure went downhill quick with all the dumping of garbage and who knows whatelse into the drink............. Looks like the kids sure flocked down there,I wonder what years these were,since the Natatoirum was built in the 1930's.....these good be Our parents & Grandparents.........................
I;ll chech them right now DannyB
The reply is on it's way right now................................................ Now it's Hockey Time allthough i don't know why I bother as I have to go out for supper later........................or is it Dinner when you go out to a restaurant hahahahahahahah The good thing several Montrealer's will be there
I wonder if this was the base for Torchy Wharf later on............ Edbro or Guy you guys might know that ? Well on closer examination I doubt it,.as it seems to be a floating platform covered with is that wood planks,.......I'll bet there's storage underneath it,for a small boat or whatever????
Now this particular swimming hole (as it were) is listed as being at the foot of . or the bottom of Church Ave,.................. So they must have had a number of these all along the Riverfront,.as it would not have been that expensive to build for the people of the day,..........
Hi.i just got home and looked at this photo i believe this is the old 500 swiming club that island in front is nun's island that bridge in the distance is Victoria Bidge.I was born in 1939.I was always playing along the river. When i was young all that was there was old cement cables etc. good fishing.Also always getting a blast from the parents as there were a lot of obsticals in the water that could grab your feet. A very good friend of my parents and a great swimer drowned there I can't remember the name. This would be at the bottom of third Ave. Leblancs (sp?) warf would be down a few hundred Ft. or less. Always wondered what it looked like great picture thanks Ron
Les, There used to be a Verdun waterpolo club. I imagine before we had the Y this is where they played. You can see the goal at the end of the swimming area. Safe swimming areas in those days usually were a slight bay or inlet where the pollution floated down the middle of the river and the water in that area stayed cleaner. Most important there were no life taking weeds, one of the dangers of swimming in the aqueduct. Also sunning was a big thing. The deck looks perfect for that. Ed
Now this is a very good old Verdun People picture,.................from Cesnakid who Btw provided us with a real good look at the old 'Pav' ............ How's that for a Cool's what his descrption is... This is a photo of me on my Harley.It was taken on Manning Ave. by Clemmie King in 1949 around the time of formation of the Jolly Rogers.I rode this bike until about1952.In 1952 Bob Leggat and I both bought Harley 61s. they had a lot more power and speed than the Harley 45s. Unfortunetly I don’t have a photo of either of these bikes. If any of you old Jolly Rogers have a photo of either of these machines I would appreciate very much if you would let me know through Verdun Connections, Thanks a tank full. Cessnakid3 and a request I guess out to find an original picture of His & Bob Leggat's Harley 61's great to come up with those pics for him snce he got us the Pav shot,,.................
Cesnaskid ,......... this what your looking for ,.but in 'real time' pics of course
Les, We also have this picture of the wharf at the SHGV. I estimate that it is about where the Leblanc wharf was, namely near 1st or second ave. Unfortunatelay, it is not mentioned the local of the wharf. Our only clue is about where nun's island is. Incidentely, the water is very deep not far from the edge of the embankment as I spent many's a time at that area and as a matter of fact, a friend of mine almost drownd there in the late 40s. Guy
Les, Where`s the picture of the pav. ? Guy
Hello Guy i's in the Jolly Rogersd thread I believe,'s has a picture of the building and a great written description of the layout,.from Cesnakid , There is a football team I think it is right in front of the old wooden building ,.but you can see the old wooden window flap ,open above their heads,.and the sign sayin hotdogs,.......10cents, Maybe there will be some more pics to coome of te interior ,but this is a good star
Hi Les Re post 40 tallest bldg in town...The one on 6th was and I am not sure if still is. Do we count Nun's Island if they have one..I remember when a group wanted to split from Verdun and join Mtl..well it worked out that way anyway... Lad
I think the Churches beat them all. From the bell tower of St.Willibrords on a clear day I could see over the roof tops of nearly all Verdun. Ed
No matter when I walk through Verdun, to me , and I know its an illusion , Verdun is still the same to me , and in all truthfullness , I can not think of a better place in the WORLD to grow up . jim
Hi Kungfu Hope to be walking on Wellington St. Thursday night or for sure tomorrow. Gotta check out Grover's. Rex's and so thing that I forgot to pack was the ####camera. Next time. I agree with you not a better place.. Lad
true, Verdun was the best place to grow up in ,always nice to walk around Verdun and think of the days of the past and the good people that came from there.Did anybody ever been in the Old Stone House bldg. on lasalle blv.
I was in the Old Stone House on LaSalle Blvd many years ago, in the 50's...I went to a wedding reception great aunt was getting married...don't remember too much about it.
the oldstone house was built for the war veterans,Crawfordpark was mainly made of war vets..The bldg was used a lot for many things,weddings, social events,cubs,etc etc.Was a place where one could meet good people.
The Crawford Park Youth Association held dances there for awhile in the 60's before they moved to the Y.M.C.A. on LaSalle Blvd.
Johnmelinvin2............. Which Stone House are you speaking about,....... I think HappyDi was referring to the old Maiso Dizier (something like that) but you referred to it as being built for the War Veterans ?? So ,we are not talking about this particular stone house then??? This one was originally built in 1710 (Seventeen Hundred & Ten)......... so this one can't be the same one ,...........Is there another Stone House in Verdun? Somewhere in the confines of the small neighbourhood of Crawford Park.............. I can't think of one myself,........ The one I thought you meant initially on Lasalle Blvd, named "La Maison Etienne Nivard de Saint-Dizier"'s been refinished a few times ,.or given a freshening up face lift,......could that be ,when it was last done ,and in turn used to commemorate Our Vets ??
Les and John...the old stone house La Maison Dizier was a Legion...don't know if it still is or not...and when my great aunt got married there way back when, her husband was a member. The C.P.Y.A. dances were held there too.
Yes I think I did here that at some point Di,.Thanks for the reminder, it's amazing how much use has been had out of such an old building ,....... I wonder how the Big Excavation,.will go ,.and just what may it turn up in terms of historic value,..................... Neat old Building
We at the SHGV are a major promoter of this old building called La Maison Étienne Nivard de Saint Dizier. I have posted many comments on this building in the past, this building was built in 1710 making it the oldest one in Verdun. We hired the well known Verdun Historian, Denis Gravel to make a complete study of the house and his findings are in our files. We received government funds to finance the research. Visits to the site will continue this summer and the archeological diggings will also continue. The building was used as a city warehouse, legion local, dance hall amongs other uses. Guy (Roxboro)
Thanks Guy,.......and you forgot ,also that there is a good picture of it on this years 2007 Calendar from SHGV & the Club Photo de Verdun, (last page,) for those who didn't get one it is a super calendar with a many good photo's from around Verdun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and a brief description of sorts,on each page.................
Dianne, I remember when the CPYA used the old stone house for dances there was a terrible draft on cold nights. We discovered that the fireplaces at each end of the one large room downstairs were open. A draft was coming down one and going up the other. Myself and a lad named Billy Owen (who your husband would remember) blocked them off as they were not being used anyway. Ed
not sure but this is the barber shop i found
on wellington st.
looking at picture 313, is the building
were the vogue theatre was.
look at picture 339, that's the spot
THE HOLE looks like the bushes grew
after all these years.
metalman ~ looks like it was a cold, wet and grey day. Bet you dropped into the donut shop for a cuppa something warm!
not a bad day, little rain, did the tour of taking
pictures to share.
i went to woodlands for my snack
and then order a few pizza's
to take back to ottawa.
also i found that new restaurant, from information
from the vc members to get there.
next time i'll go there, had to leave back to
ottawa, everyone was calling me
waiting for the pizza and spruce beer.
Great pics Metalman Pic No 313, a blue and red building. ? I can't figure out what that place is. Laurie
that building was the vogue theatre in the
pointe, now i think its a recording
studio? picture 313
Thanks I am not too familiar with the Pointe. Verdun doesn't change much. I recognized almost all the places even though I have been away for almost 20 years. Laurie
Hi Metalman That is the right place. Even got an image of Butch the barber and co owner in the picture.. Thank you brother.. Lad P.S. would anyone out there have a picture of the old Verdun Stadium...
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yes that's vch
yes crescendo's, you just drive
by the sign,lots of parking
building looks nice, front of the river
on my hit list is going there with my
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This was the old Diamond Handy Store, that was run and owned by the Sauve's for 20 years. Good friends on mine.
Johnmelvin, Just so no one gets misled. The stone house was not built for war vets, it was there two hundred years before. The house was originally a stopover for the Courers de bois making their way up river to the fur trade area. It was a safe house from attacking indians. Ed
Any kid in Verdun ,would have had to check out under the Champlain Bridge, just because it's there,....same with under te Mercier Bridge,.....and we probably have all walked over most of them ,.......(the Champlain ,only over to Nuns Island of course).........but those were adventures for us kids,........even te ice bridge (near the Champlain had to be explored) I understand it's part of a bike path these days ??? is that right? was always more fun when you weren't allowed or supposed to.........Hell I would bet all of us recieved the daily 'instructions' "Don't go down to the River"......Ok Mom,..(meanwhile your there in 5 minutes....) ...................Ice breaking up and returning to Spring conditions............
Remember when CKVL had two of these amphibian cars,................. ..............They were not a very good car,..........and they were even worse as a boat apparently.................but Looks like the bride is having Fun,....
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back then we had a a&w on church ave
towards the auditorium.
well just like lad wrote its gone now a tim hortons.
on my travels today, with a buddy i saw a a&w
so i went in to get that grandpa burger and
the famous root beer.
yes it tastes the same as back then.
buddy was more interested getting his bike out
then enjoying the a&w.
he understands i don't have a full deck?
here's the pics posted
Metalman You sure get around the old Homestead quite often,........... must be fun,.............. ................the old "root bear' .................hahahahah I have to say I have never really been a fan of A&W,....but I do Remember the one at Church & Lasalle ,well,.as I lived fairly close by,.and I think they were Verdun's first type of drive -in Restaurant............................. Thanks for prompting the old old Memory Banks.......... ___________HF&RV__________
Re: Ruth Armstrong Just a bit of unfinished business. Ruth passed away in December at her home in Florida. She was cremated and is now coming home.. I received this notice from her son today.. ""Arbor Memorial Services Inc. Hello Everyone I am writing to inform you of our dear friend Ruth's Burial that will take Place On May 28th At 3:oo in the Afternoon. I hope All Will be able to attend. But if not it is understood . It will be a grave Site Ceremony Only. Look Forward too Seeing you If you can attend. Love Valerie And Jim Hagar.""
See what's free at
There's some really neat additions to Our pIctures sections (Albums section) Susie for example has some neat shots, from around Verdun,.....this one in particular was neat to see again: The Basement of Willibrord Church I can't quite make out which direction the stage was in,......and I had long forgotten those support pillars,...............but from being a little kid ,and going fishing in that tub of water ,to catch a floating fish with an eyebolt in it,and winning a prize at the Church Bazaar......hahahahah Remember if a real little kid couldn't quite 'hook' a fish,.an arm came out from behind the curtain,to 'help' the kid catch one...........hahahahaha 'Everyone Catches & gets a prize' ......and to think I just thought I was a good fisherman ......hahahahahah ( See Sandy, I didn't mind going ,sometimes...hahahaha) and then as we got a little older ,.the dances that were held down there,and the sneaking a 'mickey ' past the 'chaperones & door security' hahahahah Great Picture Susie ,Thanks for posting it in your album,& sharing it with my memory bank a bit: ..............Also several other additions in the last week or so,........ always worth while to peruse all the links available here on the site,cause you never know what will prompt an old memory.................. ...............Have Fun & Remember Verdun..........................
Les. I won a rabbit at one of those Bazars about where that table is. My mother was not amused. I would go along the street with a leash on it, this lasted for a few days untill we asked if they were really chocolate chips in the cookies. I'll have to go back soon for a visit i don't live that far away. They also had a Golden Gloves match there once.
Carver3570, that's an old memory,..............( and up till now I liked the odd chocolate chip cookie....................hahahahahah I'll be more careful in the future,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I also didn't know about the Golden Gloves being held there: (That goes into my "You learn something everyday" category Incidentally ,.I'm not sure if I have asked you this yet,.but your ID Name , Carver3570, this named after a boat you have,.if so those are great boats...................................... Thanks for the Input,.......... Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Les Carver is for my hobby when i have time. I am also restoring a Victorian house built 1910. That part is nearly finished if i don't have any setbacks. Nine years ago April 1st after the ice storm the river rose up first time in 100 years it set me back a bit it only came up in the basement but ruined some of the wood,tools etc. The Golden Gloves match was organized by Father Brennan(spl.)late1940's.
Yes those floding houses are alot more damaging than some would think,.... We had a lot of flooded homes here on Vancouver Island last winter (frotunately,ours was not one of them,) but I have some friends who had their sump pumps fail (clogging etc etc ) ,.and the actual dealing with a potentially flooding basement ,.as it's still pouring ,and you can see the water rising ,.is a little unsettling ,.as you are working against the clock,and if you can't pump as fast as it comes back in..................well you know what happens,.....I was called over to my sister-in-laws last winter (as mmy brother was out of town)to deal with a stopped pump............summary went over and bought another pump,plugged it in ,and had it do it's work,........... Sounds like an interesting project though ,working on a Victorian Style ,good thing you know how to do that can be quite an art: Good Luck hope you get to finish your project................
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See Sandy "if'" I do make it to more lofty planes,..........then I really can say , I started out on the Ground Floor,.and made my way to the top..... hahahahahahah .............................................pssssst: How many points do I lose,for lighting candles & not paying for them,........................hahahahahaha
Susie this one of the Monument at it's original location ,.in that triangular little park ,at Lasalle & Wellington, priceless.............We've mentioned here on the site over the years ,if anyone knew where that was originally located,.and only a few really Remembered that,......My Mom,.tells me that as a really young kid,just learning to talk,.that we would take the streetcar to go (wherever),.and when we would pass that Monument ,.I would speak out & say Look Mummy there's Jesus.......................hahahahaha & apparently everyone sitting around us would get a laugh out of it too...................hahahahaha I'll have to show here this picture ,and see if she pipes up & tells me that story again,........hahahahahaha Great old Photo,.........and Thanks for posting it in the picture Album...... .................................Have Fun & Remember Verdun................... .pssssssst Sandy ,.see why I didn't make a good Catholic,...I didn't even recognise their leader.............................hahahahahahaha
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Sandy All those candles looks like my aquarium during the ice storm. I put a blanket over it and a lot of candles under. It started to look like Ste. Anne de Breaupre(spl). The police came to the house to make sure i was ok i showed it to them i think they wanted to say a few prayers.
Sandy ,.lights at the Oratory cost me more black marks on my sole ?............ ................(oh oh,.....) hahahahahaha That's a good picture too,..I Remember those ones from before ,.but I'm not sure I still have those,...............didn't I have them along with that 'line-up' for the hotdogs................hahahahaha
Les_F....are you sure you don't mean soul? Black marks on your sole (the bottom of your feet) might be a possibility though, if you were running away from the Oratory! Cheers.
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Your a Funny Girl..................................hahahahahahah but your also right.
mom45 & Sandy ,.........I have always had my own way of redeeming my self,..... without having to do the confession thing.......... You see what you do is mix ,.whatever you like to drink, with a bit of turpentine,.. Because then it not only Hits the Spot, 'removes it'.............. hahahahahahahah HF&RV's a hint.....bleach has the same effect. I know ~ been there, done that!
St.Willibrord's basement is a busy place. The Church itself is a going concern thanks mainly to Father Joe Cameron. Flea markets are held on the first Saturday of each month. They get the biggest crowd in town being between two metros and the use of city wide advertising.
The garage sale (furniture) is on the same day. Clothing sales are every one or two months. We put out thousands of pieces of clothing all in good shape.
Meals are served in the rec hall three days per week. as well as A.A.meetings and choir practice. In the hall beneath the rectory there are meetings for many groups such as Household help for unwed mothers;
Parental support groups; .Parents of twins. etc. On the third Tuesday of each month (I think it is) they give out 400 bags each with ten dollars worth of food in it. The sales pay for this as well as a new roof on the building. Ed
P.S. All this work is done by the greatest army of volunteers you ever saw. Ed
Well not that I'm predjudice either way,............but I really do prefer Large Denominations,....................................and plenty of 'em ................................................................................................................HF&RV .......Yea ,That 's it ,.......That's the Ticket, hahahahahahahah
on my travels today in watertown new york
what a surprise i met happy feet at the mall
later we went for a drink and chit chated for a while
My grandfather came from Watertown. Moved to Montreal long long ago to work for the CPR.
watertown, in the winter time is one bad place to
travel on 81 south.
the snow just comes down by the foot
in no time.
several times i stayed in a hotel for a few days.
nice in summer time, also lots of military there
many fly in from irag to watetown.
metalman, who or what is "happyfeet"?
its a movie that came out called happy feet
its a nice movie for kids and adults.
happy feet is a good dancer, he makes
people happy by dancing.
happy feet had a hard time at the start
just like most of us verduners did.
for the few interested to see happyfeet
pictures- today verdun plus no- 410
back then in verdun, i remember as kids we
would get markers and color our running shoes?
verdun was ahead of its time, the new style of runners
yea- one brand called ice cream
today its the hip hop, clothing eveything coming
this summer's style.
Hi Metalman
Well, no doubt, my grandfather was right at home in the snow when he relocated to Verdun all those years ago.
Now that's a Verdun kid on the front page of the Verdun Connections Remember pulling a sled like that behind you ,..'till you found a suffcient hill to slide down,...........................and also Rememeber sharing your sled or tobogannan,........with others...............All in All ,we weren't a terribly bad bunch were we?? hahahahahhaha We did share..... .............FinnGirl10,/.................... You've made us all Recall: Have Fun & Remember Verdun
the beginning of the Acqueduct: ..............Just a little history of the Acqueduct,........the plan & the building of it,.
Some of the plans & Ideas to start Verdun off,as a Place to move to,...Verdun seems to be going through that same type of resurgence,.as they are now poised to be the 'new' plateau,......and the place to live, value will (or is supposed to) continue to rise, Verdun is strategically placed,.....Not Far from Downtown,.......and yet a compfortable distance from the City's core,.... Nuns Island of course still is very desirable,.and Montreal has tried for years to 'steal' it from Verdun, they can call it Montreal property,.( and they sort have done that) by annexing all the 'borroughs' as they calle them,..........but to us Verdun is always going to be Verdun ,........Nuns Island and all.......... .........................Just some real old stuff from Verdun,............. ...........have fun & remember Verdun............
Les, Those old photos of the beginning of the construction of the Aqueduct would be an excellant acquisition for the SHGV. Again, could you e-mail them to me. Guy
Hello Guy certainly I will do that if you like,.but if you want to save a step,.you can 'right' on your mouse,.then 'save as' to anu folder you like on your computer ,if you want,. Feel free to copy any of those Verdun / Montreal photos,anytime,.......... I think those ones came from the BNQ site ??? ( at least I think that's where it was......but you can go ahead & Save them,..),.. Let me know ,what you decide............ Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Les, Coud'nt be any simpler. The photos are now in my computer. Thanks again. Guy
That Great Guy,.glad it worked out,.................. Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Les Could not find the posting on the United Church in Verdun..On ch 12 at 6 they did a story on the selling off of the United Church on Woodland I am guessing that is the one, to the Buddhists and merging with the United Chruch in Crawford Park.I am not sure but it plays again to-night at 11:30 for those who missed it and might want to see it. Blamed on dwindling membership so it makes sense to merge...times are changing more and more... Lad
The lad, You are referring to the United Church next to the Dawson Cultural Center on Woodland. You mentioned that it has combined with a Buddhist sect, three other catholic churches have suffered the same fate in Verdun, Notre Dame Auxliatrice, Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs and Notre Dame de la Paix who have combined into one large parish. Sign of the times. Here are pictures of the United church I took a couple of months ago at wich time there was a for sale sign. Guy
Guy Yes that appears to be the one. I missed the beginning of the story but it looks like it. Thanks for the photos Lad
In the photo of the United Church on Woodland Avenue......was that not the same church where we used to go on Saturday mornings to the 'movies'? They had a weekly serial of either Hopalong Cassidy or Tim Holt or some other 'western star' and each week it would end in a cliffhanger till the following week....then they had the MAIN feature. I think we paid 25¢ to get in...but maybe it was less than that. judy in NB
Judy. They use to have a Friday night, and 2 Saturday shows at The First Presbyterian Chruch, which was on 5th and Verdun Avenues. It was 25 cents, and of course they had the serial, and the main feature. They also had a little snack bar in the back of the basement where they showed the movies. I was an usher there for awhile.
Winston Allison
Vancouver, Washington
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We had movies in the basement of the Notre Dame Auxiliatrice church at the corner of Bannantyne and Galt and thats where I saw the original 1933 version of King Kong, that would be in the beginning of the 40s. That movie really left a permanent impression on me and I make sure to see it each time it is plaaayed on TV. Guy
Winnie Thanks for reminding me..Sunday school at First Pres. Movies on a Sat. afternoon....if we were allowed on the Friday...saw my Elvis movie there. Love Me Tender...and then someone released a stink bomb....ahh the memories.. Lad
Winnie That should have read my first Elvis movie....Sunday school had the church that lit up when money was deposited in it... Best part was I found out much later on in life I was baptized at St.James United on St.Catherine street. Lad
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