Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What is a billion

Here is another example of what a billion dollars is. If you take $100.00 bills and stack them on top of each other, A million dollars ($1,000,000.00) would be approximately 2 feet high. Do the same thing with a billion dollars($1,000,000,000.00) and the stack would be higher than the Empire State Building..... I told you I have a lot of time on my hands. Another example will be sent out later.... Winston Allison

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les__f MSN said...

Winston ,are you 'stacking your own Bills Again..............hahahahaha now I know I asked you this a few years ago,but sre you sure your not DBCooper,.....they speculate he would have landed ,not that far from your neighbourhood,..........hahahaha

winnie3ave MSN said...

If you took that $1,000,000.00 and laid it on its side you would be 2 feet away from the goal line in football. If you did the same thing with a $1,000,000,000.00, you would be more than 7 footballl field lengths away from the goal line. That being the case........ Taking $100.00 bills and stacking them side by side down that same foot ball field....Bill Gates money from the goal line would be be approximately 333 football field lengths.     Any questions class?????
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les__f MSN said...

Well as Rodney Dangerfield said to his teacher in University,when he kept asking her out,and she kept refusing,because she had a class, He responded with ,"Then Why don't you call me ,when you Have No Class" hahahahahhaha    

winnie3ave MSN said...

Les. I must have been out with a lot of ladies that didn't teach school, because a lot of them had no class at all. Just joking. Every one of them had class written all over them. That is probably why they dropped me....they didn't like me writing things all over their bodies.  


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les__f MSN said...

Especially if all they saw in the mirror when they woke up was                 00.02$    UOI written on the 'good parts'   ....................hahahahaha