Regarding the enclosed photo wich you posted a while back, is this of the Verdun Aqueduct. Also, I have difficulty reading the text. I was going to show this picture in our society's magazine and I wish to publish the translated text. Perhaps you can reproduce the text and I will then translate it. My eyes are not that good. Do you have a clearer picture and where did you find the photo.
Guy I do have those pictures,but can't access them right now,.....I am pretty sure ,that there was 2 or 3 photo's along with that one,..... If I can get them I will send them to you or post them here again,. but yes it is the building of the Acqueduct ,.....as for the site I found them on, I have no idea off hand.,but if it comes to me,I'll post that too!! HF&RV
Ok Guy,....here's some pics,..... I had to search to find the site, but did come across it,so here you go: I posted the picture in both sizes ,.so you could read the print on the bottom,...the rest of the photo's I'll post at a smaller size,.but I will alos add the direct link to the 'Bibliotheque et Archives Nationales' there are a lot of interesting things on this site,......You're most likely familiar with it,.but after seeing as many sites as we do,.it is easy to forget just exactly where we find things.................Enjoy the site: HF&RV .There you go Guy,........plenty to show your friends at SHGV,.and stories to go with it: Now here's the Direct Link to the website, too: http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/massic/accueil.htm Have Fun and Remember Verdun..............................
Here's a neat old shot showing greenhouses in Verdun,...being used by SSBain company...........looks like the old grounds prior to the DIL ammunitions moving in,,,,,,,,,, Anyone know for sure? HF&RV
This is what some developpers originally envisioned for the new suburb of Verdun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Guy and Les does this one help.It is the first pic. i sent hope i dont send my complete hard drive. YIKES.
Attachment: montreal aquaduct proposed plan.pspimage
Hi Carver 3570,......All pictures are good ,..but I couldn't open that one, but I'm not using my home PC, (shouldn't make a difference I think),.but may have something to do with,...... I you have this photo in a folder on your PC,..you can also try adding it in the posted Msg. ( as opposed ) to the attachment type ,that you did use (although that should work too),... when your replying to a post,you see a band across the top of where you type in your Msg. & there's a bunch of icons for (font,paste,emotioacons ....etc etc ,,,,,,,,but also a little yellow square,that has a picture of a Mtn & the Sun if you click on that yellow box,.it will bring you to a window, that gives you a choice to click on a tab saying 'My Computer' if you click on that,another window opens offerring the choice to 'Browse' if you click 'Browse' you can then go to the folder where you have that picture ,.'select ' it,.then add it to the post.////////// It might work better,...You won't have any trouble,just follow the steps,..and you'll get it... Anyone here will give you a hand if need be,.........
Thanks for the input ,(now I'm curious to see the pic)........hahahahah HF&RV
Les. it is the general plan 1870. Proposed aqueduct and the present aqueduct. The pic i sent was from my Corel Snapfire.
Ok like I say it may be that I'm using a wireless laptop,...and just can't open it,....... If others can open it no problem ,.then it's on this end I guess.... HF&RV
Les. Hope this works. Ron.
Nope ,not yet, Welcome to PC glitches............happens to everyone ! I got the familar white box with te little red X,.sometimes we can right click on these X's anf then click 'show picture'.............. doesn't always work either........... Keep trying ............. HF&RV
Les. I was going to print it scan it a send that way. I just ran out of ink in the printer. Will think of something else. Ron.
Ron you can 'copy & paste' the web address ,where you saw the pics,.and ten we can open that and go directly to the site,......You save ink,......better way to go ,,,,,,,,,,, just copy the url & paste it right in te Msg ..... hf&rv
http://services.banq.qc.ca/sdx/cep/pleinecran.xsp?doc=CARTES_PLANS/107719.tif Here goes Ron.
It works .
OK boys, I fill my own cartridges with ink and save a bundle. Is this what you guys do, if not I can help you learn how. Guy
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Guy. To get more ink it is a 50km. trip at 10pm?
Guy is it a messy job? I have been wondering about doing that. All that work i need a glass of water.
Hi Guy, I wouldn't mind a "lesson" to learn how to fill ink cartridges. I know you can get them refilled, but if it's cheaper doing it yourself, then I'm all for it. Claroleca
Carver and Carole, Here is my experience and opinion on filling cartridges. If you only do ocational copies , stick to regular cartridges. You can get generic cartridges at lower prices or you can get your cartridges refilled at even lower prices. The next step would be to refill your own cartridges wich may cost you only a couple of dollars each maybe less than a dollard. Since I make a lot of copies for myself as well as for the SHGV, it makes sence for me to do my own refilling. You can buy a 4 color Universal Refill Kit at either, Wallmart, Future Shop, Best Buy or Staples for appoximately $30.00. It includes small containers of each color, instruction booklet CD disk, syringe, plugs etc. Depending on the type of printer you have, it shoud'nt be too complicated for you to handle. It may take you a couple of times before you get the knack of it but if you stick to it, it will be worthwhile. Cannon have the simplest type of cartridge as you only have to punch in the top plug, refill and put a plug supplied in the kit. Univeresal Inkjet Inc. have the following internet site: http://www.Kalvins.com To recapitulate, if you make many copies, have patience and natural abilities, this may be for you, if not, do not go this route and follow above mentioned options. Guy
Thanks Guy I'm going into town tomorrow. I will get a refill kit i am going to try filling my own cartridges. Thanks Ron.
Ron, Best of luck and let us know how you make out. Don't hesitate to ask if you need advice. Guy
Hi. Guy. Tried that ink refill every thing went ok. I have been wanting to do it for a while i was getting a lot of negative opinions from people. Thanks for the info. Ron.
A photo taken just after completion of the Acquduct hf&rv
Hi Guy, I went & got my inks refiiled instead, it was still alot cheaper than buying them new, and they work good. Thanks for the tip, but guess I don't have the patience to fill them myself.
Les, This is a fantastic photo of the Aqueduc aafter completion. I just published an article in our revue in wich I mention that it was completed in 1856 so we can asume that is the date of the photo. I am making a copy for my file as well as for the SHGV. Thanks again. Guy
I thought I would reprint the Aqueduct bridges from time to time. Guy Here is bridge No. 1, De l'Ãglise bridge:
Merry Christmas to All Members !
This is the way drinking water was distributed in 1914 during the repairs to a main intake pipe of the aqueduct. We should remind ourselves that this is the way water was distributed before we had the aqueduct and modern plumbing and distribution systems prior to 1856 when the aqueduct was completed. Guy This incident happened in front of the Douglas Hospital (La Presse Dec. 30th 1913)
When you think about it Guy,.we've sure come along way,.& we do take a lot of stuff for granted these days,.running water ,plumbing ,..drinking water..... it was not that many years ago ( 20's to 60's ) that some homes around Montreal did not have a bath,.that's why there were several Public Bath Houses around Montreal, like Hogan's Bath in the Point etc etc .........and usually 6 kids in a house was not uncommon,.......Imagine the organization skills behind running a household under those conditions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,We've become very fortunate ,to say the least........... HF&RV
Here's one of the old Public Baths ,. the info says Maisonneuve Public Bath this next one is called Quintal Bath,.....( I never heard of this one),,,,,,,,,,, ....and of course no mistaking this one,.the name on the building is quite pronounced.... Hogans Bath this next one simply named Emard Pubklic Bath Saint Michael Bath ..................and of course there would also have been all the YMCA's & YWCA & YMHA............as well as the public swimming pools equiped with showers & such,,,,,(mind you the Natatorium only appeared on the scene in the 30's .........................it's amazing we had any ancestors......hahahahaha but at least all the BAth's were seemingly spreadout to cover quite a few areas ,in their day & time................................. makes you appreciate ,a shower doesn't it....... ( which many Verdun homes never had for years,..except for those old rubber hoses that attached ( never very well, as they spewed water everywhere from the tap)........hahahaha but it was an old rubber hose from the tap ,.and hooked on a hook on the wall,.......and of course to make the house more 'modern' in those days,.plywood ,would be built around an old clawfoot tub,.to give it that nice squarish modern look,...and a place to put the soap tray/dish,.instead of those old 'wire' soap dishes that hung over the edge of the tub.......hahahaha How's that for an old memory,,,,,,,,,,,(actually wasn't a bad idea,as the bar of soap would dry better & not become a soft pile of soap..... hf&rv
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