Recognise this old Theater,...........................................??
Ahh Yes Back where we started from,.............................I've poste a few Movie spots before,.....but with as many new members as we've had join over the last little while,..maybe some of these will spark a memory or a story or two ,from some ......................................What Montreal Spots ,..would you like to see,...and we'll try to find them for you,.............or better yet if you do have some old Montreal or of course Verdun,shots of familiar old Spots,.......then
let's have a look,..............we'd really appreciate that....................
1 – 200 of 578 Newer› Newest»Who ? Remembers the old parades we used to have through Verdun,...... (seemd really fairly often),....but they always had the Planters Peanut guy usually walking along ( I think that's what I Recall),......and he would throw little bags of 'peanuts' out to all hte kids that lined the streets: found this old photo .......and the credits are obvious ,.apparently paranoia,is rampnat through the Peanut Gallery..........hahahahahah if you have to stick your name all over the photo,...........but I still thought it was neat to see.......
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It's interesting to note how many of those old marquees were taken out by trucks as they got higher in the 40's and 50's. Notice the Dominion Bank next door. It amalgamated wth Bank of Toronto in 54ish. Ed
Les I remember the peanut man. I often wonder how come they could throw peanut out to the crowd then and at baseball games and yet now there is warnings on everything about peanut allergies. Like everything else (riding without helmets, lead paint and eating dirty ice of the ice truck, I guess our generation were survivors ay. Glo
Hi Les - I think theatres are so magical - plus they were a great spot to go necking...but that's another story. I was thinking to 'way back in the mid-50's when I worked at Northern Electric on Shearer Street(mail clerk on the 8th floor)...anyway, on the bus one morning, my girlfriend and I decided that we didn't feel like going to work that day so we stayed on the bus till we got up to St Catherine Street. We went to a pay phone and called our bosses to say we were 'sick'. Of course, we couldn't just wander around(in case somebody from work saw us) on St Catherine Street all went into one of the Theatres to hide(?). In those days, the movies played over and over and over from morning till night. Well, we sat there in the theatre from 10 a.m., ate our brown paper bag lunch of the day, and stayed there till 4:30 p.m.!!! Can you just imagine?!? What a couple of dingbats we were!!!! Anyway our GREAT adventure was very boring, we were terrified of getting caught, and we never did it again!!! Lesson learned - End of story judy in NB
Judy (newfydog9) Now you have our attention,.................what was the Movie......hahahahaha and let me guess you don't rent it nowadays,.after that marathon I bet...... We used to have to hide ,while they emptied the theatre ,so we could stay to see the movie again...........hahahahaha Remember the ushers would walk along with their ominous 'flashlights' and would always give us kids the old "Hey No Running" as we all scurried down the aisles to get the best seat,...usually behind some girl you liked ,to tease them,.instead of letting them know you liked them.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hahahaha
Judy...that's a riot!!! What movie did you see over and over and over again!! Dianne
As I was writing my little "playing hookey" adventure, I just couldn't think of the movie that we had watched over and over - but this morning with a beautiful bright sun shining in a fantastic blue sky, I remembered that it was a 'blood & guts' movie about the Lions and the Christians (it could have been Quo Vadis, but I'm not sure). Anyway as we all know, the Lions usually won(as we were eating our 'brown bag lunch' - very appetizing) except for the big HERO GLADIATOR who was always able to beat off lions, tigers, dragons and anything else that was thrown in his path. I'm going off topic here a bit but I just finished reading Angels & Demons by Dan Brown(excellent read!). Anyway he wrote about some of those Roman "games??" and they were REALLY pretty gory....yuck! Back to movies, does anyone have any favourite movies that they can watch over and over and over?? I'm a huge Julia Roberts fan so I can watch her in anything and everything! I also love musicals like the Sound of Music, Jesus Christ Superstar, Grease, etc..... Have a lovely day y'all. judy in NB p.s. The BIG, BAD, TERRIBLE storm has come and usual....all the dire predictions were over rated. There is SOME snow but not that had changed to rain so there's a hard crust on top of it. Let's hope the sun will do its job today and melt some of it.
I was trying to read the marquee. 3 Names is all I can make out. I looked these names up in IMDB but no luck.
J. Price
Hi Judy.....Yes the storm was highly over rated....we have a few ice covered drifts here too but the sun is shining and it looks like it will be a beautiful day! I remember watching those gladiator movies that Cecil B. DeMille ( I think) produced back in those days....all very gory....remember Ben Hur? That was a good movie in its day. Dianne
well cessnakd3
i enjoyed your picture-- as a little verduner
that was my home and playground.
its all gone now, i sent picture 147
this is how it looks now,
a different tenis court and 2 old age buildings
built from the landfill from the montreal metro
i even remember the wooden staricases
going down to the river bank.
Yes those wooden stairs were always a bit rickety,.amazing they stood so long ,between the normal wear & tear,.and the harsh winters,& frost heaves in the ground,........but they stayed in place for many many yeas,......... metalman (Walter),.... you must have ridden your bicycle down the natural drainage ruts ,that went down each side of teh staircase,.....Same as at Torchy wharf,.it was an exciting ride as a kid,..although only the length of one staircase it seemed like we 'd be going a hundred miles an hour,.and you had to make the turn at the bottom to avoid an uneccessary 'dip' in the drink..... At least at Woodland there was little more ground to work with a make the turn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hahahaha Thanks for the memory prompt:
yes, for sure, its always who's going first?
torchy wharf, was a hot spot, bikes and go carts
all the guy's fishing with the minnows
there was a fellow dressed like popeye
he had a boat, gave out tours on his wooden
boat, docked on the side of the wharf.
winter time was a good spot also
for the winter sports.
Yes metalman .........Who's Going First''''''''''''''''hahahahaha Life has always been about Challenges,.....even if you were a bit nervous to make the run doen the hill,..You Had to do it ,.if someone else went first,........We couldn't chicken out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hahahaha I don't Remember the popeye guy,.but then You & DannyB seem to have a good recollection of stuff ,from when we were all kids,... That's how we learned to take calculated risks......................we were dared to and we had to be able to do it,.we hated not being able to do something,.always wanting to be stronger,smarter,.tougher,......whatever there was to achieve We wanted to prove we could do it & Achieve it: It was amazing how many things we learned we were capable of because we Tried..........................and if we didn't do it ,.We Tried Again Here's something I've posted before,.but it's all about Saying that something Could be Done ...........instead of thinking something Can't be done “It Couldn't Be Done
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.” ..............................Soory for the size of the print but it came out that way, Oh well easier for my tired eyes anyway: Thanks for the memory prompt ,........and Yes I also Remember all those schools of minnows,.....gathering under those old rickety wharfs we used to run on...........................hahahahaha
How about this old Montreal Spot,...........I stiil Remember the address as we must have heard it thousdands of times........ 405 Ogilvy Home of CFCF,...........................Remember the news PULSE.............
Hi Les & Di - I tried and tried to remember the name of the movie..but....all I can remember is that it was one of those Lions vs Christians movies (could have been Quo Vadis but not sure) which were popular for a period of time. Those poor Christians didn't have a snowball's chance in hell against the Lions...except for the big hero Gladiator who managed to beat off all the lions, tigers, dragons and whatever else was thrown his way! All of this was very appetizing(NOT) while we were trying to eat our 'brown paper bag lunch'.....yuck! To go off topic a bit, has anyone read Dan Brown's Angels & Demons??? He goes into a bit of detail about the Roman Games way back then.....they sure sounded pretty gory! It was really a great book though!!! Back to movies, does anyone have any favourite movies that they never get tired of watching over and over and over. Me? I love Julia Roberts in anything and everything and never get tired of watching her movies. I also love musicals like Sound of Music, Grease, Jesus Christ Superstar. Ciao y'all. judy in NB
Hi Judy & Les:.....Do you remember the movie Spartacus? That was another 'throwing the christian to the lions' big epic movie back in the 60's. People were/are so inhumane.... Last night we watched the movie Back to the Future with Michael J. Fox and I'd seen that one a couple of times. Not because I think it was a good just happened to be on late and there was nothing else.....Usually I see a movie once and that's about it. I like romantic comedy and a good thriller is fun. And we also like Julia Roberts. We are going to see the movie 'Wild Hogs'. It sounds like it will be a fun movie and since my husband loves motor cycles and got one late in should be lots of laughs. Dianne
Yes Spartacus,......................very long movies in those days,.like the ones that will be coming up soon for Easter,.........Moses (Charlton Heston??),.and I think all those old Cecil BDemille movies cast of thousands Remember also the old theaters wee very compfortable to sit through an Epic like those,..........nowadays the seats are like a park bench,I Remember watching Oliver Stones movie JFK............. 3 and a half hrs. Halfway through I wanted to shoot him..............hahahahahah
Les, remember when they used to have an "intermission" so we could find the feeling in our legs again, stock up on popcorn and "take care of business"? I wonder why theatres don't take advantage of such a "concession" gold mine with some of the longer movies coming out again?
Maggie the movies today are too pricy. My son goes to see a movie and it cost me $25.00 by the time he leaves the house. Admission a drink and popcorn and if he is taking a girl I have to just about sell my car to pay.
Maggie Mck ,..............Yes I do Remember the intermission,........but I hadn;t thought of that in years,................True there was always the beeline for refreshments & relievments..........hahahahahaha but the refreshment breaks were too make money for the Theater, as DannyB says,'s cost 's an arm & a Leg before you get there,........They want you in & Out ....... Yup the world has gone mad........................................................................
When I was out on Lake ST Louis last week with my son and two grandsons , I asked my son how much the minnows cost, he said four dollars a dozen and I said wow that is expensive , he said not really dad If the boys go to a movie on Saturday , it costs 20 bucks each, just like danny said , so my son said its a bargain to get all this fresh air and not realy that expensive , boy have things changed . jim
Danny B - You are so right!! Going to a movie here in Saint John usually costs $9.75 per person. Since we are seniors, our tickets cost $5.50 each. Then if you go to the Concession stand for some munchies, it costs another $20.00. I just can't understand how families can afford to go to the theatres any more - the cost is out of this world!!! No wonder places like Blockbusters, etc are so busy! judy in NB
Jimmy kungfu,.you grandsons sound smart ,.figuring out where to have fun, for less D0-Re-Mi,.................. ( thanks for the msg Btw)
I Imagine a little of this is going on right now,................. Montreal gearing up for a great summer,.................. Lucky you if your alreadt there,.or going to be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Have Fun .........................if any of you find yourself doing this activity above,.I hope you think of us poor folk,........having to visit Montreal via the Internet: Cheers !!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a Nice Frosty Mug,on a hot day ....................ahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! bottoms up,............ HF&RV
I think this is soon to be history isn't it?? .......................................or is it another roadway in Montreal,.they are in a state of change these days ,.new infrastructure money I guess,.rebuilding the City???
Or is it this section that's slated for removal?????? hf&rv
Ahh the old Dorchester Blvd........................................ ,,,,,,,,real early 60's it looks like,..................................... ............HF&RV
The opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway,...............quite a huge project .and it did a lot in te way of allowing goods to be brought in from all over the world,.& distributed throughout North America,.................. Remember when two countries ,could actually do a Joint Venture ,that was Good for the People,.........9doesn't seem to happen to often anymore) ...........I can Remember going over to the observation tower at the Saint Lamvert Locks,.and watching a ship go through the locks,.........Seems simple,......but it was something to Engineer at the time:
Canada is the America's 'largest' trading partner by far, and the seaway has a great deal to do with it. If I can dig up some facts I'll send them on.
Second Avenue.
Yes Bill (biking2006),.your right Canada & the USA are Huge Trading Patners something to the tune of 12 billion $'s a day,.......... So the Seaway was great for both countrry's ,..but I believe the two countries do more actual Trade with each other 'via' Trucking,............If you've ever driven from Chicago up to Detroit,...and saw the amount of Trucks travelling those Highways,'s Mind Boggling.////////there are truck stops all along the highwa that accomodate 1000 trucks or more,.....and geerally if your in a car on those routes ,.you are probably the only's absolutely Amazing,. ...The Seaway allows goos from all over the rest of the wordls to travel far enough inland to bring the other goods from all over the place: I'd like to see more Joint Ventures of the Seaway magnitude,.to help bring us (NorthAmerica) back to the top of the 'inovative heap'........Right now China 7 some other countries,.are building incredible things,.....and we've sort of been resting on our old achievements,..........It's time to spend some money on the 'Rebuilding of North America' ..............Remember when it was a real adventure to travel by road .................. "See the USA,in your Chevrolet"......... We've sort of lost a little of our lustre ,What do you think?? ................Maybe that could be the new Platform of a Political Party,..... Spend Money Here First,............................We have become a 'Consumer Society' and now rely on other Country's to manufacture &* produce our much sought after goods,.....................We used to Produce & Manufacture many things that made us the envy of the rest of the World..............'s China's turn for a while I guess,......... I wonder what kind of Mega Project ,we could take on,.that would help us all again...??? Although Inovation & Technology does come mostly from here,.we get it built elsewhere............................... HF&RV
---WANTED--- Basic SPELLING TUTOR,.......urgently needed,on Canada's Westcoast, Les_F with resume...... hahahahahahah Man I was sure I had typed in every letter ,for every word, my previous post,......but upon reading it over ,I missed quite a few letters........................hahahahahaha
Hi Bill ,'s some figures that support our thoughts as to trading partners,..........China is closing in fast,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, YIKES, Canadian-based businesses enjoy a unique open trading arrangement with the U.S. while at the same time taking advantage of Canada's competitive business costs.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Trade Stats Express, 2006 (3/2007)
% of Total Merchandise Imports - Top 10 2006 country Percent Share Canada 16.36 China 15.51 Mexico 10.69 Japan 7.98 Germany 4.80 U.K. 2.88 South Korea 2.47 Taiwan 2.06 France 2.00 Venezuela 2.00..................... USA's Major Trading Partner
% of Total Merchandise Imports - Top ten 2006
Canada and the U.S. are each other's largest single trading partners
Les. #29. It looks like that is the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce building under construction. Although I worked at the Montreal and Canadian Stock Exchanges when I got out of The Marine Corps, that is where Our office for Dominion Securities was. That was in 1964.
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Winston Your probably right on the money,........... .......................???
Meant to ad this view too....................... tour CIBC
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Sorry about some of that gibberish,.2/3 rds of the way down te previous post,....I thought I had gotten all of it,.......
Maggie. Dominion Securities had the entire 30th floor, plus they also had a mailroom on the 41st floor. Quite a view!!!!!! Thanks for the pics, Les.
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Maggie. I worked for Dominion Securities from 1964 till Dec. 1972. I left, to return to the USA. I always intended to move back to the States, but wasn't in any hurry. When we english people were told that we had to take 6 months French immersion courses, and speak only French after that, and that ALL things taking place on the exchanges would be strictly in French, or else. The writing for me was on the wall. I did not feel like being dictated to by the new government. No one on the exchange, or Dominion Securities ever said that this was the case, and never even mentioned it. It was the PQ who made that decision. It was not for me. Sat down on a Sunday in late Noivember, and decided we would leave May 1st of 1973. Then I changed my mind, and said why wait. Went in the next Morning and told them I was leaving in 2 weeks. I have not regreted it in the least.
See what you’re getting into…before you go there
Montreal Bakery celebrates 50 years ,....... Saint Viateur Bagel Co. Vienna to Montreal: brief history of the bagel 1683: To thank the king of Poland for protecting his community from invading Turks, a Jewish baker in Vienna creates a small bread in the form of a stirrup - "beugel" in German - because the heroic monarch is an avid equestrian. 17th and 18th centuries: Bagels are gifts offered to new Polish mothers upon the birth of their children and are used as teething rings. In Russia, where they are called "bubliki," bagels are said to bring happiness and believed to have magical power because of their circular shape. 1915: Isadore Shlafman immigrates to Montreal from Kyiv and opens a small bakery on Roy St. 1919: Shlafman launches the Montreal Bagel Bakery in a laneway off St. Lawrence Blvd. 1950: Shlafman opens Fairmount Bagel Bakery. 1957: Shlafman's son, Jacob, and Majer Lewkowicz, a Holocaust survivor from Poland, open a bagel bakery at 263 St. Viateur St. 1959: Fairmount Bagel closes; Isaac Schneider joins Shlafman and Lewkowicz at the St. Viateur bakery. 1960: Shlafman and Schneider leave St. Viateur to open a bagel bakery on Darlington Ave. 1961: Shlafman opens Van Horne Bagel. 1962: Joe Morena, 14-year-old son of an immigrant construction worker, gets a summer job making St. Viateur bagels. 1974: Joe Morena becomes Lewkowicz's partner at St. Viateur Bagel. 1979: Irwin Shlafman, Isadore's grandson, reopens Fairmount Bagel. 1995: Morena buys out Lewkowicz and becomes sole owner of St. Viateur Bagel. 1996: St. Viateur Bagel & Cafe opens on Mount Royal Ave. 2001: A second St. Viateur bakery/ cafe opens on Monkland Ave. in Notre Dame de Grace. ..............For the full story from this mornings Gazette: ....................also a Slide Show entitled the Hole Story:
You may have to be a subcriber to the Montreal GAzette,.to get the Slide Show,. and narration,............... if you can't see it,.Here's basically How it goes,..........start with Dough ,shape it ,make sure there's a hole in the middle (no funny comments......hahaha) bake the thing ,.sell it ,.do this for 50 years ,...then 'repeat' It's a Bagel for J's sake,..what are you expecting ,.it's not the space shuttle: hahahahahaha....................but it's a Montreal Deal,..................... picture lot's of these,moving on a conveyoor belt; (move your head back & forth quickly,'s sort of the same thing) ...........Ok start moving your head hahahahahaha HF&RV
Ok West Island ,................a few of us made our way out there,on a number of occasions,...................there was plenty of watering spots along the way ,.especially if you chose the more scenic LAkeshore Blvd: I'm sure a few of you recognize this spot,.......(although it never looked this modern to me) A lot of 'stuff ' for sale here ,most was never on any Menu................. ......................................Ahhhh a pitcher of Beer,..........or some of Pakistan's or Afghanistan's ..................gross domestic products........hahahahahahha Here's also a list of names of some other West-Island watering holes (although I do not recall all these names ,.I suspect some have changed names over the years,.......................but here goes: The Maples (Pointe-Claire) The Edgewater Inn, and The Marina (Pointe-Claire) The Pioneer (Pointe-Claire) I saw April Wine there many times. Shawn's Pub (Kirkland, off of St. Charles Blvd.) (It's a raid!!! was often heard.) Quai Sera (Ste-Anne de Bellevue) Annie's (Ste-Anne de Bellevue) Cousineau's Tavern (Ste-Anne de Bellevue) No women allowed and the pickled tongue was to die for Cheers (St. John's Blvd.) Chi Chi's (Margaritas and Nachos) (St. John's Blvd.) Chez Paul (Pierrefonds) The Manoir (Pierrefonds) The Residence / Rez (Pierrefonds) I love the "It's a Raid was heard Often"...............hahahahah That reminds me of the Good Old 'Fifty Club' Lasalle ,3rd & Centrale,above the IGA,.........also conviently diametriclly opposed from the Centralle Pizza,......................which actually was very good in it's day......... (I wonder if it's still there ,...???/ 'Centralle Pizza' not the '50' ,....that has been gone for years,............. Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Someone helped me a few years ago in recalling the name of a Discoteque in Dorion,.just across the bridge from Ile Perot ( Pincourt actually) ,my girlfriend and I used to go to this place which would have been on the South Side of the 2/20 as it went thoruhg Dorion,.past the Vaudreill Inn, was a happenning spot for quite a while,........Was it something like 'le Rendezvous' or something like that,......noe I know I posted a picture a while back of the old Dubois owned Strip Bar which changed it's name to the Rendevous, I'm not mixing them up,.............I just thought the name of the one in Dorion or Vaudreilll was nmaed something like that.............................Anyone recall??? have fun and Remember Verdun
There must be a few of you who were in the '50' club when a raid would happen,...too Lights Come on,.Bar is closed,.......nobody moves from their seat,..and a whack of cops pile in and start roaming around the place,...... (so I've heard).........hahahahahahAnyone come up with the name for the nightclub in Vaudreil or Dorion,.it was a hot spot for a while....... I read the list of names over again,.and some I just don't recall,.but after 30+ years away,.I guess many have changed names,....but I still see the Manoir listed,............standing the test of time.I guess:
here's 'How to spend Happy Hour on Montreal's WestIsland (did we need 'help' for that)...............hahahahahha anyway this critique mentions a few of the upholstered sewers ,.we mau have frequented,.although the names have changed (to protect the guilty ,I suppose) hahahahahah If you're an English-speaking Montrealer and no longer a student, there's a good chance you live on or near the West Island (the term west being a relative thing, since geographically the West Island is actually south of Montreal, but who's counting). While many people still like to affirm their distance from middle-age by making occasional forays to downtown clubs, most of the time West Islanders are stuck with a few lame nightspots in their own neck of the woods. Loud pick-up joints with bad music and questionable lighting abound. If that's your scene, Bourbon Street on Sources Boulevard (for real suburban amusement, keep an eye out for Comedy Fest night or the occasional visit by the Chippendales) is the place to be. To be fair, Bourbon Street does get decent bands from time to time and their happy hour1 prices can't be beaten (though you have put up with a fair share of salesmen in bad suits and big-haired secretaries). Cheers on St Jean is a close second in this category, though substitute annoying punk teenagers for the salesmen and secretaries. For something slightly different, shuffle past Cheers and head over to Marlowe's (located in the same strip mall). If you're hungry, you're in luck, because the food won't kill you and it'll taste better than the happy hour slop at Cheers or Bourbon Street. They've got a great selection of micro-brews on tap and the crowd is slightly more sophisticated than those in the aforementioned hang-outs. It does get crowded during happy hour, though - but maybe you enjoy standing navel-to-crotch with cruising single professionals. If not, you can always head over to Boomer's on Lakeshore Drive in Pointe Claire Village. Happy hour is usually animated, but reasonable and they have great bands in the evening (R&B, jazz, world music). And if you prefer something more lively, you can walk across the street to Clyde's, a big barn of a place that has an inviting bar with a fireplace to take the chill out of winter evenings. The place fills up with kids to see their greasy punk bands in the evening, though, so you probably don't want to hang out there all night. 1 Happy hour does not always happen at the same time - it differs from bar to bar. It's not unheard of for a happy hour to last 180 minutes in some cities
Wayne your headed to the west island soon,.and I mentioned the BarBBarn has a location out there ,it's on Sources Road,.......... I have never been in that one,.but I would suspect that they must be as good as Downtown (used to be ,at least) Don't forget to checkout some of those Happy hour places........hahahaha just for Nostalgia purposes of course!!
Hey this spot in StAnne de Bellvue looks like it may be alright ,it's billed as a 'resto/bar'.....looks nice near the water for a stroll after dinner,.....or whatever,.seems you can arrive by boat as well,.Maybe there's a neat tour ,that can be had out onto LacStLouis or shoot the rapids or something,.........?? Here's 'Annie's ' website
Sorry Les, I beg to differ about the location of "the West Island". If you google DDO and then refer to the Compass, DDO and PointClaire are on the Western most part of the Island of Montreal. LaSalle is on the Southern-most tip of the Island.
Here's a follow up ,to the post #46, Here's an aerial of the famous old watering hole,.......... ......The Inn burnt down ,in Feb 1985 (under suspicious circumstances) ..........................................Generally known as 'Financial Combustion' hahahahahahaha .................................................Montreal was always famous for having fires,...............and there were many stores that seemed to have their 'Fire Sales' three weeks 'before' the Fire...........hahahahahah Here's a shot of the waterfrong beach in front of the old Inn, and a picture from inside ,......... The picture on the right ,was also in the previous post #46.but it comes as a twin 'comparison' shot sort of a Then & Now The Original Inn: 1925ish Here's an excerpt from a page all about the Inn: In fact, the Maples Inn burnt down under suspicious circumstances on February 8, 1985. The neighbours had champaign ready. Condos now stand on the spot...if the residents listen carefully late at night, they can still faintly hear "Smoke on the Water"... .....................................................Noone was sad to see it go I guess,........hahahaha I sure would not have wanted to be a neighbour to that place,.especially early 70's...............Yikes !!!! here's the webaddress if you want to read the whole story,....... ........................................................What other spots were out there? HF&RV
Les_F....Centrale Pizza is still there, the last time I was back in Mtl. two years ago. Laurie
Les, Thanks so much for posting pictures of the old "MAPLES INN". It sure brought back some wonderful memories. My husband and I spent many a Saturday night in there, we had wonderful times...they always would have a good band, along with a girl singer. Remember George Walker, we would see him there often, also at the Vaudrieul Inn, in Pointe Claire We also would go to El Paso in Lachine, and dance the night away...Thanks again for helping me recall such great memories...feels like it was just yesterday.
Hi Rosemary i remember all those places also
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rosemary133"
To: "Verdun Connections"
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: Montreal Spots
New Message on Verdun Connections
From: Rosemary133
Message 55 in Discussion
Les, Thanks so much for posting pictures of the old "MAPLES INN". It sure
brought back some wonderful memories. My husband and I spent many a Saturday
night in there, we had wonderful times...they always would have a good band,
along with a girl singer. Remember George Walker, we would see him there
often, also at the Vaudrieul Inn, in Pointe Claire We also would go to El
Paso in Lachine, and dance the night away...Thanks again for helping me
recall such great memories...feels like it was just yesterday.
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Ah yes, Les,
Thanks for reminding me: Dutch Mason Blues Band, and Matt Minglewood (Whiz Kids), among others.
Les Just saw on CH. 12 Orange Juliep is 75 to-day.... Think I saw a picture posted once before...have you got one? Lad
the lAd: \
Happy 75th birthday,'s a night shot ................................................certainly a very recognizable Montreal Landmark Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Want something to do for the summer..........hahahahaha
YEAR: 1932
Les Thanks feel like cruising there now.... Lad
We almost lost the 'Orange Julep' thanks to Drapeau. He called it an eyesore and tried to have it bulldozed. It cost Mr. Gibeau $25,000. to fight in court. He said. "I was living in at at the time the bulldozer arrived. My children being in bed upstairs was what stopped them." He got an instant injunction to stop the process and then fought for 25 years until he finally won. Ed
Remember as a kid riding a bike across this bridge: it always seemed incredibly high ,.especially when,a ship passed under it,on the StLambert side: The Jacques Cartier Bridge...............and the one time gateway to the old Fort on Saint Helen's Island,.......................of course access was greatly improved with the coming of Expo67 ,.....40 years ago ....Yikes !!!! HF&RV
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There is no picture in the last 2 messages for me.
Hi Maggie I just checked them & I can see them,.it's the same picture in both ,.but however if you 'right click' then 'click properties' it should show you te URL,.then 'copy & paste' in the URL field,..and it should take you directly to the site where the picture is: Try it ,.hope it works,....... I notice earlier in this same thread where I had some pictures of te Maples Inn,.....they too can't be seen,.......?????????? Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Les, I have the same problem. I went to Properties but there is no provisions to alter URL as you suggest. Guy
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Ha hahaha I just clicked on the same address ,.and it comes up on my screen 'Forbidden' .................may have to shorten up the address,..... or I'll find the origianl site again and post it directly from there.........Sorry 'bout that Chief...........................................
Ok Here's another photo of Dorchester........hope it can be seen by most of you ....well so far so good: Hope it stays
Now here's that other picture one more time:
Recognize this,.......we had pictures of Hires earlier in this thread & Orange Crush Bottling Co. (an old building),. so here's a couple of pics ,.with an write up that came with it? Kids..sorry to break it to you but.this is your future....
Young students on a tour of the Coca Cola bottling plant, likely the one on St. James West in NDG where the Reno Depot now sits. (The one on Jean Talon near Victoria - where the Valu Village is now - was a Pepsi plant). It was around at least until 1986. Loyola bought the land - a sprawling swatch alongside the tracks - intending to build a skating rink but only ended up putting a soccer field there, they sold the rest off. ..................................Hopefully this one stays Visible:
Tewnty Years ago July 14th 1987,..............the Decarie was more like the Lachine Canal.................................I didn't Rememeber this ,.....but I guess I would have been aware of it,.as i usually hear what's going on ........... ........but check it out .........things that gets me is ,.....don't they warn people a little ahead of time before getting this many cars on the Hwy?.................................
Wasn't sure if this was the right spot for this picture ..............Are these Montreal Spots................................hahahahaha Have Fun & Remember Verdun ps: Try Counting the Black Spots......................................
I Remember that many Montreal (Night) Spots,.always had great musicians & of course many had some of Montreal's beautiful women .......... Could this be a good Logo ,promotinh both ??? ..What do you see,................... A Musician ,.....or a Beautiful Women ? or Both ? HF&RV
Hi, just to note that some of the pictures and text from this thread were taken from our site, please feel free to check it out, we've got tons more stuff than that, often about Verdun.
Yes I see that some of the pics have gone to cyberspace again,'s odd some stay ,.some don't ....... Even when posting the url from the properties,it didn't bring back the picture ,.so that was ,as I mentioned ,a few posts back the next option to post with the picture,a webaddress too,....... I see Kristian Gravenor who writes for the Mirror ??? is on there ,I think he started that coolopolis site,.didn't he,.? or JD Gravenor,....we have referred to it in the past ,a few times,..........worth a visit,... HF&RV
Another view of the old Lookout ,.....on Mount Royal,.............that is one large building,......and nice masonry work,....... ......everone always seemed more formally dressed,....... ....ahh the times they are a changing....... have fun & remember Verdun
This beautiful old building ,was once a Restaurant on Ile St Helene ----It's name was Helene de Champlain,..... I actually do not Remember that ,.but some of you may, looks a lot like the building that housed the change rooms & showers,.for the large Montreal Swimming Pool ,.which was also on the Island,............... I Remember the Fort of course and the Swimming Pool building ,..but I don't Remember this building,.........................Quite a Nice old Building ------
Here is a shot of the interior of the Helene de Champlain Restaurant .........................Look at the work in that Floor to Ceiling Stone Fireplace .........I'm gonna go out on a limb here,.and suggest that ,you couldn't get a Steamie ,....or a Viande Fumer, this place,.....hahahahaha ------Have Fun & Remember Verdun-------
Les, I ate there once, a long time ago, I think it was our wedding anniversary. I believe it was owned at the time by Pierre Marcotte and Shirley Th챕roux, two local entertainers. Guy
It sure is a nice looking place, must have some interior pictures ? It looks very Fancy,............. Hope you had a nice anniversary celebration there,........... Is it still around (as a Restaurant)? HF&RV
A hot time in the old town (lastnight): Seems someone doesn't like the StJmaes Pub ?? .or could it have been the old Montreal variance application, or just plain old 'Financial Combustion'...........who knows? here's an article from this mornings Gazette: Pub St. James struck by arson The GazettePublished: 18 minutes ago Montreal police took over an investigation into a fire at Pub St. James early Friday when it became clear it was started by an arsonist. The fire started about 3:50 a.m. while the bar on St. Jacques St. was closed and no one was inside. After the flames were put out, firefighters discovered a broken window and traces of an accelerant on the floor, police said. There were no witnesses to the arson attack. Damages to the establishment are fairly serious, police said.
.............................................................................................................................. Remember how many fires there were in & around Montreal,........seems there always something to drag out those firetrucks,..Yikes !!! HF&RV
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This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
Hi Les, Can't see the last few pics? Can you e mail to me or? Tks Montreal Good Times
Hi Montrealgoodtimes I will post the link where I fpound them. I really don't know why some pics show for some ,but not everyone.... I wonder if it's got something to do with how the VC msg's are recieved,...perhaps throughemail doesn't work.??? I have to figure that one out,.cause I review each post before hitting send & I see the pics.........hahahahahah Maybe I should be in a movie"I see old pictures'...........Ok dead people I know,......... Here' you go: .................In a few days or so i will most likely remove these ,as it eats up storage, Save them if you like ,....and Thanks for asking so quickly ,.cause i may not have known that they didn't show up the first time.............................. HF&RV
Hi Montrealgoodtimes,......... I'm sorry i thought I added the other photo too,...but I see there is only the one of the laneway with all the clothes on the line.Here is the Street shot ,(hhope this one shows) Seems like it's (circa 1971 -ish ???) I did join the Coolopolis site & thought that may make a difference in getting & posting pics,....I will try harder to figure this out: HF&RV
Hi Les, Tks for reposting, I see them now. Just a few doors to the right of Loews Theatre is a restaurant I worked at Murray's. Montreal Good Times
Hey Les, those clothes on the line sure brings back memories, it must be summertime, as the clothes do not have that solid-frozen-look...... cookie
Do you think that the people living in the bottom flats still lose clothing off their lines? It was one of the few drawbacks to living on the bottom flat.
Just another old shot around the Train Station........... some of you may Remember these places,.......or have seen them in your travels,.maybe you were in the car with your Dad,..or on the Streetcar with your Mom,.....In any case ,it's just an old building to us now: .......advertising the CNR..........(that was a big deal in those days) HF&RV
and another old advert,......................... ........Railways- Airlines ........Steamships- Hotels ........Express - Telegraphs --------Looks like they had all the bases' covered in those days,................... HF&RV
Look at the people lined up for a 'boatride' in Lafontain Park I Remember going there as a little kid,................... it was always an adventure seemd like a day long deal,Bus's Streetcars,.whatever we took, but it all culminated in what we thought was a great adventure ,that tired us out at he end of the day,.........but it seemed to last so long,.Funny Our perception of time ,as we grew up,......Summers were forever.....until that last few days before the dreaded Back to School,........and reuniting with some old friends,.and making new ones,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...............YIKES , only a few weeks for the kids of nowadays to get Back to School........................hope they all had fun: HF&RV
Remember going to Gare Centrale, a kid this was a cool spot to see,.... Central Station,. .....Remember going down those stairs or escalators................................ Mansfield & Dorcester side............................... ........the Northwest Elevators & Stairs,.........this was a large building Remember taking shortcuts ,.to avoid outside winter weather,..and riding these escalotors ,.or sliding down,....or the conventional walking down the stairs: a neat old place in Montreal -----Have Fun & Remember Verdun
These were about as common as a yellow cab is in NYC these orange trucks were all over the city,........................ helped unload a few of these baby's from time to time..........(all on the up & up of course).................hahahahahaha maybe I didn't my memory's getting hazy these days,........and sometimes (to borrow an Ollie North line) .. " I don't 'recall " hahahahahaha HF&RV
The original Ogilvy's Flour sign: then became Red Roses? and wasn't it a Robin Hood at one time????? ..........have they decided on whether to keep it ,refurbish it,.or remove it Yet? HF&RV
This shot incorporates another view of Our favourite Main Street anywhere,..... Saint Catherine Street ,..another night shot in B&W,... (I like these old StCatherine street pics,.....i guess you've noticed).hahaha this one includes for the Tram / Streetcars afficianado's,.....a tram too !! .What a great looking street, always felt like an event of sorts to get to go Downtown at Nightime................. HF&RV
How about just a picnic on StHelen's Island for a days outing,.............. and seeing the Fort,.& the Museum,.........seemed like cool stuff as a kid,.looking back at Montreal's Skyline,.from such an old place, was like looking at the future from the old Fort over to Montreal, Picnics........................does anyone do that these days,......? HF&RV
Hi Les
Great pics...was there last night...was on those stairs...although they have been changed and updated...the elevator is still there, but the scenery around it is much fact the whole station is is nice though...the only things that are exactly the same are the stairways to the trains and the place where the pay-phone are...there are mega stores there, lots of cafes'...but still has that home-coming feeling...Later
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Yes I could see boutiques ,.in the concourse building,......Montreal is the City of Boutiques & Bistros.........................Great memories,..... Nice to hear that some of the stuff is the same,.and I can understand completely that 'Homecoming Feel' .............a place we know well HF&RV
Hi Les ... your pics always stir so many memories for me .. the York theatre rings a bell but I can't quite place where it is located.... The Loews is a special memory for me ... I went to the "premiere"of the movie Picnic and Kim Novak was there in person ... I was standing almost beside the car as she got into it ... one of the most exciting things in my life as I still haven't got over it lol Was in 1956 I think.
Les Picturte Lowes theater & Maroon club next door, remember taking a small elevator to get into club, the band leader had a pet skunk.
A couple more shots of Saint Catherine Street,......... one loooks more like an artist rendition> but neat to see the old street lit up....................these are colour shots,......I prefer B&W's from this era,...but at least you will see & recognize a lot of the signs,,,,,,,,,,,,& stores........ Hope these stay shwoing,..........if not here's the URL HF&RV
Another spot from days gone by,............................(we've posted it before,but I just came across it again,...and thought with all the new members over the last year or so,.that this was worth posting again,..........and stir some old memories of 'grad' parties,...or just 'a night out on the town' See what you think? and here's the link,....just in case the pictures don't stay visible have fun and remember Verdun
Coloured shot of StCatherine St at night,.......(again.....hahahaha) ......................and there's the direct link ,should the photo not be visible or just disappears. again.................... havefunandrememberVerdun
Hi Les, Great pic! I worked at Murray's Restauant 1966 also the one on Sherbrooke St. West. ( wish I had a pic of that location. My mom worked at Loews just around WW2 time. We just returned from a week in Las Vegas 104 deg, We were going to go to Montreal but changed plans. Today at Costco Vancouver 6 pak of Dunn's smoked meat $14.29. Just had 1 sandwich 2 pickles and a couple Heineken. Almost as good as being at Dunn's ! Maybe the wrong beer? Montreal Good Times
Hi MGT oddly enough Teresa & I had some smoked meat sandwhiches Friday night as I still had a vaccum sealed pkg,.the my friend brought back for us a week ot so ago: Fantastic,..,...stuff,.bought some good rye bread (from Safeway of all places).........but it was a great snack/supper I seem to Remember getting some Montreal Smoked meat a few years ago at a Costco over here on the Island,..and I think it was a 'Coorsh Brand' but it was the real mckoy............and we had it sliced up just right,.and steamed it nicely,.( as well as the bread of course)..............but I haven't gotten it from thee in years,,don't know if they even have it anymore,.but I will checkout the Dunn's stuff,,,,,,, might be just the right 'fox' every so often....Thanks for the info: Btw: don't eat any carrots from Costco....just saw on the Global news from Vancouver (your neck of the woods)........that there's some problem -recall- ???? Why anyone would buy produce from Costco I don't know,...but I have found their Meats to be pretty good,.....not cheap,.but good stuff,.....and that is worth it, I'll try to find some Murray's Restaurant pictures,.....and I have searched since you first mentioned it,......but what you see is all I've found so far....................................................................... Glad you got a decent Smoked Meat,.....and relived an old Montreal Standby......hahahaha Now if we could only find some 'real' Spruce Beer................ I've got the making of Steamies down pretty good,........and even found some Weston's Toasted Hot dog buns out here years ago,........Remember those sort of the 'rettarded cousin of a normal hot dog bun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hahahahaha also I've got Pizza's down fairly well too.................. Btw ,.....if you like Magnan's Stuff, can order some of their stuff 'to go' like their PepperSauce,........I generally get a buddy of mine to ship us a contaner sometimes,.....sure makes a Steak :................... ...check out their Menu if you like HF&RV
Does this place Qualify as a Montreal Spot ?? Remember this place........................................... HF&RV
How about this look at the same area: Ahh I'm sure more than just a few of you can recall ,........visiting maybe the Carabiniere (Carb),.........or maybe the Maiden Head Pub,............ or maybe you just got on the Metro...................................What Say You? Have Fun and Remember Verdun
the first picture in this thread is the York,............. and this is an added shot fromlater years It sure looked better with old facade...........................I wonder why they wouldnt just refurbish the frontage ,.........instead of changing it all together,and then losing it all together,,,,,,,,,,,Sometime it might be smarter to maintain the past ,than take a risk of losing it all together for a completely different look...................................... WSY(wha say you??) Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Les, The same can be said about the former theatres in Verdun. Of the original 4, there remains the original Savoy and Palace theatre buildings wich were modified. The Park ave burnt down and rebuilt and is now a children day care centre (Garderie). The fifth ave was also completely rebuilt. I have previously posted pictures of these theatres wich most old nostalgicVerdunites will remember. There are no more theatres in Verdun. Guy
Movie theaters are a tough gig. I understand they break even on the ticket sales and depend on their concession stand to make a buck. I paid $4 for a small box of popcorn last week, but it was a funny film -- 'Superbad'.
A different look to the old JC Bridge: have fun & remember Verdun
..and a different perspective again: ..............that bridge is certainly a very recognizable structure on Montreal's Skyline................................................ HF&RV
Meeting the Challenges of Global Banking Royal Trust goes public in 1967 Conrad F. Harrington, president of Royal Trust Company, right, and C.B. Neapole, former Royal banker and president of the Montreal and Canadian Stock Exchanges, Montreal, scan the ticker tape following the official listing of Royal Trust common stock on August 23, 1967 - a milestone in the company's history. Winston,.......I bet you recognize these machines,......................ticker tape ......counting all your dough Winston,...... HF&RV the site is more about RBC ,.but it may have some old pics of Montreal etc etc ,......................... HF&RV
Have a look at an old Park Avenue,........checkout the little sign in front of the store ,'Hats Cleaned' Remember hats,.were in at one time,..........if you saw a Hockey Game on TV ,all the people wore hats,.( or at least alot of them did)........................ .....a telephone box on the pole,......police or fire line..... also a barber shop pole,........ the streetcar has the number 17, Route on it,.... Wasn't the #17 the one that went to Cartierville ? anyway a neat old photograph of a Montreal Spot from days gone by: HF&RV
Remember Stuart Cakes,.......................... that would have been a good field trip,.as I'm sure 'samples' would have been provided to all the kids,........ We did some cool field trips when we were kids,...bottling company's etc etc ,.............even the Museum ( saw the old King Tut ,tour,with much stuff that nevver is on display anymore,or at least doesn't leave Egypt anynore) ............Being a kid was Ok,........We learned some stuff Growing up in Montreal HF&RV
Another mode of transportation,....we rarely mention,.Air Travel,...... yet many Montrelaers' had the opportunity to work at the Airport Dorval,... Here's a shot of pre air Canada plane ,.............. Remember TCA .Our National Airline ........... .............We've seen alot of changes in Our Time so far,............ HF&RV
Great! DC 3, the old work horse of the air. I worked for a time at Timmins Aviation at Dorval in 1964. Is that company still there I wonder. I think it was owned by the Timmins family.
Your right about the 'workhorse handle' Bill,......some of these I believe are still flying...............Amazing piece of machinery.................. I will see if I can find out some info on Timmins Aviation (if so ) I'll post it.................... HF^RV
Here Bill (best I could on short notice)..........hahaha Launched as Timmins Aviation in 1955, the company has grown into one of North America’s largest and most comprehensive service providers.
Here's the Rest of the Story (plagerising Paul Harvey a bt,.Sorry 'bout that......................hahahahahahaha) 10/11/2004
Innotech Aviation Celebrates 50th Anniversary Innotech Aviation Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Serving Business Aviation
Montreal, October 11, 2004……Innotech Aviation is preparing to celebrate its 50th year in business, serving business and corporate aviation operators from around the world. Launched as Timmins Aviation in 1955, the company has grown into one of North America’s largest and most comprehensive service providers.
At the dawn of the business jet era, the company became the Canadian distributor and service center for the de Havilland DH-125, which has evolved, with Raytheon, into the Hawker Series of midsize jets. Innotech remains a Hawker service center to this day.
Kirk Rowe, Innotech-Execaire Executive VP and COO, says the heritage and pride of his company drives its success. “We are extremely proud to have reached our first half century in this exciting business”, Rowe said. “Our people are the heart of our success, and our customers are the beneficiaries of their total commitment. We all look forward to our company’s next 50 years.”
Today, Innotech is the authorized service center for Challenger, Global Express, Hawker, Citation and King Air aircraft, as well as Pratt & Whitney Canada, General Electric and Honeywell engines, and AlliedSignal, Rockwell Collins, Universal and Honeywell avionics.
Sister division Execaire is the Authorized Sales Representative for the full line of Citation business jets, as well as providing comprehensive aircraft management services.
An FBO network, Innotech Aviation Services, is a vibrant part of the Innotech service system. The company is nationwide in scope, with facilities in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax.
Innotech-Execaire specializes in large and medium business jets and is the authorized service center for many of the most popular business aicraft, as well as leading avionics and engine manufacturers. Heavy maintenance, repair, non-destructive testing and custom interior refurbs have been the mainstays of the company since 1955.
The Innotech-Execaire Aviation Group comprises Innotech Aviation, Execaire, Pacific Avionics & Instruments, and Innotech Aviation Services.
The divisions are wholly-owned by IMP Group International Inc., a diversified multinational Canadian corporation with 3,500 employees in four countries. The company has extensive interests in aerospace, manufacturing, airline and General Aviation services, industrial marine products and hotel management.
Information: Kirk Rowe (514) 636-8484
Media contact: Jamie McIntyre (514) 780-8525
this link will take you to the page where I got the Timmins Aviation stuff,....maybe from there Bill ,you can find some other info ,. HF&RV
Here's two recognizable Montreal Spots ,.still in the drafting stages Chalet at Beaver Lake, Mount Royal Park, Montr챕al, Qu챕bec.
Elevations. Hazen Sise and Guy Desbarats, Architects.
Original 1955; revised in 1957 and 1959 .............and everyone knows Steinbergs,'s a paper image for a new Steinberg's store,,,,,,,,,,,,Looks pretty Modern ,even by today's standards Steinberg's Supermarket No. 90 at the corners of Chemin C척te-Saint-Luc and Avenue Walkley, Montr챕al, Qu챕bec.
Perspective. Max Wolfe Roth, Architect.
December 11, 1959. Store #90 not bad for a small beginning's HF&RV
Les, How about Turret cigarettes. Guy
Yes Guy I did see that sign re: Turets Cigarettes,.......Of all the cigarette branfds that were aroound in those days ,.I cab't remember that one,...Yet based on a sign like that (an expensice one), must have bben popular,... I think the sign I saw the most of ,seems like every depanneur had one,.......and that was the Black Cat,........of course there were many other brands,but few had large signs ,even fewer had electric signs,,,,,, I wonder what ever happenned to them, ??? HF&RV
Cigarettes were sold in packages of 10 25 or 50. Cost was the same for all packaging 1 cent per, cigarett the packs of 50 came in a flat tin can . The exception were Turret cigarettes, a package of 5 only , costing 5 cents, appelaed to many. Due to there cost cigarrets were not consumed in the numbers , untill later when good times arrived and people had more money for luxurys Ron , costs
Turret cigareetes made a come-back in the 70's. I remember my mom smoked them because they were a cheaper brand. They had a simple "turret" design on an off-white background.
Thanks MaggieMck,.......I just don't remember these I guess,..... Players Plain were my first ones,........then did the Export Plain, and tried all the various crap as kids,.... Remember when Players Filter gave away two 65 or 66 Mustangs painted the two colours,.....white / navy blue (those were the kingsize I think) There was one of those Mustangs in Verdun.... of course there was the Mark Tens (we saved the coupon on the fold over top),......also Sortsman Plain & Filter, those you got half a coupon ,.and then tried to match it up with the other half in order to win the prize on the coupon(I won a lighter) .....hahahahaha How about when we used to save those gov't stickers that sealed the package(I have noidea why,but we did) Peter Jackson ,.....Craven-A ,...... DuMaurier,....... Benson& Hedges (was that a black pack with gold letters??) Export Plain & Export "A" ....................... Remember when it was important to open the proper side of the cigarette pack first.......hahahahaha I am not sure which side I opened first ,but you would be pi$$ed off ,if someone opened the other side,first) hahahahahaha ........................... I Remember a lot of kids ,smoked (as they say) OP's .......hahahahah and a few smoked 'Curbstone Blend'..............hahahahahahahah that's the biggest buts left smouldering at a Bus Stop..........hahahahaha HF&RV looks like Turret's had a gambling game too !!
An old shot of Ontario St,........... with both a streetcar in the picture,.and a United 5- dollar store in the background on the corner,.I guess these United Stores were all over the place at one time,,,,,,,,,, Some neat old Montreal Dyas gone by,................ HF&RV
Saint Helen's Island ,before Expo67, was a neat place to visit .....................and Here's a Beach that was on the Island too, HF&RV
Winston,...I'm not sure if I posted this shot before,..However here it is again, I know ,you know exactly where this is:'s a smaller version ............are you in there somewhere? HF&RV
Remember Catelli ,here's the old Catelli building............................... ....................We often have mentioned Atwater Market,...........but here's a shot of the old JeanTalon Markey ('55 ish) How's this for housing prices,...........early 60's ............................................You'll Never PAy that off..........hahahaha ............................Now let's see $900.bucks amortised over 25 years,......... hmmmmmm If we cut back on a few things ,.I think we can swing it................................................ YIKES !!!
Ooops,...I mentioned the Jean Talon market in the previous post,.but forgot to add the picture................. ......there we go,................................. HF&RV
Les My neighbour on 6th won one of those Mustangs way back when. Painted blue and white I think..Same color as Players packs.. Lad
Yes, that's right (the lad:),..Blue / White..........painted diagonally across the car,.........just like the Players (king size) pack,I think it was....... How long did he keep it,? Do you know,...I can Remember hearing the story,.that whoever one it,.would have to leave it that colour for 1 year at least,........I don't know where we as kids would hear that,.unless it was written on the Cig packs??? HF&RV
Les Not sure how long they kept it. Few yrs for sure.What stuck with me was paint job and a new Mustang on the street.Only one in those days.Last night met a guy at the gas station 94.5 a litre at the time driving an 07 Rausch Racing Mustang.Painted blue and white,convertible and a 427 in it.Even had the the old cue ball stick shifter. Never seen one before.When you do you wont forget it.Told me he bought right off the lot..Only 12 in Province and only 4 convts. Rare.. Still I would not mind having the 65 Players Special.... Lad
No doubt the newer Mustang performs way beter than the old ones,....Everything has gotten far better ,.with handling ,suspension,.injection,............................... but the oldies are a blast too........ hf&rv
Montreal's old port area,..looking at Bonsecour Market's familiar Dome ........................Nice shot in B&W,....... (hope the picture remains,.as some are apt to disappear) if it's there and anyone wants it, it . HF&RV
Can't forget this place,....................................Montreal's mainstay landmark,, HF&RV
Well the frontage of this place is certainly not as character like,as when they were situated around the corner on NotreDame& Mountain....... but they do make good steamies,& have great Spruce Beer 'Restauarant Emile Bertrand' they kept the old sign from the other building,.......................looks like the new spot couyld use a little whitewash ....................I'm not even sure if they are still in business?? Anyone know? HF&RV
Sheds & clotheslines,..........................yup another shot of the old back lanes hahahahahah ...............Are the lines still used as much in Verdun/Montreal?? or has everyone got a dryer now? HF&RV
Les, I took some American relatives there 2 years ago and was not impressed. The building was not completed and seemed neglected as well as the parking area. I posted some pictures on another ocasion while bicycling in the area. I think they are still open.The place was better when on Notre Dame Street and in the hands of the original owner. Guy
Yes I Remember those photo's Guy,....and the women who ran it ,did move around the corner,.so they are (or were) at the NotreDame Street location fro more than 20 years,.etc ...I read where the owner of the building on Notre Dame,.wanted to develop the place ,.and so the Restaurant had to go.. originally Emile Bertrand owned the restaurant,.and he has been gone for decades,......I have a newspaper clipping somewhere from the 70's when a the place was called 'Silvers' it was a referance to the owner at the time's hair colour,,,,,, He bought the business,...and ran it for a longtime ( the name on the building was still Emille Bertrand) but as I say some knew it as Silvers,.......(not an official business name) He later sold to two women ,. who were running it as I understand up to at least a couple of years ago,.and I had thought that it was they ,who moved around the corner?? It sure doesn't look very nice ,that's for sure,......I will be very disappointed ,if I go for a visit,.and have nowhere to get a Great Steamie (avec chou).........hahahaha and all you can drink Spruce Beer. I need to visit Montreal again,.as it''s been a few years now since I was there. I also want to visit the SHGV .............too ! and just wander around Montreal & Verdun of course........... HF&RV I'll try to find my old photos from the old Steamie jont onNotreDame&MTn. .....and the old story from the Gazette about the old owner Thanks Guy
Thanks so much for the great pics of the Montreal Exchange. I joined Greenshields Inc in 1958 and though I did not know a lot of the people on the caption, I am familiar with a number of their names . Dan Flynn
Les, Is this a photo of a Verdun lane, if so, I will make a copy for our SHGV archives. Guy
Hello Guy5479,.......I really am not sure,(I should have known you'd ask me.........hahahahah) I'll try to Remember which site I found it on,...and get back to you,..I know it's definetly the Montreal area,.as I recall some of the written stuff near the photo page,........ Most sheds look similar I guess,....but i'll try & find out for sure: HF&RV
Kind of a different shot ,.with Jacques Cartier Bridge dominating the scene hope the picture stays in there.................................. HF&RV
Les, I have not yet found any photo of the building on Wellington between Hickson and Church. I did take a photo of the eye glass outlet wich is now at that local. However, I lost all the photos in my computer prior to this year so I can't reproduce it. I know that JM is still looking for the original building and I am keeping an eye out for it. Guy
Thanks Guy,.....I'm sure we will come across it at some point,...... too bad you lost your pics,........if there's some that you can think of that some of us might have ,.just ask,.and at the very least we can try & find some for you: HF&RV
the bar upstairs at Rockheads,..(taken in 1980,.....just prior tto the demolition of the old familiar bar.......................... Lot's of differnet acts played here,.....(downstairs) ....... Now I'll try finding some pictures of the old Esquire Showbar, or the old York Hotel,.......all these old places arew proving a lot harder to find,...but I'm sure someone out there has some old pics lying around: HF&RV
Acouple more from the old Rockheads: .......Here's Allan Wellmans Band playing in Rockheads early 1950's's this for Wallpaper....................................... ..............Nice Stuff.....................hahahahahahah HF&RV
Recognize this spot,..............on the River, PteClaire ................................Right on the Edge................ HF&RV
...and a few of you I know patronised this place,,,,,,,,,,,and some fun was had here........................................ “The Mustache, known in its final days as La Moustache à Papa, was located parallel to the old Montr챕al Forum, on rue Lambert Closse. I spent many o'nights there in the Super 70s, usually after my air shift on CKGM chatting with the gang, enjoying live acts like Moonquake, Bobby Lee Sillcott, George Oliver and All The Young Dudes. Quite the kitschy place as you might recall. To say this venue could get rough and rowdy from time to time is an understatement! The Mustache was eventually torn down and replaced by a three-story office complex housing, among other tenants, showbiz promoter Donald K. Donald and his staff.” Yuo the Moustache.................................... HF&RV
Les, Wasnt the Mocambo on Closse st. also. I went there a few times in the 50s. Guy
Les, Yes the Edgewater. I use to go there quite often in the 50s and 60s. Guy
Guy are the owners of this place any relation to you? “Remember this West Island staple, before it disappeared to make way for condos? Another hang-out I spent a considerable amount of post-CKGM on-air shifts at, sipping on Southern Comfort and Seven-Up with the gang. Overlooking Lac St-Louis on the corner of Valois Bay and the Lakeshore in Pointe-Claire, this small but always-lively watering hole was run diligently for years by the Robillard family. No matter what night of the week you set out to “boogaloo down Bord du Lac’’” or at what time you stumbled in at Mum’s, there was always a friendly face in there to be found… …and who could forget bartender-waiter-cook Clint Day’s Harley always parked on the side of the building and Marilyn’s famous inch-thick classic burgers…on toast!” ................................I thought the spelling may have been correct? HF&RV
Sorry Guy not sure about that one although there is an ElMacombo in toronto ,though,......has had many a famous act perform there,also sold Quart bottles in the 70's at least............ but I will ask my brother if he Remembers the Mocombo ,Montreal had so many Oasis Watering holes,.that they very much could be the same building ,.with a different name,........... The Moustache was popular in the late 60's into the 70' may have been a nice place at one time ,with it's balcony section,.etc etc ,,,,,,,,but it was no palace when I frequented it,.........& most of it's patrons would not have been mistaken for royalty...............................hahahahahaha ( myself excluded of course,& my esteemed members here on VerdunConnections,who on occasion found themselves enjoying the merriment at the 'Stache')..................hahahahaha How's that for a line of crap.......................hahahahahahah as my oldman used to call these places, ...they were "Upholstered Sewers".............hahahahahaha HF&RV
Les, Rather, I think it was the El Morocco. Guy
Ok that's more familiar sounding Guy,......There is prsently a Restaurant in Montreal called the El Morocco,...........situated at 3450 Drummond ,... so I doubt that's the place,.....but it may have moved there?? I'll try & find some old shots of it for you,.................. I think it was Arbutus who posted a Lovell's list with all the Taverns?Clubs around Montreal,..but I don't Remember what year the list was for. HF&RV
I believe the El Morocco was on Ste Catherine. I knew a couple of dancers from New York City who would cross the border into 50's Montreal for gigs at various nightclubs around town and the El Morocco was one of them....
I found it. The El Morocco was at 1445 Closse according to 1955 Lovell directory. Guy
Well that is the same building Guy,................nice detective work,...... El Morocco = Moustache Learn something everyday,..Thanks Guy HF&RV
Was there not a club on St. Catherine across the street from Eaton's? I thought that was the El Morocco but I guess not. I seem to recall a club there...
Just occurred to me that it could have been the Mocombo. I seem to recall it started with an M. Anyhow, in the scheme of life, it's not that important, is it?
Les Saw your post on the Mustache. Wanted to ask you when you mention CKGM are you talking about yourself in the article. Just wondering... Thanks Lad
the lad ,: Do you mean the #128 msg of this thread,.that is from the CKGM page,,,,,,,,,,,,, HF&RV
the lad: that should have read Msg #158 (not 128)........................ Reply
Recommend Delete Message 158 of 171 in Discussion From: Les__F in response to Message 157 Sent: 9/11/2007 12:28 PM ...and a few of you I know patronised this place,,,,,,,,,,,and some fun was had here........................................ “The Mustache, known in its final days as La Moustache à Papa, was located parallel to the old Montr챕al Forum, on rue Lambert Closse. I spent many o'nights there in the Super 70s, usually after my air shift on CKGM chatting with the gang, enjoying live acts like Moonquake, Bobby Lee Sillcott, George Oliver and All The Young Dudes. Quite the kitschy place as you might recall. To say this venue could get rough and rowdy from time to time is an understatement! The Mustache was eventually torn down and replaced by a three-story office complex housing, among other tenants, showbiz promoter Donald K. Donald and his staff.” Yuo the Moustache.................................... HF&RV.....................that's a CKGM excerpt from MarcDenis page: HF&RV
Sabby It seems Johnny Rougeau was the owner of this place. In 1956 Lovells, a Mocambo Cafe Restaurant was listed at 2591 Notre Dame East. Would this have been the place ? I hope I have helped.
No, I see this place on St. Catherine across from Eaton's. I was a kid so must have been the fifties. It was the neon lights and music/noise filtering from the doorway that caught my attention. Maybe it was just a dream....thanks for your help Cocopuff.
Wasn't the Astor reataurant/bar across the street from Eaton's?
Hi DaveNC,......I have a recollection of the Astor being right at the bottom of Plc Ville Marie on a little street ( can't Remember the name,right now) but my oldest sister worked for Air Canada in the PVM,.and I used to go & meet her Downtown & she would take me to (what I remember as the) Astor Restaurant,.....( I think??) and it was one of the first places I'd ever seen to serve an 'Individual' size Pizza,...I thought that was really neat ,Imagine your own little Pizza............hahahahahaha but it was quite an event as a kid to go Downtown by myself,and meet my older sister,who seemd very grown up,and take me out for Lunch.........(this was cool stuff ,Having 'Lunch' Downtown Montreal..............Yahoo !! ) .hahahahahah Could the street have been La Gauchitere (sp?) I'll see if I can find out,.........maybe someone else can help us, have fun & remember Verdun
Hi. Across from Eaton's was a club called the Top Hat.A lot of the young crowd from Verdun, Point etc went there. It was a great place. I was 20 yrs. old in 59 so i guess i was there about 1956 or 57. I recall every so often that the Police would raid the place to get the under age out. Not that i was under age you understand! Boy this has given me a lot of old memoties. An American navy ship came to Montreal all the crew seemed to be in there standing room only. There was a table full of glasses near an open window (you can guess what happened next) one of the sailors we were drinking with had a few too many Canadian beers and fell against the table everything went out onto St. Catherine St. I don't think we even stoped to look just kept on drinking. After the Top Hat we would wander over to Cavendish (?) to the Cave same crowd. In my mind I am thinking of the Maroon club but don't recall too much about it.
I remember the top hat and the cave very well
Used to go there with other friends from the Point and the Northern
----- Original Message -----
From: "carver3570"
To: "Verdun Connections"
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: Montreal Spots
New Message on Verdun Connections
From: carver3570
Message 178 in Discussion
Hi. Across from Eaton's was a club called the Top Hat.A lot of the young
crowd from Verdun, Point etc went there. It was a great place. I was 20 yrs.
old in 59 so i guess i was there about 1956 or 57. I recall every so often
that the Police would raid the place to get the under age out. Not that i
was under age you understand! Boy this has given me a lot of old memoties.
An American navy ship came to Montreal all the crew seemed to be in there
standing room only. There was a table full of glasses near an open window
(you can guess what happened next) one of the sailors we were drinking with
had a few too many Canadian beers and fell against the table everything went
out onto St. Catherine St. I don't think we even stoped to look just kept on
drinking. After the Top Hat we would wander over to Cavendish (?) to the
Cave same crowd. In my mind I am thinking of the Maroon club but don't
recall too much about it.
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I still remember the Astor across from Eaton's, but it's not like I've ever been wrong. On another topic about remembering things. Remember those candies/breath not so mints called Sen Sens. Real strong licorice (or as how I say it lickorish) tasting little pellets.
Dave NC According to Lovells, Astor Restaurant was at 690 St.Catherine West, and Eatons was 677 St.C. I hope this helps !
Hey, thanks Carver! I knew I wasn't dreaming. That's an interesting story. And I do recall the Astor restaurant on St. Catherine too.
What I remember during the late 1940's and 50's, the Astor had big name performers, and use to pack in a crowd on the week ends. The Top Hat a hang out for the Verdun crowd, Bob Davies a Verduner, entertained along with the others in his trio, They had been in Australia prior to this. Bob went on to the Cavandish by himself, he now lives in Toronto. He wrote and sang , recorded , Gordie Howe the best of them all. Behind the Capitol theater there was also , the Copacabana, a very large club, Toni Romandini (Ville Emard ) played there, in my opinion the best guitar player Montreal had. Ron
Ron, Your right, Tony Romandini is quite a guitar player. I wonder if is is still playing. I met him when I was working at Tony The Taylor at the corner of McGill and Notre Dame in the early fifties. He bought a suit from us. Incidently, Tony The Taylor was above the Hale Hakala Club referred to by Les on the biography of Bob Davies. Les posted that picture a while back. That was the heydays of nightclubs in Montreal wich was an open city prior to the cleanup by mayor Jean Drapeau just like Cuba prior to Castro. Guy
Guy, Toni Romandin, I met Sammy Salvatore ( Trumpet Player & Boxer from Ville Emard) now living in Chateauguay, and we got talking about the old times & people, and he told me Toni is still going & entertaning, Got all my suits At Tony The Tailors, I cannot remember were he was located befor going above the Hale club., But it was in the business secection, Shoes were bought at Dexter's, lower Bleury St. But they were expensive, if I remember the suits were $ 70.00 per . Shoes $15.00 per I knew Wally Aspel, he was quite gay. Ron Also use to go down the street to the York Hotel, they always had entertainment .
Les F Thats a great resume of Bob Use to vist Toronto on business, during the 70's, would stop at the Brown Derby, Bob & Danny worked the early shift, 2 shifts in bars in Toronto, one time after Bob finished we went over to see Larry day, down the street, another great Ex. montreal performer. Danny went into partnership with Gil Pitcher, they had a hand bill delivery busines which grew quite large , Gil bought Danny out, I lost touch with Danny. Gil passed away several years ago. Hope picutures turn out, A suprise birthday party for me on one of the visits. Bob & Danny, Bob's wife Selina. Blonde lady my wife & me with Bob, at Gil Pitchers home 1975.
Attachment: Bob Davies 1975.jpg
Ron, Tony The Taylor sold his suits $65.00 with 1 pair of pants and $85.00 with 2 pairs including a vest and belt, made to measure. We also dressed hockey players and we would charge them half price for the publicity. Thats how I got to meet Jean Beliveau, Jacques Plante and many others We dressed many in the entertainment buisiness. One act was called the Goofers I believe, where the base player would play whle swinging on a swing upside down, and that's the large base. They played on the Ed Sullivan show. Tony Guinta has a nephew who has a tailor shop in Verdun I have a clear memory of those years from 1950 to 1956. Guy
Looks like a fun BBQ,........I see the familiar old 'stubby bottles' a real authentic sign of the (70's).........................I'm sure a good time was had by all,...thanks for sharing the old pictures,....... HF&RV ps: Happy belated Birthday..............haahahah
Ron, I still have Bob Davies LP record in a box with the rest of some oldies, a girlfriend of mine lived next door to Bob and if memory is correct,that's how I got it,way back in the 60's...... cookie
Another Well known Habidachery(sp?) ,........Suit Joint,....was Dorion Suits , the late 60's early 70's ,Serge Savard,....John Ferguson,were among some of the Habs that endorsed Dorion Suits,.......Remember that bid sign,in Dorion/Vaudreil (you know where I mean)..........and didn't both those guys also endorse Blue Bonnetts,...... I know they both loved the ponies............................ as did many a Verduner (ite),....... HF&RV
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The old canal was a real busy place for many years,....... and I would bet ,more than a few of you got stuck trying to cross the canal,.when a bridge had to lift or swing out oof the way of an oncoming ship to let here through ,.......... Remember all those bridges that crossed the canal were quite active at one time,.with them having to be opened quite often,.backing up traffic for a while till the ship in question passed through,.... That's what lead to the building of the Wellington Street Tunnel , eliminate the stoppage of traffic along Wellington,....and allow the canal to do it's thing,.......... Have Fun & Remember Verdun
1940's Saint James Street,............a majot Montreal Street for many years ............ Those street cars ,don't really look all that big,relative to the Cars & People for that matter,..........must be just the camera angle , HF&RV
Night time ,.....always had a different feel to the streets,............. Are all our Montreal area members still enjoying these,Fall Nights,....................get & have a walk around Downtown,..or even Wellington Street,.........take some B&W pics for us,...we like to see them: StCatherine HF&RV
Get out and Spend your Dough........................................plenty of needy retailers ,just waiting for you................................. "Will that be Cash , or Chargex" Remember that ? Have Fun & Remember Verdun
Any of you know ,what this building looks like from the inside,........hahaha ............psssst: It's the Courthouse ( Montreal) hf&rv
Hi Les, My dad installed the elevators in the Montreal Courthouse!! He worked for Otis Elevator. Sharon
Hi Sharon,.we've got a few members here, that also had worked in the elevator trade,...........maybe they knew your DAd, I suppose after your Dad installed those elevatorss,He knew for sure that people in there would have their Ups & Downs.......... ( Sorry..............hahahahaha) HF&RV
Starting tomorow,..Our westisland members may get some Tiger sightings, ,.as Tiger Woods arrives in Montreal, get a 'heads up ' on the Royal Montreal Golf Course,...........should be quite a few brand name golfers,roaming around this week as they get ready to play the Presidents Cup,.............................................................................. HF&RV
I was surfing on Google Earth and discovered what looks like two small lakes on Nun's island. Are there lakes there and are they man made? Has this been brought up before?
Hi Bill I've posted aerial shots of Nuns Island whenever I have come across them,.some old ones ,.showing the whole Island,.but I cannot Remember if they had lakes on them or not,....but I also don't Remember ever hearing that there were lakes there,(at least back in the days we lived there. Maybe someone else can tell us,.perhaps Guy has knowledge of these lakes . I will try to find those old photos but I am not certain where they might be. I will post them again ,if I can find them............................. HF&RV My guess would be that since the river itself is not that deep,a man made lake would be really easy to make & feed with River water ?? Just a thought
Seems some lakes were created from Marsh-land, around 1990 Nuns' Island today. With its little wood, the Battures Lake (created in 1990 from a marsh) and its bicycles path, Nuns' Island is one of the most beautiful place to live in the Montreal area. Although very inhabited because of all condominium and apartments towers, the place preserves a good balance between nature and urbanization. here's a little more on the Islands history: Nuns' Island History Formerly known as island Saint-Paul, the island was cultivated since 1670. It was then the property of Jacques Le Ber, and was include in a wider land named Saint-Paul stronghold. In 1668, the population of the island was around 20 peoples. In the year 1695 the religious congregation Notre-Dame took possession of a part of the island after receiving it as a gift on behalf of one of the Jacques Le Ber daughter. They will buy thereafter in 1706 most of the island. In 1769 they will become the full owners of the island. They start the construction of a mansion in 1790 and then cultivated about the third of the island surface. In 1955, an amount of 1.300.000 dollars was versed to the Sisters of the Notre-Dame congregation for the acquisition of the island by the company Quebec Home (in fact an American firm). In 1960, two kids of 11 and 12 years old set on fire the old mansion of the Sisters for the simple pleasure of seeing the firemen stop the fire! Here goes in smoke the only historical residence of the island. hop this helps,.................................HF&RV
les the marshland is well protected, nuns island has no more land to build on. one of the reasons why verdun is expensive, condo's built, wellington st grovers services the nuns island, go to govers to get a shirt and pair of pants?? they even have there own web site to service clents from everywere. cafe's hip hop stores, boutigues, total new business area boardwalk cleaned up, bike paths, the nuns island lifestyle is expanding into verdun because of no more place to build because of the marshes. i find it a blessing for verdun's future, 20 years ago, verdun was verdun take it bad or good place to live, today its a different place to live
Hi Walter,...I agree it sure looks like Verdun is quickly becomming the new 'in' place to live,,,,,, It is a great spot,.but we all know that,.with it's long shoreline along the River,...and broder by the Acky,.......They have for years noe only allowed rebuilding of some of those old 3story flats,.whenever one would disappear,be by fire or demolition,.Usually the new replacement building could only be two stroy's high,.that would help to alleviate parking,and overcrowding,.which in turn would also drive the value up,..... It's nice to see the revitalization of Verdun,'s better looking ,every year,.and a far sight better than anything we grew up with,.even the lanes ar nicer & better lit,...and of course No Sheds makes a helluva a difference,.... But I still look back & appreciate where i came from,.......some things just don't leave you,even though 35 years have passed since I lived there,..... I still also appreciate all the street smarts that were (sometimes ) knocked into us...............hahahahahaha Reminds me of the old joke,.about the Kid after his first day at school, his Mother asked him" Well what ,did you learn at school today Johnny? " and the kid says " I learned another Kid Not to call me Stupid" Have Fun & Remember Verdun
What do you think will happen next in Verdun? Will high rise buildings be constructed? I'll bet in twenty years from now that none of us will recognize Verdun-Fresco
fresco there's no land to build on in verdun, enviroment laws are getting tougher years back the developers wanted the douglas hospital lands they put a big hold on that issue, today that land is worth a fortune my guess that's the area were the business high rises or housing projects will be built in the near future politics will get involved some one will fill there pockets, and the give the go ahead to sell the land and build away. also the city gets more property taxes on the buildings
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