Monday, March 31, 2008

A Killer

33 years. Still more questions than answers.
Someone has the answers.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Looking for Sandra Reeves..

Hi there,
I'm pretty new to this site & posted this same message on the General Site, not realizing there was one specific to looking for people! I am looking for the Sandra Reeves, who would be about 50, graduated from VHS with me in1974. We went to Riverview Elementary School & High School together. We were long time "buddies". We lost touch after High School, and would really like to get some info on her whereabouts. Anyone out there know anything? She lived on Allard,close to Bannantyne, and I now remember her older sister's name was Debbie Reeves. Sandra dated Ken Fletcher for quite some time in High School. Would really like to find her.
Anything will help!

Miss Stevenson at VCHS 1960-61

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Looking For Sandra Reeves.

Hi everyone,
I have just recently come across this site, and am trying to locate Sandra Reeves(approximate age 50).She lived on Allard, close to, I believe Bannantyne. She had an older sister, whose name unfortunately I can't remember, perhaps(Karen)? We went to Riverview Elementary School together, then attended VHS & graduated in 1974.We were very close friend's! Sandra dated Ken Fletcher for a long time, and after High School I lost touch with her. and I have oftened wondered about her, and how/where she is.
Does anyone have any info on where she might be?. I would love to contact her!
I am also looking for Sean McCarthy, same age(50)graduated in 1974, and we were long time friends, as well, from Elementary. Our families were very close. He  lived on Godin.We lost touch after graduation.
Anyone with info......Would be much appreciated.
Glenda Higham.


last nite i talked to a owner of a store on wellington st, sad news to know
after spending on removing power poles, widen sidewalks, upgrading repairs
on store fronts, brick work etc.
stores, restaurants are hurting, closing down, wellingtom st is in trouble
why, WALMART that's near is taking the customers, for the better buys
rents and taxes on those little shops on wellington st, plus the vendor can't
compete with the buiying power of box stores.
wellington st is a jewell of a place with tons of history and heritage
grovers is about the only place that still gives good service and has loyal customers

Canadians take part in Earth Hour

Video Earth Hour | Toronto hits energy target Hour/article/407246

Friday, March 28, 2008


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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gay Huber Verdun High 1955-58

Hi, Does anyone remember Gay Huber. School mates were Heather Horsely, Jane Goldthorpe and a gal called Lorna. I hung around with Hazel and Joan (I forget their  last names) and  I dated Mike Quinnsey and Peter Lazure.

Earth Hour US - Earth Hour 2008

I'm assuming it's 8 to 9 p.m. in the time zone one lives in.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stagecoach to from Montreal to The first journey of the stagecoaToronto in 1806

The first journey of the stagecoach from Montreal to Toronto took place in 1806. The stagecoach and cal챔che traveled along the Montreal Road, wich is now Lakeshore Drive. That was the main Montreal/Toronto highway until the mid 1940's. In the 1820's the traveller from Montreal to Toronto had to board a steamer at Kingston for the balance of the journey. The complete trip, one way, took about twelve to fifteen days.
Ref.: Dorval 1667 - 1975 (Roxboro Public Library) 

Monday, March 24, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

We all can make a difference! Click on the link to sign up with me (it's slow to load). Even if you don't sign up, you can still make a difference by turning off your lights for 1 hour at 8:00pm on March 29th.

Earth Hour San Francisco 2008

For Dog Lovers

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old
Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa,
and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and
they were hoping for a miracle.
I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the
family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform
the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.
As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would
be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt
as though Shane might learn something from the experience
The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's
family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for
the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.
Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.
The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any
difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's
death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are
shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly,
piped up, "I know why."
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next
stunned me I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.
He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good
life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?"
The six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so
they don't have to stay as long."

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Happy Easter, Everyone, and warmest regards.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

More Old Montreal Mfg Plants

Here are more Montreal Manufacturing plants known to Verdun old timers, Many Verdunites earned their living and raised their family thanks to the hundreds of jobs they created for a good part of the 20th century.
Here are 3 of these plants on Saint Patrick street:
Charles Orlando Clark built in 1893, 5010 Saint Patrick St., manufactuer of Bells.
The Mount Royal Spinning Co. Ltd, 5524 Saint Patrick St:; Textiles (today Dominion Textile)
Crane Co., 3820 Saint Patrick St., built 1919
Source: Pignon sur Rue, Les Quartiers de Montréal, by Michèle Benoit and Roger Gratton (Roxboro Sources Public Library) 

You Know what's GOOD on Friday

Eat Meat,.................................. Now How about a Dilallo
Burger................................with peppers,of course ,& none of us will ever be able to have one in te original spot Allard & Monk.............but the one further up is still serving the best version of a Dilallo Burger,.......( I never cared for the little additional franchise type of spots),..the real thing was the best.................never liked anything else in the place ,.but loved those Burger's................................usually late,late at night ( or am: to be precise)

Dilallo is a Burger Joint

November 6th, 2007 쨌 No Comments

dilallo_is_a_burger_jointDilallo is a burger joint with a bit of controversy. You see, with multiple locations (and owners) there is inevitably a steady debate over which is the mightiest. A few years back there was an article run (in one of those distributions made from trees… News Papers I think they call them?) on the best burgers in Montreal. Naturally Dilallo was included, but only the Notre-Dame street location, a.k.a. Chez Meloche, none of the other 5 locations were reviewed. Hence the question is begged: which is truly the best Dilallo burger, or are they all equivalently scrumptious??

Dilallo has been around since 1929 and their burgers are home-made and fresh, they have Beef, Chicken, and an excellent Fish (recommended). This is one of the best burger meals for under 10$ in the city.


..........Check out the last line (for under $10 bucks) now that's a Yikes !! for a burger,...nowhere near the Do-Re-Mi

we paid in the old days ( I love being able to say that....but not happy about being old enough to say it.) hahahahha

          Any good old Catholics ( like myself) Remember what type of meat ,the priests were allowed to eat on a Friday ...? ..............                  Yup that's right ,.Nun !!!


Friday, March 21, 2008

Montreal 1860

The following article and photo is taken from the book: Pignon sur Rue, Les Cartiers de Montr챕al, by Mich챔le Benoit and Roger Gratton:
In 1860, approximately 15,000 people live in the neighbourhood. The english elite control the destiny of the country. For a long period of time, they occupied the municipal council, the most influential positions. Each their turn, the anglican, catholic and protestant communities built their churches uptown. Houses are built, dirt roads are paved then lit by gas. Confederation and the civil war down south are the subject of discussion. The horse drawn tramways appear, up Bleury to St Catherine street. The Gésu and collège Sainte-Marie are frequented by french-canadians and irish students. The Saint-James church with its majestic square will disapear in 1926 behind a commercial front. Magnificant helms will be planted on Phillips square. The Crystal Palace famous for the 1860 exposition wich will mark the inauguration of the Victoria Bridge. For that ocasion the city will welcome the price of Whales, future King Edward the V11. 
A St Patrick Church
B Collège Ste Marie and Église Gésu
C Crystal Palace
D Christ Church
Roxboro Public Library

A Good Friday Message Of Love.

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, observed as the anniversary of Jesus' death on the cross. Good Friday is not a federal holiday in the United States, but many Christians observe it by fasting and attending church services. Christians in other countries keep Good Friday in different ways. In the Philippines, for example, a passion play depicting Jesus' walk to the cross is re-enacted by participants who whip themselves as a form of penitence. Some even volunteer to be nailed to crosses in San Fernando in the Pampanga province. Jesus' crucifixion is described in the Gospel of John in the Bible.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Acres shoe store xray machine

does anyone remember the xray machine at the Acres Shoe Store on Wellington Street in Verdun so they could give you the right size shoes,....I can remember them taking at least6 or 7 X-Rays of each foot each time i put on another pair of shoes...theeditor1942

Worst Fashions of the 60's and 70's

well-it had to be brought up
Any clothing styles from the 70's ,60's, or the 80's that you miss? Any you are embarrassed to have worn? Anyone have pics to share of fashions past?
The worst I can recall were the hot-pants!! I had 2 velvet pairs and I actually went out to the Moustache Club in 'em...also ladies-the 80's thing  with the frilly ankle socks and high heels-as Dr. Phil would say- "WHAT were you THINKING"???
I DO miss some of the late 70's stuff like black leather biker jackets (think-RAMONES)...I hated the 60's bouffanty, teased short hair and white lipstick...I adored the HUGE HAIR of the 80's tho...(can I make it so gigantic that I can barely fit through a doorway)  and the shaggy hair on guys!
A lot has come back in style...but thank God no hot pants...yet!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Billy Platt aka FINGERS

Does anyone know Billy Platt. He lived on First Avenue between Wellington and Lasalle Boulevard. One of his friends, Jackie McArthur lived right next door to him.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St.Paddy's to ye all

Happy St. Paddy to all ....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bar-b-que Chicken and Chinese Food

Do you remember the VW Beetles that St Hubert had.  But I always thought that Chalet was better.  I also liked Chinese food from a place on Wellington.  I can't remember the name.  But they were delivering back in '62.

Doctors Wife

Enjoy Len

Friday, March 14, 2008

Loving Wife

Enjoy Len
Attachment: Fw_ P_S_ _____.eml

Dr. Laura Blames Spitzer's Wife


Whatever Happened to  

Verdun Piston Poppers Rod & Custom Club members found and Pass on


List Produced by Frank Pedder with lots of help from friends in Verdun


Aurele Collette Verdun Que

Tom Logie Toronto, Milton Ont,.

Pete Zaluski  - Had a tire shop in Chateauguay Qc

Richard Logie Pointe aux Trembles 

Les Davidson   NDG area

Gordie McRae  lived in Brooklyn NY 

Stan Zemaitis   Verdun,

Ian Tyson  Unknown location

Brian Royston   from Crawford Park in Verdun –Present location Unknown

Billy Smart  Location Hamilton Ont

Frank Pedder  OH! That’s me in Lachine, Quebec

Erskine Young  To be found

Tommy Burt  Route 9, Plattsburgh NY   

Jim Burt  Santa Paula, California, 

Steve Szabad Glen Robertson, ON

George Nelson Dorval, QC
Martin Krupra
, Mtl West Que,

Morrin Krupra   Laval, Quebec 

Les Cloake Ormstown, QC

Jimmy Anthony Unknown location

Harold (Hal) Butler, Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills 

Cerial Keddy  To be found

Peter Reichman  Worked at Air Canada 

Gary Dearn  Ville Lasalle 

Roy Kirkey  Dorval, Quebec

Al Creates unknown address

Herbie Cornforth unknown address

Barry Holdbrook  unknown address

Richard Dworkin Toronto 

Ron Kane  Sorel Qc

Denis Houton joined the American Marines

George Dodd  Lasalle, QC
Jack Russell  Unknown location

Hugh Hamblay Harvey Station NB, 

Graham Doyle   Unknown location

Bob Aubeurtin   Lasalle, QC 

Richard Hammond Hudson, QC

Norman Johnston Lives in Toronto)

Bob Archibald  lived on Brown Blvd Verdun. Lorne Richardson Saint-Chrysostome, QC

Tommy Mullin   Lasalle, QC

David Fiset , Vaudreuil Qc

Jerry McKernan Passed

Sherwood Stevenson (SHIRTS) Passed

Mike Harris Passed

Joe Harsca  Passed

Harry Fisher  Passed

Mike Frost  Passed (Slick)

Al MacDonald   Passed

Cliff Hooper      Passed

Eddy Peel         Passed

Dave MacDonald  Passed

Donald Meehan    Passed

Russ Bourdon      Passed

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Len Enjoy


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Bailey the Unknown Reindeer

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

'Generation Gap' Reunion details...

To commemorate their 40th anniversary, the band is getting together one more time!
The line-up will consist of the following members:
Alex Bielajew: Keyboards and Backing Vocals (Michigan)
Mike Gauld: Lead Singer Vocals (Montreal)
Kevin Gauld: Guitar and Vocals (Montreal)
John Frainetti: Bass and Vocals (Calgary)
Dave McAuliffe: Drums and Backing Vocals (Montreal)
Jimmy Taylor: Guitar and Vocals (Montreal)
There will also be a D.J. playing 60`s music. 
WHEN: Saturday, July 19th, 7pm - 1am

WHERE: Verdun Legion (across from City Hall)
DRESS: Come as you were 
TICKETS: $10.00

NOTE: There are only 200 tickets available. 
Info/Tickets: Dave McAuliffe 514 696-6133

Ray Charles with Jerry Lee Lewis

Neat Video Clip...... Classic

Monday, March 10, 2008

does anyone know them?

Does anyone know the where abouts or email addresses or info on the following...
Pat Keough
Todd Holdbrook
Ronnie Pucci
Carl Acton
or anyone else that knew me back in the 70's
                                                                       Keith Hickey

Sunday, March 9, 2008


My name is Gay Huber.  I married Les Cloake of the Piston Popper Car Club in 1960 and we have lot's of great memories to share if anyone is interested.
Founding/early members of The Piston Poppers were Aurele Colette, Frank Pedder, Don Meehan, Roy Kirkey, Hugh Hamelin, Russell Boudreau, Steve Zabed to name a few.
We were pioneers on the hot rodding scene and both worked at Napierville Drage strip which was owned and run by the Piston Poppers during the early 60's to mide 70's.
Les is not computer literate so any questions and communications are done via moi!

After the storm

here are a few pics of my place this morning after getting 49 cm of snow

60's 70's collectibles

Does anyone remember Baloney Cards, or Rat finks? I actually have a rat fink model still in the box...haven't gotten around to putting it together yet....still waiting for the PERFECT rainey day to get to it!!! ha ha...I just wish that I still had my Beatles Dolls....saw the same ones I had years ago , on eBay for almost 700 bucks!!! Geez...the stuff our Moms threw out....MY Moms mother chucked her Shirley Temple Doll....hey Moms everywhere....DO NOT throw ANYthing of yr kids stuff out...just rent a huge storage garage and eventually your kids could retire from the sales of  old toys!  LOL....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oscar Peterson/Lionel Groulx

It seems that there is a grassroots campaign to rename Lionel-Groulx Metro station afetr Oscar Peterson.
What do you think?

Monday, March 3, 2008

penny worth being saved??

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Michael J. Fox Talks To Katie Couric


Hi all Verdunites, where-ever you are! There will be a Verdun reunion dance July 19th.(this year 08) at the Verdun Legion No. 4. Tickets are $10.00 each with proceeds going to various charities.
Re: The O.P.F.A., West Island Palliative Care, The Brest Cancer Foundation to name a few.
Tickets are limited to 200 and as we only got them Friday, sales are going well.
The doors / dance will open at 7:00 P.M. with a D.J. playing all the good old tunes from the 60's and the band The Generation Gap will play 2 - 3 sets throughout the evening. There will be door prizes and possibly a contest or two to keep the evening lively.
So don't be dissapointed and plan your July 19th. Saturday evening in good old Verdun. Come early and go to Norman's for a burger and fries (still tastes the same) or Woodland Pizza for those with a more refined palate. E-mail me for more info or tickes.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lachine Canal Area Development

There is a Lachine Canal Development going on in the Lachine Canal area as described in the enclosed La Presse article this morning. Look what is happening to the old Imperial Tobacco, Northern Electric, Lowney factories, CN, Canada Post as well as the Griffintown projected development. Unbeleivable the changes that have taken place and still to come, this is the area of the future. Many Verdunites have worked in these factories including my wife who worked for the Imperial Tobacco co.


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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Bergerons TV repair

Steve-is there any way you can  upload a pic....and would it be from the early seventies?Do you know any history of this in the guys who worked there?Did they have a station wagon-type car? thanks,cathy

Hi everyone! I was wondering what you think of that site I joined but now am being harrassed to send money to see all of the supposed "classmates" who want to be in touch.I was at my friends the other night and had access to this site....and saw a bunch of names which I don't recall from VHS? Is this a scam site?It has been around for a while.....thx everyone!

Name that picture

I've noticed that many of the members here have quite a lot of pictures.  In that vein, I've started this thread off.  To start I'm posting 3 pictures.  In picture #1, name the location.  #2, name the site.  #3, name the object.