THANKS for stopping by, I do my best to acknowledge when someone leaves a comment,you do not have to be a member here & everyone is welcome. Ps: This site is monitored but not actively posting on a regular basis. Mostly these are stories & some photos saved from a defunct site known as Verdun Connections which was on MSN Groups initially then on a social network called Multiply.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Premier Auto Fabriquée au Canada-First Car Built in Canada
Monday, January 30, 2006
Hockey tournament Auditorium yesterday
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Andy Rooney moment
with their Verdun stories and experiences. I would mention names, but am afraid I would leave someone out. But I can tell you that you are appreciated by many of us. One name I will mention, is my niece Connie who is a member of VC, and lives in Calgary. She is the one that told me about this site, and am I ever glad she did. Thanks Connie. Maybe I will thank individuals later. Winston Allison
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Frank Hanley
Trudell. I don't remember who posted it, but how is that coming along?
Second Avenue.
"The moon gives you light, and the bugles and the drums give you
music, and my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans, my heart gives you
Friday, January 27, 2006
instant messages
French Mac
Thursday, January 26, 2006
CLASS OF 71-76-81-86-91-96
finding old friend
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Mashed Patatoes
Hey Dianne2, I mean does anyone remember the Girl from Verdun, who was
called Mash Patatoes as a pseudonym,or Nickname, I believe Slick gave her
this name way back when.....He came to only one Dance, saw her Dance & knew
he was out of his league, & went immediately back to working on Cars, Hot
Rods I do believe, in a little Garage on Verdun Av. across from St.
Willibrod's School, & near an old Undertaker's Salon??????...I foret the
Name of the Salon......However, this Girl, who is of course by now a WOMAN,
was really able to "Pick em up & lay em down".......The name "Mashed
Patatoes" stuck to her for quite a while........Anyone remember her???????
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Musée Maison Saint Gabriel Museum
Kelsea or Danny Tibbo
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Legion Dart Tournament
4538 Verdun Ave) See you all there
God Bless Canadian Women.
their new wives duties after marrying.
Terry had married an American, and bragged that after marrying, he
had told his wife she was going to do all the dishes and house
cleaning that needed to be done at their house. He said that it
took a couple days but on the third day he came home to a clean
house and the dishes were all washed and put away.
Jimmie had married a woman from Australia. He bragged that after
marrying, he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the
cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. He told them that the first day
he didn't see any results, but the next day it was better-his house
was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the
The third man, Steve said he had married a Canadian. He boasted
that after marrying, he told his new
wife that her duties were to keep the house clean, dishes washed,
lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every
meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day
he still didn't see anything, but by the third day most of the
swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left
eye. Enough to fix himself a bite to eat, load the dishwasher, and
call a landscaper.
With love in the loving cup, / Whenever you're wrong, admit it; /
Whenever you're right, shut up."
third ave verdun
anyone know the wherabouts of....
Monday, January 23, 2006
Protect your keys
Ladies, read and take heed. Gentlemen, inform the ladies in your
I would like to warn women, especially young women, about the
danger of giving their car keys, with their house keys attached, to anyone.
A good friend's daughter went to a well-known tire company to have
a flat repaired while she waited. Without thinking, she handed her key ring with all her keys on it to the serviceman and waited. What she didn't know is that most of these places also have machines that make copies of keys.One of the servicemen copied her apartment key, and two days later entered her apartment late at night and raped her. This was a business she frequently attended, and they had all the information in their computer about where she lived, her phone number, etc. The man was caught months later and the police found out that he had done this before. He is now in jail, and my friend's daughter is trying to go on with her life. I called my daughter right away and told her this so she could learn from it, too.
Please, Abby, warn your readers to have their personal keys on another key ring or have a key ring that separates the car keys from one's personal keys.
Perhaps this will save another woman from tragedy.
You may never know how many tragedies you have prevented today.
Your letter is a chilling reminder, and I hope my readers will read it.
Take care, God Bless
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Verdun, a city in Jacques Cartier county, Quebec, on the St. Lawrence river and on the Canadian National Railway. It is a suburb of Montreal, with which it is connected by street-car. Verdun was first known as C척te de Gentilly, and it was given its present name later, probably by La Salle, in honour of the historic Verdun in France. In 1830 it was named La Rivi챔re-St. Pierre, but an Act changing the name again to Verdun was passed in 1876. The city was incorporated in 1912. Although primarily a residential suburb, west of Montreal, Verdun has a number of industrial establishments. The electric lights, water works, and fuse works are municipally owned. There are numerous churches, several theatres, a large general hospital, and a hospital for the insane. Two weekly newspapers are published in English (Free Press and Guardian), one in French (Le Chroniqueur), and one (Messenger) in French and English.
Verdun is a former city on the Island of Montreal in southwestern Quebec, Canada. It is now in the Borough of Verdun. It was amalgamated into Montreal in 2002.
Verdun was founded in 1671, making it one of Canada's oldest cities. In 1956, Île des Soeurs (Nuns' Island) was amalgamated with Verdun, which is on the Island of Montreal. In 2002, the municipality of Verdun was merged with the city of Montreal.
Although very close to downtown Montreal, it is separated from it by the Montreal Aquaduct. It is also located next to the Champlain Bridge, the main bridge from Montreal to the suburbs on the South Shore of the St. Lawrence River. On 3 September 1978, Montreal's metro system began operating in Verdun.
Verdun is a working-class area. In the early part of the 20th century, it had a majority English-speaking population. It is now predominantly French-speaking. It is one of the very few areas in Quebec to ban bars within its borders, although restaurants with bars are allowed.
looking for Philippe Schmidt
Ladies can you identify?
Bloody Men
Bloody men are like bloody buses
You wait for about a year
And as soon as one approaches your stop
Two or three others appear.
You look at them flashing their indicators,
Offering you a ride.
You're trying to read the destinations,
You haven't much time to decide.
If you make a mistake, there is no turning back.
Jump off, and you'll stand there and gaze
While the cars and the taxis and lorries go by
And the minutes, the hours, the days.
Glenn Harris
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Jolly Rogers
ant and the grasshopper m, ( sadly so true )
The Ant & the Grasshopper - A Modern Fable
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer
long, building his house and laying up supplies for
the winter.
The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and
dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed.
The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so
he dies out in the cold.
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer
long, building his house and laying up supplies for
the winter.
The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and
dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
So far, so good, eh?
The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and
demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be
warm and well fed while others less fortunate, like
him, are cold and starving.
The BBC shows up to provide live coverage of the
shivering grasshopper, with cuts to a video of the ant
in his comfortable warm home in Hampstead with a table
laden with food.
The British are stunned that in a country of such
wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so
while others have plenty.
The Liberal Party, the Respect Party, the
Transvestites With Starving Babies Party, the Single
Lesbian One Eyed Mothers Party and the Coalition
Against Poverty demonstrate in front of the ant's
The BBC, interrupting a Rastafarian cultural festival
special from Grimsby with breaking news, broadcasts
them singing "We Shall Overcome."
Ken Livingstone laments in an interview with Panorama
that the ant has got rich off the backs of
grasshoppers, and calls for an immediate tax hike on
the ant to make him pay his "fair share".
In response, the Labour Government drafts the
Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti-Discrimination
Act, retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant's taxes are reassessed, and he is also fined
for failing to Hire grasshoppers as helpers. Without
enough money to pay the fine and his newly imposed
retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by Camden
The ant moves to France, and starts a successful
AgriBiz company [funded by the EU] (although within
weeks, his business is threatened with Compulsory
purchase by the state unless he marries a French ant).
The BBC later shows the now fat grasshopper finishing
up the last of the ant's food, though Spring is still
months away, while the government house he is in,
which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles
around him because he hasn't bothered to maintain it.
Inadequate government funding is blamed, Diane Abbot
is appointed to head a commission of enquiry that will
cost 짙10,000,000.
The grasshopper is soon dead of a drug overdose, the
Guardian blames it on the obvious failure of
government to address the root causes of despair
arising from social inequity. The abandoned house is
taken over by a Gang of immigrant spiders, praised by
the government for enriching Britain's multicultural
diversity, who promptly set up a marijuana growing
Operations and terrorize the community.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Avenue Melrose Avenue
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Boul. Desmarchais Boul.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Member Update
Monday, January 16, 2006
Walking Turcot Yards
It is at neath.wordpress.com
It s been a bit difficult getting started because
1) recent changes in my personal life have left me without any of my own photograhs on this computer for the time being, and
2) there is an astonishing lack of historical information regarding Turcot on the net
So it looks like I may be doing some "hard" research in the coming months. However, I would really appreciate any "leads" any one can provide and, of course, photgraphs are always welcome.
Ken McLaughlin
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Galt, Gordon, Rielle, Willibrord
I took my girlfriend, Jean Atkinson (5th Ave) and her friend, to the
Savoy to see Elvis Presley in 'Love Me Tender'. They insisted on
sitting in the first row! Looking up!
I was immediately electrocuted into another dimension. These two 15
year olds, began screaming at the top of their lungs when Elvis
appeared on screen. This embarrassed 15 year old left the theater with
face on fire, and I might add, neither one of these darlings could care
less. Young love - ouch!
I may rent that movie just to see what I missed.
Second Avenue.
Love cures people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive
--Karl Menninger
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Before You Go
October 22, 2005
The elderly parking lot attendant wasn't in a good mood.
Neither was Sam Bierstock. It was around1 a.m., and Bierstock, aDelray
Beach,Fla., eye doctor, business consultant, corporate speaker and
musician, was bone tired after appearing at an event.
He pulled up in his car, and the parking attendant began to speak. "I
took two bullets for this country and look what I'm doing," he said
At first, Bierstock didn't know what to say to the World War II
veteran. But he rolled down his window and told the man, "Really, from
the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you."
Then the old soldier began to cry.
"That really got to me," Bierstock says.
Cut to today.
Bierstock, 58, and John Melnick, 54, of Pompano Beach - a member of
Bierstock's band, Dr. Sam and the Managed Care Band - have written a
song inspired by that old soldier in the airport parking lot. The
mournful "Before You Go" does more than salute those who fought in
WWII. It encourages people to go out of their way to thank the aging
warriors before they die.
"If we had lost that particular war, our whole way of life would have
been shot," says Bierstock, who plays harmonica. "Every ethnic minority
would be dead. And the soldiers are now dying at the rate of about
2,000 every day. I thought we needed to thank them."
The song is striking a chord. Within four days of Bierstock placing it
on the Web, the song and accompanying photo essay have bounced around
nine countries, producing tears and heartfelt thanks from veterans,
their sons and daughters and grandchildren.
"It made me cry," wrote one veteran's son. Another sent an e-mail
saying that only after his father consumed several glasses of wine
would he discuss "the unspeakable horrors" he and other soldiers had
witnessed in places such asAnzio,Iwo Jima,BataanandOmahaBeach. "I can
never thank them enough," the son wrote. "Thank you for thinking about
Bierstock and Melnick thought about shipping it off to a professional
singer, maybe a Lee Greenwood type, but because time was running out
for so many veterans, they decided it was best to release it quickly,
for free, on the Web. They've sent the song to Sen. John McCain and
others inWashington. Already they have been invited to perform it
inHoustonfor a Veterans Day tribute - this after just a few days on the
Web. They hope every veteran inAmericagets a chance to hear it.
Friday, January 13, 2006
VHS Class of 1958
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Verdun Hangouts
V.C. Photo
holding her child in a Verdun lane is reminiscent of every memory I
have of Verdun. I lived at 457 Second for the first 18 years of my
humble life, and spent much of my childhood in the lane between 1st and
2nd. I can recall pictures very similar to that one lost forever. Thank
you for this one.
The lane traffic, in which the iceman (river ice to eat -yuk!),
roofers(tar to chew -hmm), ragman (to wonder about), police -(run like
Second Avenue.
"To keep your marriage brimming, / With love in the loving cup, /
Whenever you're wrong, admit it; / Whenever you're right, shut up."
verdun book
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
My name is Norm
My name is Norm, and I am Canadian ...
I am a minority in Oakville,Toronto, and every casino in this country.
I was born in 1935, yet I am responsible for some native's great great
grandfather who screwed himself out of his land in the 1800's.
I pay import tax on cars made inOntario.
I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but not allowed to drive without a
seat belt.
All the money I make up until mid July must go to paying taxes.
I live and work among people who believe Americans are ignorant. These
same people cannot name this country's new territory.
Although I am sometimes forced to live on Kraft dinner and don't have a
pot to pi.. in, I sleep well knowing that I've helped purchase a nice
six figure home in Vancouver for some unskilled refugee.
Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate, Quebec
still provides my nation's prime ministers.
95% of! my nation's international conflicts are over fish.
I'm supposed to call black people African Canadians, although I'm sure
none of them have ever been to Africa, or east of Halifax for that
I believe that paying a 200% tax on alcohol is fair.
I believe that the same tax on gasoline is also fair.
Even if I have no idea what happened to that old rifle my grandfather
gave me when I was 14, I will be considered a criminal if I don't
register it.
I often badmouth theUnited Statesand then vacation there three times a
I believe spending $15 billion to promote the French language in the
rest of Canada is fair when the province of Quebec doesn't support or
recognize the English language.
I'm led to believe that some lazy ass unionized broom p! usher who
makes $30 an hour is underpaid and therefore must go on strike, but
paying $10 an hour to someone who works 12 hour shifts at forty below
on an oil rig is fair.
I believe that paying $30 million for 3 Stripes ("The Voice of Fire
painting in Ottawa) by the National Art Gallery was a good purchase,
even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever see it.
When I look at my pay stub and realize that I take home a third of what
I actually make, I say "Oh well, at least we have better health care
than the Americans."
I must bail out farmers when their crops are too wet or too dry because
I control the rain.
My national anthem has versions in both official languages and I don't
know either of them.
Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest
military buffer for the United States, and the number one destination
for fleeing terrorists.
I am not an angry white male. I am an angry taxpayer who is broke.
My name is Norm, and I am Canadian.
Track a ship.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
we may not comment on the topics.....The very first time I ever ate Pizza
was at Trevi Pizza on Church Av. I don't think the owners even knew how to
speak good English in those days......We were uptown at the Esquire on
Stanley St. & Ronnie Duynes said lets go for some Pizza, so we all jumped
into his Daddy's 1959 Powder Blue Mercury, & he drove us to this Pizza
Parlour, which was of course Trevi's Pizza....I told him that I had never,
ever tasted Pizza, & he asked me if I was from another World....But you have
to know that Pizza hadn't come out as far as LaSalle at that time & I didn't
have any exposure to this kind of food before......I didn't think that I
would eat any, but, went along anyway....I must tell you that since then the
only Pizza I have ever tasted, which I consider "Top of the Line", is Trevi
Btw..I always thought that Swartz's Smoked Meat, was the World's Best....But
I found out about Smoke Meat Pete's on Ile Perot, just this side of
Montreal, & I haven't been back on St. Lawrence Blvd. since tasting Smoke
Meat Pete's....It is the World's Greatest as far as I'm concerned....This of
course is simply one Man's opinion......Hey do you like the term I
used....Btw.....Being from LaSalle we pick up so
Can you relate
Sometimes in our lives, we come across a hurdle that stands in our way of getting to where we want to be. We usually take one look at that hurdle, and automatically think, I cant do this, there is no way I’m ever going to reach my goal.
We end up backing away, leaving our dreams, defeated once again, by our own fear.
If we carry on this way, where will we get, who will we be?.. We will literally be standing still in time, we all have the emotional strength deep down to conquer anything, but fear stops us from doing so. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of humiliation, fear of being hurt or fear of being rejected.
Time and time again we let this feeling win, only to stop ourselves from moving forward.
You in yourself are not a failure, not trying is though.
Are you scared to contact a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a long time?, what stops you? Is it the fear of the unknown or being rejected?, How do you know that will happen unless you try?
Are you scared of looking for a new job , leaving the house, getting in a car, finding love?, if so, there it is again, the defeating “ fear” feeling that overpowers all other feelings, takes over your body every time you go to try.
Find the courage in yourself, fear isn’t everlasting, fear can be defeated instead of it defeating you. Courage cant die, but fear can.
As I read once, look at the cliffs, the rocks on the edge of the ocean, look at how they are battered with waves, yet the rocks remain intact, still standing as strong as they were before. We too can stand strong against such thing, we just need to let ourselves. Fear is your worst enemy, and if you let it rule you for too long, it becomes habit. Take a step forwards, set out to do what you mean to do, and if fear appears in front of you, close your eyes, breathe, relax, and keep trying. I know you can do it, just like I know I can too(i hope
Blair Mackasey
TSN.ca Staff
1/9/2006 8:44:12 PM
Blair Mackasey has accepted a position as Director of Pro Scouting for the Minnesota Wild, TSN has learned.
The deal is over four years, the remainder of this season plus three more. An official announcement is expected to be made on Tuesday.
Mackasey has been the Canadian Hockey Association Director of Player personnel for Team Canada's Under-18 and World Junior Championship teams since 2002. He served as assistant coach for Canada's 1994 Under-18 team as well as the 1996 World Junior team that took home gold in Boston.
Drafted by the Washington in 1975, Mackasey attended the Capitals camp before being sent to Richmond of the American Hockey League. Prior to the following season, he was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs, getting into his only NHL game with the Leafs during that season and recording a minor penalty.
The Pav
It was nice reading your reminising . "Au Trois Bleu " on the
left hand side of the highway on the straight stretch of the
road .I seem to remember your buddies names .
At one time I used to periodically go to LaSalle .One guy
from Verdun that hung out there was Mike Doyle .....
In the time period that you mention you may have remembered
the incident when . Dave CMAN on his way home from the
Trois Bleu was dragging his 56 ford , with a TBird engine .
I don't remember who the other car was .....anyway , Dave
was booting her out at about 120 .....and after he figgured
the race was over he slowed down.....
Very drunk he explained after in the hospital , all encased in
a cast for his broken neck , "I don't know what happened ."
he struugled to talk with all the medications and painkillers ,
" I was driveing along and then I stopped the car and tried
to get out ."
As the cop took notes he interjected " You were drag racing
along the highway ? "
"Not really officer ." Dave said .
"We have reports that you were going over a hundred and ten miles
an hour ."
"I don't know what happened , I was trying to get out of my car
and next thing I know I'm here in the hospital .
As Dave later explained to his friends he really didn't know what
was happening . He remembered doing a hundred and twenty MPH,
and then he remembers slowing down and having a hard time
getting out of the car......when he thought he was stopped .
The car following him explained that Dave had slowed down to
about fourty MPH and struggled to get out of the car .
And that he had to swerve to avoid running Dave over .
Dave later said that with all the booze and poppers at fourty
MPH it felt like he was standing still .......
>>>>>>>Note to Les ....I got a three day convention
comming up in Vancouver , jan 21 ,22,23.
So were gonna have to plan to Coffee excludeing those dates .
>>>>>>Note to Bubbacut ( Bob Pilon ) Maybe my message
didn't get to you and Glen......I'll repeat it.....
I have some old movie stock of GRACE at a wedding in
the 1950's Pete is not in the shots . If you , Glen,
Barry , Barb , would like I may be able to copy the images
for you . The images are a little grainy but you can make
Grace out ......
>>>>>>>Note to French MAC (MArc Pacquin )
Maybe you didn't get my message also .
I have some mementos from JOHNNY that
he gave me . They are some tools that he made
when he was young .....for fixing office machines .
I kept them cause I though he was a memorable
guy ...but now that I see you here .....maybe you
could value them more than a stranger.....
Thats it my body is too craped out for anymore
Synergize , ya remembered the shad flies but
the bees at sixty MPH gettting implanted in
the forehead was an awakener ......
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Remembering Verdun.
anyways so be it. I've read the 3 Frank McCourt books including his
latest 'Teacher Man'. The Irish Catholic Church has made some important
changes since McCourt's day in Ireland. Also his brother wrote a few
books which are easy reading. I'll check out Brendan O'Carroll. Thanks
for the tip.
Second Avenue.
A God who allowed Christians to believe that they were better than
savages was a God he wanted no part of.
- Mark Twain.
The Pav.
Hey Everyone, Today is the first day back from my Christmas Vacation, & I
already need a rest from my two or almost three week vacation......Speaking
of "The Pav" when our gang or crowd hung out their, the restaurant wasn't
always open, I used to think that whoever ran this place was not looking for
business. The place itself was very cool, the park was always busy with
folks, the Tennis Club close by was a place that I favoured. We hardly
stayed & hung around for very long, we were always driving off to some other
place, like the, I hope I'm saying it or writing it correctly, "The Twoit or
Troit Blue", on the way to Plattsburgh N.Y. The Motorcycle crowd hung out
their, & it was always jumping, with Rock-N-Roll in the late Fifties & early
sixties.....It always appeared to me that we were a restless crowd, always
looking for something else to do....The dance at the Y on Tuesday nights,
the Dance at Dompolski Hall in the Point on Friday nights & the Boys & Girls
club in the Point, with Mike Stevens from CJAD on Saturday nights......Our
time was always filled with much too much to do........Then we discovered
"Girls" in the early sixties,, suddenly the working on our Cars, or
Motorcycles or playning Sports wasn't so "Kewl"......The question I have is
where were the "Drugs" in those days, or was it our activities that kept
most of us "Drugged".......
Sunday, January 8, 2006
recorded in the 70s & 80s. I also have the software to transfer these
songs to CD, but haven't developed the motivation as yet.
I saw him perform here years ago. He had an attitude on stage, as if he
was doing us a great favor with his presence. He disappointed me, and
lost a few fans to boot. I expected more personality I suppose, from a
Canadian artist if you know what I mean.
His records are somewhere in my loft, and I may some day dust them off
and transfer them or not.
Second Avenue.
"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful
stroke of luck."
- Dalai Lama
Elvis Presley.
He learned to play the guitar when he was twelve but never really
learned to read music. He just knew how to mimic what he heard. He
loved all kinds of music and his friends said that he could reproduce
perfectly almost anything he heard on the radio.
But he'd grown up in a strictly religious family and his favorite music
was gospel. He sang in his local church choir and later took his
girlfriend to see local gospel performances. She later said that she
was embarrassed by how he would sing along with the performers.
He had no clear ambition to become a professional musician. After high
school he got a job as a truck driver for the Crown Electric Company
and he began studying to become an electrician. His career as a
recording artist only came about because of his love for his mother.
At the time, the Sun Record Company had a special recording studio
where anyone could come in and pay a small fee to record personal
records for themselves. In the summer of 1953 Elvis scraped together
four dollars to record two songs, "My Happiness" and "That's When Your
Heartaches Begin" as a present for his mother. When the woman at the
front desk asked him what kind of a singer he was he said, "I sing all
kinds." She asked him who he sounded like and he said, "I don't sound
like nobody."
The recording engineer that day liked Elvis's voice and somehow those
recordings made their way into the hands of producer Sam Philips who
specialized in recording "hillbilly music." Philips called Elvis back
into the studio to see if he might have some real talent. Elvis sang a
few slow ballads, which were his favorite songs to sing, and Sam
Philips wasn't too impressed. And then, in between takes, Elvis and the
other musicians started fooling around and singing a blues tune called
"That's All Right, Mama." Sam Phillips asked them to start over from
the beginning and recorded the song. He then rushed the record to the
biggest DJ in Memphis.
When Elvis found out that the song, which he considered a joke, would
be on the radio, he was so embarrassed that he hid in a local movie
theater until his parents made him come home. That night the DJ in
Memphis played Elvis's new song on the radio for the first time, and he
received forty-seven phone calls and seventeen telegrams asking to play
the song again. In the following week Memphis stores sold some 6,000
copies of the record. A few weeks later Elvis sang the song at a local
music show at an outdoor park. He was extremely nervous while singing
the song and started shaking his leg in rhythm to the music. The girls
in the audience went crazy.
Elvis went on to record 149 songs that made the top 100 in the
Billboard's pop charts including "Heartbreak Hotel," "Hound Dog,"
"Jailhouse Rock" and "Are you Lonesome Tonight?"
Elvis Presley said, "Some people tap their feet, some people snap their
fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I just sorta do 'em all
together, I guess."
Saturday, January 7, 2006
Hello Verdunners
from my past .
I went to both the protestant and the catholic schools in the 50's and 60's
They each told me not to bother to come back for my certificates ......
So there are names that I recognize on this site from all over
Pilon , Redmond , Hastings , Dall , Sullivan , Allen , Archibald , Mace
,just too many
to list right now .
I was born in 1946 on 3rd avenue ...then moved downtown to Mackay street
.......from there we
moved to Moffat , then to Rolland , Bannantyne , Argyle , Bannantyne .
My spots were Downtown , The PAV , Kosta's , Ma's "Miss Verdun ", Crealey's
, Curries ,
Hickson Pool Hall , Wellington Street , Juvenile detention center , Crawford
Pard , Ville LaSalle,
Ville Emard , Lachine , Montreal North , RoseMount , Little Burgundy ,
Chateauguay .......
Schools attended , St.Thomas More , Willibroad , VCH, VPH....
On one of the postings someone asked what color jacket did someone
Well in the early sixties Summer was a white nylon wind breaker , fall was a
suede jacket ,
winter was a blue bomber jacket with those weird seams that made your arms
look like the
michelin tire man ........Desert boots , flyght boots , mocassons , smelly
sneakers ,
I wasn't a team player , I got in trouble at my second B&G football
practice.......chased the
puck on Brown Blv'd rink......pick up games only....... referee's couldn't
survive those rules .
I got hockey teeth ......so they say . I got excused from gym at VCH after I
beat the gym teacher.
So athelitics weren't that important to me after that ........
Fished in the Ackey ., on the river ......from the shore , in the hole in
the rapids ........
Did the swamp in Angrignon before they drained it ........
I've lived all over Canada , however I always made the choice to exclude
Toronto from
my list of domiciles.......currently I live in Victoria BC......down near
Clover Point .
I think that Les posted a web cam that shows the waves near my place
.......they come
smashing over the road whenwe get "WEATHER."
I think I can entertain most of you with some stories that will touch each
of you personally.
That has been my hobby for the past umpteen years...collecting anecdotes
about VERDUN .
Ah....my fingers are starting to crap out ....so , gonna have to call it a
day for now.
Soon I'll post a link to my WEB site where you can choose to download some
of the stories .
It is easier for me that way ......Oh ya I got some pictures also.
The reason that it'll be easier to post the stories is cause I am useing a
UNIX system and
it doesn't work with the MSN network , so I've got to use someone else's
computer to send you
mail and all that stuff ....so it's easier posting to a WEB site for me
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Little Christmas !
Danny and Jerry
Thursday, January 5, 2006
Meeting the Holdaways
Cindy Sheehan.
Second Avenue.
"The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they
say, Lo here! or Lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within
The last reunion took place on Sept.27/2001 in Verdun..are there any interest in having another? Ken |
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
BBQ Recipes
me know what you think of it!
Sweet &
Spicy Corn Bread
cup of melted butter
cup of white sugar
small can of kernel corn
small can of creamed corn
small can of chillies, chopped
cup all-purpose flour
cup cornmeal (yellow)
tsp baking powder
tsp salt
Optional: 1 cup shredded cheese (I use Cheddar &
Monterey Jack)
While heating your BBQ up to about 300 degrees, grease a
13x9 baking dish (9x9 makes the bread thicker). In a large bowl, mix thoroughly
the butter & sugar. Beat the eggs in the same bowl adding them to the
sugar/butter mixture, then blend in the corn and chilies and cheese. In another
bowl, mix the flour, cornmeal salt & baking powder and slowly add that to
the wet mixture. Once well mixed, pour it into the baking dish. I keep one side
of my BBQ lit and put the baking dish on the unlit side. Depending on how
accurate you can keep your temperature, it usually takes about 45 minutes to
cook. Test it in the center with a toothpick until it comes out clean.
Little David
Little David / BeerTroubleshooting Chart
Little David is in the 5th grade. Yesterday morning when the teacher
asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the
typical answers came up; fireman, policeman, salesman, etc.
The teacher noticed that little David was being uncharacteristically
quiet and so she asked him about his father.
"My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his
clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good,
he'll go out to the alley with some guy and do it with him for money."
The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the
other children to work on some coloring, and took little David aside
to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?"
"No," said David, "He plays for the Philadelphia Eagles, but I was too
embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids."
From my brother who lives in Philly, and is a HUGE Eagles fan. If you
watched the Redskins & Eagles game a week ago you'll sympathize.
Second Avenue.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Recent Movies Seen.............
idea what more I can say except if you are a music lover, and have not
seen this documentary, then you are deprived of a musical experience
Par Excellence.
Second Avenue
"Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be
alcohol or morphine or idealism."
- Carl Jung
place to stay,,,.
very very helpful.
Highlight the URL below and paste it to a search engine.
Second Avenue.
place to stay,,,,
tell me where is a good place to stay other than family....as family no longer
lives in Verdun! or Lasalle! Just need a few days ....let me
Monday, January 2, 2006
Arrived in Paris
An elderly gentleman of 83 arrived in Paris by plane. At the
>French customs desk, the man took a few minutes to locate his passport in
>his carry-on bag.
> "You have been to France before, monsieur?" the customs officer
>asked, sarcastically.
> The elderly gentleman admitted he had been to France previously.
> "Then you should know enough to have your passport ready."
> The American said, "The last time I was here, I didn't have to
>show it."
> "Impossible. Americans
have to show your passports on
>arrival in France!"
> The American senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he
>quietly explained. "Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in
>1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find any Frenchmen to show
>it to."