I'm a new member, just wanting to know if anyone remembers the
above club,believe it was around the 1947-50s.
I lived on Rushbrooke St. next to Rene's resturant.
Most of the members also were part of the ball club that Rene sponsored. Some of the names are Chubby Thompson, Cliff Moron, Vern Roberts, and many others.
I remember the Jolly Rogers club, I used to ride in Verdun and surrounding area's, I had a 1955 Triumph, a Tiger 110, never did ride with any of the Jolly Roger members. I used to ride with George Elkin, Vern Provost, Kenny Coby and Roger Brossard and a few others that I can't remember, also rode with several bikers from NDG Bob Richard, Pete Gilespie, Pete Peterson. Paid $600.00 for that motorcycle, a far cry from what they want for a new harley now-a-days. Hope Ya all had a Happy Thanksgiving up there in the cold counrtry, ours is just around the corner. here in sunny California, oooops, we finally got some rain and too much of it. C U All later
Others were Billy Butler,Marty who was killed on
his bike, can't remember
his last name just now.There was also someone last
name Davis and others.
I hung around with Bill and Marty.
margo,martys last was lacey,sonny stark was on the back of
martys bike when he was killed,sonny walked with a cane for a long time.sonny
lived down the street from me on osborne.
My uncle Ewen Cameron was a member! Steve Fullard
Margo: Bill Butler is still doing well, maintaining residences in Chateauguay and Florida. His son now runs his cheque writing maching company located on Verdun and Hickson. His younger brother Gary lives on Oakville and I'll be visiting him next week. Gord Gibbons Brampton
Hi Gord,
If you see Bill tell him Margo Allen says hello.
Hopefully he will remember me.
Where does he stay in Florida?
I now live in Brampton.
My Uncle use to mention to me as child the Jolly Rodgers Club he was a member his name Robert Buck. I also knew Roger Brassard, if i'm not mistaken he use to own a motocycle shop for Hondas named Newman Motors on Newman Blvd. in Lasalle. He had two employees Gino the mechanic and Victor Dupuis. Roger has two sons Raymond and Roger also known as Sonny also had a daughter named Darlene. Last I heard he sold the shop.
Your right, Roger had a shop on Newman, he sold it several years ago. He and Victor built a 1956 600cc Tiger 110 Triumph for yours truly, it was a unique work of art. When he started he had a shop in Verdun in one of the alley ways, then moved to a shop at the corner of Monk and St. Patrick. The shop is still standing and located just west of the new bridge at the foot of Monk Blvd.(Welding Shop Now) Victor's last name was Dechaines and not Dupuis, Victor and I rode together many times, when he was young and reckless he lived at the corner of Rielle and Wellington at the South East Corner, 2nd floor just next to the Prince George. The last time I saw Victor was at the Champlain Bar on Church, he was working in a Harley Shop. The last time I heard from him, he was in BC. I believe there is a Sonny Brossard that is in this group, I just wonder if he and Roger are related? Regards, Bob G
I remember Newman Motors all to well. During the mid seventies I use to frequent the shop often. At that time Roger lived above the shop. It was during this time that a Victor Dupuis worked for him as I was married to Victor at that time. One of Rogers friends who I only knew as Tarazan would visit. Maybe you know this person. Last I knew of Roger was that he sold the shop and relocated to property he had purchased by a lake. Do not recall the area as I only visited him twice out there. Both his sons went out West and Darlene went East.
Is that the Bulters from Egan
just above Verdun Ave. on the
West side.
Re Neuman Motors. Bought my first (and only in Canada anyway) motor cycle from these guys in May 1965. It was a Honda 90. It was one of the first few imported I believe. Cost $329.00 plus tax & lic. My dad was not happy about motor cycles so it had to be the scooter variety CM90. Anyway it was real fun to have and only fell of twice. Once on that great S turn leading from Wellington onto the Champlain Bridge approach. Slid about a hundred feet. Burned a hole in my jacket, suffed a nice pair of shoes and only bent the foot peg. Now have a old Kawa KZ750 Twin. Better not fall off that one here. Too much traffic would mean a large squish sound and unhappy pets.....
Re Honda 90... Hey Bill Ask Frank if he remembers the Honda. I don't think he ever recovered from his experiences with it........
Hey dflood wasn't that the bike
you lost the lisence plate to
and you put a cardboard one
on the back.Didn't you get stopped?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'
you got stopped in Ville Lasalle.
You were in the same court that
night , with your dad , as I was .
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'
Dave: Frank still tells the story about that Honda and his tumble - well, his version anyways. And I see someone else knows about the "cardboard" license plate episode. Gaud, you're famous! Bill
Actually the story goes like this. 1966 -Lost plate sometime Friday before long weekend (Labour Day I think). -Had a date in RAwdon so my Dad suggested a "substitute" plate (cardboard. -Returned Monday Afternoonto go to Bar-B-Q at brother's house in Verdun. All is well - Stopped by Verdun cop on Joseph near Bannatyne. Asks about cardbaord plate???? - I explain... He says follow me to station.. (on Lasalle and Galt). He disusses with desk sgt. They recognize my name and proceed to start arrest proceedings. I am now a prisoner with bail required but NOT put in cell. Biggest bust of the week I guess. - They seem to be having a good time about it.Since they have Al Capone's associate they think. - I get my one phone call. All my Dad tell him need bail about 50 bucks-cash ONLY. - It is between pay checks at Northern Electric so neither he or my brother has the money. He is also major pissed at the cops. Family persues other options. - Twenty minutes latter the desk sgt gets a call. He is no longer laughing. It is MAYOR O'REILLY a good friend of my father for many years. - Cops now are in a panic. They acknowledge to Mayor George O' who they have and appear to be getting an ear full. - Mayor says HE will post bail and it arrives in the hands of my angry father. -The cops huddle and decide that I will be charges with making "counterfeit license plates" plural a possible FELONY in Quebec --- go figure. - My dad and Archie Wilcox (Queen' Consul lawyer) have a meeting on Wednesday with police chief. - All is resolved after Wilcox and O'Rielly laughing at the cops antics. \ - My Father says he is glad he has moved to Greenfield Park and out of Verdun. (I doubt he means it). NO Court Date and No further episodes. I get NEW plate next day ...early. QUESTION: Steve how the hell did you know about this. Only used in past as a good drinking buddy story??????
Hey Bill RE Cardboard Lic plate issue: Almost the first of the group to end up in Bordeau... But history would show that I wouldn't have been the last ...get my drift.. Re minor car-Honda confrontation Woodland andLAurendeau or Hadley MAn that damn car jumped right out at corner and bit Frank on the knee. ONe of the most vicious and premeditated attacks ever witnessed Frank was never the same riding on the bike after that day. He used to close his eyes aloy mumble prayers and always said his knee hurt after every ride....and we hadn't even had a beer that day...
We were both in the Lasalle court.
you were with your dad and you told me thats
the reason you were in court.
I was there for loirtering picked up
outside the resturant"Fish and Chips"
on sixth and Eduard in Ville Lasalle.
Hi; Yes I was a member of the Jolly Rodgers, and have many pictures of same, lived on Woodland, still in touch with several others. Now living in Chateauguay. Still driving, both in Quebec & Winter in Florida Ron Larman
Hi touchy826,.......Those old pictures would be great to see,....and any other Verdun/Montreal type photo's you may have saved over the years,.....Hope you get a chance to post some of them ,..here onthe site,.or even start your own Photo Album................. HF&RV One of our other Verdun Connections members was or knew a lot of the JR MC guys,.....and we spoke of it on the site here a year or so ago,.....I can't Remember who it was,...but I think it may have been USNAVYBob,......I haven't seen him on here for awhile,............but you never know he may read the messgages,.and join in......Good Luck on finding all those old pictures HF&RV
Hi,stewc1, I too am a new member. I am one of the original members of the Jolly Rogers Motorcycle Club. A bunch of us riders got together in 1948 and decided to form a motorcycle club.We decided on a scull and crossbones crest through a unanimous decision.I know the three boys you mentioned in your note. Chubby Thompson lived on May Ave.,Corner of Rushbrook. Cliff Morin Had one of the first Vincent Black Shadow motorcycles in the Montreal area, a real fast machine. Vernon Roberts and I both played football with the Verdun Pavillion team along with some other Jolly Rogers Club members.I know Ron Larman has some good photos of our old group and worth looking up.I still own a Suzuki 650 cc twin and a Honda 350 Rancher 4x4 which I still ride all over Prince Edward Island. Have a good one. cessnakid1
Hi cessnakid3,............. Welcome to the VerdunConnections site,. there are quite a few pictures available in the phtot albums ....under the 'pictures' link on the left hand side here,........ Sounds like your memory is working good,..we love to hear any Verdun story's or maybe you've got some pictures of life in Verdun/Montreal ?? We'd like to see those if you have some you'd like to share ....................Enjoy the site,I'm sure you'll meet a few old friends,.... These are only a few of the pictures,posted by one of our members 'nostop514' Nick Ostopkevich, this last one was postd by 'touchy826' Ron Larman.......... ..............Enjoy the pics
Hello Cessnakid3 - I'm not sure but I think I babysat for you once when I was about 12 so that would have been around 1953???? My name back then was Judy Grayburn....then again, maybe you're not the same Stan....just thought I'd ask. judy in NB
Hey Les - Neat photo......I recognize a few faces from way back in my "motorcycle mamma" days. Some really good times!!! Wouldn't it be interesting to know where all these guys ended up???? This old girl is still a 'HOG wannabe' and the sound of bikes going down the road still gives me goosebumps up and down my arms. With the price of bikes, maybe I can afford a 'scooter'......haha. judy in NB
Hi, Judy, I just read your message . I don't remember you,but,should you be a daughter of either Harry or Gibby Graburn anything is possible.What Street was I living on at that time? Are you presently living in New Brunswick? My residence is in Prince Edward Island,maybe you can hear my bikes from where you are. cessnakid3
Hi Stan - Small world, isn't it? Harry was my dad. He passed away in 2003(see In Memoriam page). Gibby passed away 1-2 years before him, I think. Sorry, I don't remember what street you lived on way back then. I think I lived on Valiquette at that time. So you're in "Bud the Spud" land........lovely over there. We have friends in Montague.....are you near there? By the way, did you know that you're in one of the photos in the "Pictures" section? I think it's on Page 2 of the albums under 'Motorcycles Verdun' and you're on the 3rd page. Great to hear back from you - take care. judy in NB
Hi,Judt, Yes it really is a small world,and getting smaller all the time. So sorry to hear about your dad and Gibby. While I knew them both I was much closer to your dad. he was such a great help to me when I was building runabouts. Your dad was building B-hydroplanes whenever I wasn't bothering him for advice on how to build runabouts. He was a superb craftsman and very dedicated to the task at hand. I also assisted your dad at quite a few regattas.Like Ste Jerome,Alexandria Ont. and of course the Verdun Yacht Club,among others. I remember one day your dad mentioned that he had a sander that he wasn't using. I traded him my Hawian guitar for it.Maybe you've seen it around the house.It was black with silver palm trees printed on top.I have a farm in Goose River P.E.I. I'm about 15 miles north of Montague.as a matter of fact I do alot of my shopping there .Goose River is located on the north shore app.6 miles east of St.Peters Bay.A few other photos at the web site.Guys Canada hotel back row left of guy with a tie.Lachine outing, on Ron Larmans right wearing cap with white peak,2nd motorcycle guys left side with cap and white peak,sitting next to Cliff Moran. Have a good one, cessnakid3
Stan Have attached another photo, Ron Stan & girls, I belive you have to click on my name & photo appears in another area.. At least this is what happened last time I sent one. See your living in P E I . Ron Larman
Here's your pics,..............if you'd like them here in the message window?? ....Hope these work,.seems I'm having trouble posting any pics ?
Picture did not attache
Les I must not have the proceedure correct, I would like to attache photo to message , How ??
Ok touchy826,....... If you want to put your pictures in a Msg post,.and not added as an attachment (you can do that as well) However ,to ad to the Msg itself, hit 'reply' to any Msg ,.....then when your reply window opens up,.you will see a strip across the top of the reply area,with many selections,.. there is a little yellow box with some Mtns. & the sun in it,.... if you click on that little box,.it will open another window to allow you to select wheere you want to get your picture from, it will say 'My Computer' or 'one will be 'clipart gallery' under them You will see 'Add photo' etc etc . First Click on the 'My Computer ' button .then you will see another selection Open Up saying 'Browse' Click on 'Browse' ,........now you can go to where you keep your pictures (the folder usually says 'My Pictures' Select a photo, then click 'open' this will return you to the first window where you saw the 'My Computer' button ,.and the 'Add Photo' button,... Click 'Add Photo' ,.then you will be returned to your message post and you can then just hit the 'Send Message' .......just like you would if you were post any message................... It's rreally easy,....just take one step at a time,.and you will be fine, Good Luck,...........and if you need futher help,.No problem ,.we'l;l figure it out......................
Hi , Just thought that I would add this to the subject at hand. My Uncle Robert Buck was active with the Jolly Rogers and later on married a women by the name of Audrey Rankin. Should you wish additional information please feel free to reply.
Hi Les, What school is the pic outside of , and what year? Tks George
Ron, I thought you would be in Panama City soaking up the sunshine by now.Then again maybe you are.I have been a resident of P.E.I. since 2002. My house is right beside the ocean and it's one mile to the highway. The road belongs to me and not the government so they wont plow it. Consequently when the snow flies so do I. Back here to Pointe Claire until my road opens up. I'm still in the same house as I was when we met a few years ago.Right now this house is on the market,If it sells I will buy another in Charlottetown.I have a son living year round on P.E.I. so his job is to keep a lookout and let me know when I can safely return snow free. I couldn't find the picture you mentioned in your message but I'm no whiz when it comes to computors.I can readily handle my own programs but thats it.I'll keep my eye open for it thiugh.I too have some pictures to post. When I get it all figured out I'll do it Have a good one Stan
My brother-in-law, Rosaire(Ross)Terreault, was also a member of the Jolly Rogers. We used to hear a lot of stories about the "gang".
Montreal Good Times George If your refering to picture Les showed above. Its Connaught School , in Ville Emard, 2 nd. grade 1937 Im the guy standing up in white with long pants on. Ron Larman
Hi Les__F, I think I maybe able to solve the Verdun Pavillion mystery for those that are interested. I have a photo taken from the boardwalk side. It covers the complete south side of the restaurant. It also shows the length of the counter facing south on the boardwalk side. It is a picture of the Pavillion Restaurant Football team. It includes the owner of the restaurant his counterman and waitress. As it was described it was a large wooden building with an interior partition that split it into two sections.An eastern section and a western section. .Its location is as described. It was aligned with the top of Woodland Ave. on the south side of Lasalle Blvd. It abutted the side of the boardwalk. It was aligned with one of the sets of stairs that serviced the Verdun Yacht Club. The west side of the building housed the Dance Hall where Rolland David’s Orchestra played on weekends. Maynard Ferguson was his lead trumpet. That is until he left to join Stan Kentons group in New York. As I’m sure you all know he returned to Montreal to open the Olympic stadium and the 1976 summer games. We had sweet and free music on a warm summers evening..And,if you had a mind to you could dance away the evening with your girl , some dim light,sweet music and a zillion shad flies. The Verdun Yacht Club held it’s general meeting in mid-week in that same dance hall. The band stand was just a little east of the Pav. And a little closer to Lasalle Blvd. I spent a lot of nights in there in winter playing the skaters waltz for the rink,but,that’s another story. For someother time. Have a good one, Cessnakid3
cessna kid ,....Now that's a Verdun post,........i hoe you do have some of those pics ,....the shad flies .ah yes I Remember them well,....the boating cllub,...all Great Stuff
That was supposed to say I'm glad you have that picture,......I got all excited thjere for a minute,....good recall ................ Super picture (now you don't happen to have one of those Big Cowheads upat the old Elmhurst Dairy do you........hahahahah We've been searching for those for years too......... ......................
yes a great picture, i remember back then
living on woodland, at times we would go there to
get or steamie and frie, coke.
a jewel of a picture,
This message has been deleted by the author.
This is as good a time as any to insert this recent photo in my album. About 35 years ago I was responsible for maintanance at CNR. Bob Leggat was a sales rep at McRobert Spring.He would call on me from time to time.On one visit I was telling him about a large sailboat I had built and needed a trailer to haul it. Now.Bob was one of the original members of the Jolly Rogers Club along with Ron Larman and many others. About 3 wks. later he called me up to tell me my trailer was ready & could I arrange to pick it up.Now, I didn’t ask Bob to build it,nor did I expect him to. When I went to see it wow! It sure was big and strong. I asked him what I owed him and he said,”nevermind we’ll make it up another time. I don’t know if we ever made it up but I do know that I never paid him anything.I used it for a lot of years until I got away from sailing. My son Sean bought a farm in P.E.I about 5 miles from my place,mentioned to me he needed a trailer so I gave it to him.Sean came for a visit to Pointe Claire on Christmas 2005. On his return to P.E.I.he was to pick up 2 ATV’s we had purchased in Maine. On arriving back home he sent me this photo to confirm his safe arrival.Bob passed away about fifteen years ago.For my sake this is not a photo of 2 ATV’s but,a photo of Bob’s gift to me of 35 years ago.How can anyone ever forget Verdun or the Jolly Rogers for that matter when there in my sons yard sits Bob Leggat....saying Hi ! cessnakid3
Cewsnakid,.................... another good Verdun story,.....Thanks ,.and it's neat you still appreciate your buddy's gift............... Incidentally the name your using ,I take it you fly ?? Your sons property looks pretty neat,......bet you could land there if ou had to
Hi,Les__F, You're right on. My first one was a Cessna 177 Cardinal which I sold about five years ago. I presently have a Cessna 172 skyhawk. My flying hours in the last few years have scaled way back. cessnakid3
Hi,Anne, When I left Verdun to work in Ottawa for two years Bob Buck was one of the riders who was to continue running the club,among others. I had been chief cook and bottle washer for some time but had to leave.I guess they did a good job,because the Club continued on for some time after that. cessnakid3
Hi; I have had my membership cancelled , and up untill now unable to get my comments in.. To answer cessn kid, had to leave the south in Jan, wife required some hospital attention. We have two new grandchildren that we will be visting shortly. The picture I refered to , on my file, click onto my touchy thing and it will bring up same Hope this continues and membership o'kay Ron
touchy826, did you get my email regarding your membership problems? mumagain@hotmail.com
Hi; Able to get in one message only, and then quit again, this happened after I went back into MSN membership. I opened a new E-Mail with msn @ Hotmail, and put in for another membership, yesterday,
Maggie I seem to be able to get in using old Touchy, which still shows membership canceled on profile listing My new membership Scooter 956 also shows membership canceled on the profile listings.
Where do you see a profile listing that shows cancelled membership? Can you copy and paste the page URL and send it to me? Usually if a membership is cancelled, the member ID does not show on the list that I see.
My Father, Ken Hill, raced for Budd & Dyer in the late '40's. He rode a Vincent. Then he went travelling with a motorcycle show for a bit. Does anyone remember him?
bigfellow6633, I remember Ken Hill a little. He became a stunt rider in a motorcycle act in the late 40's. He did an act where he rode a motorcycle inside a wire cage. I knew Alec Budd a little as he imported a lot of Harley 45's from War Assets, a lot of which ended up with the Jolly Rogers boys.The only 2 Vincent's I remember around in my time were owned by Cliff Moren and Bruce Hickey. cessnakid3
big fellow 6633 The last I saw of Ken, he was racing go Carts, This was many years ago, I had gone to the race with another friend Ted Dixon and suprised to see Ken. there. Just a coincidence but I almost ran over your uncle yesterday , in the local (Chateauguay) I G A parking lot, but he still gave me a big smile The Gazette ran a very nice story about your Uncles & Aunt, with there WW 2 activity I always use to kid Ken about the war years, your grandfather was a radio ham
& had an ariel that was 3 storys high, and we use to pass the word around, this was a German spy operation, Woodland Street. Ron Larman
Maggie McK I have E-Mailed to you from my yahoo site, copy of my profile, hope this is what your interested in. will try to attache a photo in my next mail to Verdun connections. but when I tried yesterday all went well until the final sending, when the message turned into front page of Verdun Connections Had trouble getting to site
Hi Fianly got picture in. List of people, starting left Bob Foley between 2 parked cars Bob Buck next, Bill Butler , Kevin Skillander, Cliff Morin, Roby Neilea, Bob Miller, Ricky Longtin, Jack Eden Ron Larman
HI In last message forgot to mention Stan Booth in House not on motorcylce , he was best man at wedding and of course I'm in the middle with Joyce.
Thank you for the information. I know so little about my Dad's early years. I had heard about the story in The Gazette, but never saw it. I am trying to get a copy. Which uncle was that? Harold or Jimmy? I do remember my Granpa's radio. It took up all the space in the dining room. The walls were floor to ceiling with radio bits and pieces. I remember when the antenna had to come down. It was a very sad day for him.
Bigfellow; Cannot ever remember names sorry. Ken your Father & I are close in age and we did some things together, Uncles were older and only knew on a less familuar basis. Ron
Cessnakid3 Stan; You photo of Your Mom you & 1937 Ford, you mention year being 1956, I thought it was much around 1951/52. I gave you a hand putting in new block when your Dad passed it along to you, if I rember we went to Lachonia N.H. in same, either that year of new block or next.. This was my first time at a major motorcycle race. Went many times after Also latter on Bob Legget bought an identical car, Did you remember when he had it , But I was in 2 accidents with him, one on Atwater Ave. the other on Noter Dame St. when he bumbed into a street car, Passenger got out and starting bad mouthing us. ended up in a brawl. Bob had to go to court over same. But my memory with dates suffering bad latley.??
Ron, I just checked the date on my photo it says 1950. Must be a misprint somewhere. I remember that trip very well. First off we were only allowed 3 people on the front and only seat in the car. If you remember Joyce had to sit on the floor all covered up and hidden when we went through customs. When we arrived in Laconia there were no rooms available in the hotels and motels.. We ended up sleeping in an old battered trailer in someones yard. You don't forget a once in a lifetime trip like that. I would do it again in a heart beat. I know it was 1950 because my Dad bought a new car in 1951 and also a new house in Dorval. Stan
Hi, Ron, I think I know where the 1956 year confusion comes from. It was my Dad's new 1951 Pontiac that became mine in 1956. That was after he kept it for 5 years. Dad bought another new one in 1956 that became mine in 1961. Hope this clears it up. Stan
Hi, Ron, What a revelation! While I wasn't in your recently displayed wedding picture, my car was. If you look over Rickey Longtin's right shoulder, you will see a rear-end view of my 37 Ford coupe parked at the curb. I'd know it anywhere. Stan.
Hi Ron: I sent the wedding photo onto Bill Butler (through his brother Gary). We were neighbours of the Butler's and your motorcycles were really popular on Egan Avenue. Gord Gibbons 444 Egan Avnue
Gord Eric Met Bill Butler this afternoon, says he received copy of wedding photo, and showed same to Bob Buck.. We go to the same watering hole Of course they regonized everyone. Ron Larman
Is Bob Buck related to M. Laurel Buck?
Clary, I don't know if you are still active or not but, I noticed a photo of someone you may know. He comes from your area of Verdun.In the back row of the More Motorcycles Verdun Photo is a shot of Melvyn Bell .He lived near Chubby Thompson on May Avenue.He is in the last row, on the left of Coach Baker in suit and tie. Also a photo of Vernon Roberts in center of middle row. cessnakid3
I beleive that Melvyn Bell is my first cousin whom I have not heard or seen from since the late 50's. He used to live on May avenue and his sister was Carolyn. Parents were Fred and Emma Bell. (both now deceased) I cannot place the fellow 2nd from the left, but the fellow next to him looks a lot like Mel. Last time I saw him he was recovering from an auto accident when he was almots killed. Last time I heard he was in Halifax or somewhere in the maritimes. His sister Carolyn passed away many years ago in California and was married to a fellow called Pat Seymour. Does the above ring a bell with anyone. If Mel is my uncle, I would be greatful for any memories of him and his family as I am the only one left. Thank you. Keith Harrison Keithhlcl@yahoo.com
Maggie McK: Bob Buck is not related to M Laurel Buck, We had another Victor ( Vic) Buck in the Jolly Rodgers, drove A Single Panther, and did a bit of racing. he was a pretty good rider. He was a cousin to my wife, we last had a vist from him approx. 1964, he had moved to an Island in the West Indies, and enjoyed the lifestyle there, worked as a electrician, lower wages, but no burn outs, he had some great pictures to show us.. Ron Larman
Hi, Keith, I don't know a lot about Melvyn Bell, but here's what I do know. I played football on the same Verdun Pavillion Football team as Mel in 1947. In the summer of 1948 we spent quite some time at my aunt's cottage in Cantic ,Que. He didn't own a motorcycle,but,rode on the back of mine.We spent most of that summer hangiing around the Riverview Hotel in Cantic,sowing our wild oats,as they say. One evening his sister was buggjng me for a ride,and I consented. We were riding along Wellington Street in front of Tassee's when I was cut off by a Nap Leduc ice truck. Rather than hit the truck I threw the bike down. I ended up with a broken elbow and Carolyn broke one of her fingers.Mel and I met a couple of girls that summer and sort of went different ways.I only saw him once in a blue moon after that. cessnakid3
cessn kid3 I remember you going around with your arm in a sling, and being talked into getting on back of your Harley, with only one arm to drive with, I Had to Shift gears, while you did the rest. Ron
touchy826, What aa memory! It sure sounds like something we would do,back then,"eh" Stan
Ron, Just wondering.Do you remember the time you bought your 22 cal. colt woodsman? We hung targets up in the basement of your Mom's store and blasted away. I often wondered how many of your Mom's customers we chased away. Stan
Hey Cesskid, Do you remember my brother in law Bob Thompson, Tall redhead, Played for Antecol's in that league. Ed
Hi,Ed, While I don't recall Bob Thompson by name,I surely remember the Antecol's football team. I barely remember the names of one third of my own team.I do remember that most of the players on the Antecol's team lived in Ville Emard. The one name that I 'll never forget from that team was Salty. He was a big burly linesman. I bounced off him more times than I care to remember. Antecol's was a good team that did Ville Emarde proud. cessnakid3
Cesskidd Remember the day well, Jack Murray there as well. But it was a High Standard Auto. I had bought, my turn came up, and I stood next to wall & fired off 10 rounds rapid fire. same resulted in a concusion to my left ear, that has left that ear deaf.. Not to saftery minded then. Latter Years I heard Jack Murray had been murdered in Vancouver.. He left the restaurant Woodland & Wellington to his Sister.. Did you stay in touch with him ?? Salty (Ville Emard) His last name was Murrano, and lived on Dumas Street, Played Middle, , He got me to take a bus to Leary, and pick up a Harley he had bought. He I and Tommy Savagau, took a trip, Salty on back of Tommy's bike, we went through Tobbaco country, picking, untill tornado came through, ending season. moved on to Sarnia. We left Salty there, he took a job with Imperial oil, pipe fitter, and played middle for there football team. Tommy & I went to Michigan after. this was a lot of travling on a 45 Harley Year 1950 Years latter he married, and I heard he got involved with dope dealing, and he & his wife were shot in bed his Brother has a tailor shop on Springland St, Ville Emard
Hi,Ron, The year before Jack Merie [or Murray] moved to Vancouver, we went on a moose hunting trip to La Macaza. On that trip was Donnie Halverston, Red Eden the Verdun Cop. Jack Merie and myself. Red Eden is Jack Eden's brother,as I'm sure you know. Donnie Halverston became a conductor on a C.N.R. freight train and was rear-ended and killed near the east end refinery. And I later heard about the murder of Jack Merie. Didn't Jack's other sister run a haberdashery next door to the restaurant? Something else to think about. The day we swapped my runabout for your MG,for a day. You splashed around the river and I left a little rubber on the 2 and 20. Stan
Stan Few Years back I met Don Halvertson's widow on St Lawrenec St. She was shopping, and wife & I passed her, we all stoped. She came running back & gave me a hugh hug, Got quite a look from the wife, we talked over old times. Jack Eden & I worked Dosco , he drove a truck, when he passed away several Years ago, Red was at funeral, he had been working as a guard in Penitary. Jack's widow Slyvia , has moved to Chateauguay. They had been living in Verdun, and country home in Cantic
Adding pictures of Salty Also my MG Picture taken on Argle, close to Banantyne, parents lived there 1953
Ron ,.great old Verdun picture,..love the old MG (it's a TD right??) My Uncle & Aunt bought a new MGA in 57 ish,....... always thought it was a fun little car............(no heat though) so Summer was the only time you should drive it,...hahahahaha Great Verdun pics ,.I love the B&W stuff,.......... How are you scanning your pics Ron? maybe we can think of a way to help get you more room,to post these old pics,.....so it will allow you more space,...?/ Can't promise anything but we can certainly try to help:
Ron, Sure glad you decided to show that torn photo of Salty. It shows Salty just the way I remember him.It's amazing, how the right photo can so perfectly refresh ones memory. Is that your Dad in the MG photo? The build seems right but can't make out the features. Stan
Les F Yes its a 1951 MG TD. I scan photos into "my pictures" Then attach to mail. I have A dell PC and use XP. I do not know how to shrink, attached phots. ??
More photos of cars I had in the 1950's. 1: 1951 MG TD 1-1/4 Liter morris motor 55 HP. top speed 75/80 M.P.H. 2: 1955 TR 2 2 Liter Standard Motor motor 90 H.P. top speed 105 M.P.H. Had wire wheels, adjustable steering,7 speeds, fiber glass hard top, tonneau cover, covertable top, windows slid open. 3: 1957 140 XK Jaguar 3.5 Liter D.O.H. C. forgot H.P top speed 140 M.P.H., Drop head coupe, and it was all dressed up. wire wheels etc. 4: 1958 TR 3 2 liter Same motor has TR 2, but 100 H.P. They were a great deal of fun, I passed up on owning Austin Healey's
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Further to older cars, pictures of my parents ,, 1927, & cars. one has knock off wire wheels, Went for motor bike ride last Wednsay, but its still a bit cool Ron
thank you for sharing your pictures
i'm enjoying them very much.
looks like the bonnie and clyde days
in the fashion business maybe one
day they will have the style of clothing
and hat wear they had back then.
lots of class back then
Hi Ron Can I ask you when you worked at Dosco? My ex was there and so was some of her family as well..Pretty sure you would know them. Lad
The Lad Started when it was called Canadian Tube & Steel 1950 Then Dosco . Dominion Steel & Coal. Latter Sidbec Retired 1986 Worked in Wire Mills mostly, including Nails & fence Depts. 1 Year In Bolt & Nut. 9 Months out in Rod & Bar Mill in Contrecoeur .Worked mid mangement after 1954.
HI Ron The ex ended up as a buyer in wire mill..then company changed name again. My ex father in law worked in rolling mill... The ex started in main office,and was in dispatch by front gate for a long time. Sure I met you somewhere there..u ever in the bowling league they had? Lad
The lad Used to bowl during the 1950's Would need to know name of Ex. & Father in law. Still see Nick Pukalo, who worked Rolling Mill, lost part of leg in accident, His Father was a foreman & Brother Steve, also worked on Rolling floor
Ron Larman
cessnakid, It is so nice that you remember my Dad and his love of building racing boats. I was probably too young to remember you. But do you remember when he built the *Angry Bee** in our garage on valiquette in a record 6 days. I do , I was the only one small enough to fit in the nose of the boat to mark everything he had to glue and screw. He had a friend of ours paint a picture of a Bee with boxing gloves. He use to box in his younger years also. So the combination worked out well for the picture. He use to race Akli Hydro with stacks that were about 3 feet long. Boy - did that thing SCREAM. Such a small world. I saw that you had been talking to my sister (Newfy dog9) Thanks for bringing back a great memory. Just to let you know that he continued to build racing boats till he was about60 yrs old. His last one was *GRAMPS* after my son. His sight got quite bad after his 63 yr and allthough he couldn't build anymore he was always drawing plans for boats. He had even drew up plans to build me a double Kayak that was impossible to tip( he knew I was not very brave when it came to the water). My son even got into racing and bought a 2.5 Litre Hydro back in 1991. Raced for 7 yrs before moving to the states. He still has the hydro and has rebuilt it over the years, and every time I see what he has done I swear it is the work of my father. Jim is very fussy about what he does, the same as my father was when building boats. Sorry I can go on forever sometimes . Anyway thanks for the memory Harriett (Grayburn) Hewitt
Hi,Harriett, Good to hear from you. Not surprised to hear that boat bulding runs in the family.Your Dad had a lot of it in his genes. Thank God he was very generous with his knowledge of it. While not familiar with his six day record, it could easily have happened between my visits. If aanyone could do it, he could. I moved from Rolland Ave. to Dorval in 1955, but continued building boats for a long time after that. Anytime my work took me anywhere near the CNR backshops I always took the time to drop in on your Dad to chew the fat. I used many of the tricks he taught me for a long time after leaving Verdun. For one, he showed me how to wrap burlap bags around stubborn lengths of oak and pour kettles of boiling water over it's length until flexible enough to curve without cracking or splitting. He also showed me how to draw the design I wanted and then enlarge it to full size. Then measure the frame dimensions from the full size drawings.I could easilygo on and on with the tricks he showed me, but I wont. I have very vivid images of him,especially with his glasses all covered with sawdust pushed up on his forehead leaning over the bottom of one of his boats.One of the great memories that I cherish. cessnakid3
Hi Cessna, You really did use alot of his tricks for bending the wood. He built a boat for Expo 67 ( BU 100) - did all the plans and jig in 66 in the basement and waited for the Spring to put all in the garage on Moffat. Helped with all the gluing, and got thrown out of the garage as I was getting high on the super glue he was using. Then started with the staining and varnishing. Seven coats of stain and then varnish , water sand - I did this with him for eleven coats of varnish. One thing about my father he never stopped me from helping when I showed interest. Definitely not a male chauvenist!!! Even had me take apart motors, of course putting them back together was HIS job. I was at the Pav when he tried the boat and motor for the first time. Usually on weekends I was at Napierville working but they were closed for those 2 weeks. That day I met my future husband. That day I also got to take the boat out - to my surprise. When he came in he threw me the life jacket and helmut and said you earned it. I couldn't start the motor as there was so much compression so he stayed on the wharf and pulled the cord. I just kept the pistol grip full open and hoped for the best . What a feeling when it started. I was out for about 10 minutes , but told Dad it doesn't go fast enough for me. I am a speed freak. Boats, Cars, almost anything. God forbid if we ever got together to talk we would go on forever. Anyway thanks for the additional memories. Harriett
Hello All, Weren't there more pics of the Jolly Rogers? I mean there was a group photo that was posted that I don't see anymore. Or was it a different group. George
Hello everyone. I know this thread is old, but I just googled Jolly Roger Motorcycle Club and this thread came up. My dad, Art Williams, spoke occasionally about being part of the Jolly Rogers. He had an Indian, then later a Harley, and was friends with Frank Meikle and Phil Barzdenis. He was born in Verdun in 1930 and lived there until our family moved to California around 1968. Unfortunately he passed away in 1995 and my mom, Jean Cameron (Williams), passed away back in 1985. Did any of you know my parents?
hi all my dad was also a part of the group his name was Kurt Langguth i am his son nice to see some comments of ther fun times
Hello ,my father was also a part of the group he was born in 1932 and grew up in Verdun he had mentioned he was a part of the Joly Rogers hid name was Kurt Langguth he is still alive and kicking
I'm not sure if this blog is still active but here goes. My father in law was an early member of the Jolly Rogers. His name was Norm Matchett.Unfortunatly he passed away last year but loved talking about the club. Are the photos still available on this site and how does one access them.
I'm not sure if this blog is still active but here goes. My father in law was an early member of the Jolly Rogers. His name was Norm Matchett.Unfortunatly he passed away last year but loved talking about the club. Are the photos still available on this site and how does one access them.
Hi Kris , glad you surfed by and found this old blog. As for pics/photos & vids, I think I saved almost all of them from our old site however they are most likely on one of my old external hard drives, if I get energetic one day I will look into re-posting them back on this site. Cheers ! Les
ps: some photos still appear in the various topics but not all made the migration from the old site to here successfully. but as I mentioned I probably have them around somewhere.
Hello, I am trying to earn more about my father, Jack Merie. His name came up attached to this blog. Does anyone know him? He lived in Verdun in the early 1960's at 251 Woodland Avenue. I believe the family owned a restaurant or store on the main floor. He later moved to Winnipeg. He died in 1964. Any information would be great - I was only 5 when he died and just want to know more about him. Many thanks in advance! Irene
Hello - I am wondering if anyone knew my father, Jack Merie. In doing searches, his name came up with the blog. I was only 5 when he died and do not know much about him. I am trying to piece together his life. He lived in Verdun in the early 60's at 251 Woodland Avenue. I believe his family owned a restaurant or a store on the main floor. He later moved to Winnipeg. He died in 1964. I am uncertain if he was murdered or if it was suicide. Any assistance would be so appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Anyone have any club pics, with my uncle Donnie and Marty Lacey? Thx in advance....
Used to work for Roger @ Newman Motors, M/C dlr. on Newman Blvd., Ville LaSalle, in the mid-late ‘60’s. Was known as “Bob” then, real name Robin, an American from CNY & CA. Any posters here from that place/time?
Hello, my Father Gerry Bowden rode with the group, he was born in 1935 and had 2 older brothers, Jim and Pat on Gertrude. Sorry I found the group so late!
Hey Anonymous welcome aboard, your comments are appreciated and always go to keeping the history going.Imagine if your Dad Gerry Bowden and his buddies could see their history remembered for all Verdun folk then and now. Cheers ! Les
Hi Cessnakid- I am Jack Merie’s daughter. Would love to learn more about my Dad’s time with the Jolly Rogers’s. It was Winnipeg he moved to in the late 50’s, when he married my mom. He died in 64. If you have any stories or pics to share, I would love to see them! thanks, Irene
Hi Irene thanks for surfing by,this particular topic/thread was from the late 90's early 2000's so I hope you reach cessnakid or Ron Larman but a lot of time has gone by,so I am not sure if they will see it. Most people nowadays just find this site by random surfing Verdun stuff or what have you.
I have kept this site ,more for nostalgia annd to save a once active Verdun site that actually had Verdun stories......lol
Again thanks for popping by.
Cheers ! Les
Hi. My grandfather was Robert (bob) Foley. He moved to Plattsburgh in the late 50s. My father Steve Foley always spoke of my grandfather’s times in Verdun in the Jolly Rogers. My father laments the loss of grandpa Bob’s motor cycle jacket. If anyone has stories about Bob Foley or Sandra Foley I would love to connect. My name is Saneun McHaley Foley
Where can I see the picture?
Where are the pictures posted? I can’t seem to find them.
Hi Saneun, maybe someone will surf by and see your comment here,and check in with us.
As for pictures that were initially in this thread topic, some just didn't make the transition from the very first Verdun Connections site (MSN Groups) remember them....lol it was 20 years ago.
I did however save almost every photo I could from our old sites,and probably have themm stored on an external hard drive ...but finding them may be time consuming.
I will Try to find them for us.
You will also find that while surfing the stories on this site some photos have just disappeared most likely ones that were copied with links to original websites that are just not available anymore.
I will do what I can to search for everything and perhaps post them again.
Cheers ! LesF
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