Monday, April 30, 2007 on MSNBC Article: A Struggle Inside AA

A Struggle Inside AA
Recovering alcoholics say a Washington, D.C., group has hijacked the
12-step program's name.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Cashier Check Scam

Savoy Theatre

Here are 2 before and after photos of the Savoy Theatre. I believe the license number on the car is 1947.I saw many movies there in the 40s and 50s as did many Verdunites. It is the same building as I recognised the bricks on the side wall on Willibrord.
Also shown is the photo of the corner of 5th and Wellington where the old Fifth Ave. theatre was situated . The whole building was completely rebuilt. Also shown is the currant building where the Palace theatre was situated.I hope to eventually find pictures of all  4 old theatres of  the Verdun, Park, Palace,  Fifth Ave and the Savoy, all to be displayed at the SHGV. These theatres had a large impact on our lives as this was mainly before TV.


A bit of trivia.
Where and what year was the first McDonald's  Restaurant built in Montreal ?  

Don Ho


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Friday, April 27, 2007

40years ago April28th,1967

Forty Years ago this Saturday ,was Opening DAy of the Montreal Worlds Fair
Everyone with a product tried to capitalize on the event,......
Jello had collectibles in there products ,.etc etc
 But even Dow Brewery had an interesting one as well,..a picture of every Pavillion on their Beer Caps,.........
82 of 85 caps.

 Montreal World Fair, Expo '67.

 Missing caps: Dupont of Canada Auditorium, Monaco, Trinidad & Tobago & Grenada.

ca-00512 - Autostade, Automotive Stadium ca-00513 - Italie, Italy ca-00514 - Air Canada, Air Canada ca-00515 - Pavillon des Provinces de L'Ouest, Western Provinces Pavilion ca-00516 - Minirail, Minirail ca-00517 - Yougoslave, Yugoslavia ca-00518 - Union Birmane, Union of Burma ca-00519 - Pavillon sur les Nations Unies, Pavilion of the United Nations ca-00520 - E.U. D'Ameriojje, U.S.A. ca-00521 - Pavillon des Brasseries, Brewer's Pavilion ca-00522 - Labyrinthe ca-00523 - Aquarium, Montreal Aquarium ca-00524 - Le Jardin des Étoiles, The Garden of Stars ca-00525 - Pavillon des Provinces de L'Atlantique, Atlantic Provinces Pavilion ca-00526 - République Fédérale D'Allemagne, Federal Republic of Germany ca-00527 - Planetarium Dow, Dow Planetarium ca-00528 - France ca-00529 - Scandinavie, Scandinavia ca-00530 - Thailande, Thailand ca-00531 - Pavillon du Téléphone, Telephone Pavilion ca-00532 - Ile Maurice, Mauritius ca-00533 - Gyrotron ca-00534 - L'Homme Interroge L'Univers, Man the Explorer ca-00535 - Pav. de L'Industrie Canadienne des Pates et Papiers, Can. Pulp & Paper Ind. ca-00536 - Féerie des Eaux, Dancing Waters ca-00537 - Ceylan, Ceylon ca-00538 - Les Jeunesses Musicales du Canada, Jennesses Musicales of Canada ca-00539 - Cuba ca-00540 - Habitat 67 ca-00541 - Inde, India ca-00542 - Vénézuela, Venezuela ca-00543 - La Marina, The Marina ca-00544 - Australie, Australia ca-00545 - L'Homme Á L'Oeuvre, Man the Producer ca-00546 - Indiens du Canada, Indians of Canada ca-00547 - Barbade et Guyane, Barbados and Guyana ca-00548 - U.R.S.S., U.S.S.R ca-00549 - Pavillon de L'Administration, Administration Pavilion ca-00550 - L'Homme et la Santé, Man and His Health ca-00551 - L'Homme Dans la Cite, Man in the Community ca-00552 - Pavillon du Québec, Québec Pavilion ca-00553 - Suisse, Switzerland ca-00554 - La Roseraie, Rose Garden ca-00555 - Ontario ca-00556 - Place D'Accueil ca-00557 - Pays Africains, African Countries ca-00558 - Ethiopie, Ethiopia ca-00559 - Belgique, Belgium ca-00560 - Vermont ca-00561 - L'Homme et L'Agriculture, Man the Provider ca-00562 - Lamaïque, Jamaica ca-00563 - Tunisie, Tunisia ca-00564 - Republique Arabe Unie, United Arab Republic ca-00565 - Centre International du Scoutisme, International Scout Centre ca-01460 - Coree, Korea ca-01461 - Autriche, Austria ca-01462 - Mexique, Mexico ca-01463 - Pavillon de L'Hospitalite, Hospitality Pavilion ca-01464 - Algerie, Algeria ca-02099 - Grece, Greece ca-02100 - Grande-Bretagne, Britain ca-02101 - Iran ca-02102 - Centre du Commerce International, International Trade Center ca-02103 - Japon, Japan ca-02104 - Maine ca-02105 - Communaute Europeenne, European Communities ca-02106 - Place des Ingenieurs, Engineers' Plaza ca-02107 - La Maison Olympique, Olympic House ca-03353 - Pavillon du Canadien National, Canadian National Pavilon ca-03354 - Pavillon du Judaisme, Judaism Pavilion ca-00567 - Canadien Pacifique - Cominco, Canadian Pacific - Comingo ca-00568 - Le Village ca-00570 - Pavillon D'Ontario, Ontario Pavilion ca-01427 - Pavillon de la vie Economique, Economic Progress Pavilion ca-01428 - Pavillon de L'Acier, Steel Pavilion ca-01430 - Centre International de la Radiotelevision, Int. Broadcasting Centre (C.B.C.) ca-01432 - Pavillon Chretien, Christian Pavilion ca-01433 - Les Industries du Quebec, Quebec Industries ca-01444 - Musee D'Art, Art Gallery ca-01448 - Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope ca-01451 - Fort Edmonton, Pioneerland ca-01458 - Kodak du Canada, Canadian Kodak
...........................kind of neat idea, I am not sure if I ever Really saw these,.as it was nearing te End of Dow Brewery's time after their product was linked toa few deaths ,and they poured a Million Bucks worth of Beer Down the Sewer,to try & regain Public Confidence, their credit ,they did this immediately,without prompting from a Gov't Agency,......but they Never Did Recover from the bad Press.........................but they had some nice caps......Lol.