Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Maggie and Les

Hi Maggie.....I went to post a joke on the Jokes and Truisms board and the jokes that were there yesterday are now gone.
Am I doing something wrong?
Can you please explain how you want me to post a joke?
Just want to do the right thing!


les__f MSN said...

I think you kust post it under jokes I see the jokes & truisms,..and this I'm sure has been there for years,? or open a new heading ,...look amongst somethings similar,as occasionally sometimes I've seen sort of 'cross threadin' or a completely new heading can appear in a same thread,.How that works I don't know:                                                                                           HF&RV

sandy19465 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

maggiemck MSN said...

I saw the messages you are talking about but only because I get them through email. When I click on the subject heading, I get an "oooops, we can't find that page". If Les didn't delete it and I didn't delete it then it must have been Bill gates and I don't see why it would have offended him at all. There are some things in this world (and the www) that are beyond explanation.

les__f MSN said...

Hi MaggieMck........... I agree,...... and after going through every single topic heading in the Jokes & Truisms,.I see that most of the content has been removed by the author,of whatever Joke,.so where the others' are I don't know ,but after reading through all of it I suggest we remove the Zero Content stuff,.as opening a topic thread with nothing in it ,.is a waste of time,..  a few threads seem to be still there,.......... but as is their own perogative ,.some have removed there own input, let's remove the rest ,.if that's Ok ................hahahahahahah  (quick start an anti removal group).....................hahahahahahah It does seem simple enough , post a joke & leave it or don't ,.....                 Have Fun and Remember Verdun

maggiemck MSN said...

I have done that. Where the joke has been removed by the author, making the thread a non-topic, I have deleted the thread. (this was done just today). This is also done for other message boards. There are some older threads that generated very little response but the original message is still there. Those threads were left intact. I often delete threads that I started if they have not generated any response but I usually leave those of other members unless they request the delete.

les__f MSN said...

Yes I now notice that,.......what's the old adage 'great mind's etc etc ' I know that I have searched for things from nonths & months & sometimes years ago,.and get off trrack & start reading and old thread,that seems to be interesting enough to catch my eye,.as I'm scanning through & then open it up to see every second response a deleted by authour.................hahahahaha It makes for a hard read,........... No Big Deal,....but it helps to just clean stuff up,......that way someone starting to read a thread doesn;t completely give up & not pursue it,........if it's interesting to outsiders who surf by they can read neat stuff,and choose to join,,,,,............. I read the GW Stamp thing again and got a laugh .............hahahah glad your not a delete by authour type.........................        Thanks MaggieMck............................    HF&RV                                        ps: hope we were allowed to do that,..........hahahaha