Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Forgetter


My forgetter's getting better,
But my rememberer is broke
To you that may seem funny
But, to me, that is no joke

For when I'm  "here"  I'm wondering
If I really should be  "there"
And, when I try to think it through,
I haven't got a prayer!

Oft times I walk into a room,
Say "what am I here for?"
I wrack my brain, but all in vain!
A zero, is my score.

At times I put something away
Where it is safe, but, Gee!
The person it is safest from
Is, generally, me!

hen shopping I may see someone,
Say "Hi" and have a
Then, when the person walks away
I ask myself, "who was that?"

Yes, my forgetter's getting better
While my rememberer is broke,
And it's driving me plumb crazy
And that isn't any joke.

CAN YOU RELATE ? ? ?    

Please send this to everyone you know


1 comment:

secondave MSN said...

Good one Winston. I have to take preventive action so I don't lose
everything. For instance I leave my wallet in the car (gated
community), and carefully leave my car keys in the same place in the
kitchen. Even still I have a magnetic box under the car with
duplicate keys, $20 etc. There is nothing more fun than when you are
ready to go somewhere and cannot find the blasted car keys or wallet.
Second Avenue.