Friday, May 21, 2004

Does anyone remember what was on the corner of Willibroad and Verdun Avenue?

Hi all
My Mom asked me to post this for her...She's having trouble joining!  I'm going to go and fix it for her but she asked if I would post this question LOL
Does anyone remember what was on the corner of Willobroad and Verdun Avenue?  This is going back some time tho!! Well, she is my mother so that should give you all a hint of the time frame she's remembering in!!! LOL


tony MSN said...

The 4 corners of Willibrord & Verdun were as follows when I lived there in
the 40's & early 50's.

Halpins Funeral Home on the S.W. Corner
Joy gas station on the S.E. corner
St. W's High on the N.E. corner
Willibror'd Park on the N.W. corner accross from Halpin's


tony MSN said...


Just noticed in your photos that you mention your Mom was a Halpin.
Would that be Lorna Halpin?
Halpin's were freinds of my Dad.


sugarandspice113622 MSN said...

Hi Tony   Yup, my Mom is Lorna!  and of course my grand-father was Charles Halpin LOL    

tony MSN said...


Your Mom was a couple of years ahead of me at St.W's but I played hockey
with some of her freinds e.g., Les Mccoll, Billy Fife, Morris Quinn, etc.
Your grandfather & my Dad were freinds his name being Jack Sullivan & we
lived at 292 Willibrord just accross from St. W's Church. I beleive your Mom
would be about the same age as an older brother of mine, Leo. Check with
her. Sure is a small world.


margo MSN said...

Ask your Mum if she remembers Sheila and Helen
Davies that lived down the street from her?

sugarandspice113622 MSN said...

Tony   I'll definitely pass on that information to my Mom...she'll be thrilled!! She was hoping to find people that remembered the Halpin's LOL   (as if they wouldn't).  My grand-father was pretty well known I think.   Thanks for your message.   Rosemarie

sugarandspice113622 MSN said...

Hi Margo   Will do!  She's already amazed at how I can talk to people on this thing LOL...I'm bringing her into the 21st Centrury slowly LOL   Thanks again   Rosemarie

maggiemck MSN said...

we are spanning decades here! In the 70's there was a gas station on the one corner that was owned by a Diamond. I think the name was Calex or something like that. I used to run for coffee for one of the employees there to earn some pocket cash.

margo MSN said...

Ask your Mum if she remembers Sheila and Helen
Davies from Willibroad St?

papa3times MSN said...

a funeral parlour, gas station on the south side
and city hall and a catholic school on the north I

tony MSN said...


It was a "Joy" station in the 40's & early 50's before it became Calex

A little before your time I guess. Ha! Ha!


tony MSN said...

Rosemarie   World even smaller than I thought. It turns out that an older brother of mine ( John ) went to school with your Uncle Charlie Jr.)   I have a photo of Sullivan brothers that I would like to send on to you. Pls. provide an e-mail address & I will do so. Your Mom & perhaps your uncle would enjoy.   All the best Tony

sugarandspice113622 MSN said...

Tony   I sent you an email with my addy.  Thanks so much for that.  Mom will be really pleased.  My Uncle Chuckie will probably get a real kick out of it.  He doesnt live all that far from us.   Cheers Rosemarie

tony MSN said...


Got your message re., that you sent me e-mail address but I did not rceive
the address. Pls. try again & send it to;
Martin. S. (* aka Tony)

I hesitate to send photo via Verdun Connections & am not sure why. That is
reason I ask for your personal address.

madstan4 MSN said...

The four corners of Verdun and Willibrord contained: 1 - Charles Halpin's Funeral home, house in a 3-storey flat 2 - St. Willibrord Park, decorated, until WWII with captured German cannons from the Great War 3 - The St. Willibrord High School yard, covered with gravel and surrounded with a Frost fence 4 - A B/A gas station, I think. Stan Madore

madstan4 MSN said...

 Here's a photo of one of those cannons with me seated on it (circa 1936). BTW, I was a classmate of your Mom, on the other side of the dreaded fence. Stan

tony MSN said...

Stan Madore
Why do I know this name but cannot put a face to it? Tell me a little about
yourself. Cannot make out the face in the photo of you in Willibrord Pk.
Name some teachers, guys you hung out with, etc.Service station at the
corner was a Joy gas & service stn.
I lived at 292 Willibrord across from the Church. Attended grades 4 & 5 at
the French scool 5th Ave & Verdun then to gr.6 at St. W's (Mr. Doyle)
How old were you when photo was taken? Possibly you went to school with my
brother Leo.
I am sure I know you.

Martin Sullivan a.k.a. Tony

tony MSN said...

Stan Madore
Got it.
Army Cadets Valcartier? St. W's school band?

maggiemck MSN said...

Where was the Verdun Legion? I thought it was on the corner of Willibrord and Verdun.

tony MSN said...


Tried several times to e-mail jpg & continue to get error messages. Not sure
if error is to your address or copy I sent to your cousin Diann.
Pls. let me know.


tony MSN said...

Maggie;   Verdun Legion was on south side of Verdun Ave., between Willibrord & 1st Ave.   Regards Tony    

tinytina19581 MSN said...

Hi Rosemarie. I remember there being a (Calex) Gas Station on the right hand corner facing Bannantyne Ave, and across from that the Catholic Elem. School. On the kitty corner I believe it was another gas station and across from that a small apt. building. Hope this helps your Mom, good luck with her PC.

3rdave1 MSN said...

Corner of willibrord and verdun ave,was halpin furnal home and a joy gas station and st.willibrords high school and the park.

tony MSN said...

Rosemarie;   Unable to get thru to you on the e-mail address you provided although I have been able to connect with your cousin Diann. Pls. provide your address once again to & I will retry. I hesitate to you use your private address across this network to verify if I have the right one or not.   Regards   Tony

toonie67 MSN said...

That photo was the joy gas station

secondavegang MSN said...

Hi It so funny that some one would ask what was on that corner. I remember one day in May it was raining  very hard and is was on a Monday in 1953 me and my friend were playing hookey from school  to pump gas ,and on that corner was a gas station call ( Joy Gas Station) because the owner had to go some where down town,and not only that our class room was on the third floor and any body looking out would see us , it was only at lunch time that we got caught by the kids in our class. I need not have to say what happen to me and friend. They took the Joy out of the gas station and put it some where else ( you know what i mean) Hee Haaa. So now you know what was on that corner because i was there in 1953. And the rest is history.

cathart1 MSN said...

Sullivan-Dale and Beryl!?

robertj2457 MSN said...

On the North East corner was St. Willirbrord's schools, the HS burned down in 68, on the South East corner was a gas station, on the South West corner was a funeral parlour and on the North west was the park, with the Cenitaph and our city hall, now is the Metro Station.   Hope this helps....  My name is Robert Bowles, I went to Willirbrord from 62-68, then to St. TM for one year then VCHS till 74, feel free to write me at 

secondavegang MSN said...

On that cornor was a first gas station call Joy Gas i know i work there when i was 13 with my friend same age and that was many years ago

bettylooca MSN said...

Hi Rosemarie; I used to work with Charlie Halpin at the Hockey News 25 years ago. Is he a relative of yours?  

winterhater MSN said...

Hi, I remember Halpin's Funeral Parlour on one corner, there was the school yard for the boys for Willibrord School on another corner.  I think there was a park where the City Hall and Metro are now and on the last corner I can't remember.  Would appreciate if anyone knows for sure.

happy 2b here:) MSN said...

A Calex Gas station

tony MSN said...

Happy To Be Here2

Before Calex it was "Joy" gas.


happy 2b here:) MSN said...

B4 my time:)

sugarandspice113622 MSN said...

Hi there   Yes, Charlie Halpin is my uncle!!  He is now living in Ontario and doing well.  I can pass on a message if you like.   Cheers Rosemarie

willibroad MSN said...

Hi,   Willibrord(!) and Verdun, all four corners: gas station, Verdun Catholic High School (the original), houses, park.   Lived on Willibrord.  Actually my Mom lives in same house and I will be visiting her next week.   Deb

artsyjobaud MSN said...

Wasn't it a funeral parlor? Just opposite Willibrord HS. I remember working there with the owner's daughter, vacuuming the parlors where the people lay. She and I played who would get to scare the other more from behind the caskets...We were 12 years old or thereabouts.   Jossbaud

tony MSN said...


You probably mean Halpin's Funeral Home the corner of Willibord & Verdun
Aves. ( S.W. corner ) Daughter's name was Lorna Halpin who is a member on
this site.

Tony (ex Verdun)

whenitwaschurch1 MSN said...

Better late than never!!!! Willibrord and Verdun Aves. South east an old garage that sold gas and fixed cars.Had like a tower on top. South West a three story building with the gallery outside. 4 houses upstairs and Halperin Funeral home on the bottom. North East, the schoolyard for St. Willibrord High School and on the north west the park bushes. No city hall and no metro. Hope this helps your mom and it brought a lot of memories back to me.

bpl4719 MSN said...

the funeral parlor on the corner of Verdun Ave. and Willibrord Ave. is still there but it's now called Alfred Dallaire Funeral Parlor

cubbie MSN said...

This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

maroonvet MSN said...

Rosemarie;   Back when I went to St. Willibrord, it was a Joy Gas Station,later Calex, Willibrord Schools, Primary (really at Rielle) and the High School running from Willibrord (Boys) to Rielle (Girls) Willibrord Park, the Halpins Funeral Home & about 2 doors down Br 4 Legion, and the Quinn's Texaco station at 1st Avenue.   Gordo  

Cameron said...

Is Rosemarie (Halporin) still here? 😉
I was talking to my Dad today (he is 97) he grew up in Verdun close to a Grant Halporin.
Dad says he and Grant played together a lot, used to play inside the coffins when they were about 9. So, this would be 1934 ish. Any info on Grant would be very much appreciated !

Cameron said...

Oops sorry I think I misspelled a name. Grant Halpin from Verdun is whom I am looking for, for my Dad. (He is 97)

Les_F said...

Hi Cameron hopefully someone will surf by and see your request.It can happen anytime, a lot of people surf by this site (according to my stats page for this site) so you never know who may see this. I monitor this site often and try to get answers for who ever asks a question.It does get people surfing by but not everyone takes the time to respond. Perhaps because a response gets a "your post is awaiting moderation" or something to that effect. I do this to prevent spam and general nuisance solicitations )
Good Luck I hope you find the info you are searching for.
Thanks again for surfing by.

Anonymous said...

My uncle Grant passed away long ago.

Les_F said...

Thanks for updating your Uncles status for us, Cheers ! LesF