Is it just me, or do you believe that we really DID have more snow when we were kids than they do now? Geeeeeeez....I can remember jumping off of 2nd story balconies into the snow below! Anyone remember that snowstorm we got in hmmmmm....I guess it was late 60's early 70's where we got slammed with like 3 FEET of snow and the snow covered the cars parked on the street....cops were out on SNOWMOBILES helping people who were stranded? Oh about some GREAT snowforts that year...not to mention great $$ that was made shovelling walkways and digging out cars!
How about the parking lot behind Steinberg's on Willibrord and Wellington in the winter? They'd have really high piles of snow around the whole back of the parking lot from clearing the lot, and they were great for walking along the top of....for sledding down once the store was closed at night and on Sundays (Not open Sundays then!), you could build some great forts at the side of them too but you had to be careful, cuz those hills were really high like I said and you didn't want all that much snow capable of falling down on you and killing you if it collapsed and you were in the fort! LOL
That same parking lot was great to play in in the summer too cuz the back of the store was one large brick wall and was used for SO many things! I remember writing and drawing all over that wall with chalk (GASP! I was a VANDAL at 7 years old! hehe), Any of you girls my age remember playing a game against brick walls where you'd slip one of those red and blue spongy/bouncy balls with the white strip into the leg of an old pair of stockings or leotards (OH GOD! Remember those freaking LEOTARDS??? LOL!) and you'd knot the ball in the toe end, you'd stand with your back flat against the wall and your legs apart with the loose stocking end in your hand. Then you would swing that ball from side to side, over your head, between your legs and recite a verse....damn I wish I could remember just ONE of those verses hehe. Any of the girls here remember any of them? Or the boys even? hehe
That same wall also had a ledge about 2 or 3 feet up from the ground that we'd play a game with a ball on had to throw the ball "just right" and it would hit that ledge and POP up into the air. I think whoever got the most pops in like 20 throws won or something.
Am I remembering correctly? Didn't part of the lane that runs parallel with
Willibrord and First Ave. between Lasalle Blvd. and Wellington St. wasn't it still made of cobblestone instead of asphalt? This would be in the middle 60's when I was really young...anyone else remember that by any chance?
Oh I'm on a ROLL here! LOL!
How about the "witches house" on what street...ummmm....Rielle or Gordon? It was this old creepy looking house that was set way back from the street and scared the bejesus out of us kids hehe.
Did anyone ever go to Therrien Park? They used to have these little sort of playhouses made out of cement that was aways from the playground itself. I was disappointed when my oldest was a little girl and I took her there to show her where Mommy used to play, and those little houses weren't there anymore..
Who remembers those white milk bottle candies? Man I loved them so much! Or the little maple sugar topped ice cream cones with maple syrup in the cone?
You all must remember when the "original" Rex Pizza was on Wellington between 3rd and 4th? My Mom used to send me every Friday to get steamies and fries for all of us. Well, get this....I went to where the original owner of Rex had moved and called the place Nick's Pizza, it's on Wellington down just past Hickson. Well, I walked in the door and there was Nick sitting there behind the cash and he remembered me! I couldn't believe it! And I didn't goad him with info either, he turned around to me and said "You used to come to my old place every Friday and get hot dogs and fries, didn't you?" It was amazing. And man...his pizza's and subs AND steamies all taste just like they used to too!
Ok...memory banks closing for the day, I'll let someone else make a deposit hehe.
Luv, Sharon