Friday, September 19, 2003

Class photos

Any Verdunite with a Verdun High year book from the 50s and 60s, please
check out the 'great' class photo web sites in LINKS, and please posts
your collections. Unfortunately, I did not saved one V.H. picture.
What a shame!
Bill Cooper


gord MSN said...

Bill:   Your name sounds familiar - what year did you graduate? I have my yearbooks for the years 1964 to 1967 (inclusive), along with my wife's yearbooks for the years 1967 to 1970. I also have some class photos from Woodland School for the years 1960 and 1961. I have had some success in scanning and e-mailing - let me know if there is any picture (not yearbook) that you want. Also, if you live in Toronto - don't miss our annual reunion on the first Friday in December.   Gord Gibbons

secondave MSN said...

Hi Gord,
I left VHS in 58 to join the Navy, and never graduated until I
returned to school as an adult years later.
If you have photos to share of all your school years please do, because
someone here will see themselves and/or VHS classmates. I know how I'd
feel if I could see one old photo of myself. Please go to LINKS and
PHOTOS to see how others have displayed their precious pictures.
Thanks for responding.
Bill Cooper

secondave MSN said...

I hope some of you folks will overcome your concern about putting a
photo or two on the V.C., especially if you grew up in the 50s, but any
era would be great for someone here.
Bill Cooper