Sunday, August 31, 2003

Remembering Verdun

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les__f MSN said...

Again some great pictures   MPU,...the Labelle Province Restaurant ,.in Verdun ,is one that I just can't seem to recall,......but I have a question for you,..what settings did you use to resize your pictures,.in order to get as many on one page,...what were the settings,..because your pics are still nice and clear, the reduced size,.......   Incidentally ,.it seems that we are all experiencing some intermitent,glitches with the MSN network,.again,.....I have had trouble loggi in ,and even one that didn't recognize my membership ID,....and of course the familiar ,...'Cant find the page ,your looking for....    etc etc,........I would not doubt if we do experience another Total VC site failure,.....but we'll play it by ear,......I see that MaggieMck, having some periodic problems as well,.and she mentioned ,that we do have a back up plan,....where we will notify as many folks as we have contact info for,....both Maggie andd I have a reasonable information base,..which is kept seperate from MSN storage,...So rest assured that We are trying to track this 'glitch monster' for the mysterious mesgs that disappear just after sending , guess is that those are history ,.and as far as we can see ,.will never be recovered, consider them a typing practice...........hahahahaha      back to MPU,........Thanks Again for taking the time to stop & photograph,Our old Neighbourhood, is Very Much Appreciated,........... now if we could get you to visit almost every member we have, and take a few shots of their present  day neighbourhoods,....,that would be really good,....hahahahha   or we all chip in and buy an inexpensive digital,......and mail it to everyone once a week, they can Take some Pics ,..and Post them,.........for us to see where they hang out these days,.........hahahahahaha   from Austrailia,to Alaska,.....and England to Hawaii,.......we have members,and it would sure be neat to seem some new pics,.....of where they call home   but in lieu of that,.......always Remember:       Have Fun & Remember Verdun (sorry for the long post,but I have lost several replies this morning,.and i thought I'd try to get it all done in one post...................................................

redmond1949 MSN said...

MPU is that the right link you posted?  Steve

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Les, I must plead ignorance to knowing what settings my camera are at. I know my daughter is constantly playing with it and everytime I use it there seems to be something different. I basically just point & shoot, and let the Sony software do the rest. So far, I have been lucky (not talented) with the results. My goal is to share what I can easily see with those that can't due to miles/kilometres........I would be willing to travel anywhere to take pictures of other places, ex.Bill In Hawaii, Walter in Florida, the only problem there is $$$$$$$$$, I am glad when I see that my pics are appreciated..,.....................................................................m.p.u.

les__f MSN said...

try       if they don't work,.then use Google,..(or any search engine,..) and type in  Promenade Wellington, will show you the link,........ now I've tpyed one in from the actuall site,...and I've copy & pasted one, if itm doesn't work for you ,then look it up ,as I mentioned through a search engine                                                                                                                      hf&rv

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Steve, the link worked when I posted it, but the MNS ghosts seem to have interfered again. Try the main link for the Wellington St. businesses....   and from there look for whatever type of business you want.       mpu

les__f MSN said...

MPU  .......'the checks in the mail'...................hahahahaha   even though I have taken a few pics from around here,......if you come out to Victoria,..then we'll give you a the grand tour of our end of the Island, for Hawaii,....I wpould think Bill would be happy to send you the air fare..................hahahahahah  Betty,would probably serve you a nice lunch,.......then bubbacut ,would BBQ (in the dark) a little later in the day,......then Waynefeb40  ,could show you around WinterPeg,..and MaggieMck,....could feed you to those Saskatchewan Mosquitoes,.......and send you off to Edmonton,...where you could visit with 'beeaired' and check on him for us,....then visit with Shirley BH2,.....or Connie,.....I think they are in the Calgary neighbourhood,......then I believe one of our more recent memv=bers mentioned 100 mile house BC,.(or thereabouts),.......and wasn't there a Kamloops baby in there somewhere............hahahaha,.....then over the Coqihala Summit,....and stop at DzlDawg's,..for a tour around some back country logging roads,.......then over to Chickentaco2000,.....and she'll drag you up the Grouse Grind ( and I mean drag you up,'s work......hahahaha),.....and then from there get on the BC Ferry to the Isalnd here,........and we'll take it form there,.......then up Island to Mom'45,......then walk on the other Ferry over to Powell River where you could visit with Tiny Tina,....then head down the coast to see djflood64 (DaveAdams) .......oh wait you have to come back up the Westcoast and visit Winston ,....then back to California,...where USNavyBob,.resides,..then across the Sierra Nevada's to Vegas where we have a couple of members,....then catch a cheap flight to Hawaii.....from there your on your own,......all this in a combination driving and flying tour across Canada & the USA,...........and you can use your car,...and sing 'See the USA, your Chevrolet............blah blah blah...........................   HF&RV

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

I have just lost the last three messages that I have tried to post......I give up for now. Hopefully everything will work better later.......mpu

jmhachey MSN said...

Today it is Microsoft Superslow Network !

mom1945-linda MSN said...

MPU   Les_F has a point.  If we had elections on this site (we just had a real life practice run up here in Canada), I think you should run for "Roving Reporter".  I would vote for you.  Just think, you could travel the world (with the exception of the middle eastern countries right now).   Just not sure how many dineros it would pay.  Maybe you should keep your day job.  But you gotta admit, we're scattered far and wide, and it sure would make for an interesting trek.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

That would be a helluva trip wouldn't it?   Mom'45,...are you and yours filling up the RV,....and planning a trip,.........or are you doing the Grand Canyon this year? ........Imagine ,......cruising into VilleEmard /Cote St Paul,........and going directly to Dilallo's,....for take out,...and then pick up some Sruce Beer,....and go to that park on Laurendeau was it?,.....and have yourself a little picnic,.......then head off to the East Coast & vist Patricia_G,......and HappyDi2,.....then down the Eastcoast, time for a BBQ with AlanArchie .....then sail by Sharon's in Virgina,....on your way to visit our Florida group,....then drive into Texas and visit with ElTex,...( who I haven;t seen on here for ahwile)........and get MPU to continue his westerly trip and turn left while in California and head over the Mtns' towards the GrandCAnyon,....and you turn right while in Texas,.....and you head over to the GrandCanyon,.......and the two of you can report from an internet cafe all about your excursion,while having a horse ride to the bottom of the Canyon,......or walk out on that 'Skywalk ' thing we had posted here awhile back.............  (that reminds me wasn't Chickentaco2000) supposed to post some more of her Canyon trip?    

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Here's a little saying that I picked up many, many moons ago:   After all is said and done, more is said than done.   I think I would still vote for MPU as 'roving reporter'.  The mind is always willing, but sometimes the body now protesteth.  I'm not so sure though that it would be so much fun because it would seem too much like a job.  But then again.........   Cheers.   

les__f MSN said...

Hi Winston,     you say you recieve repeated msg's?, Ihave only seen that a couple of times in the board,..Do you recieve all these posted msg's to your e-mail?,......because I opt for the 'read on line only' ,.....then I just hit the read all messages,and read them by date, seems that we are all experiencing some of the same problems,..but also quite a few other weird things happening to, I guess, Do you think it would be Ok if I blame my spelling & fat finger typing on MSN too.............hahahahaha   HF&RV

les__f MSN said...

Well Mom'45,.....I don't recall hearing that one before,......I will Remember that .......Thank You ,I now have learned my something new for the day,.......   __________________________________________________HF&RV   I agree travelling while fun to some extent, very tiring & does seem like work,at times,......and I have done enough of it,.......but Teresa wants me to take her to Montreal,..and the Eastcoast,..(guess I'll have to do that one day,......)  I usually manage to escape and do those things under the guise of having something to do hahahaha  then she hears all the stories when I get back.........(most of them anyway......hahahaha),......those road trips with some of my Montreal buddy's,can be very tiring.....................interesting ,but tiring.  

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Les_F   Yeah, tiring, right!!!!!  But ya got a point...hoisting that beer mug/bottle up and down, over and over.....very tiring.   Cheers.

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

I hope to visit the Grand Canyon one day. It must be a magnificent natural site. I also hope that if any of our VC members will be passing thru Verdun/Montreal while travelling east or west, they post it here, so that maybe some encounters can be made, and some faces put to the members names. As far as travelling and taking photos for a living......................I would like to be able to try it and see how ''hard/tiring''  it might be......mpu

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

I found an RMR coffee thermos mug.................. good.....mpu 

les__f MSN said...

Well I just went down to the ocean to take some pictures,.and it was incredibly windy & raining,.....there was a continous saltwater spray coming over the half flooded parking lot,......and aside from not wanting to get too much saltwater on the car,....I reallydidn't want to get any in the camera,........I took some video,...but had to get back in the car,and get back here for I may venture out later,and get some shots,but it is miserable,........maybe tomorrow,.....we are supposed to have this wind & rain all week.....................see ya later

bubbacut MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Yes  Bubbacut , I have been watching the weather back east,.and winters have certainly started getting less severe over the years,....which I suppose is a very good thing with the risiing cost of Heatin Fuel,.......but it's not hard to get used to having green grass and tree's all year,'s quite welcome,........out here though, the higher altitudes are getting plentyof precipitation,.in the form of snow,....but righ here on the Island,.were being rained on constantly as of late anyway,.....but it beats shovelling ,..reall windy too...and they figure we'll get a pile more of the same ,..all week,....the'Pinapple Express'     except while I was out there today te constant wind and driving seaspray,.was actually cold on the hands,....but like I say we'll take it,.considering the alternativ..........enjoy your weather while you can,.cause this is Canada,..and it can change very quickly,......get outside and enjoy that nice Lakefront you guys have,.....I have looked at propertyin the Burlington area,.some nice spots there,..and still fairly close to the downtown core,..should someone need to go there,.....but they have nice Lakefront areas too.........but the flip side is while you do have a nice winter going on,....the summers are way too hot (humid & sticky) for me,.......the heat not so bad .but that humidity....... Fill up that propane tank ,.and start cooking.................                                                                                    HF&RV

redmond1949 MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

les__f MSN said...

End of January already, it's flying by,......on Thursday Feb2nd, the Ground Hog Day, the old 6more weeks od winter if he sees his shadow,....but my bet is that with such mild temps across Canada,.so far this winter,..another 6weeks wouldn't bother anyone, will be Spring before you know it,...and we will be setting the clocks back,.........   Congrats to kunfu's grandson for the Natural Hatrick,.....and the big win,........and Thank you Jimmy(kungfu) for another detailed trip through Verdun, matter how long we've been gone from there,..I can immediaetly visualize the road trip,.....(except for TimH,...and the NewStHubert,............everything else is easy to Remember,  Thanks Again,...........   KenCM#,......I Remember those guys playing ,they would gather crowds around to watch their level of play,...I believe Minesota Fats Tony,was from the montreal Pool Room,....but they all came to the Verdun Pool Hall (VerdunAv of course)  and they had the same table everytime,............Do you Remember Dave Williamson,....(Willy),.....he too was a real good snooker player,.......and made incredible shots,...generally played in Verdun,.but later moved on to play mostly in the lAsalle Pool Hall,.in the back of the Movie Theater at 6th & Centralle ,down the little alley way in the back........     I posted these 3 messages as one,....seeing as I have lost several so far this morning to 'cyberspace'..........very frustrating,this less than stellar performing network....   However if this one gets through ......Have Fun & Remember Verdun

les__f MSN said...

While some are on a Winter storm, watch,......checkout ,.BC ,.the Coast is Windy and Rainy(what else is new),....but one of out main highway's through to the coast has been shut down ,from Merritt BC  to  the Summitt of the Coquilhala ..that's supposed to be a four-lane at this spot..........hahahahahah    cjeckout some of the other parts of the province if your so inclined............    So we are getting all the snow that you guys haven't ...........hahahahaha   Guess the 'SnowShoes on the other foot'..........hahahahaha     

bubbacut MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Yes I see that,..... was just listening to the news(watching rather),....and that picture I posted of the Coquilhala toll booth area ,.had recieved almost 100cm ,since 5 o'clock yesterday,....they then went on to show a bunch pf the Ski Resorts, and they are having a ball,.......Whistler got 38new cm's Friday ,and another 30 Saturday,.as well as snowfalls for Sun & Monday, did look nice up there,....but I'll wait for the Sun here,.........hahahaha  besides being near the water,dosn't seem that bad based on your theory re: new member.............hahahaha  Guess we'll have to wait & see if any of this stuff stays,(incl.NM) Have Fun & Remember Verdun         (it's possible that like the weather,it's only passing through)

les__f MSN said...

Remember when the Police & Firefighters went onstrike in Montreal,..and they had a Riot at Murray Hill Garage,....Here's a CBC archives report  on the goings on that night,......I seem to Remember someone being killed as well, guard maybe,....??       this is a good site for finding all sorts of happennings of the past,.......  have a look ,you may find something of interest, can play the archived video,or listen to the radio broadcast tapes,..   HF&RV

maggiemck MSN said...

Wow, I could get lost for hours browsing around that site! I have saved it to my favourites.

les__f MSN said...

Yes MaggieMck,..that is an interesting site,......and once you start to navigate around it, can come up with some really neat old news making stuff,.from days gone by..........I have posted that one before,as few times,...but someone mentioned once about a ride at Belmont Park,.and I found a television newsclip of a little tour of the Park, aside from posting stills,..these newsclips are really a great source of information.........Glad you found it of interest _____________________________________*********HF&RV*******   Weather for Canada.................................MILD ,........(BC for a change it's Windy & Rainy.............hahahahaha)

les__f MSN said...

I an trying to find the photo that I was talking about ,..but here's a excerpt mentioning his 'chain smoking',...and the night of the crash (it was '81,...I had thought it was 70's) In the late 1970s, Lafleur became a television star in Canada, doing commercials for a wide range of products including Yoplait yogurt, Shasta pop, Koho hockey sticks, Bauer skates, cars and a line of school supplies. For many fans, this was a bit odd, for the chain-smoking Lafleur had always been very shy of the media during interviews. "Guy has charisma for the English and in Quebec," explained his agent, Jerry Petrie. "He's almost a Beliveau." It was also rumored that in 1976 Lafleur's game in the playoffs was affected by hearsay that there was a plot to kidnap him for ransom. Then came a turning point in Lafleur's life. After a night of partying with teammates in 1981, he was involved in a serious car accident and later admitted it changed his life. "I decided to slow down after that," said Lafleur. "I realized that my family was more important to me than downtown night life. The crowd doesn't give a crap as long as you bring the money in. When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you."   ......................................Hope it's of interest,.............HF&RV

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Does anyone remember peashooters?  There was a fellow in our neighbourhood who had his eye removed when it got hit by a "pea".  I must admit I tried it, until caught by my mom. I wonder when they faded from the scene.   Cheers.

grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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mom1945-linda MSN said...

bubbacut, Betty   Here's one for you.  The government is now considering, very seriously, arming our Canada Customs border people with guns.  How scary is that?????   Cheers.

grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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mom1945-linda MSN said...

I think the teachers think twice about even trying to stop the fights.  They never know when they'll be called up on child abuse, or some such thing.  A lot different today than in our generation.   Cheers.

grammah2 MSN said...

This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

les__f MSN said...

 Wow I wish a bunch of could have been here ,.the beach was great,..the wind is still Howling,....and the waves were fantastic,.......the gusts which were report as gusting to 82.,...I am sure were at times much stronger,.certainly were right at the water,,,,,,,,it was Great,.....seaspray & seafoam,...being blown ashore the length of the beach,......accumulation of logs being pushed closer to the sidewalk,...the wind is till roaring right now,.........I did take abunch of pictures,.but not sure how nuch justice tto the waves will be there,.....the depth of field,..I'm sure won't really show the height of the waves,...even if you were familiar with the beach,........ but I have posted pics of this area when it was calm, I hope you Remembre those, I will not have room to display,many in this message ( assumiming this does get through)   it's loading too slow,.I'll try more later,.........Hope these show,.....if you like Mother Nature, would have loved this,.....(and you don't have to leave the area,) so Katrina it is not ,......but it is cool to watch,.........this is normally a calm sheltered bay,....that 's why it's fun to see.......................

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Les, these are great pictures showing some of our country's natural beauty. Very interesting to think of the difference between these pics and the pics I have taken around here lately, ie snow, ice, rain, heavy seas, we are living in such a special country I believe..................... ......................please keep posting photos, and to other members....please do the same. Some of the most beautiful scenery I have witnessed is in the Maritimes.......come on members, start clicking! ! ! ! ! ! ! !      m.p.u.

les__f MSN said...

Tried to send a small 'video file',..but it can only accept up to 1mb transfers,..So I'll have to figure that one out,.....but here's a couple more from today........ ..Even the guy who owns this windsurfer Gave Up,..he was getting bashed around just trying to get beyond the Breakers,..........besides he was alone out there ,not a good idea.........................MPU you are right it would be Great to see pics from all our members whereever they call home now,........Let's have a look gang,......   Have Fun & Remember Verdun,..........    (......and I'll try to figure out how I can get around the msn size restriction, would be neat to see some video capabilities on the site,.......  I have been sort of studying a Web-Design Page as well , maybe we can liven up Our VerdunConnections, the meantime ,..Have Fun & Remember Verdun

les__f MSN said...

Hello Les,

Thank you for writing to MSN Groups Technical Support.

My name is Marc and this is regarding the slow performance, lost messages, and "Can't Find that Page..." errors among other concerns that you have encountered as you try to access and navigate MSN Groups. I apologize for the delay in responding to your request; if your issue has been addressed or resolved, please disregard this e-mail.

Server maintenance/updates during the time you encountered the said issue may be affecting your Group’s performance and I offer my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.

MSN is committed to providing our customers with the most reliable Group experience possible. As a result, we often do a scheduled maintenance update on our service. This sometimes results in the service not being available for a short period of time. Also, the slowness in loading pages sometimes happens because of unusually heavy traffic or loss of a server.

The issue has been forwarded to our Product Team and we are engaging all measures to resolve this issue as soon as possible and to avoid this from happening again. I know that it is really frustrating to experience such technical issues.

We are looking at this matter seriously specifically for server maintenance schedules that are not announced to our customers which affects the features and even the time it will take to properly view the pages of any MSN Groups. These issues are one of the main concerns we have right now.

Server maintenance and upgrades are done to enhance features and if there would be upcoming maintenance we will do our best to inform customers ahead of time so that you and others will be informed that these issues are encountered because we are upgrading servers to better support the many features MSN Groups currently offers.

You are valuable at MSN and we look forward to providing you with consistent and effective service. If you have other inquiries, please do not hesitate to write back.


MSN Groups Technical Support

MSN Groups has comprehensive online help available to you. For more information about features, functions, and issues, click the Help link at the top of any Groups page along with "Home" and "My Groups."
This is what I have recieved so far from   MSN,  (it's the standard,....really ,we had a slow down,.well let me be the first to apologize frorthat,..but it's usually everything else,.from heavy traffic,.to a dead server,...etc etc .............hahahahahaha  ,.this is the Generic Answer,.......although they are consistent ,with this as well as the usually happens when it happens ,........etc etc................So Now you all know ,what You all know (I learned that from MSN..........hahahahaha )  Anyway I will do what I can to find out what's going on here,..but I suspect it's like working in the Douglas, never know who's who..................but I am the Doctor,.....I am Really,..........hahahahah         Well I guess we are all Doctors,..but the bad news is we are losing our 'Patience'.................hahahahaha ___________________HF&RV____________________ I used the 'Douglas' referance above only because in one line from the e-mail from MSN,..they actually spoke the truth,...the words were  'At MSN,..We are  COMMITTED',...........that's all I needed to hear.............hahahahah

les__f MSN said...

Can somebody please forward this link , is of the Utmost Importance,...either direct it to BobGainey,....c/o the MontrealCanadiens,........or get it directly to Jose Theodore ,   one of them definetly will need it,....but I suspect a check up for Bob may be in order as well,..seeing (and I use the term loosley),...that somebody hasn't noticed the performance level of 'the(odour)' lately,......        Let's get rid of this guy,....5 buts ,on 10 tirs,........anyway you look at it ,.this guy is simply Not a good goaltender,.....and the old management was too quick to reward him with 5mil,....There must be  a way we can trade him to Toronto,can't we,.........Help old Habs Fan     .

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Les_F Maybe he just has to get used to the smaller cage, smaller catcher & blocker...just maybe, hehehe. 

les__f MSN said...

Hello Mom'45,.....this guy couldn't stop a chain letter

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Les_F   I do know what he CAN stop....the $5 mil contract, as in "the buck stops here".  He's prolly laughing all the way to the bank, that's why he misses that little puck.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

Yes I believe that's one of the problems,.a guy plays well,.gets rewarded,.hthen falters, should be 'Performance Based' like in the real world,.where you get it if you produce, wjen Jose slips back to medicore or down right bad play,.....then his contract should reflect the same yo-yo tendencies, shouldn't be payed like a superstar,....when you aren't in their league,....perhaps there should be one Salary for the Goalies,..and when you aren't earning your share the other guy (if he plays better) should get it,.Unrealistic ,yes I know,....but if you don't toe your end , shouldn't be rewarded for it,...........too much money ,and don't need anymore,I guess,....well i hope the Habs get some relief soon,.......I have faith in Gainey building a good team,.and he cannot do it overnight,...he has to rectify te years of poor management,and he's just that I (like most Habs Fans) want him to do it by Friday at noon................hahahahahaha

les__f MSN said...

Thank you for writing to MSN Groups Technical Support.

My name is Marc and this is regarding the slow performance, lost messages, and "Can't Find that Page..." errors among other concerns that you have encountered as you try to access and navigate MSN Groups. I apologize for the delay in responding to your request; if your issue has been addressed or resolved, please disregard this e-mail.

Server maintenance/updates during the time you encountered the said issue may be affecting your Group’s performance and I offer my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.

MSN is committed to providing our customers with the most reliable Group experience possible. As a result, we often do a scheduled maintenance update on our service. This sometimes results in the service not being available for a short period of time. Also, the slowness in loading pages sometimes happens because of unusually heavy traffic or loss of a server.

The issue has been forwarded to our Product Team and we are engaging all measures to resolve this issue as soon as possible and to avoid this from happening again. I know that it is really frustrating to experience such technical issues.

We are looking at this matter seriously specifically for server maintenance schedules that are not announced to our customers which affects the features and even the time it will take to properly view the pages of any MSN Groups. These issues are one of the main concerns we have right now.

Server maintenance and upgrades are done to enhance features and if there would be upcoming maintenance we will do our best to inform customers ahead of time so that you and others will be informed that these issues are encountered because we are upgrading servers to better support the many features MSN Groups currently offers.

You are valuable at MSN and we look forward to providing you with consistent and effective service. If you have other inquiries, please do not hesitate to write back.


MSN Groups Technical Support

this is a copy basically of message #7444 RemVerdun,...............just in case it was posted too late yesterday,..and some of you from different time zones,...didn't see it.......We will stay on top of MSN.and relay the more pertenent information,as we recieve it.................................................We Never Sleep..............hahahahah  Good Night!!!!!!!

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Les, I wonder how many highly paid IT brains it took to write this bull@#$% ''personalized'' letter? Or perhaps MSN has a software that is capable of doing it automatically, it would be easy to creat this software I would think, just by studying the recent election campaign.      mpu

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Les, once again, thanks for the shoreline pics. I am feeling a bit down today, so I thought I would share some of my favorite shoreline pics.............  taken in Tulum, Mexico April 2005. m>p>u>  

les__f MSN said...

At least ,you've got some Sun Hapenning,.......helps keep away that  SAD's  Seasonal Affected Disorder,......( which I think some Dr dreamed up after his flight was cancelled),........but apparentlly Winter time can affect,people,by making them depressed............Seeing your picture;s reminds mr of Central America,......I used to go & hangout down there,I have some pics somewhere of Costa Rica Coast line,....and various other excursions through neighbouring country's,... Any Tropical is a nice change,............our forecast for today,.....Windy & Rainy........hahahaha   We areexperinecing some of the normal hicups that come with high winds,........downed trees,....some power outages,..,( we've been not been hampered by that yet),..........but I do have to fix a gate that musy have blown open,..and came off,.....also I am about to put our re-cycle blue box out,.....but I am wondering if I should just chuck it into the street,..and save a step,............hahahaha We are supposed to get a one day reprieve from the wind,on Thursday,but not the rain,.......then back to rain & wind throughiut the weekend ,and that should be it for the stormy conditions,......I will be out & about today ,.so I'll see if I can get some differnt shots around town.........we'll see Thanks for posting those Mexico pics,    gives us a break from the norm.... I'm sure it's this type of reporting that makes Our Florida,.Texas,.California,.& Hawaii members happy about their choice of habitat................hahahahaha                                                                        *************HF&RV*******

bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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mom1945-linda MSN said...

Sure had a heck of a rain/wind storm yesterday.  Looks like it might be a nice day today, and a darn good thing, as I have to go out and about doing chores.   BTW nice pics MPU, love those calm waters.  What I'm used to us what Les_F showed.   Cheers.

grammah2 MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Hello Betty  (Grammah2)  Sometimes if we are lucky,...the sun comes out for the long weekend in August,....other than that,....We celebrate Our Annual Rain Festival,...  from Jan,1st  till  Dec 31st, 's almost never nice here.............hahahaha   We usually will have winter storms,where the temperature plummetss,.to about +6 or +7 C,.........Normally there are wind storms,..( which makes the Ocean interesting to see),.we get those in Nov.& then some in the Spring,...but this year is a bit odd, I gather so is all the weather across the country,........bnut Feb is the annual Flower Count ,......I had never heard of this till I came out here,....but soon most likely We'll be back to normal conditions,.....I love this wind stuff,.....and for the most part the rain doesn't bother me either,....but it's nice to get some Sunny days,.energy levels go u0p,..and they have to,cause that's when you have to start getting the yard ready for Summertime.  Have a look at this site it will tell you a little about this end of the Island,....      also checkout Mom'45's part of the Island         and Here's where Tiny tina lives        and here's one for the City of Victoria   .................................................Were not that hard done by,but it's nice to complain,..that's what Canadians do.............hahahahahaha The Ocean is great to lookat regardless of the weather ,....just as looking at Fresh Snowfall is,.......but moderation is nice........personally I like the snow where it's supposed to be ,....on the top of a Mountain,.......  BC is a cool place Betty,...come out and visit, their Provincial Slogan says,........'Super Natural British Columbia'.................  I've got an extra umbrella for you guys,.......but unless I get my deck lights up,'ll have to watch me BBQ in the dark..............hahahahaha  'Bubbacut ' that's your  Q,....................   Have Fun & Remember Verdun,  

redmond1949 MSN said...

Betty and Linda talking about Schools. According to a report, a middle school was faced with a unique problem. A number of girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the restroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all of the girls to the restroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night. To demonstrate how difficult it was to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance guy to clean one of them. He took a long handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then cleaned the mirror. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirrors.   Steve

grammah2 MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Well Betty guess what the sun was out for a few hours,....but it's raining now.......and more winds are expected,..........hahahha  but don't let that discorage you guys from moving out,...everyone here where's neoprene wetsuits,.......sort of like living in Atlantis...............hahahahaha     just popped back in the house and saw your post,......hope you get some great pics in the parkway,...that is a beautiful spot ,too   HF&RV

grammah2 MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

Here's a link if you want to remember. Steve

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Just back from my out and about doing chores, etc.  Weather was excellent....which means the rain stopped, no wind and mary sunshine peeked through the clouds.  But the rains sure are acoming....looks like rain moving in from Mt. Washington way.   PS - Betty, the snow you have makes me a little envious during the winter months but when this happens I just take a drive up to our ski resort, throw a snowball or two, then get back in the car and return to the rainforest.   Cheers.

redmond1949 MSN said... This might be better. Steve

bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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mike_stark MSN said...

LMAO     Good one!!!   Mike

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Where's Les_F,  oooohhhhhh Les_F,   I think Bob and Betty are being naughty!!!!

grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Thanks Betty for posting those pictures,...just name Mille Roche, familiar from hoing camping from Montreal on an escape weekend,......we thought we were really getting away from the city, was always fun,.and still looks nice,...Thanks for taking the time to show us around your neck of the woods,......

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Betty, thanks for the photos of your neck of the woods. Very similar to the towns all around Lac Deux Montagnes. I would not give this type of  place to live in anyday, even with the snow, freezing rain, etc.............................mpu

grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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happydi2 MSN said...

Hi Everyone:

Here in N.S. we are buried under, had huge storm yesterday but I just heard on weather news we are to expect rain and mild temperature on the weekend. I hope that old ground hog is right, although we have had a great winter so far, January was very mild and no snow...almost like B.C. ....had a lot of rain too. I much prefer getting some snow because after it stops snowing the sun comes out and is beautiful, not depressing My grandkids are coming tonight for sleepover and tomorrow we will build a snow fort...lots of fun...Di

les__f MSN said...

Remember Gerry one of our members,posting this ,in sympathy with our weather,...hahahaha   everyone's a comedian,.......hahahaha Reply
Recommend Delete    Message 1 of 6 in Discussion  From: Gerry  (Original Message) Sent: 2/28/2004 11:01 PM  Hi All , we've all been hearing the big blizzard in Nova Scotia, but lets not forget our friends in BC. They also have had some serious damage this year, here is a pic from the last storm that hit Vancouver and Victoria. My prayers are with you Les.     Thanks Again Gerry,'s as funny today ,.and just as relevant,..........So I thought I'd re-post it,.....................   ________________________________________HF&RV________

bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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mom1945-linda MSN said...

Betty,   Are your fingers crossed that the left coast does or does not get another rain storm.  In all honesty though, I must remind the rest of Canada, that it is a rainforest out here.   I admit that there are times when I do miss the snow (especially at Christmas), but not all that often.  And I would rather wear galoshes than snow boots, and a wind/rain jacket than snow parka.  But we all make choices and we all seem to end up where we really feel comfortable.   By the way, love the pics you posted.  Perhaps we can get to see it in the spring or summer, that would be nice (hint).   Cheers.

grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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mom1945-linda MSN said...

Betty,   We had a gorgeous day up here on the island.  Sunny, warm...could almost here the grass growing!!!  It's now 5:08 pm and it is still daylight....gotta love the longer days now.    But, that having been said, we'll have to buckle down, another storm heading towards us out here.  By storm I mean wind and rain, instead of snow.   Cheers.    

les__f MSN said...

Ok Here's a few from today around downtown,..... ..Here is the entrance through the Harmonius Gates, China Town Victoria BC,...i have severral other pics ,but will on;y post some opics fromtoday's excursion .these two boats belong to a friend of mine ,.who you may be able to see standing on te wharf looking towards the boats,..He's another Montrealer,....that some of you may know,..Tom Nimbley,...fromVerdun,origianlly,......that yellow beast of a truck on the wahrf has carried more than it's fair share of yardwaste,.from my place,.and carried lot's of 'rock' for me to make a Rock Garden for Teresa,.as well,.as many other things moved..........Mom'45....that truck used to be used at the Comox Airforce base,..and bought at auction,...blah blah blah .this is my brothers front yard, those trees out front,.there over a hundred feet high ..this is the other view from the street towards the house ..this one is from the Johnston Street Bridge ,which I've posted before from the water view (going under it),.......and the shot is towards the Parliamant Bldgs, the far background,...............That 's your tour of Victoria for today             Have Fun & Remember Verdun

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Les_F   For all the times that we have rolled around Victoria, I don't think I've ever seen those Chinese Gates.  I've been to the Chinatown over on the mainland, and these somehow resemble those ones.    That pic looks like one  you'd see in a travel brochure.    Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

Hi Mom'45,...Government &Fisgard street is the locastion of those Gates,.I think they are called the Gates of Harmonius Interest,.......but I thought the same as you that these gates 7 the ones in Vancouver are very similar,......but I also think that the ones in Montreal are similar as well,.....Iwonder if it was a Gov't of Canada,grant type of thing ,.?? ..the view of the Gates from the other side,.....stabding in front of FooHongs,...9which used to be a great place,.may still be I don't know ,..but it's usually packed with Chinese People so that's a good sign,....... ..this place is great ,it's called the Forum,.we've had many a meal here,.Charlie the owner,.is a great guy,.and a super cook,..his wife Marie,also works in the Restaurant,.as does their daughter,........their food is always great,'s a nother place that gets packed at lunch time,.as well as the other eating hours,.etc etc.....Another friend of mine supplies Charlie with some seafood,.and when we do in Charlie prepares,.a special bunch of dishes for us,'s always been a good meal,....... ..I should have taken a picture of 'FanTan Alley','s a neat little 'Alley' (whatelse),....there many interesting tales of Victoria's Chinatown,.....and it's been around for a long time,.........I have to say though I have been to China Town in NYC,.....and it is a Really Neat Place to Visit,....( mind you I have not been there since the 70's)  but it was impressive,or at least that 's how I Remember it.   However Mom'45 there you have a few more pics from Victoria,....... Hey I hear you are getting the new Wal-Mart up in Comox,....did you know that Wal-Mart is something like China's 7 th largest trading partner (useless info,.I know,...but the topic reminded me of it........hahahaha) ___________Have Fun & Remember Verdun_______________

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Les_F   Will have to check out that section of town.   Were you thinking of Campbell River when you mentioned Wal-Mart?  Don't think they would open another one in our town.  That would mean that the Wal-Mart employees alone would then out-number the town's people, hehe.   But I do know they're talking about opening a Wal-Mart & Home Depot up in Campbell River.   Cheers

les__f MSN said...

Yes I think you are right Mom'45, must have been CR,..I know they've been trying to get the Ok to do that for quite awhile,....and I just heard that on the news yesterday,........... Looks like you had a great day up there too,.....I walked all over town,..and took pictures, a tourist.......hahahaha  only I didn't buy any souvenirs,......hahahahaha ..had a great roast Beef Lunch,.& a couple of Kokanee,........all gratis, it was at a friend of mines store,.................pays to have friends...........hahahahah or in some people's cases,they have to pay to have friends............hahahahaha All in all  it was nice to roam around ,and stay dry,......( Although they forecast one more storm,.and then were into sunshine for a while..........)   I'll get out and about and take more pictures,.....if anyone out there would like pics of anything in particular here in Victoria ,.....let me know I'll see what I can do,........ Have Fun & Remember Verdun-----------------

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Not a heck of a lot of posting going on these last couple of days.  I know Mighty Slow Network, and messages sent into cyberspace, but methinks people are afraid of the month of FEBRUARY.   Does anyone think there are some mighty confused people on a planet somewhere out there, wondering what all these messages mean?   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

Certainly not very impressive performance by the network again, hasn't really fully recovered yet (at least not at this end) yesterday it's response was a bit quicker,..but you still had to try things 2 & 3 times, I can barely sign in,.......let alone post anything,.....   Dzldawg,...what kind of vehicle is that odometer from,......??  it looks almost Toyota-ish,.......but then again most vehicles nowadays,are looking pretty much the same...........   Verdun4me,.......I Remember those clear cold Montreal nights,as well, and then there were the nights when it would just start to snow,...and you knew it was a 'Good' snow,...for making snowbals,,,hahahahaha .........ot like you say those 'Cold' snowfalls where it would squeak under each foot step,........(I hated that type of snow,as with every step reminded you of how Cold it was).............   Mom'45.........your right the whole site seems to have slowed up ,...don't know if that's the cause of a performance issue,..or people are busy,......I have noticed ,that heading into a weekend ,.it naturally slows up people wise,...and then starts to go again,......everyone needs a break,....too............   had to put all these responses into one message,.....and hope it gets through   HAve Fun & Remembre Vedun

les__f MSN said...

Well I don't know if this is good or bad,.......but my daughter just passed her driver's license this morning,........It's always neat to see that big smile on their face when they get back from the road test, Just not sure how much gas this is going to cost ,with the inevitable 'can I borrow the car ' routine, they grow up fast,........I'm slightly nervous already.........hahahahaha ,  She's already asking about when my '66' will be ready and if she can drive it?..........hahahahaha  She's already behind her two brothers,........hahahahah  and they've only driven it once,,,,,,,,,  Man I hate when the kids get older than us...........hahahaha

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Les, I am lucky with my kids, they always borrow my wife's car because ''five speed is such a hassle'', so they just look at mine. That does not stop them from asking for rides however, when Mom is out of town!  I can imagine the thrill your daughter would have driving your classic Pontiac, especially in front of guys that are stuck using their parents ''boring'' four door sedans, or even worse, station wagons, or minivans. Although when you first start driving anything with four wheels and an engine seems just fine. My first ride was a 1966 four door Plymouth Valiant, not exactly a hot rod..............mpu

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Whew....really bad wind/rain storm out here on wet coast.  I believe Betty or Bob sent it out this way!!!  Gonna have to drag Noah's Ark out again.   Cheers (glug, glug, glug)

dannyb--1 MSN said...

Hey Les, when can I drive that " 66 ". I'll drive very sloww.  Danny

redmond1949 MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

Did everbody survive that virus attack that we were to get last night. Steve

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Steve, I think the virus scare might have been an attempt by software manufacturers to boost anti-virus programs, but what do I know?   On another note, I was talking to my Sister in Ottawa last night, and she talked about ''Winterlude''..............she does not check out Verdun Connections, so maybe you can take and posts some pics of this event for us VC members who can not make it to Ottawa? Thanks, Ralph, aka M.P.U.   PS......the groundhog with the Bud Light looks happy....imagine if it had been regular Bud,  he would not come out for another couple of days. 

redmond1949 MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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multipurposeutensil MSN said...

As a kid living at 418 Woodland, at times I would play Bingo with the elderly landlord & landlady (the joke), and whenever any of us would call ''O-66'' she would say ''clickety-click''.....I thought she was nuts until someone explained that this was a common bingo expression........mpu

redmond1949 MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

Mussel Cars

redmond1949 MSN said...

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multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Steve, this picture of Emmanuel Baptist Church at 350 Woodland, brings back a flood of memories. As a kid we went there and my father was the janitor for a while also. We lived in Lasalle from 1968 to 1970 but I still went to VHS. I would either take the bus or bicycle to Verdun, and quite often I would eat my lunch in the church, and buy something in the store next door..............thank you very much for this photo. By the way, the Caddy looks great, I have never been in a Caddy, but suspect that someday I will have a horizontal ride in a ''Caddy Stationwagon''. I took a pic last year of the Church.........sorry can't find it, but only the front doors have changed I think...............someone that works with me lives across the street at 34_? something, and finds the drive to Longueuil far! I told her to try Deux Montagnes to Longueuil...............mpu  

redmond1949 MSN said...

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multipurposeutensil MSN said...

The first pic of the Dodge Charger reminded me of a car that I saw Thursday evening in Longueuil...a 2006 Dodge Charger, brite yellow with black stripes, a real beauty, although I am very puzzled why Chrysler only makes a four door, this is not exactly a family sedan.

redmond1949 MSN said...

MPU the guy driving that caddy was the owner of Woodland Ambulance. Steve

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

This is my space where all my messages and photos come from......I know people are probably thinking.....who cares?, ......and I agree!  .........Have a Nice Day !    

redmond1949 MSN said...

Here are some links to Winterlude in Ottawa.   Steve

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Steve, wasn't there also a red & white Caddy ambulance? I seem to remember it being parked at the corner of Egan & Verdun. Ambulances in Montreal now are all modified cube trucks and are all painted yellow/lime green, and there are thousands of them................  ....I hope they are not all Fords........mpu

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Steve, thanks for the Winterlude links, it is a shame that the weather is not more wintery. On another note, I had a haircut yesterday and took a print of this photo to him as he was a barber in Verdun in the late 50's and he was very thankfull for the pic......................   ......on a complete different subject I had one of these at the hospital yesterday.........a real flash to the past, I had not had this for years !! is too much stuff like this that will get me that ride in the Caddy Station wagon I mentioned earlier .............oh well you only live once, mpu

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Thought for the day: ?.....?   remember that ''My Heart is in Verdun'' logo that Sharon posted last year, it is a huge red sign that is in almost every business window in Verdun, I could only find it in a small format in this ad....    lately is has been even more so for me, as I have been going to my Dad's place 3 or 4 times a week while he is in the hospital....................mpu

redmond1949 MSN said...

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multipurposeutensil MSN said...

What is with the grocery baskets???? some old caddy ambulances....... ...picture this in red & white, and I remember this..........mpu

les__f MSN said...

DannyB  at the price of fuel these days,...even you might take your foot out of it? Nahhhhhh what was I thinking.............hahahahaha

les__f MSN said...

Guess what everybody,'s Windy & Rainy here that's a switch.............hahahahahaha Supposed top be nice after today's onslaught , soon all will be back to normal,I guess

les__f MSN said...

Ok Bubbacut,...I found one box with a brand new 500w Halogen,....Although this si not the ones that I had in mind for the Deck,.....I actually have 3 smaller type fixtures ,(which I still haven;t found),...that I want to install at just below the deck railing, wnen sitting outside at the Patio table,..the light would just illuminate the lower portion of the deck,...from the railing down,..but that isn't carved in stone yet,.......for really dark ealry winter days,.a brighter one could be used over the BBQ..  .....So the wheels are almost in motion so to speak..........hahahahaa

les__f MSN said...

It probably would have helped if I posted the picture of the one Light I did find so far,...that was my intent on the last message,.......too many  Kiri Ichiban beer yesterday,......anyone ever try this stuff,'s from Japan,..and my siste5r had us over for dinner and got some for me to try,....the 1st dozen,..weren't too bad,.......then I got used to it............hahahahahaha   Honestly it wasn't too bad a beer,....but when I got home I mad sure I washed those down,.with a good old Molson Ex,............hahahaha    ......and guess what Teresa & I got to enjoy being chauffered home by our new 'driver',complete with big smiles and all..........hahahaha  You can see the  box got a little crunched ,being jammed in with all kinds of other junk in the Garage.................I don't think I'll use that one though, I already have to nicer looking halogen's for the back yard,......and I'm not really aiming for the Jarry Park 'look',....or the Shipping & Recieving Dock look either,.......but it's a start right Bubbacut?............hahahahaha

redmond1949 MSN said...

MPU those shopping carts come in handy to take your groceries from your car and stuff in these buildings.   How smart is your right foot? 
  This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep 
  trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot. 
  But you can't!!! 
  1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and 
  make clockwise circles with it. 
  2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your 
  right hand. 
  Your foot will change direction!!! 
   I told you so... And there is nothing you can do about it. 

redmond1949 MSN said...

Those look like the caddies. Steve

les__f MSN said...

Hey the Habs,.win one for a change,......2-0 over Boston,....which is always a good win,.....but it was a home & home series,..with the bruins winning the other night 3-1,...I hope they can put something together,...cause they looke terrible really,...but the young goaltender 'Huet',..apparently was outstanding ,......maybe he'll be the new 'go to' guy, it's off to Philly for a Sunday game (yea ,.like anyone will be watching that one,.on Super Bowl Sunday).................................Go Hawks (Habs too)............hahahahaha

bubbacut MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Hi Bubbacut,...are these what your thinking of? because I installed these two 5 years afo,.to illuminate the backyard,...also when we open the door,it comes on,....(lately the wind has been turning it on.....hahaha,.so it's working),.....but as you can see it is somewhat lower than the deck, it's light isn't effective,...but it was fine when I used to BBQ in the backyard,....then I thought I'd buils this deck,....and so I also put a door in upstairs ,.to utilizes the deck,...However my thinking now was/is to install 3 light fixtures,..along the underside of the railing in the picture,.one at each end of the deck,.and one in the center,..but that may offer enough light,to see the top of the BBQ,..(you got me thinking & scheming now),.....cause the when the BBQ is open the grill surface wouldn't be as high as the railing , my inital idea,....may just work Deck looks a little bare,..but all the furniture is put away till better weather (maybe its going up for sale ,based on the weather.......hahahahah)..... the rain's sure keeping the grass green though,...........the wind broke my cross on the compost grave,...that's why it's a little shorter now...........hahahaha  

les__f MSN said...

Checkout some of the wave action on various Victoria BC area cams,.... .............and of course the InnerHarbour Cam again   With all the active weather  in the last month,.it has made it somewhat dangerous fro a lot of our boatowners,..because the wind has brought a lot of debris,.and there are logs,.that float just under the surface,.called dead heads,...they can be actuall long logs ,that float a few feet under the surface,.in an upright position,.so you don't see them till you hit them,....picture a log bigger than a hydro-pole,..bobbing up and down under the hull of your fibre glass boat,..or hitting your $6-700 dollar prop........ouch,....not to menntion disabling you while the storm carries on.......and with a month of this stuff,.there is lots of floating debris...........Well that's your Victoria update,....for now,...i was going to go out and take some more pictures,..cause apparently we have a few road closures from fallen trees,.and poles, area was where I showed you the Terry Fox Satue ,..a couple of months ago.,........but I decided not to go out,.....a quick walk was all I did today, So   Have Fun & Remember Verdun,..................don't forget the big game tomorrow,...................................................Hawks 27------Steelers 17  

les__f MSN said...

You know what's great about SuperBowl,..or Grey Cup,.or a Habs-leafs game.etc etc,'s the People you get together with to have a few beers,.and a potluck dinner,or a great BBQ,.....a few side bets (if you like to make it interesting).......and generally just an excuse/reason for a get -together,..and a good time..........I used to follow all these sports,...but somehow,....nowadays it just doesn't really seem that important,........but the being alive and making it an event is what's most of the fun..........ever been to a real 'tailgate party'..........they are a blast,....and there's literally hundreds (if not more) people gathered around (most of whom ,never go to the game),.......but the what is fun.........That's why you have neighbours and friends,.......just to have a reason to 'get together' and enjoy your day,..and make it somewhat different from the 'Norm'......................So get out and go to your local neighbourhood pub,....or havea Winter BBQ,.........just 'Do Something'.........but above all Have Fun.....................and if you can find time in your day     Remember Verdun,.....too.               "Every Day Above Ground ,is a Good Day",.......and if your on the right side of the Lawn,.....then your doing Ok.               

les__f MSN said...

BTW  ,...Thanks to BoBArch,....and Mom'45,.....for their contribution to the Pictures link,...and adding in those '58 & '59 VHS Yearbooks,..........I didn't go to that school....( Hell I barely attended the one I was registered in........hahahaha),.....but I appreciate the efforts to keep the Verdun contributions going,......I'm sure many members & future members will appreciate those memories.   ___________________________________________________________HF&RV

rainy_day_man_44 MSN said...

i cant friggin believe redmond got me to do that. LMAO   your right my leg always changes direction  

les__f MSN said...

Hey Remember the old program,.....'Austin City Limits'.     I have heard some great groups over the years that I may never have known about,.......but tonight on a knowledge network channel,........I came across,.an Old John Prine.........(& I mean an old John Prine)...........anyone Remember his music,...he backed up many of the people we all know or have known over the years,.but I haven't heard of this guy for many years,.....and his session was pretty good,..........I couldn't believe,that this show was still on the air...........and Although Mr John Prine is shwoing his age,.he has sort of beat a throat cancer thing,...and his performance was cool to see.......really reminded me of How Old all of You must be getting out there,____hahahahahhaha  Don't forget tomorrow 's half time show will have the ageless Rolling Stones,....doing a performance for all of us young people_____now how stupid is Mick Jagger to 'volunteer' to do the halftime SuperBowl show,........hmmmmm   I think even our parents would have acknowleged ,the obvious Smarts of this group........still around after 4 decades(almost5),......So even the non-football enthusiasts,might appreciate the show..................and I'll bet they tune in whether they care about the game or not,....they will checkout the show,. Yea you know you will..........................    Have Fun & Remember Verdun***************************************

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

No    I    Won't.......................................................................M   P   U 

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

I will be spending this morning at my Dad's place in Verdun with my Sister, and then going to visit my Dad in the hospital. He has finaly agreed to move to the manoir, which is a HUGE relief for me. Have a nice day everyone.                                        mpu

redmond1949 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

les__f MSN said...

Bill ,you say it's 1700 for a ticket to the Pro-Bowl,.........that is crazy,.....Although around the late 80's or '90ish,.....a local pub had a ticket give -way,..and for every Monday night football game that you attended at the pub, got your name entered in the final draw at the end of the season,.....for the top prize 2 tickets,.accomodation,.and 500 spending money,.........Well they had the draw,.and it was some one I knew, I offered to buy just the tickets to the game (flight  & hotel too),......for $2500,....that was a few pesos ,.back in those year ,.....then the same hotel/pub,.started giving away tix, the Pro-Bowl..instead of the Super-Bowl,...due to the cost of tickets,..and the hotel arrangements, seems as soon as a city is awarded the Super-Bowl,...accomodation,..doubles,...airfares seem to go up , Hawaii became the big prize,....since it's usually very cheap to get to Hawaii,....but from the sounds of your experience to get 'nosebleed seats', sure looks like exploitism has hit the Pro-Bowl too,..........I can't Remember ever watching a Pro-Bowl,.....and I sure wouldn't pay those sums to watch one either,....... _________________________________________________________________

les__f MSN said...

Here's a link with an article on the formation of the American Football League, known as AFC,.....but here was a guy with some insight, say the least,...the SuperBowl is billed as the single most watched sporting event on TV,...(a self imposed title,I think,but it sounds good,'s certainly te most expensive to advertise on),.........I think a World Title Soccer Game,.has more viewers,....but I wouldn't be one of them,.....   in any case here is the article with some of the Super-Bowls History,.......      

bubbacut MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Hi Bubbacut,....I was just checking in on the Habs,_Philly,.afternoon game,'s 4-0 Habs,.....and apparently since 1990,whenever the Habs win an afternoon game on SuperBowl Sunday,.....the NFC is successful more than half th time,....which if all holds true,.favours Seattle,..........I wonder how that will work out today,....enjoy the game if your watching,.won't be long now,.........also someone in the Seahawks organization,.has a Montreal connection too,..seems he went to McGill U,.... I didn't catch the name though,.....but your probably waitng there wearing your Steeler's outfit,...and Cheering them on aren't you............hahahahahahaha 

bubbacut MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Well it looks like Pittsburg's secret weapon,.is Seattle.............hahahaah  btwn.dropped balls ,taking stupid penalty's,......they are sure quaranteeing a Steelers victory,......there's still a bunch ot time left in the final quarter,...but the writing is on the wall.........    but it's sure a lot lower scoring than most of our collective predictions,.......Oh Well  I wonder what the game will be like in 2036, if the Hawks take another 30 years to get there...........hahahahaha  Neither team looks as good as I thought they would,....Oh well back to the game ,....see ya later

bubbacut MSN said...

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redmond1949 MSN said...

.vote, .vote A, .vote A:link, .vote A:visited, .vote A:hover {font-size: 13px; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #A50000; font-weight: bold;}
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  The Script was wrote way before the game was played.

Steel champions
Super Bowl MVP Hines Ward kisses the Lombardi Trophy.   The Pittsburgh Steelers finally got one for the thumb as they defeated the Seahawks 21-10 to win the franchise's fifth Super Bowl ring. For coach Bill Cowher, it was a well-earned reward for his years of service, says Vic Carucci.   Steve

les__f MSN said...

Hi bubbacut, certainly was a lack lustre game,......and even the Seattle Fans ,that I see on TV,.were oddly enough not terribly disappointed,.( which I find strange),.....I had hope to see a better game,..but when you get to retire after a championship game with only 41 rushing yards............hahahaha  in front of your home town,..then it's a sleeper,.......I was pleasantly surprised to not hear,a binch of excuse from the Seattle media,......they had a great season,.but didn't capitalize when they had the chance,.....dropping the ball by Stevens 3 times.............what was that all about and losing big gains from some questionable calls, all in all was almost a 'Non-Game'  if you know what I mean,.no real feeling that a 'Super Bowl Championship ' was being played,......I saw better games from both teams in their road to getting to the SB..........................once again the Grey Cup proved to be a better show,..... __________Well at least the Habs beat Philly...........hahahaha I still think that had a NE team been there it would have been more entertaining,........5 Champioships is still a great acomplishment,.......but this was a Steelers team in name only,......not the Mean Joe ,or Franco days  that's for sure.........I wonder were the games better then,...or is that just how memory wants us to percieve them.......... Well back to Verdun stuff, can't Lose with those memory's..........hahahahaha

les__f MSN said...

Check the differences today,.compared to these cams from the other day,when you could see whitecaps & large waves blowing towards shore, ,there's a strange yellow ball in the sky,....and the pavement is dry,.....and the sea's are calm..........   ....and the BCMuseum cam from the Inner Harbour            We are now supposed to have relatively good weather for at least a week or so,nice to see the sun for a change,.it will allow for outside things to get done, is going to be to try and clean the windows from their month long assault by blowing and driving rain....Now with sun shinning through the window, can 'clearly' see they need to be cleaned.........the car now needs it's bath, get the road grime off,....and after a few days drying out the lawn will need to be mowed (not me ,the lawn drying out...........hahahaha) 

bubbacut MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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les__f MSN said...

Hello Betty (Grammah2),....thanks for the picture,..weird the huge weather swings,....Ontario seems to be getting large amounts of snow in the last day or two,......but it's like Toronto has a protctive circle around it, all the surrounding areas are experiencing heavy snow,.and normal winter conditions,....but T.O (I'always hated calling that,.I don't know why),......but they seem to be escaping Winter,even Montreal, not getting much of a winter to speak of,......I suppose being able to appreciate all types of weather is a bonus,....cause there's nothing we can do aboput it ..........hahahaha  (except maybe escape for a while by travelling) You could go out and make a 'snow angel' for us all to see..............hahahahaha or just sit with a hot tea/chocolate/or coffee,.....and lookout at the Winter scene in front of you,.......if you have a fireplace ,crank it up.........and enjoy your afternoon,.....and I think I will sail out for a walk around ,without getting soaked..........   ..................................Have Fun & Remember Verdun

les__f MSN said...

how's this for Natural Beauty,........the sun finally showing on top of Mt St Helen's,     a great looking Mountain,....and it was even more spectacular when it had another 1000ft on it,....before it's 1980 eruption,.......but still nice to see, are all the Peaks of the Westcoast.

les__f MSN said...

Mom'45 I always prefer the Habs when I seea real collective effort to Play,......I cannot stand to watch the team ( and I don't) when they float,....or have integral players of the team,.not playing to their abilities,.......they still have a ways to go before I can be happy to actually take a real interest in watching them,.....two wins in a row,...doesn't convert me,........those are the Battle Cry's reserved for the perennial Wait till Next Year Fans,.......mainly that team from the winterless city in Ontario,.....and that recently windy & wet City on the Westcoast...........hahahaha  but I will take the wins, I hope they get it together,..and continue as they did at the beginning of the season................   Win or Tie,.......we like them,........but supporting a Loser is not the way to build a Winner,.......Remember Vince Lombardi,used to say  Winning isn't Everything ,'s the Only thing. and if it didn't matter who wins or loses ,then why do they keep score...........hahahaha

mom1945-linda MSN said...

I was sort of a Tranta underdog, ne'er do well team, because like a female, I liked the look of their jerseys both visiting and 

les__f MSN said...

Discover Montreal,...that's the title of this web page site,.which was recommended by a Maureen Gallagher,on the Point Site the other day, has quite few old Postcard type of Photo's of Montreal,.......I haven't gone through the whole site,....but it may be of some interest to some of you,.....Have a look if you like at:       it opens with an old view of the city,..then scroll down and you'll have to click on the individual pic,......   Have Fun & Remember Verdun_______________________________

les__f MSN said...

Sorry disregard that other link and try going directly to the Home page of the site which is at,....     then click on Views of Montreal,.............I must have missed something in the original url address,.......should have cut&paste,...but opted to type (and from the looks of my success rate,....i do need the practice...........hahahaha) ____________________________HF&RV

les__f MSN said...

..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh     now I cut & pasted this one if it doesn't work ,.then I don't understand the problem,....unless the Home pasge doesn't allow a hot link       

les__f MSN said...

Ok the last one worked,..but I'm starting to think I went to school on that really really 'Short' bus..............hahahahaha   I must be retarded as I didn't see the word 'images'   asin mainimages,......instead twice I type mainpages...............Oh well 3rd time Lucky I guess...................hahahahaha :note to self,......stay away from the sharp toys,   Have Fun & Remember Verdun_______________________________

grammah2 MSN said...

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grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

les__f MSN said...

I must have missed your suggestions on Asparagas,............I like Aspargas,...but usually buy fresh and barely heat them in a pan with a small amount of water,and boil breifly,.....I like them Aldent(sp?),....slightly crunchy,....I do not like the canned stuff,....too mushy,...... any case I didn't see that post.......    

grammah2 MSN said...

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bubbacut MSN said...

This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

les__f MSN said...

Someone mentioned the Honeymooners a while back,..and it always makes me think of this aprtment building downtown Victoria,,  so while walking about today I thought I'd relay this shot inovative artist ,added some windows to this wall of windows,...and look at the top window,......and a few windows below that,...and there's your Honeymooners two stars,....Art & Jackie,..........or rather Ralph & Norton,...........incorporated into an otherwise boring wall.............. 'and this pics for Sandy,.to show you that yes of course we have some tree's that do lose their leaves,......particularly the last couple of weeks of windy weather,....just a little park ,while out walking today,................the grass is sure green though, the Sun making an appearance through my dirty front window ,...hasn't been seen for a while,.....I was thinking of putting a picture of it on a Milk Carton, a Missing Person...........hahahahaha  that was this morning, Sun is still slightly East (roughly SE,right there,not that it matters) this is Victoria's City Hall ( not exactly a new bldg)................... this one I took for our members who recognize the symbol's on the Bldg,......there are three,right at the front ,...midway down the side,...and one at the top near the rear of the Bldg.................................I would imagine it was also built by (at least some stone)...Masons...................hahahaha   That's your mini tour of Victoria, least the sun was out today..............Soon you will Know all of the City...................

les__f MSN said...

Hi chickentaco2000,.....Everything here is starting it's 'normal' growing pattern,...before these recent storms,..there were some signs of things growing again,..winter is over for the most part,.but temps are down around +3degreesC,at night time,...but that's not bad really, was a great day ,as I walked aropund downtown,......I may do the same tomorrow, I thinkk I've posted enough pictures of the Ocean ( at least around Willows Beach,...........How a bout you grabbing some pics from those rgeat looking Mountains,........or the Stairway to Heaven,..on Grouse Mtn,..........or Do you ever get up around Capilano Canyon,....some shots from there would nice too........

les__f MSN said...

Well as for the Stones ,to get it together in such a short time would be very tough,........I like the Stones,....but wouldn't pay a dime to to see a live concert nowadays,.........I have never thought any venue was good ,.......Nope I prefer the CD's now ,.....but I also don't like to stand in a busy place of any kind,.....a Friday Night Liquor Store is sometimes more busy than I like...............hahahahah Although the Open venue in Halifax (was it ) at the beginning of this most recent tour,..may have been alright,..........or a very small bar ,would fine,.......but that's unlikely to happen (ceptin maybe ElMocombo,.......they seem to like that place)   as for the game I pretty much concur, Stank!!........   _______________________________________________________HF&RV

les__f MSN said...

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that there was a book about the Irish in Montreal,....I also posted a page from Frank Hanley's,input ,..well the book arrived today,.as well as the other book which contains an article or chapter on the Lancaster Bomber which crashed in GriffinTown, Apri 1944,......killing a number of residents ( among them a freind of my mom's), well as all hte crew,....a picture from the Montreal Star was posted on the front page of the Point Site,.a few weeks ago,....well I picked up that book as well,'s about the RAF ,and the Ferry Command,.that transported planes all over the world,.during the war,.....for those interested in that type of history,...the book is called  Ocean Bridge.....  

les__f MSN said...

  It may have some interest for some of you relative to Montreal History, check them out if you see fit,....You'll decide..........     (took about 15 minutes to finally get the site to load ).........................hahahahaha So What  !!!

les__f MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

les__f MSN said...

Well I see it's business as usual for MSN,.......I continu to have difficulty even getting into the site,.let alone,trying to load a picture,..the previous post had a photo from the Montreal Star,..and a partial article from the same paper,..about the plane Crah in GriffintTown,.and then it disappeared on me , I have tried several more times to re-load or re-insert that picture,...without success,......I will try again later,..but I'm getting very tired of this networks failings,...Are most of you experiencing the same problems'"?......based on the posted replies since midnight last nigh,.i would say,that your having trouble getting in as well......Normally there would several messages by now,........I will be out & about Victoria again today as the Sun is shinning bright,....and it looks like a good day........Hope the site starts working better soon......cause it's very tedious,dealing with this &*%$...........Good Luck

sandy19465 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

les__f MSN said...

Well 'no pics today',..........that sounds like the 'Soup Nazi to me'........that gut was just intown a week or so ago,...and a friend of mine made all the shirts & postes up for him,.......apparently he travels around and does his Soup Nazi thing among some of the schools around the country,...ands whatever shirts & posters he sells ,.goes to help Diabetes,.....blah blah blah,,,,,,,,... However although I saw many opportunities to take a few pics,..i opted not to stop, I was busy looking for a car for my daughter,.......(she does not know that yet),........and getting side tracked is too easy to do.......So while the weather holds ,if like today,....really Sunny,.& clear,.& warm......ish,........I will try to take some sgots around town tomorrow,,,,....................seems like the site is working better now,.....

les__f MSN said...

S-Bowl's over can't change the outcome now,........and not too much yapping from the SeaHawks, maybe every' body's eneveloppe contained enough c-notes to tide them over till next season,.........??  It was a terrible boring game regardless of the onesided ref' 'ing,......that part was obvious,...but the lack of emotion on either team,.just goes against the very principle of team sort & particularly football,.....I saw No evidence of any determination,..or toughness during this game, was almost a non-contact game,......something very weird about that . The only time I saw a player really get nailed ,he did it himself,....a Steeler diving through the air and bent his back when he hit the ground, other player touched him,......Remember the play (can't Remember the player,that shows how forgettable the game was,.......even the press hasn't spent much time on it......Almost as lame as a 'shootout in hockey'   I think the Stones & Aretha were a bigger rivalry story,as to whose music should be played,..........and as far as that went,....the pre game Aaron Neville & Aretha,.......were the shits,.......& so were the Stones,..............sorry meant to censor that out,with a cheap time delay...... $%&^s................hahahahaha 

les__f MSN said...

Remember Monkland ,.......I Remember the Theater,......the Tavern,.....and of course the street,............came across this headline re: Monkland,......have a look if you like, However I don't Remember when it looked like this........................Do You??   ************************************Have Fun & Remember Verdun***

les__f MSN said...

Whatever happened to Joey-Verdun,....and the book,....last I heard he was going to conference related thing in Vancouver wasn't it ? ............I hope we see the book on the market soon,....sounded like an interesting project,........   ***********************************************************hf&rv

redmond1949 MSN said...

By the time James Dean's final movie 'Giant' was released in 1956, he was already dead. Not many film stars become legends at the age of twenty four, but he did.

It is exactly 75 years today since his birth, and 50 years since a fatal crash in a 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder robbed the acting world of one of its most charismatic stars.

A country boy from rural Indiana, James Byron Dean was born February 8, 1931. His mother died of cancer in 1940; it was an early encounter with tragedy - something that never quite left him.

In this MSN Films special, we pay tribute to the original rebel. He died before Elvis swung his pelvis, The Beatles shook their moptops and Johnny Depp made quirkiness cool, but he influenced them all.   Steve

guy5479 MSN said...

Les_F, Would that be the intersection of Jolicoeur or Woodland and Monk. Guy

bubbacut MSN said...

This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

les__f MSN said...

Hello Guy5479,....the old newspaper photo is of Monkland (in NDG) as far as I can tell,....I will have to look up where I found that pi8cture,.and see it's eaxact whereabouts,...but it's neither Joliceur,.nor Woodland,....or Monk,....unless I typed in the wrong street name to go along with the picture,.....and that has been known to happen,..but I don't think so in this case,....   _----------------------------------------------------------------------------_hf&rv

les__f MSN said...

Hi again Guy5479,....Here's the page where I found that picture,...   this is a site familiar to you ,.as I beleive you have (or perhaps JMH) have posted referances from the bnquebec site in the past,.......I know I have used it for quite awhile ,..and if you have not seen it before,.have a good look searching around on it,.as it is very interesting,..and has numerous pages to explore re: Montreal,Quebec,....oddly enough it's Verdun info,  is not terribly abundant,....but the page about Wellington Street,..does show some interesting old buildings,mostly throughout Point St Charles............all the more reason for us to save as much Verdun type history as possible for our future members to enjoy. You always seem to find interesting facts,&  stories from Verdun,........Incidentally was the SHGV going to do an 'encore' of it's Verdun Photographs  'Then & Now' exhibit ? That would good to see.........Now for the ever elusive Montreal Historical Landmark,............Has anyone ever come across a picture of those (3d laughing Cows from the Elmhurst/Sealtest Dairy,on Upper lAchine ??)   ahhh a mystery still in the works,.........I am still confident that someone must have a picture of that sign, almost every kid growing up in Montreal,....has had an icecream cone there..............hahahaha  that sign has become more rare than Our Sasquatch out here in our Mountains...............hahahaha ________________________________________________hv&rv

mom1945-linda MSN said...

 ALL POINTS BULLETIN   There's a big bright yellow thingy up in the sky, over the Island of Vancouver.  It's bright, shiny and beautiful. What a lovely site to behold.  It's going to be a good day, especially as I have to go out and about all day.  Look ma, no galoshes!   Have a good day, everyone.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

Your right Mom ,it's bright here too............and the streets are dry,..but do not take a short cut across a field or park,.they are still a little soggy...........and on the news last night they were showing a lot of the trees were starting to bloom again,...the mild weather has sped up the spring season,.....and we do know for certain that they got enough watering...............hahahah...............

grammah2 MSN said...

This message has been deleted due to termination of membership.

les__f MSN said...

Wanna's a site that's titled       'Demonic Tots'   have a look at the faces on the kids from these 50's era ads.........  search around this site it has  all kinds of old photo ads,..those colour ads that never really did look real..... I won't bother posting any of the pics, you can easily just view the site.....  although I'm sure some will there way here................hahahahaha .............on the first page ,checkout the face on the kid (about 3 over from the left,top row)..................I don't Remember ever seeing someone look at a plate of Ham quite like this.........hahahahaha   almost reminds me of the depictions of people from the old movie 'Reefer Madness'.............there's also an ad showing a woman squeezing and mixing the margarine,colour bud,in the package,....Have alook around on the site ,you'll recognize some old advertisements...........                                                                                                                hf&rv !!

bubbacut MSN said...

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guy5479 MSN said...

Les_F, Sorry, I confused Monk & Monkland and you are right Monkland boul. is in NDG per enclosed map. Guy

redmond1949 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Hi all, Just returned from my out and about, and that big yellow thing is still high in the sky.  But like Les_F stated, I still need those galoshes for walking in the fields.  They're saturated, found that out from the dog.  Lordy, lordy she came back to the car looking like a giant mudball!!!!  But that's why we have a big blanket in the back of the jeep, and anyhow, mud washes off.   But I don't think I'll need the sunglasses for very long, heard the nastiness is supposed to revisit.  But, I live for today, and for today it's sunny.   Cheers.

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