Wednesday, March 1, 2006


I think we need a new subject heading. I want to thank each of you for sharing some of the health problems that we each share. We sometimes think we are alone in our health struggles and find that we are not alone. It really puts my problems in perspective. I think when we share these difficulties, we each become closer. I am impressed with the courage that so many of you are showing. While we may get down mentally, emotionally, and physically, we can  encourage each other through prayer, and genuine concern. I also want to thank those who have mentioned by name those people who have not been heard from on this site for awhile. You are a great group, and each of you helps me to make in through another day. Winston Allison 


dannyb--1 MSN said...

Hi winnie3ave,   Winston as long as we wake, it is a good day. Considering the alternative.   Danny

winnie3ave MSN said...

Danny. That is true. We are still breathing and above ground. And hopefully still surrounded by good people. Winston Allson