THANKS for stopping by, I do my best to acknowledge when someone leaves a comment,you do not have to be a member here & everyone is welcome.
Ps: This site is monitored but not actively posting on a regular basis. Mostly these are stories & some photos saved from a defunct site known as Verdun Connections which was on MSN Groups initially then on a social network called Multiply.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Fast Food Restaurants in Verdun
There are 3 fast food restaurants within a couple of hundred feet of each other at the intersection of de l'Église and LaSalle Boulevard:
I Remember that old A&W, of my sisters worked there briefly,....but the owners were always short changing the staff,......... I noticed walking along Wellington St ,a bunch of years ago,.that a distinct Americanization of the street was taking place ,.with huge ugly signs,.for Donuts,.etc etc ,......Unfortuantely Fast Food ,became a huge industry,....and knocked off a lot of the little Mom & Pop shops,....I always like d the little restaurants ,.cause they would make you what you wanted,and not just relied on one menu,(with no substitutions,) wouldn't want the staff to have to 'think' ......or provide a service,.........hahahahaMost of the Fast Food Joints get their supplies from large distribution warehouse, all the crap you buy ,.is pretty much the same crap,in all the restaurants,,,,,,,, I think McDonalds does have their own suppliers,....but I don't even go in those dumps,........... sorry McDumps,..........hahahahaha Progress Guy,.I think not,..........perhaps we are all ready ,to go full circle ,.& get back to having decent little places,where they actually make the meals themselves,.......................always was better quality ,I think HF&RV
Hi there, boy does that area look totally different from what I can remember.I do remember going to the A&W also.After leaving home my 1st apt. was on the corner of Bannantyne and Church.There used to be a gressy spoon across the st. with a sign saying open 25hrs.back in 75/76.What a laugh we had over that. Wendy
johnmelivin2, Yes, we did do research on the Maison Étienne Nivard de Saint Dizier wich is in our archives at the SHGV. I have posted information several times in the past on this old house wich was built in 1710. Archealogical diggings have been done around the house and are still going on. Hopefully next year digging will start on the inside of the house and who knows perhaps the city fathers will decide to make a museum and expose the artifacts that were found. We have people giving demonstrations in front of the building wich will end this sunday and visits are from 1.00 to 3.00 pm this sunday the 7th of October. I have a pamphlet wich I can send to you by e-mail but it is in french. I think I translated it and posted it on this site previously. Guy
That is a strange looking view of the Aud,.& the restaurant in the center, & the Condo Apt Bldg. in the background ,where of course te Stadium would have been,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yikes !! that hill coming down from the Aud ,seems so small,but as a kid it seemed large ,as we roller skated or skateboarded down there,and it seemed Big,......same with the little hill coming down from the Boardwalk right under the stands of the Boardwalk (redtop) the hill there we used to toboggan down into the schoolyard of the old ModelSchool,,,,,,,,,,,,many moons ago!! HF&RV
Hi Walter (Metalman),.......that truck was there for a longtime,long after my time as a little kid, I somewhat Rememeber (sort of) when they put it there,it was stripped of most of it's usable parts,but it was a fun thing to climb on as a kid..........Funny as we percieved thing s as kids maybe when we ssaw a water truck or a fire truck or a Tow truck for that matter,we really saw an escape & what we thought would be a great job to do when we grew older,,,,,,,,,,hahahahha'We had great imaginations as kids,& I think we all dreamed of a whole different life ...............I guess we were successful,cause we weren't limited by someone telling us we couldn't do something.............even though some of them tried they didn't really kill the spirit of us little kids.........I wonder sometimes of the teachers who thought we'd amount to nothing ,what they are doing today,.........hahahahahah Growing up in Verdun gave me a great appreciation for having Savvy & always taking as a challenge when someone thought or said I couldn't do something........I always ,thought Oh Yea ,...Watch even from a firetruck in a park as a kid I knew I could drive this SOB,...........(and I could)and I knew I could do a lot of other stuff in life as well,because I stopped listening at a young age to the people who always said or thought ,Oh you'll never do that',................We can ( and I tell all the kids this do whatever you want),.......My oldman always said "You Can do anything you want in life,as long as your willing to take your Lumps"................. .................and I'm sure many of us all took Our Lumps at some point,..the smart ones learned from it.............................hahahahhaI loved growing up in Verdun ( but it wasn't as easy as people might think)although it sounds that way today,.......cause we survived,,,,,,,, have Fun & Remember Verdun
This may be the truck that ended up in that park: but i'm not sure it does say Verdun On the trucks hood:of course the one in the park didn't have all teh Equipment still on it,.but maybe Verdun salvaged the truck from the park & now have it stored somewhere............................maybe Guy will know or can find out if this old truck is indeed the one that so many Verduers played on as little kids........ Have Fun & Remember Verdun
les in life risks have to be taken, failure is the best education, you learn from failure i failed countless times in school, at times the teachers,even the principal told me in there educated words i'm a failure, so i took there proffessional advice and left grade 9. last year, ledcor construction flew down and invited me to there office in ottawa, i sat in there conference room, they told me they are building a massive highrise in calgary over a billion dollars. they offerd me 500k a year, plus a home for 4 years, i refused i love were i live, ottawa, montreal, verdun, toronto, states its all there. failure is the key to success, learn from your failures, some may read this and get jealous, best don't read my post its for the ones that what to be successful in life, that i what to share that they can be successful.
Very True Metalman,........the old adage said ,try try try again, but what they didn't say is Try Try Try Again ( each time a different way) That's a lot of Do-Re-Me to turn down,.....but the flip side is it's a Tribute to your abiltiy........................................ Not bad for a kid from Verdun .eh? Being in demand is a cool thing ,..........but be careful, to Rust out is worsethan to Burn Out........................You have a couple of sons ( I think??)....and some trusted people, buy yourself a Huge spare no expense Motor Home Executive Coach,..and travel around ,..afterall with today's technology,you are always in touch with your office,.and if you have good people ,.your Ok,.....people ( good people) are always a company's Best assett,,...............too bad some owners don't realise that, Hows the truck coming along?? Thanks for the input Walter..........always appreciated .....................................HF&RV
Ah Ha ,..I see some serious work going into the Paint,.these are not easy things to do ( Well) ...............maybe this will be the year ,you can enter her in that big Truck Show in Ontario next summer??/ Good Luck (That was London Ont was it?)
Metalman I see you've added a few more pics,..but can I ask you a question? Why do you have such an expensive set of wheels on there,when the paint work isn't finished yet,'ll only have to have them cleaned again won't you? or are these temps? They look a little costly to have to clean again: but it's going to look nice when done that's for sure,....Do you have also a car carrier (flat deck trailer) like those used for a bobcat,?? or will you drive this bay to the show? Thanks for the update pictures ,,HF&RV
les just a true story, that it may help a verduner to go after his or her dreams. i became a general superindent, then at 40 i retired, started a small construction company, a few carpenters and myself, i only bid work that we want to do meeting all kinds of people is a new experience everyday what i do now is my retirement, most of my freinds are in there 70's+ still enjoying working with people everyday. wealth is enjoying what you do. the truck? tod met somebody from hollywood, movie producer or something like that he wants the truck for a movie, he wants flames painted for this film he sent the spec's to paint it this way, go for it what do i have to lose 2 pics are showing the steps taken for this flame paint job very costly flame detail job, he mailed us the gringo to do it
Well metalman (Walter) ..........if someone sends you the Do-Re-Mi take it ............ My Grandfather use to say : That "If someone offers you money & you take it,.Your a fool,.............but If you Don't take it , your a Bigger Fool"........hahahahahah Always liked that line......... With the american dollar headed in the direction it has been ,.Your wise to get the cabbage up front,...........because some Movies will not be able to be made when they deal with the new reality,...............low USD's keep sending pictures ,neat to see projects under way............................ HF&RV
les i am involved in lots of ventures, this one i'm a partner in a paint, body, mechanical garage business, i own several cars, trucks, the shop has a car,truck trailor at times we bid on ebay, then we go get the car or truck when we win the bid. when i have some free time, i go with my son for fun trip and tow it back.
les always gringo up front, in the auto business i cost over 50k and still climbing, todd wants to risk i'll ride the big wave with todd risks have to be taken
les i was on st catherine across from the bay, a few weeks ago pic's 922 and 923, this fellow i chit chatted for several hours makes these pedal bikes in quebec. 4k for bike 922 12k for bike 923 he already has a waiting list on this pedal bikes
Holy $hi#$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the tires look like they'd be hard to get turning ,looks like alot of weight,to get rolling ....but i'll bet there's a market for them,..Looks like a Bike waiting for an engine install,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yikes 12k lots for a bike ,.but even some bicyle shops have very ordianry Mtn Bikes for 4 & 5 thousand,...... Obviously this guy has a positive attitude, theree was lots of people who thought he was nuts,....Yet He's doing it,...and others are scratching there heads wondering hopw he doea it............ I have a hat that has a badge on it that says " the best way to get on your feet--- --- is to get off your A$$.......... " hahahahah and this guy seems to have followed that advice,,,,,,,,,,,good for him, HF&RV
Hi Guy The Tim's is that not the old A&W site? Lad
I Remember that old A&W, of my sisters worked there briefly,....but the owners were always short changing the staff,......... I noticed walking along Wellington St ,a bunch of years ago,.that a distinct Americanization of the street was taking place ,.with huge ugly signs,.for Donuts,.etc etc ,......Unfortuantely Fast Food ,became a huge industry,....and knocked off a lot of the little Mom & Pop shops,.... I always like d the little restaurants ,.cause they would make you what you wanted,and not just relied on one menu,(with no substitutions,) wouldn't want the staff to have to 'think' ......or provide a service,.........hahahaha Most of the Fast Food Joints get their supplies from large distribution warehouse, all the crap you buy ,.is pretty much the same crap,in all the restaurants,,,,,,,, I think McDonalds does have their own suppliers,....but I don't even go in those dumps,........... sorry McDumps,..........hahahahaha Progress Guy,.I think not,..........perhaps we are all ready ,to go full circle ,.& get back to having decent little places,where they actually make the meals themselves,.......................always was better quality ,I think HF&RV
Hi there, boy does that area look totally different from what I can remember.I do remember going to the A&W also.After leaving home my 1st apt. was on the corner of Bannantyne and Church.There used to be a gressy spoon across the st. with a sign saying open 25hrs.back in 75/76.What a laugh we had over that. Wendy
Wendy They put condos on that corner..everything else stayed the same. Lad Welcome back..
Thanks Lad.
Guy did you ever do a history of the old stone house on Lasalle blv and lolyd gorge street..
johnmelivin2, Yes, we did do research on the Maison Étienne Nivard de Saint Dizier wich is in our archives at the SHGV. I have posted information several times in the past on this old house wich was built in 1710. Archealogical diggings have been done around the house and are still going on. Hopefully next year digging will start on the inside of the house and who knows perhaps the city fathers will decide to make a museum and expose the artifacts that were found. We have people giving demonstrations in front of the building wich will end this sunday and visits are from 1.00 to 3.00 pm this sunday the 7th of October. I have a pamphlet wich I can send to you by e-mail but it is in french. I think I translated it and posted it on this site previously. Guy
The fast food joints are nothing compared to the shock you get when you see those condo buildings where the Stadium used to be.
That is a strange looking view of the Aud,.& the restaurant in the center, & the Condo Apt Bldg. in the background ,where of course te Stadium would have been,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yikes !! that hill coming down from the Aud ,seems so small,but as a kid it seemed large ,as we roller skated or skateboarded down there,and it seemed Big,...... same with the little hill coming down from the Boardwalk right under the stands of the Boardwalk (redtop) the hill there we used to toboggan down into the schoolyard of the old ModelSchool,,,,,,,,,,,,many moons ago!! HF&RV
Meant to ad , Thanks to Guy for providing that photo in the previouspost Merci Guy HF&RV
Ken, Here is a picture of the Stadium. Guy
Remember the fire truck that was in the same park as those monkeybars hf&rv
les i remember the firetruck
Hi Walter (Metalman),.......that truck was there for a longtime,long after my time as a little kid, I somewhat Rememeber (sort of) when they put it there, it was stripped of most of it's usable parts,but it was a fun thing to climb on as a kid.......... Funny as we percieved thing s as kids maybe when we ssaw a water truck or a fire truck or a Tow truck for that matter,we really saw an escape & what we thought would be a great job to do when we grew older,,,,,,,,,,hahahahha' We had great imaginations as kids,& I think we all dreamed of a whole different life ...............I guess we were successful,cause we weren't limited by someone telling us we couldn't do something.............even though some of them tried they didn't really kill the spirit of us little kids......... I wonder sometimes of the teachers who thought we'd amount to nothing ,what they are doing today,.........hahahahahah Growing up in Verdun gave me a great appreciation for having Savvy & always taking as a challenge when someone thought or said I couldn't do something........ I always ,thought Oh Yea ,...Watch even from a firetruck in a park as a kid I knew I could drive this SOB,...........(and I could) and I knew I could do a lot of other stuff in life as well,because I stopped listening at a young age to the people who always said or thought ,Oh you'll never do that',................We can ( and I tell all the kids this do whatever you want),.......My oldman always said "You Can do anything you want in life,as long as your willing to take your Lumps"................. .................and I'm sure many of us all took Our Lumps at some point,..the smart ones learned from it.............................hahahahha I loved growing up in Verdun ( but it wasn't as easy as people might think) although it sounds that way today,.......cause we survived,,,,,,,, have Fun & Remember Verdun
This may be the truck that ended up in that park: but i'm not sure it does say Verdun On the trucks hood: of course the one in the park didn't have all teh Equipment still on it,.but maybe Verdun salvaged the truck from the park & now have it stored somewhere............................maybe Guy will know or can find out if this old truck is indeed the one that so many Verduers played on as little kids........ Have Fun & Remember Verdun
les in life risks have to be taken, failure is the best education, you learn from failure i failed countless times in school, at times the teachers,even the principal told me in there educated words i'm a failure, so i took there proffessional advice and left grade 9. last year, ledcor construction flew down and invited me to there office in ottawa, i sat in there conference room, they told me they are building a massive highrise in calgary over a billion dollars. they offerd me 500k a year, plus a home for 4 years, i refused i love were i live, ottawa, montreal, verdun, toronto, states its all there. failure is the key to success, learn from your failures, some may read this and get jealous, best don't read my post its for the ones that what to be successful in life, that i what to share that they can be successful.
Very True Metalman,........the old adage said ,try try try again, but what they didn't say is Try Try Try Again ( each time a different way) That's a lot of Do-Re-Me to turn down,.....but the flip side is it's a Tribute to your abiltiy........................................ Not bad for a kid from Verdun .eh? Being in demand is a cool thing ,..........but be careful, to Rust out is worsethan to Burn Out............. ...........You have a couple of sons ( I think??)....and some trusted people, buy yourself a Huge spare no expense Motor Home Executive Coach,..and travel around ,..afterall with today's technology,you are always in touch with your office,.and if you have good people ,.your Ok,.....people ( good people) are always a company's Best assett,,...............too bad some owners don't realise that,............... ps: Hows the truck coming along?? Thanks for the input Walter..........always appreciated .....................................HF&RV
Ah Ha ,..I see some serious work going into the Paint,.these are not easy things to do ( Well) ...............maybe this will be the year ,you can enter her in that big Truck Show in Ontario next summer??/ Good Luck (That was London Ont was it?)
Metalman I see you've added a few more pics,..but can I ask you a question? Why do you have such an expensive set of wheels on there,when the paint work isn't finished yet,'ll only have to have them cleaned again won't you? or are these temps? They look a little costly to have to clean again: but it's going to look nice when done that's for sure,....Do you have also a car carrier (flat deck trailer) like those used for a bobcat,?? or will you drive this bay to the show? Thanks for the update pictures ,,HF&RV
les just a true story, that it may help a verduner to go after his or her dreams. i became a general superindent, then at 40 i retired, started a small construction company, a few carpenters and myself, i only bid work that we want to do meeting all kinds of people is a new experience everyday what i do now is my retirement, most of my freinds are in there 70's+ still enjoying working with people everyday. wealth is enjoying what you do. the truck? tod met somebody from hollywood, movie producer or something like that he wants the truck for a movie, he wants flames painted for this film he sent the spec's to paint it this way, go for it what do i have to lose 2 pics are showing the steps taken for this flame paint job very costly flame detail job, he mailed us the gringo to do it
Well metalman (Walter) ..........if someone sends you the Do-Re-Mi take it ............ My Grandfather use to say : That "If someone offers you money & you take it,.Your a fool,.............but If you Don't take it , your a Bigger Fool"........hahahahahah Always liked that line......... With the american dollar headed in the direction it has been ,.Your wise to get the cabbage up front,...........because some Movies will not be able to be made when they deal with the new reality,...............low USD's keep sending pictures ,neat to see projects under way............................ HF&RV
les i am involved in lots of ventures, this one i'm a partner in a paint, body, mechanical garage business, i own several cars, trucks, the shop has a car,truck trailor at times we bid on ebay, then we go get the car or truck when we win the bid. when i have some free time, i go with my son for fun trip and tow it back.
les always gringo up front, in the auto business i cost over 50k and still climbing, todd wants to risk i'll ride the big wave with todd risks have to be taken
les i was on st catherine across from the bay, a few weeks ago pic's 922 and 923, this fellow i chit chatted for several hours makes these pedal bikes in quebec. 4k for bike 922 12k for bike 923 he already has a waiting list on this pedal bikes
Holy $hi#$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the tires look like they'd be hard to get turning ,looks like alot of weight,to get rolling ....but i'll bet there's a market for them,.. Looks like a Bike waiting for an engine install,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yikes 12k lots for a bike ,.but even some bicyle shops have very ordianry Mtn Bikes for 4 & 5 thousand,...... Obviously this guy has a positive attitude, theree was lots of people who thought he was nuts,....Yet He's doing it,...and others are scratching there heads wondering hopw he doea it............ I have a hat that has a badge on it that says " the best way to get on your feet--- --- is to get off your A$$.......... " hahahahah and this guy seems to have followed that advice,,,,,,,,,,,good for him, HF&RV
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