Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gordon Lightfoot


biking2006 MSN said...

I have every album he made in the 70s and 80s.Bill

les__f MSN said...

Hi Bill,..I just asked Teresa to pick me up a stamp when she was up at the  mall getting the Halloween candy,for next week,.....and blah blah blah, but when she gave me the stamp ,it has Gordon Lightfoot's mug on the stamp................I guess it's some sort of tribute,usually they wait till people are no longer on the planet ,for that stuff,.......but not so in old Gordy's case..  so there you go,some useless trivia for you,........    Remember in the late 60's (68-ish maybe) sone U.S. Radio stations banned his record "Black Day in July"  from the airwaves,.........seems archaic now doesn't it, with all the nonsense they do let on the airwaves nowadays,....   Remember it was about the riots in Detroit ,......            ..          .......this is the photo ,they use on the stamp,.quite a while ago.........     I tried to find a Youtube version of Black Day in July, but haven't come across it yet,.........(maybe it's still banned).......hahahahaha     ...............                HF&RV

biking2006 MSN said...

I have the album and remember the song well.
Between absolute censorship, and no censorship there must be a balanced point of view we can all live with.
Some music today is either X rated and/or encouraging violence. But hey bro... we're expressing the voice of the streets.

les__f MSN said...

Bill we can't feel too bad about 60's censorship,....some clowns banned the  " bloody Red Baron".......................hahahahhahaha    Poor old Snoopy, little did he know that some Nutbar in the future would steal most of his name & make a living after doing jail time,taking pictures of Girls Topless when they have Gone Wild.............hahahahahha   ..........     Guess they'd like to suppress the Four Dead in Ohio,..........too ......                 (afterall it wouldn't do ,to be reminded that a few short years ago, our Leaders that be, saw fit to use the National Guard to shoot some students,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   Can we say Bejjing.......or Burma..........Sure we can !!                              "Even the Jordan River has bodies floatin'  (Sorry that's nother story............)                                            ahhhhMusic says so much                                    HF&RV

the lad MSN said...

Les   Remember when they banned The Ballad of John and Yoko... "Christ you know it ain't easy" was the line... not much compared to to-day.   Saw Black day in July just recently on a cd..forgot where or which one. Think it was greatest hits one. If I see it again let you know.   Lad