Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thought For Today

A cannibal is someone that is fed up with people...... Bill McKiernon


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 395 of 395
redmond2349 MSN said...

"The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous." - Shana Alexander Steve

secondave MSN said...

Nature has given enough to meet man's need but not enough to meet
man's greed.

Mahatma Ghandi

happydi2 MSN said...

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring person inside   author unknown

redmond2349 MSN said...

 "It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well." - Rene Descartes Steve

redmond2349 MSN said...

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." - Benjamin Franklin

redmond2349 MSN said...

"Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it." - Christopher Morley

winnie3ave MSN said...

Be romantic!!!!

jmhachey MSN said...

The summer chair
rocking by itself
In the blizzard Jack Kerouac

les__f MSN said...

"It was midnight on the Ocean-----         ----  Not a Streetcar, was in sight"

mom1945-linda MSN said...

winnie,   Aren't you the old romantic!  I'm sure all the ladies on this board would agree with me, we need more romance in this world.  Thanks. 

jmhachey MSN said...

Hi Les ! A new sudoku ! You should send a copy to the Victoria Regional Transit System JM

winnie3ave MSN said...

The sun was shining brightly
And it rained all day that night.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Linda. There are a lot of side benefits when there is some romance in your life. Life is to short not to be romantic. It makes you feel good all over!!!!!! Winston

happydi2 MSN said...

I'll second the motto is 'make Love not War'......Dianne

jmhachey MSN said...

I mean haiku instead of sudoku

winnie3ave MSN said...

Joy comes from simple and natural things:   Mists over meadows,   sunlight on leaves,   the path of the moon over water.              

winnie3ave MSN said...

I think that I shall never see
A tree that's built like Peggy Lee.


survivor7 MSN said...

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happydi2 MSN said...

Betty I am so glad you are back, I missed you! Dianne   My Quote   Some make it happen, some watch it happen, and others say "what happened?" Unknown

survivor7 MSN said...

Thanks so much Dianne, I have missed VC , and am now a happy camper....   Betty

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Betty, A very sincere welcome back, and I like your thought for today. I will try to apply it to myself.......Thanks, Ralph.

survivor7 MSN said...

Ralph..   Maybe that is something we should all practice . Thanks for your sincere welcome back..nice to be here.   Betty

survivor7 MSN said...

"Don't be afraid to go out on the limb, that is where the fruit is."     Betty

popdog0 MSN said...

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cookie3773 MSN said...

Don't think todays a good day to go out on a limb..the date today is  "666"   cookie

survivor7 MSN said...

Hey...Smart thinking Cookie....   Betty

survivor7 MSN said...

"To much of a good thing         is Wonderful"   Unknown   Betty

survivor7 MSN said...

"Cross your bridges before  you come to them, and you will have to pay the toll twice."   Unknown   Betty

survivor7 MSN said...

"When you look at yesterday,  without regret, and at  tomorrow without fear,  you are on your way to          a good life"   Unknown   Betty

winnie3ave MSN said...

If you don't have wrinkles, you haven't laughed enough!

survivor7 MSN said...

It's better to give than to lend, the recipient thinks more of you, and in most cases, the cost is                 the same.   Unknown   Betty

survivor7 MSN said...

"One reason a dog can be such a comfort, when you are feeling blue, is that he doesn't try to find out why"   Unknown Betty

multipurposeutensil MSN said...

Betty, this is so true, just like a real good friend. I am thankful that I have my dog, and a few good friends. Ralph. 

winnie3ave MSN said...

Before criticising your wife's faults, you must remember it may have been these very defects which prevented her from getting a better husband than the one she married. Winston Allison

happydi2 MSN said...

Remember:  You probably thought those very faults that you now criticise were once very charming when you were courting!     Dianne

survivor7 MSN said...

Well Said HappyDi   Chow

happydi2 MSN said...

Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less..............Will Moss 

winnie3ave MSN said...

The best time to do the dishes, is right after your wife tells you to.

survivor7 MSN said...

 "If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground,      put some responsibility          on their shoulders."   Unknown   Betty  

happydi2 MSN said...

Maya Angelou on the occasion of her 70th +  birthday was asked what she thought about aging: Here are two quotes:   Life sometimes gives you a second chance.   No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.    

survivor7 MSN said...

Dianne, here is another one from  Maya Angelou:-   People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.....   Betty

happydi2 MSN said...

Betty...That is so true.....I admire Maya Angelou, she is so gracious and wise.   Dianne

winnie3ave MSN said...

Watch the man who says he is the boss at home. He may lie about other things also.

survivor7 MSN said...

Dianne   You are so right, and she didn't have a very good beginning, but she certainly turned out special..   Betty

secondave MSN said...

From the silent movie, 'Don't Change Husbands', with Gloria Swanson
in her prime.

Old wood to burn__
Old wine to drink__
Old friends to trust.

survivor7 MSN said...

"June is when millions of    couples set out on a     Sea of Matrimony,          July is when Small craft warnings appear."   Unknown   Betty

survivor7 MSN said...

"I value the friend who for me  finds time on his calendar,  but I cherish the friend who  for me does not consult his               calendar."   Unknown   Betty

redmond2349 MSN said...

     Ã¢€œMay you have the hindsight to know where you've been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far”    Author Unknown Steve

les__f MSN said...

Outside of a dog,...a book is Man's best friend Inside a dog, too dark to Read........................      Groucho Marx

winnie3ave MSN said...

Most husbands would like their wives to wear their dresses longer..............about three years longer. Winston Allison

les__f MSN said...

As an old Irish woman once said There are two things in Life you buy the best of one is a Good Pair of Boots. & the other is a Good Bed, Cause if your not one ,Your in the other     ....................................................................................................HF&RV

survivor7 MSN said...

"Hit the ball over the fence, and you can take your time going around the bases."   Unknown   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

"If you want the rainbow,         you gotta put up          with the rain".   Chow

winnie3ave MSN said...

True love does not have a happy ending: It has NO ending!!!!!

survivor7 MSN said...

"Being Happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, It means you have decided to accept the imperfections."   Betty

happydi2 MSN said...

What a grand thing to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love.   Victor Hugo

les__f MSN said...

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survivor7 MSN said...

"Loved people, are loving people."     Betty

les__f MSN said...

                  "One Good Turn -                 ----  Get's Most of the Blanket,                                                                            Have Fun & Remember Verdun

happydi2 MSN said...

Without love what are you worth? Eighty-nine cents! Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around loney! Hawkeye...M.A.S.H. TV show

les__f MSN said...

It's not that bad , might be .89 cents  US           hahahaha     HF&RV

happydi2 MSN said...

Love: A temporary insanity cured by marriage.   The Devil's Dictionary....Ambrose Bierce 1842-1913....American Author    

happydi2 MSN said...

And this will be my last quote for today and kinda goes along with the theme of love and the weather   I never promised you a rose garden... There's gotta be a little [under statement] rain sometime     Dianne

survivor7 MSN said...

"Marriage is like a Hot Tub,       once you are in it         it isn't too hot."    Unknown   Betty

les__f MSN said...

         "If  you ever need a Helping Hand---   -------------Look down at the end of your Arm"                                                                              HF&RV

winnie3ave MSN said...

If we are only worth 99 cents, and we are out there waliking around lonely? How come those "ladies of the night", who are walking around out there, all lonely and everything, charge so much more than 99 cents. You've got me thinking now. Did I pay to much??????

happydi2 MSN said...

Winnie....How about this one if you paid too much to those walking around lonely ladies:   When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment.   When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute. Author Unknown

winnie3ave MSN said...

HappyDi2 How right you are. Ever since women started burning their bras things have not been the same. But that is okay. I never did like contending with those bras. $3.95 a minute. Is that a special, one time offer????

survivor7 MSN said...

"Inside every older person is a younger person, wondering what the Hell Happened"   Cora Harvey Armstrong.   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

"A male gynecologist, is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car."   Carrie Snow   Chow

redmond2349 MSN said...

That's $3.95 Canadian. What a special. Steve

happydi2 MSN said...

Bella....That is sooooo's another one ........people who never married give marriage counselling advice........people who never had children have all the answers on child rearing.....Dianne

bella_0075 MSN said...

Dianne,   That is so true, and there are many other areas where that applies.   Chow

winnie3ave MSN said...

HappyDi2.  I have never worked on a vehicle. I just don't have to desire to, or the knowledge. But that doesn't mean I don't like driving. And of course I have never had a  desire to be A Dr., BUT......oh never mind..........

survivor7 MSN said...

"Whatever women must do, they must do twice as well as men, to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult."   Charlotte Whitton.   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

survivor7 MSN said...

"Thirty - five is when   you finally get your   head together and    your body starts      falling apart."   Caryn Leschen   Betty

redmond2349 MSN said...

When it's up,is it really up or is it hanging done! Steve

bella_0075 MSN said...

"Get someone else to       blow your horn     and the sound will         carry twice             as far."     Chow

survivor7 MSN said...

"If you really want the last       word in an argument,                try saying     You're absolutely right."     Author Unknown   Betty

frenchmac MSN said...

Awwww.........Betty. You let the cat outta the bag.  Older men in successful marriages already know this.  Right after you've said " Your absolutely right" is when you announce that your going (insert favourite sport in here) with some friends next week.  Works like a charm.   Mac

survivor7 MSN said...

Mac....You fellows are very clever, but us women have used that expression  also, especially when we have come home from shopping, and he thinks you have spent too much money, works like a charm for us also....haha   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

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survivor7 MSN said...

"Instead of being thankful when our cup runneth over, too many people pray for a bigger cup."   Unknown   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

"The bad news is time flies,    The good news is you're             the pilot."     Author unknown Chow

survivor7 MSN said...

"Age doesn't always       bring wisdom,     Sometimes age,      comes alone."   Unknown   Betty

victah12 MSN said...

  Whoa there Nelly (Survivor) Not Difficult to outdo us Men? How many women could outdo the Carolina Hurricanes' Players (ALL MEN!) who have beaten one of the toughest teams in the NHL? (Uhh, oh yes, the 'Oilers!) Of course that's only one example.But, a good one! Just tho't I'd plug the fact that Lord Stanley is safely back below the Border!!!! sez Victah

winnie3ave MSN said...

I remember when I was a very young kid. I heard my mother say more than once; "Men, they are only after one thing." Being a man, and one of great ethics, to this day, I don't know what she meant.     "Men, they are only after one thing!!!"   Also may I add. Self praise is no recommendation.

survivor7 MSN said...

"Friends are God's way of taking care          of us."   unknown   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

"I try to take one day at a time, sometimes several days attack me at once."   Unknown   Chow

survivor7 MSN said...

"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen, Friends, are the bacon bits in the salad of life."   Unknown   Betty

bella_0075 MSN said...

  "Yesterday is history,  Tomorrow is a mystery,    Today is a gift, thats       why it is called         The Present."   Unknown   Chow 

winnie3ave MSN said...

Some people are like slinkies,   They don't really have a purpose,   But they still bring a smile to your face,   When you push them down the stairs.   Winston Allison

secondave MSN said...

"Bride. A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her."

"Saint. A dead sinner revised and edited."
...Ambrose Bierce.

survivor7 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

victah12 MSN said...

Hey Steve, "Smooth seas make for Safe Sailing and Happy Sailors!" although, "Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing!" Cap'n Victah

happydi2 MSN said...

A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck!   James A. Garfield 1831-1881     Dianne

winnie3ave MSN said...

The older the fiddle,   The sweeter the tune!   Winston Allison

winnie3ave MSN said...

A wife can often surprise her husband on their wedding merely mentioning it! Winston Allison

happydi2 MSN said... don't strike me as the sort of man that would forget your anniversary!   Dianne

survivor7 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Dianne. I AM not the kind of man to forget my anniversary. You don't have to hit me in the head to many times to make me remember.

redmond2349 MSN said...

6/24/06      "Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day." - Thomas Jefferson Steve

redmond2349 MSN said...

 "Our life is what our thoughts make it."
- Marcus Aurelius

survivor7 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

redmond2349 MSN said...

"We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in." - Thomas Paine Steve

bella_0075 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

victah12 MSN said...

Greetings from Florida, Verdunites and ex-Verdunites! As dark clouds are gathering across Florida this morning on this June 25th, so did a dark cloud descend over 'Little Big Horn' in Montana on June25th,1876. George Custer and his 7th Cavalry were wiped out by the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians. Custer underestimated the strength of the Indian opposition. The Victoria Bridge, Montreal to the South shore, was finished and Dedicated in 1860. While the U.S. Army was trying to eliminate Native American Indians or contain them on reservations in the West, in the East, up in Canada, Peace and  an engineering marvel, considered at the time, the Eighth Wonder of the World was completed by the Grand Trunk Railway. A difference in Government Policies? Just a thought for today. Victah   

survivor7 MSN said...

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winnie3ave MSN said...

How old would I be, If I didn't know how old I was??????   Old enough to know better.......Ya right!!!!!! Winston Allison

survivor7 MSN said...

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survivor7 MSN said...

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happydi2 MSN said...

Life is like an onion; you peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.   Carl Sandburg   Dianne

happydi2 MSN said...

Life is nothing but a series of crosses for us mothers.   Colette     Dianne

survivor7 MSN said...

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survivor7 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out.
Winston Allison

happydi2 MSN said...

Everybody has to believe in something. I believe I'll have another drink.   W.C.Fields     Dianne

redmond2349 MSN said...

 "The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking." - A.A. Milne Steve

redmond2349 MSN said...

"If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for self-direction, and for self-initiated learning." - Carl Rogers Steve

victah12 MSN said...

"Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life.What would a man not pay for living?" (Mohandas Gandi)                        Vic aka Victah  

winnie3ave MSN said...

When you least expect it, a common thread----golden, at that------begins to weave together the fabric of friendship.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Winnie,   Ain't that the truth!  You get a  for that one.   Cheers.

secondave MSN said...

Why are the Irish constantly fight among themselves?

...Bishop Sheen.
Because they are guaranteed a competent rival!

mom1945-linda MSN said...

This is for the ladies of Verdun:    

les__f MSN said...

Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 a piece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Funny the things you do when forced to stay indoors by the weather (read too hot).  I was sorting through "things" on my desk and came across the following poem.  I'm sure many of you have read the female version "When I get old, I shall wear purple...." well here's a version for you guys out there:   When I Am An Old Man...              by Anonymous   I shall wear my old slippers whenever I choose, Have popcorn and pickles on my armchair cruise. Dance around in my bathrobe, put false teeth in a jar, Make friends of my enemies and talk "love" not war. Eat ice cream for breakfast and spend some days abed, Nod off in the sunshine over books I've not read. I'll drink milk from the carton, eat peaches from their tin, And throw away my neckties, grow whiskers on my chin. Make music on an old guitar to chase away the blues, And scratch where it itches, forget to shine my shoes. Wink at the girls and give a big grin, Notice the sunsets and let the dogs come in. On holidays I'll wear fine shirts, plaid trousers that are loose, And let one of the youngsters carve the turkey or the goose. But for now we must get to work on time, Save every nickle, penny and dime. Be proper and prim, stay healthy and fit, Pay our taxes and not complain about it. But maybe I'll begin doing some of these things now, Like forgetting my manners when I'm eating my chow. This is so my friends will recognize me on that far away day, When suddenly I am old and begin acting that way!     Cheers to all you guys out there.

les__f MSN said...

If law school is so hard to get through, how come there are so many

les__f MSN said...

Sometimes I wake up grumpy; Other times I let her sleep.

les__f MSN said...

Shins - a tool for finding things in the dark. --------------------------------------------------havefun&rememberVerdun

mom1945-linda MSN said...

THAT'S NOT MY JOB   This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.   There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.  Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.  Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job.  Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.   It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have.  

les__f MSN said...

Here are the  two most Important Rules of Life:                                      1:   Never, tell everything You Know:                                    2:                                                                                         havefun&rememberVerdun

les__f MSN said...

Here's some advice on what you need to make a woman happy, & conversly what a Woman needs to make a man Happy:      HOW TO SATISFY A WOMAN EVERY TIME

Caress, praise, pamper, relish, savor, massage, make plans, fix,
empathize, serenade, compliment, support, feed,
tantalize, bathe, humor, placate, stimulate, jiffylube,
stroke, console, purr, hug, coddle, excite,
pacify, protect, phone, correspond, anticipate, nuzzle, smooch,
toast, minister to, forgive, sacrifice for, ply, accessorize, leave,
return, beseech, sublimate, entertain, charm, lug, drag, crawl,
show equality for, spackle, oblige, fascinate, attend,
implore, bawl, shower, shave, trust, grovel,
ignore, defend, coax, clothe, brag about, acquiesce,
aromate, fuse, fizz, rationalize, detoxify,
sanctify, help, acknowledge, polish, upgrade, spoil,
embrace, accept, butter-up, hear, understand, jitterbug,
locomote, beg, plead, borrow, steal, climb, swim, nurse, resuscitate,
repair, patch, crazy-glue, respect, entertain, calm, allay, kill for,
die for, dream of, promise, deliver, tease, flirt, commit,
enlist, pine, cajole, angelicize, murmur, snuggle,
snoozle, snurfle, elevate, enervate, alleviate,
spotweld, serve, rub, rib, salve, bite, taste, nibble, gratify,
take her places,scuttle like a crab on the ocean floor of her existence,
diddle, doodle, hokey-pokey, hanky-panky, crystal blue persuade,flip,
flop, fly, don't care if I die, swing, slip, slide, slather,
mollycoddle, squeeze, moisturize, humidify, lather, tingle,slam-dunk,
keep on rockin' in the free world, wet, slicken, undulate,gelatinize,
brush, tingle, dribble, drip, dry, knead, fluff, fold, blue-coralwax,
ingratiate, indulge, wow, dazzle, amaze, flabbergast, enchant,idolize
and worship, and then go back, Jack, and do it again.


Show up naked.

maggiemck MSN said...

This is similar to what a lot of reunion organizers may experience. A lot of people wait to see who else is going before they add their name to the list. When people look at the list it is pretty short, making it look like very few are interested.

les__f MSN said...

Hi Maggie , a big long list with who 'should be there' then check them off with a little checkmark,......if the list is long enough  it will looklike a large turnout (possibly),........sort of like the writing on the mirror of your car ............"Guestlist may Appear larger ,than it is".......................hahahahahah  Creative Advertising                  Hope it goe well for you,.but I have a feeling you will have fun anywhere' especially in Verdun:  So  .................Have Fun & Remember Verdun

winnie3ave MSN said...

Les. No wonder I am so tired. I do all of that to make my wife happy. Even the naked part. OHHHHHHHH.......the sacrifices I make!!!!!!!!! Winston Allison

frenchmac MSN said...

wrt# 334

Show up naked.       and bring beer!

winnie3ave MSN said...

DELIVER BIG!!!!!!!!!!
Winston Allison

happydi2 MSN said...     Where's Betty? Hope she is okay.....she hasn't been on the boards for awhile....Dianne

les__f MSN said...

         .........."Love  is  Blind----- ----but    Marriage,  is  an Eye Opener.........."

secondave MSN said...

Lets try that again:

Don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the
one you like will leave you for the one they love, what goes around
comes around.

happydi2 MSN said...

How would the character of a man be measured if he never took a stand for what he believed to be just and true?   Dianne

mom1945-linda MSN said...

One of my 'acquaintances' sent this to me.  Tsk tsk not nice person, eh?  But take note of the province.  They don't really mean it, do they?    Just kidding, of course they don't mean it.  

les__f MSN said...

Hi Mom45,......My buddy (& fellow Montrealer),.....had a t-shirt made with this exact same sign,,,,,,,,,.............I love it,.......and think it's great.............hahahahaha   Another sign I've seen ,that made me laugh was .........."I didn't get , to the top of the Food Chain-- Just eat Vegetables"..................                                                                           hahahahaha                               "Have Fun & Remember Verdun"

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Les_F   I can understand the food chain, as I'm not a vegetarian myself, but eating Bambi's father!!!!  I'll never forget the time when my kids were about 5 & 6 years old, and the next door neighbour raised rabbits in his back yard.  My kids used to pet them through the fence.  Wellllllllll one day as I'm bundling the kids into the car my son sees the neighbour's garbage pail, and guess what's piled right on top.   Yup, the Easter Bunny (or what was left of him).  Gruesome sight.   Come to think of it, I really, really like brussel sprouts, corn, carrots, peas, etc.  Oh well, you can't win them all.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

But  Mom45,......think of the bright side ,you had a chance to get some 'Lucky Rabbit's feet,without having to buy them ,.mind you ,you would have had to find some of that chain stuff to put them on your key-chain....................hahahahahah   .......................hahahahha      Have Fun & Remember Verdun

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Okay, I'll tell you something if you promise not to laugh.......when I was really, really not as old as I am now (  ) I thought that those brightly coloured rabbit's feet came in those colours.  Of course, not that I'm just a little bit older (  ) I know better.   Okay, now that I've told my story go ahead and guffaw.   Cheers

les__f MSN said...

It's Ok Mom45,....Rabitts are like people aren't they ,..all different shapes & colours ,,,,,,,,,,Guess they eat more of the Red Lettuce................................HF&RV

les__f MSN said...

Are rabbit's feet really that Lucky??                              ...................Sorry ,couldn't help it.............                            "Have Fun & Remember Verdun"

mom1945-linda MSN said...

I feel like Steppenwolf just took me on a magic carpet ride!!!!!  Look at those colours.    Cheers.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Gotta go prepare supper!!!!! we're not having rabbit stew.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine
On a cloud of sound I drift in the night
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
You don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away

Last night I held Aladdin's lamp
And so I wished that I could stay
Before the thing could answer me
Well, someone came and took the lamp away
I looked around, a lousy candle's all I found

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
Well, you don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away
.................................................................Remember this song well,.it was in the juke box at the Second Avenue Restaurant,........circa :68'ish DannyB will Remember ,............................I believe he worked there ,.....I can Remember delivering a few Pizza's for them around those years...too..........hahaha but we did it as a favour to the owner ,as we could walk to most deliveries,.if they were close by:.........                    HF&RV

winnie3ave MSN said...

Linda. To believe that about rabbit feet is okay. That just show your innocence. Even though we are older and have more knowledge about the world, we can still enjoy what innocence we have left.

les__f MSN said...

                               --------"Learn from the mistakes of Other's,.......                       .........  Cause you will never Live Long Enough,to make,                                                          Them all Yourself "---------

mom1945-linda MSN said...

"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams."                                 ...........John Barrymore

rutharmstrong MSN said...

Be greateful for luck but don't depend on it  

les__f MSN said...

Very true Ruth,......some take a lifetime to learn that,....I've seen some people I know go through fortunes ,by gambling, alot of cases it was due to winning early on,..and,    you know the rest........they couldn't stop:

maggiemck MSN said...

This week, I am OLD!

les__f MSN said...

Why Maggie Mck   are you wearing Purple?

mom1945-linda MSN said...

I don't think you have to be OLD to wear purple, Les_F.   Perhaps it's her birthday, and she isn't aware that after 39 to have to start counting's the law!!!!   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

But Mom then it just wouldn't go with the Poem or Book
 Isn't this a book or a poem by a gal named JennyJoseph   When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandles, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

Jenny Joseph
...........................My sister gave it to Teresa one year: When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandles, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

Jenny Joseph                                         see I told ya.................hshshahahahahaha

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Hey...those are the rules I live by right now!!!!  I started counting backwards from 39 for about 22 years now, sooooo that would make me about 17 years old, right?   Sometimes when I reread my post, after posting, I see all kinds of speeeellling errors and/or typing errors.  Those errors must occur out in cyberspace cause they are perfect as I'm typing them.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

Si  ,I agree,............   spelling perfect when it leaves this keyboard,too............hahahaha   Happy 17th BTW,.....we will have to take you out to a nightclub for your 18th (19th here in BC, us time to save up..........hahahaha)

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Anyone else notice that as time marches on, the years seem to fly by.  I'll be talking about an event as if it was a few weeks ago and my other half will jokingly (not but really) ask me where all the intervening years have the event happened 4 or 5 years ago.  Like the 2 towers crashing down, man it was 5 years ago!!!   But I never cease to amaze even myself with my recall of things and details that happened 50 years ago.  Wow.   Cheers.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Linda. They say time flies when you are having fun. I must have had a hell of a good time, because time has flown by so fast. Oh just to have a second chance. Winston Allison

maggiemck MSN said...

because I am feeling regrets

maggiemck MSN said...

So many places and people that I didn't see during my visit to Verdun. Who knows if I will have the chance again.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

I think I know how you're feeling, but as long as you still have dreams of one day perhaps returning there, then it's not a regret. It's when you can no longer have the dream of ever returning, like you're old and it's the end of your life, that it becomes a regret, but as long as you have any hope in hell of ever returning you're good to go (so to speak).   You go girl, you're still, OTOH, well.......I'm still young, too.  LOL   Cheers

les__f MSN said...

Well Linda (Mom'45), only 17 ,you should have plenty of more visits in you,..... Is your husband from Montreal as well??  I don't know if I ever heard you mention that or not???   as for Maggie Mck,...........I may have mentioned this when the site first started ,as I have somewhat of a recoleection of having mentioned the Gestetner thing,.......... but if you did read this in a book,...then I hope you can recall which book ,I love to read that history,.....  

rutharmstrong MSN said...

Doing your best is more important than being the best Author Unknown  

johnmelinvin2 MSN said...

very nice

rutharmstrong MSN said...

Read This today!
Doing your best is more important than being the best

Author Unknown

winnie3ave MSN said...

I am just glad that wrinkles don't hurt!!!!!
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winnie3ave MSN said...

A husband's home is his castle.......Until the queen gets home!!!!!
Add a Yahoo! contact to Windows Live Messenger for a chance to win a free trip! 

daleb4 MSN said...

Our main purpose in life is to fight maturity.   Dale 

tommy MSN said...

Love it!!

winnie3ave MSN said...

Let the revolution continue!!!!!
Talk now to your Hotmail contacts with Windows Live Messenger.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

The Man in the Glass When you get what you want in your struggle for self And the world makes you king for a day, Just go to the mirror and look at yourself And see what that man has to say. For it isn’t your father or mother or wife Whose judgment upon you must pass. The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life Is the one staring back from the glass. You may be like Jack Horner and chisel a plum And think you’re a wonderful guy. But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum If you can’t look him straight in the eye. He’s the fellow to please - never mind all the rest, For he’s with you clear to the end. And you’ve passed your most dangerous, difficult test If the man in the glass is your friend. You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years And get pats on the back as you pass. But your final reward will be heartache and tears If you’ve cheated the man in the glass. ......~Anonymous

les__f MSN said...

Hi Mom45,....this is one of my most favourite Poems,...... "The Man in the Glass", has been known by several different titles,.all very close to The Man in the Glass,..........I too, always knew it as having an Authour Unkown,....(and I've had a copy of this Poem for more than twenty years,....the cutout from the newspaper many years ago sat stuck in the mirror at my house for years,...) For some reason I was prompted several years ago to do an internet search(now known as a Google),...but I did find some information on a site run by the family of the Man who actually wrote this Poem,.......So I (being the shy,shrinking Violet that I am),...emailed the son to tell him that I had always liked this Poem that his Dad wrote years befopre,....and that I was glad to finally be able to put a Name to this Poem,........his son Thanked me ,& I did do what I had told hime i would,..I wrote his Dad's name on the newspaper cut out,as the Authour: and so i want to let ,you & anyone who does read this ,that I am now keeping my promise to always give the approriate credit to the real Authour,whenever the need arises,.and so Here is the name of the man who wrote:          "The Man in the Glass:" written by Peter "Dale " Winbrow,in 1934,..........originally titled :        "The Guy in the Glass"............ Another connection to this Poem is that it also was one of my oldman's favourite's..... Here's a link to the website run by 'Dale's " family,there are a couple of other works on there as well.........checkit out at:                Thanks for posting it again Mom,.I still appreciate the Poem: Oddly enough I have beside me right now 3 books from the local Library,..& 2 of them are Poems by a guy named Edgar A. Guest,....who penned a lot of similar types of Poems ,...basically Poems of Inspiration, (sort of) which is the name of another book I own,.........  BTW the 3rd book ,aside from the Edgar Guest books ,(sitting on my desk)   is the one called "Standing Together" in which Dolly (Sabby) Dennis,one of the members here , has contributed some content: ..............................................................................Anyway Merci Mom45

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Want to just say thanks, Les_F now I too will put a name to this piece of work.  I, also, have had this clipped from a newspaper of many years ago, and every once in a while I take it out and reread.  His other work "My Religion" was very thought provoking also.    Cheers.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Les and Linda. Good ones. I gues I am still an old softy......There were still a couple of tears in my eyes, as usual. We are so lucky to have people that can say so much, with very few words. I could spend a lifetime, and never come close. Thanks

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Here's a little book that I keep nearby on my desk:     and here's the kind of inspirations found therein:    

les__f MSN said...

I heard that:...................................................     Always Remember :     He whi laughs last,...................isn't really that quick:

biking2006 MSN said...

"Gravity—which is taught to our children as a law—is founded on great gaps in understanding. The laws predict the mutual force between all bodies of mass, but they cannot explain that force. Isaac Newton himself said, 'I suspect that my theories may all depend upon a force for which philosophers have searched all of nature in vain.

happydi2 MSN said...

Mark Twain
New Year's Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.

victah12 MSN said...

Happy New Year Everybody! "Ring out the OLD, Ring in the NEW,ring, happy bells, across the snow; the year is going,let him go; ring out the false, ring in the TRUE."  (Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Poet) sez Victah! PS. Here in Florida they ring out across the waters!

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Technically, this isn't a "Thought for the Day".  It's more of a "This is what I've been thinking about today".   I'm feeling in a real funky mood today.  Sort of damned if I do, and damned if I don't.  Perhaps it's just a let down after all the Christmas and New Year's hustle and bustle.  Or maybe even a period of reflecting about old friends, old places, family and traditions.  It's certainly not the weather today....bright, sunny and warm .   I also noticed that there's not too many posters today.  Do some of you (lurkers included) feel that way also, or am I out on my own here?    But being the forever optimist, my thinking is......tomorrow, Wednesday, is hump day, and seeing as how I'm retired it's not really hump day, but a middle of the week day, it's a day when we always go out for breakfast!!!!  Yippee.....   Hi to all who may read this message, and remember.....Be Happy.   Cheers.

happydi2 MSN said...

Hi Linda:   I don't think you are alone in your thinking. I think many people feel a little let down after the holidays.   All my family live in upper Canada, Prairies and the West coast so I often get very sentimental and think about the relatives I haven't seen for years. And of course my parents who have been gone for several years. Paul's mom is in a nursing home and she is failing rapidily day by day. In early December an  elderly neighbour passed away and yesterday we got the sad news that her husband passed a way on New Years Eve. And my other neighbour's mother who has been visiting from Quebec since before Christmas was rushed to the hospital yesterday because she suffered a stroke. So all of this along with the Christmas and New Years festivities this year there has been several events that  that has brought about a lot of hard thinking and reflection.   Dianne

les__f MSN said...

Excellent choice of words HappyDi                          "hard thinking & reflection"          I think that acuretly describes ,the transition period btwn ,getting over the holidays,...and back into the day to day realty of the real world,..... and although it may seem somewhat slow to get going,..we will all of a sudden be hit with the idea that' it's Febuary already ,.or it's Saint paddy's day,.....seems far off,..but it does sail by.Quick. .........the difficult stuff will pass,...and we will all have good stuff to deal with............................I always liked Yvan Cournyer 's response one time ,when asked ,if he 'regretted' not staying around for another couple of years with the Habs (he would have won a couple more cups,.he already has 10),........but his answer was No he had no regrets,    because he likened Life to Driving a Car,.....       he said "No ,That's why they have a 'small' mirror for the back-----\             -----and a 'Big' windshield for what's ahead...........   hahahahah  a good sense of humour ,as well as some very simple common sense......................I suppose we all need to Remember that Big Windshield ,for the front,....cause that's where we all have to head ....... ..........................holy crap is it Jan 2nd ,already...............hahahahahah

synerrgize MSN said...

Aww Yes!! Today is one of those days that I try to get back into focus????
But, then how can I when I have just come down with a cold...... So, I am a
little under the weather & I haven't even accessed any of my family who are
spread out from Halifax to Sacremento Cal.

By the end of this week I should be back on top of my game, then, I'll be
able to do all that I should, would & could do... But it must wait till
then, I'll catch up I promise....

Everyone the weekend is almost here & we'll be back to "NORMAL" Here in
Southern Ontario our Temperature is today 10 degrees, can you imagine
that..... We haven't any snow & it feels like spring or fall..... No wonder
I'm out of sorts..... See ya all later..... I Love this site..... All of
you in Montreal, please do something for me, the next time you go outdoors,

Thanks so very much...... I Love all of YOU.... Bye for now....


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winnie3ave MSN said...

Norman...Hang in there. Winston Allison

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mom1945-linda MSN said...

Oh my, sure has been quiet here today.   Guess it's the last relaxing day before the kids go back to school....or is it?  Probably be more relaxing with them in school.    Cheers.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Ya gotta have attitude...............   **Attitude** There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?"  So she did and she had a wonderful day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. "H-M-M," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?" So she did and she had a grand day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, "today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did and she had a fun, fun day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. "YEA!" she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!" Attitude is everything.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Linda. Good one. And isn't that the truth. Attitude!!!!!!!!

Dave vs. Carl: The Insignificant Championship Series.  Who will win?

sandy19465 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

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