Wednesday, April 13, 2005

War Time Houses

Was talking to a cousin in Montreal and she told me houses like the one I grew up in on Angers St. go for $300,000!! My father paid $4,000 for it in 1946 and sold it in 1976 for $25,000. Is the world going MAD!!!...Dianne


bubbacut MSN said...

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guy5479 MSN said...

Dianne, $300,000 for those wartime houses seems impossible. Check your figures.   Guy

bubbacut MSN said...

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happydi2 MSN said...

When I was in Montreal in 2001, a house across from where I lived sold for $170.000 and I thought that was pretty high then. What struck me was how small the houses seemed. They were solid, well built homes, though, and most of them had been upgraded and modernized...Dianne

patricia_geinno1 MSN said...

Hi Diane, the house my daughter bought 5 years ago was $105,000 now it is $176,000. The real estate was here today and say they had someone interested in buying our house and offered us $250,000. We laughted. As long as interest rates are low the price of houses goes up. Morgage rates go up houses prices come down. In 1972 I sold the duplex in Verdun for $25,000. guess i should have hung on to it.Patsy

happydi2 MSN said...

Hi Patsy, When we left Montreal in 1972 we found real estate was quite high here at that time. Now of course we realize we should have bought a piece of land for future development, now that we have water and sewer land is going up. The value of my house has increased considerably over the past 30 years.We should have bought a war time house in Cote St.Paul...oh well, c'est la vie!!!! Dianne

patricia_geinno1 MSN said...

Diane, we bought our first house here for $32,000. this time we bought 4 extra lots.built our house. once you get water and sewer we are next, then we sell off the extra lots for retirement. Patsy

rutharmstrong MSN said...

This doesn't just apply to homes today as I see it. I remember my Mom
sending me to Steinberg's to get icing sugar for a cake. Of course Mom only
bought one at a time so she gave me 12 cents since at that time (mid
fifities) they were 2 for 21 cents. Will have to check out what it is today
the next time I go shopping. Probably equally inflated since a good loaf of
braed that tastes like something( in the US that is ) is good fo0r at least
2.59 or more was about .25 cents