Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Annual Irish Stone Walk.

Photos of the walk to the stone.



secondave MSN said...

I apologize for the URL I posted which was supposed to be of photos of
the annual Irish walk to the stone at the foot of Victoria bridge
commemorating the thousands of Irish immigrants who died from ship
fever during the 1800s. However the 'Point' site changes pictures
daily, which is incredible considering the work they put into it.
Bill Cooper

shirleybh2 MSN said...

I saved the pictures if anyone is interested could post them here???

secondave MSN said...

Shirley, that would be great in my opinion. Thanks.
Bill Cooper

"A child's hand in yours -- what tenderness and power it arouses. You
are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength."
- Marjorie Holmes

shirleybh2 MSN said...

Bill Cooper - the pictures are posted in an album called Walk to the Rock May 2004.  

deedoll138dee1 MSN said...

Thank you for posting the pic,s walk to the stone..Pic #2 is Audrey mumford Baldo..nice to see it even if the sun does make the pic look shadowy and Pic # 4 is John Faherty laying the wreath and of course Francis Baddley singins the Canadian and Irish National anthems. Great walk in honor of the Irish who died in Montreal.