Saturday, May 8, 2004

frank worsley

Went to Rushbrooke school..eons ago. One year at Verdun high. Quit to go to work..Rutherford lumber..then on to the CNR.??? Now living in Edmonton.


beeaired MSN said...

beeaired bee frank worsley.

pomolive2 MSN said...

 welcome to the VERDUNCONNECTION..sit back and read throu all the memories

patricia_geinno1 MSN said...

frank rushbrooke school wasn't eons ago it was only yesterday. i was in grade 3 when it closed and we were bused to ballantyne by city buses getting egged along the way. was that your era patsy ginn

patricia_geinno1 MSN said...

frank did you have a brother called lesley??patsy

beeaired MSN said...

Hmmm..leslie I had, but was half brother..lived above me on Rushbrooke and was a sailor..also had a brother stewart..cousin ben, lived across from the school.

beeaired MSN said...

Dont tell anyone..k??  I at one time would stand in the halfway lane and throw rocks at the school windows..broke a few in my day..

maggiemck MSN said...

and judging by your newly posted have quite the beeaired! Great to see who we are messaging with!