********************REMINDER*************Hi everyone,
Dawson's 50th. Anniversary Dance this Saturday August 1st. at 8:00 P.M.and my band will be playing. It will be a great fundraisingevent celebrating Verdun's Dawson Community Center 50th. year.There will be a DJ and it may be someone from CHOM along withdoor prizes and Oh! Yeah! Did I mention "The Generation Gap"
Tickets for this event are $25.00 each and are available now
Contact me Dave at 514-696-6133 for your tickets
They are going fast so don't be disappointed.
Hope to hear from you soon and see you all on the 1st. of August.

THANKS for stopping by, I do my best to acknowledge when someone leaves a comment,you do not have to be a member here & everyone is welcome. Ps: This site is monitored but not actively posting on a regular basis. Mostly these are stories & some photos saved from a defunct site known as Verdun Connections which was on MSN Groups initially then on a social network called Multiply.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
************** REMINDER*************** have fun in Verdun
Adieu Murray's Restaurant
The last Murrays restaurant (or Eatery) as the Gazette puts it,.is set to close up shop. I know many of our members Remember Murray's and some of them worked in them ( My Mother did too,when she was young) Here's the story from the Gazette today:
In its heyday, there were Murray's restaurants in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto packing in diners, happy to chow down on meatloaf, Jell-O and other comfort foods.
But yesterday the hand-written sign in the window of the last remaining Murray's restaurant, in the Lucerne Shopping Centre in Town of Mount Royal, seemed to indicate the end may be near for the chain, which got its start in 1923.
It read: "Closed for renovations and maintenance."
Since the Murray's restaurant on Sherbrooke St. W. in Westmount closed in 1999, the Murray's eatery in the unassuming T.M.R. strip mall has been the last one standing in the city.
Now, Mounir Yassa, the owner of the T.M.R. Murray's, said he can't carry on and he may have to close, too.
Since 2007, when he bought the restaurant from brothers Peter and Shrief Nasr, Yassa said, he has lost more than $150,000 - an average of between $8,000 and $12,000 a month.
"I know the story," Yassa said. "I've tried to keep it going for these reasons, but I can't put anything more into it."
Yassa, who operated the restaurant with his wife, Alyce, and daughter Sylvia, said he is in negotiations with a potential buyer, "someone who wants to buy it and change everything inside."
"I should know by Friday," Yassa said.
But even with a new buyer, there may be another hitch that could stand in the way and yet spell the end of the Murray's franchise.
In 2007, the strip mall was purchased with another building and lot in the area by First Capital Holdings Corp. for $16.5 million.
Margo Schieke, a mall administrator, said the present restaurant owner has a seven-year lease with First Capital, but it may not be transferrable.
"It's sad," said Robert Maroun, owner of Mes Yeux, Tes Yeux, an optometrist in the Lucerne Shopping Mall.
Over the years, Maroun said, he has marvelled at Murray's loyal customers, people like Madeleine Boosamra, a T.M.R. nonagenarian who until recently ate three times a day at the restaurant.
"Every breakfast, every lunch, every dinner, she was there," Maroun said. "When I think of Murray's, these are the people I think of.
"But demographically, it's over for Murray's."
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
St Thomas More Church, Old and New
I wanted to take photos of the buildings between Moffat and Manning on Bannantyne to be able to compare with these old photos of the 1st St Thomas More church and the new one. You can see the 1st church next to the 2nd and currant one on the top 1954 Guardian photo. The currant new building starts from Manning and houses the Caisse Populaire de Verdun on the corner and in between is a Dental Center called Centre Dentaire Laforte Associée at 5773 Bannantyne. This information is going into our archives (SHGV) wich i am sharing it with MVC members.
Monday, July 27, 2009
An old photo of ex Habs
Cookie one of our members found this old photo of a few ex-Habs ,Can you name them ? I'm sure you can..................... ps: I was asked to post this weeks ago,...(I forgot) I will now write 500 times , I must pay attention to my emails,because a promise made is a "Debt Unpaid".............Sorry about that Cookie....... x 500
Have Fun and Remember Verdun......................Cheers !!!
Turcot ...like London Bridge....is falling down
This morning's Gazette has a story of a man getting hurt from a piece of falling concrete.It seems to be common place in the last few years of concrete structures falling apart,throughout Montreal,,,,,,,,,Amazing there are buildings hundreds of years old ,that have no obvious problems ,but the infrastructure built only 40 years ago is literally falling apart..I guess today's construction planners are just not building things very well,....??
MONTREAL A 41-year-old man working under the Turcot Interchange was taken to a hospital with serious head injuries after a piece of concrete fell on him about 10 a.m. Monday.
The man was doing jackhammer work under the elevated portion of the interchange near the Gadbois recreation complex near the corner of St. Ambroise St. and Cote St. Paul Rd.
According to the Surete du Quebec, a piece of concrete measuring 30 cm by 10 cm fell and the man fell unconscious. The man was working for a private company hired by the Quebec Transport Department. His condition was not known, but the man was wearing his helmet at the time of the accident.
It was not known where the piece of concrete fell from. The Transport Department and the CSST, Quebec's workplace safety board are investigating.
There have been no reported road closures because to the accident.
Julie Melançon, a spokesperson for the CSST, Quebec's workplace safety board which is investigating the incident, said the man was in stable condition in a hospital.
The man is a specialized worker employed by the company DJL, which was hired by the Transport department as part of work being carried out on this section if the interchange since June 10.
Montreal Streetcars, Snowdon Junction
Good Morning !
Is there someone who remember the configuration of the streetcar tracks at Snowdon Junction ?
Here is a pic showing two configurations : 1941 & 1948
Which one do you remember ?
Sources :
(1) : Montreal Tramways Co. (Map 1941):
(2) :Track Diagram
Montreal Tramways Co.
Data: A. Clegg
Drawing: Omer Lavallée
(December 1948)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Montrealer brings MUVBOX to Montreal
What's a MUVBOX,....well it's basically a shipping container that opens into a 28 seat restaurant in under 2 minutes..(90 seconds actually).Checkout his site:
Over 25 years ago, founder and owner of the Pizzaiolle restaurants Daniel Noiseux brought the first wood stove pizza to Montreal. He is now breaking new ground with Müvbox. Passionate about all things extraordinary, this business man/restaurateur takes pride in bringing his wildest ideas to life for the greater dining pleasure of food lovers.
or watch the same video on Youtube:
Pretty Cool ,...................another Montreal first ??? HF&RV
here's a story that appeared in the GAzette on June 6th.......I didn't catch this one or I would have posted it then:.........Sorry 'bout that chief'
The idea of making buildings out of old maritime shipping containers - those long, narrow steel boxes used to ship bulky items by sea and truck - is not new.
But a couple of Montreal-area companies are now offering prefabricated shipping container kits that promise to make building a home or business cheaper, faster and more environmentally friendly.
Over the past 15 years or so, green-minded architects and urban designers have been dreaming up creative new uses for the millions of used shipping containers that are taking up space in shipyards and dumps around the world.
Shipping container projects around the world include designer homes, a youth hostel in Amsterdam, a large-scale residential development in London called Container City and a travelling retail store. (The latter, designed by New York City architecture firm LOT-EK for the sportswear company Puma is an 11,000-square-foot retail outlet made of 24 refurbished containers.)
These watertight, durable, corrugated steel containers are great for transporting large items by ship and truck, but after a few decades their travelling days are over. Though some old containers are too damaged to pass inspection, many remain intact but companies find it cheaper to buy new containers than to ship empty ones back to their point of origin, which has lead to a surplus.
The containers are rust-proof, fireproof and mould-proof - measuring about 6 metres long and 2.5 metres in height and width - making them well-suited for re-use as buildings. And since they are so abundant, they are relatively cheap and easy to acquire.
Montreal entrepreneur Daniel Noiseux has just opened a mobile restaurant - a transformed and refurbished container - on the Quai des éclusiers in the Old Port. Noiseux calls his prototype the MuvBox, and is marketing the concept to entrepreneurs who like the idea of not being tied down permanently to any one location.
Except for an eye-pleasing paint job, the MuvBox looks like a shipping container when closed. But within minutes every morning, it is transformed into a small open-air diner, complete with tables on a terasse, awnings for shade and a fully functional kitchen. Solar panels on the roof provide 30 to 40 per cent of the energy needs.
It's all in the box, Noiseux says.
"We think of the MuvBox as a boat that you can anchor anywhere, that is totally self-contained and self-sufficient, and when it leaves a place, there is no trace of its presence left behind," said Noiseux, who also owns the Pizzaiolle restaurant chain.
Although his first prototype is a restaurant, Noiseux said he can tailor the concept to a client's needs. The MuvBox could be a travelling retail outlet, bistro or demonstration unit. The base price of a MuvBox, which includes transformation of the container, lighting, flooring, and exterior design, is $150,000.
And in Ste. Adèle, a company called Idekit Homes is offering to turn one or more shipping containers into fully insulated, functional homes or home extensions at a cost of about $100 per square foot.
Jocelyne Labelle and her partner Bernard Morin completed and moved into their first prototype of an Idekit home in 2007. The three-bedroom, 3,000 square-foot home is made from seven shipping containers. The steel containers' corrugated steel walls are covered with soy-based urethane insulation, and finished in wood.
here's the link to the Gazette itself: http://www.montrealgazette.com/green+lease+life/1668936/story.html
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dawson Reunion/Generation Gap
I'm copying and pasting a message from Classmates:
From Maureen Quinn to Glen Pilon. Posted on Classmates June 30, 2009. |
Littering getting bad in Verdun
Today's Gazette reports ,what appears to be another 'settling of accounts' A 23-year-old man was in stable condition Sunday after being shot more than once in the upper body in Point St. Charles and then dumped from a car on to the street in Verdun.
Police first heard about the incident when residents called 911 about 2:07 a.m. Sunday to report the sound of gunfire near Pacific and Knox Sts, Montreal police Constable Raphaël Bergeron said.
Police later heard about a wounded man lying in the street at LaSalle and Wellington Sts. who was brought to a hospital by residents who found him, Bergeron said.
Police are looking for three or four suspects, he added.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
St Clements Anglican Church
Since Maggie made me discover the St Clements Anglican Church this week and since I had to go to Verdun, I brought my camera and took these pictures. The church is still looks in good shape despite the fact that the original section was built in 1900, the 1st enlargement in 1910 and the 2nd in 1923 although it could stand some painting and renovations but one has to wonder what will eventually happen to these old churches who are suffering from a lack of worshippers thus a lack of funds.
I also took these photos of the area behind the church. There is a large vacant lot directly behind the church and facing the other vacant lot across the street where the old Woodall and CKVL radio station was situated. Does anyone remember what was at that lot. The lane is between Gordon and Rielle and all the old sheds are now gone. Boy, I bet they could tell us a lot of stories of what went on inside, if ghosts could only talk.
I talked to an old timer so that he could tel some old memories. He remembered milk being delivered with horse drawn wagons. He said the horses were withdrawn in the middle of the sixties. He also recalled a building that collaped at the intersection of Wellington, LaSalle and Lafleur due to stolen lead that was stored illigally. I plan to do this again as those old stories are simply fascinating.
Walter Cronkite dead @ 92
The most trusted man in America,.........dead at 92 years old, We all have seen his broadcasts ,and one of the most famous telecasts was the news of JFK's assination
" And that's the Way it Was"---------Walter Cronkite
Cronkite helmed the 'CBS Evening News' for 19 years |
Walter Cronkite dead
Veteran newsman passes away at 92
For a generation of TV viewers, he was the man who delivered the news. Now he’s become a news story himself.
Walter Cronkite, who guided America through the Vietnam War, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy and man's landing on the moon, has passed away. He was 92.
The current news world is packed by competing newscasters on dozens of networks, but back when Cronkite was helming CBS News, he was simply the one everyone tuned in to. Known for the catchphrase “And that’s the way it is,” Cronkite was called the most-trusted man in America.
Cronkite anchored the CBS Evening News for 19 years before Dan Rather stepped in to take his place.
Cronkite got his start as a battlefield correspondent during the Second World War for the United Press before coming to CBS as a Washington correspondent in 1950.
The Missouri native moved to the fledgling CBS Evening News in 1962, where he was named anchor of the 15-minute nightly program, which became the first 30-minute network newscast the following year with him at the anchor desk.
From the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. to publicly questioning U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War to the landing of the first man on the moon, Cronkite was known for a tell-it-like-it-is reporting style that was often tinged with genuine emotion.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
40 years ago on July 20th 1969-Where Were You
Today july 15th ,2009, marks the 40th anniversary Nasa's attempt to reach the Moon,
and a few short days later on July 20th, Neil Armstrong ,made that one small step for man & one Giant leap for mankind:
Do you Remember where you happen to be ? I was in Long Sioux ,Ontario camping & listening attenively to the broadcast as the capsule " Eagle " was getting ready to land.
and hearing Armstong's voice claiming "Houston,Tranquility Base Here--the Eagle has Landed"
the world had changed: Amazing stuff, & today the Final space flight launch of the Space Shuttle 'Endeavour' balsted off finally after a month and a half of delays.
So my question to you all, is Do you recall where you were when Man first landed on the Moon ? HF&RV
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Double Dancing Still in Style
Do you remember dancing with a couple of friends at the Verdun dances? Can you still keep up? Have you taught your kids and grandchildren how to jitterbug? Maybe this will refresh your memory?Why not give it a try?Pauline
Monday, July 13, 2009
Old Aerial view of Verdun 1920 ?
I discovered this old aerial photo of Verdun undated but wich I estimate is from the early 20s. You can recognize Church Avenue with N.D. des Sept Douleurs church in the center on Wellington Street, Mgr Richard school center left, Willibrord school upper left, the aqueduct upper right although more like a ditch at that time, Bannantyne school at the end at left is Bannantyne school, the building in front of the school is the building I lived in in the middle 30s, At the end of Church at the left upper right I believe was J.P. Dupuis Lumber Yard. On the upper left and top middle are only fields, no houses. You will no doubt recognize other buildings wich marked your years living in Verdun although at a much later time. These old photos are simply magical. I hope you can enlarge the photo.
Golden Chariot, Mont-Royal Ave/Park Ave. June 1952
Remember the Golden Chariot in Montreal ?
Golden Chariot, Mont-Royal Ave/Park Ave. June 1952
Is there someone who can identify (make, model, year) the grey car on the right ?
Source :
Collection Jean Bureau
Club des Amis des Tramways de Montréal
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Church of England, Verdun, Old Photo
Our society (SHGV) is trying to identify this old photo of the Church of England in Verdun. Can anyone tel us where this church was situated and was it replaced by another church. One of our society (shgv) members is doing a University financed research on all the churches that exhisted since the beginning of the founding of Verdun wich will eventually be published and our society is helping him on this project since this research will contribute to our archives.
Willibrord Park, Artificial Ice Rink
The Verdun Messager (translated) announces that Verdun will build a community ice rink issued from the blue white and red Canadiens foundation for the youth. It will be part of the project already started at the Willibrord Park. The rink having NHL dimensions will have a refrigerated surface, and will allow the practice of other sports such as basketball and soccer, as well as other activities from spring to fall.
The Hockey Canada foundation will make a donation to the rink project wich will be built in the spring of 2010. Many talented players wich evolved with the Montréal Canadiens were born and learnt hockey in Verdun.
You may recall the list of professional players from Verdun wich I posted on the old site a while back. I am including the list again for those who may not have seen it.
Movies in Parks (we've come full circle)
Many of you mentioned over the years that Movies were shown in some of Verdun's Parks,well it looks like we've come full circle, as Verdun has decided to show movies in the parks again.Sound like a good community thing to do:
here's the article from the Verdun Messanger:
Movies in the Park returns to Verdun Movies in the Park returns to Verdun
These summer movies are sponsored by the great folks at Virgin Radio/CHOM/CJAD, who mention that they are also delighted to be back here in the southwest, to show a family flick on the big screen on the waterfront under the stars in an evening for the whole community.
The location is, of course, on the boardwalk, in the area just west of the Natatorium with the screen facing in the direction of de l’Eglise. The stations will be bringing along all those favorite snacks, like ice cream, cold drinks, and the ever popular hot dogs on the grill and the usual surprises.
So stay tuned to the above mentioned stations and keep looking in these pages for more details as we get closer, and get your folding chairs ready and see you on July 22nd on the waterfront under the stars.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Arturo Gatti,.down for the count
Raised in Montreal, a great boxer found dead:
Arturo Gatti, left, engaged in a memorable trilogy of bouts with Micky Ward. (Donna Connor/Associated Press)
Former world boxing champion Arturo Gatti, who was raised in Montreal, was found dead in northeastern Brazil on Saturday.
Gatti was found dead in a hotel room in Porto de Galinhas in what Brazilian police described as suspicious circumstances.
Police investigator Edilson Alves told The Associated Press that it was unclear how the 37-year-old died. "It is still too early to say anything concrete, although it is all very strange," Alves said.
Gatti's wife, Amanda, and 10-month-old son were unharmed.
Nicknamed "Thunder," Gatti was born in Italy but grew up in Montreal, where he learned to box.
Gatti moved to New Jersey as a teen and it was there that he began to embark on his professional career marked by some of the most exciting bouts in recent years in the sport.
"His entire boxing career he fought with us, we've known him since he was 17," Kathy Duva of promoter Main Events told The Associated Press. "It's just an unspeakable tragedy. I can't even find words. It's a horror."
Gatti built his reputation on a slew of slugfests that featured his ability to give and absorb a tremendous amount of punishment. On four separate occasions, he engaged in bouts recognized by Ring Magazine as the fight of the year.
He often lived outside the ring like he fought, arrested most recently in April for assault.
After winning the International Boxing Federation 130-pound junior lightweight title in 1995 against Tracy Harris Paterson, he defended the title three times. Included were knockout wins over Wilson Rodriguez and Gabriel Ruelas, bouts in which he was badly hurt before rebounding to win.
The Ruelas bout got the nod as Ring's fight of 1997.
Gatti lost the belt to Angel Manfredy, and many wrote him off when he lost two stirring battles with Ivan Robinson, the first of which was named fight of the year in 1998.
Unable to avoid punches Gatti was able to regroup in his career in large part thanks to new trainer James (Buddy) McGirt, who tried his best to get his charge to resist the urge to brawl in every bout.
The pairing was successful, allowing Gatti to win a second world title belt in 2004 when he defeated Italy's Gianluca Branco by decision.
Still, his limitations as a fighter were exposed when he fought the elite in boxing, and he lost one-sided fights to the likes of Oscar De La Hoya and Floyd Mayweather.
Critics derided Gatti's inability to avoid punches, and some wins didn't come without controversy. He took full advantage of weigh-ins held a day before fight time, often packing back on several pounds by the time the bell rang.
Joey Gamache, after a vicious knockout loss to Gatti in 2000, sued the New York State Athletic Commission after it was revealed there had been an 18-pound gap in weight between the men, essentially putting them in different weight classes.
Gatti was scheduled to testify next week in New York in connection with the lawsuit, according to a report in the New York Daily News.
But Gatti had legions of followers for a style that hearkened back to boxing's televised glory days of the 1950s. Thousands turned out for frequent bouts at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, where he would enter to the strains of Thunderstruck by AC/DC.
He essentially became a New Jersey son, only fighting professionally once in Montreal.
Gatti sealed his place in boxing history with three brutal junior welterweight bouts in 2002-03 against Micky Ward, winning two. The first and third fights of the trilogy were recognized by Ring and the fans as the best of the year for their excitement level.
Despite battering each other from pillar to post, the two men forged a friendship. After he retired, Ward on occasion even accompanied Gatti on his walks to the ring,
Gatti last fought in 2007, losing by seventh-round stoppage to Alfonso Gomez. He finished with a record of 40-9, with 31 knockouts.
This guy was Tough , with a capital HF&RV
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pavilion Where Verdun Was Founded
Pauline mentioned that there is a photo of the Pavilion house wich was situated at the corner of LaSalle and Church. The photo dated 1910 is on the BANQ site and is part of the E.Z. Massicotte collection. As I already mentioned before, this is where Verdun was founded in 1876. It also is the house where the victim of the last duel held in Canada was brought to and where he died. This is part of Verdun history and is well documented. This house was demolished in 1954 and approved by the Verdun administration under the mayor Edward Wilson. This house should never have been destroyed and should have remained as part of Verdun's heritage. I am including a currant photo wich I took on 11/10/2007 so that you can see the change.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
First Hybrid auto 1900
The first petrol-electric auto was invented in 1900 by Ferdinand Porsche and was displayed at the Paris International Exhibition the same year. Who said the hybrid auto was a new invention. Photo is from "La Presse" July 6th 2009.
Massicotte Album
This is a wonderful collection of photos from newspaper clippings with captions and detailed information of Montreal and surroundings (including Verdun) of Churches, Hospitals, Streets, Manufacturers, Professionals, Schools, etc. dating back to the 1700. ..... Pauline
Sunday, July 5, 2009
LaSalle/Wellington intersection 1938 and today
I'm not sure if I already posted these photos of the LaSalle/Wellington/Égan/Woodland area but here goes:
Verdunites will recognize this intersection as it gave us access to the Woodland Park, the boardwalk, the Band Shell, the Pavilion, and the river, not to mention Woodland Restaurant and their best pizza
This subject with photos will also appear on the Messager web site so check it out at:
http://www.messagerverdun.com/ in the SOUVENIR section.