Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fwd: Think before you speak

Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live Spaces


winnie3ave MSN said...

Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live Spaces

maggiemck MSN said...


biking2006 MSN said...


les__f MSN said...


shirleybh2 MSN said...

Gee this is a stimulating thread.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

It is thought provoking, isn't it? For example: - Are they trying to make a point - Did they make a point - Do they know something I don't - Did I miss something - Wonder why they started/contine this thread - Where will it end - Will it end - Is it written in code - Is it an invisible font   ......and so on, and so on...

happydi2 MSN said...


sandy19465 MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the author.

edbro68 MSN said...

Who dat say dat?  Ed

maggiemck MSN said...

Some might think it is a conspiracy?

rutharmstrong MSN said...

 I'm game will keep checking for the advise of thinking before we speak !!! Ruth