Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bus Ride in Verdun

Found this,while looking for Verdun/Montreal stuff,......
it's on  YouTube (recently bought out by Google,..making the origianl young owners instabt Billionaires..........hahahaha)
anyway clisk here to Ride the Bus along a street in Verdun,
Hope it works...............................................................Good Luck


les__f MSN said...

for some reason the second link works ,but I didn't get the video when clicking on the first link...........Why,.........who knows....... but the 2nd one does show the video....................

les__f MSN said...

Hey this is pretty cool,....on the lower left hand side of the YouTube page showing the Bus trip,.there are several different (quite a few actually)  video clips ,and you get to go on a Bus Ride all over the place,.........hahahaha JMH,......Guy,.....and those old Bus specialists we have in our membership,..will probably like this,. and Maggie there is one Bus trip Video ,along Lasalle Blvd ,right in front of your old House,.....and the bus stops near the MacDoanlds aacross from where I think you used to live,...or close enough to appreciate the ride .............Have Fun & Really Remember Verdun,......Don't forget your transfers.....................hahahahaha "Enjoy your Rides"

les__f MSN said...

Sorry that should have said,.....Lower Righthand side of the You Tube page: for the selection of different Bus Rides,................................                        "Sorry 'bout that Chief............missed it by 'that' much

bobb MSN said...


That's fabulous. It's great that there are people out there "crazy " enough to tape stuff like that so that the rest of us "crazies" can enjoy it. I loved it.


les__f MSN said...

Here's some more You Tube stuff, about Montreal,............several vids available here too,.........the music playing seems Japanese (I think),...but there's a lot of good shots from all opver Montreal:   I'll bet we'll find a whol;e bunch more neat stuff,...........depends on what we look for,......................making a film would be dead easy too.  

edbro68 MSN said...

The bus will not be able to go down Duhamel street. For some incredibly stupid reason the city of Verdun has closed off this wide boulevard which was a thoroughfare from Atwater , through the tunnel and onto the Champlain Bridge. One block is completely closed and frustrated people are driving over lawns to get in and out. God save us from idiots and bureaucrats. The backlash of road rage it creates has already started.

mom1945-linda MSN said...

OMG.....y'all should take a peek at these videos Les_F posted.    Maybe we should all look at our city through the eyes of a visitor to Montreal.  I'm sure that I have taken some of these sights for granted....visitors seem to have a totally refreshing outlook.  I noticed in the one with the maple leaf flag, and the person singing "O Canada" that they mumbled through some of the words, and they snuck in a shot of the statue of liberty, draped in the stars and stripes at 9/11....funny, none-the-less.   I bet that visitors see a side of the city that we don't look twice at....and that's a shame because Montreal has soooooo much to offer.   Thanks for the sites.   Cheers.

les__f MSN said...

Hi  Linda(Mom'45),......Yes it's neat to rediscover Montreal through others eyes,............There's lots of interesting vids available,....... I'm sure a lot of people will start visiting these You Tube deals,......they seem to be really set up well,for accessing all kinds of Stuff,.........I 'm glad I came across them,.......there fun: Here's a a link to a bunch of Montreal pictures ,that we've all seen over the years,.we've posted alot of them,..but this person put them together in a collage of sorts........   Alot of Point St Charles pics,...........but pretty good job:  

les__f MSN said...

Just liked the picture:   ......................................MTC