Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bill Cooper

Was your father named Bill Cooper also and was he a hunting duck sculpter in Verdun. Was he born in 1886 in Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England. If this sounds correct, let me know and I will explain the reason for my enquiry.


biking2006 MSN said...

No Guy, he worked for the CNR and was born in Montreal.

guy5479 MSN said...

Bill, I just heard on CNN about the earthquake in Hawaii. I hope you are safe and we are anxious to get news from you. Guy

biking2006 MSN said...

Guy I'm on Oahu. The quake was on the Big Island. We felt the quake but it wasn't intense here.

winnie3ave MSN said...

Bill. Thanks for checking in. We were getting concerned about you. Aloha. Winston Allison

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