Thursday, August 28, 2003

For Danny B

Hi Danny!
Say Hi to Dodo for me! I'm sure she'll remember me. I used to be afraid of her, so I was really nice and polite! hehe
Wow....20 years? That's fantastic, Danny, not too many people these days that can say that, especially not our age anyway.
And wasn't really Kevin that I hung around with, it was more Karen...and they were bro and sis...TWINS to boot, so I saw him a lot. Had a HUGE crush on him when he was younger. Karen used to get mad sometimes cuz I'd go over to their house on 4th Ave. to hang around and she'd be talking at me but I didn't hear her cuz I was swooning over Kevin! LOL
Do you remember when Kevin went thru the "Bruce Lee" stage? hehe
I'm not sure, but I think I kissed him once too...but maybe that was just a dream.  Trust me....things changed as HE changed too, if ya know what I mean.
Do you know the MacLean's and the Robert's brother's too? And how about Jean and Yvon Dumichel (sp?).
Wow....this is great to hear from you Danny, thanks for replying to me! Tell Dodo to get in on this group too!
Take care.
Luv, Sharon

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