Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mega VC Reunion Idea

Ever since we talked about this awhile ago just before the show at the Legion,I am wondering how many of us really would be interested in getting together,and how could we pull this off?
I am sure we would be able to get a large turnout. It would be interesting to put faces with the names for the people we never met and to see the ones after all these years who we know..I am up for it in anyway I can help..This would be probably a reunion for the record books..We could serve some local delicacies like say Steamies...
and so on.. Woodland Pizza.. sounds good too..and so on..
Any ideas, is it just wishful thinking or can we do it?
Lad  HF&RV

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Member saying hi

Hi all
I am a new member since July 26, 2008.  I lived in Verdun on Woodland Avenue in what I have been told is former Mayor Wilsons house.  The big old one at 728 on the dawsons side of the street. 
I attended Woodland school for grade 3 in 1975-1976, St. Thomas More for grades 4-6 from 1976-1979, and grade 7 at VCCHS 1979-1980.  I left Verdun in 1980 to move to Ontario with my parents when my father transferred.
My father is Robin (Robert) Turner, my mother is Diane Simpson.  The Turners lived in several different locations in Verdun, 297 1st Ave, 219 2nd Ave, Argyle (dont know the house number), The Simpsons lived mainly on 3rd Avenue.  447 was the house number. 
My grandparents Simpson are George and Doris (nee Holmes) both deceased.  They had 5 childresn, Donald, Doris, Mary, George and my mother Diane.  My grandparents Turner are Les(William Leslie) and Leonie(nee Bessette) both deceased.  They had 2 children, my father Robin(Robert) and Paul.

Looking for Tara Collette

I'm looking for someone named Tara Collette.  She would be approximately 40 years old by now.  Her parents are Serge and Edie, sisters Nancy and Kelly.  We lived on Woodland Ave between Bannantyne and Verdun.  I lived at 728 Woodland that big old house about half way down on the Dawson’s side of the street.


I moved from there to Ontario in 1980 at the age of 13 when my father transferred and have lost touch with her.  She may not remember me, but I would be interested to know how she is doing.  It has been about 28 years since we have had any contact at all.  If anyone knows anything please let me know.


My name then and now is Joan Turner.

Reunion at the Legion

Hi all, I'd love to know how everything went and if there's pictures anywhere to be seen. I would've been there if I could. Details please.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ironman USA 2008 Lake Placid July 20th

My son Marc participated at the Ironman USA 2008 competition on the 20th of July at Lake placid wich he completed in 13.53 minutes as shown on the clock. The competition consists of : Swimming 2.4 miles, Biking 112 miles and Running 26 miles.

40,000 messages soon

The total amount of messages sent is presently 39900 and counting. The total will be 40,000 in the near future. This is symbolic and is probably hinger since the count ran backwards at one point a couple of years ago. Nevertheless, this is quite an accomplishment and congratulations to Maggie for her initiative in starting this site wich we all enjoy.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Corner Fifth Ave and Wellington.

After going to the Fifth Ave. Theatre we would go to the restaurant across the street. I don't remember the name but could it be the Prince of Wales Restaurant at 4949 Wellington wich I got from the Lovell 1952 directory. They had booths and the old push button record selector at each table. I'm going back to the fifties but maybe some old timers remember this favorite gathering hangout of many Verdunites.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bridges over the Aqueduct

Since things are quite on the site, I thought I would re-post some photos I previously posted. Here is the Bishop Power Bridge in LaSalle, the most beautiful bridge over the aqueduct and maybe around Montreal. 


Hi everyone, just a short note to bring everyone up-to-date with the Verdun Generation Gap 40th. Anniversary Reunion being held on July 19th. at the Verdun Legion. The response has been amazing and I have to sadly announce that the event is "SOLD OUT" My thanks to all who have contributed in some way. All proceeds will be going to charity and I will let everyone know what is happening in the near future.

The event will be filmed so ALL our friends spread over the globe will be able to see what went on even though they could not attend, again I will keep all posted when placed on U-Tube!!!!!

One other important note: There will be a Verdun get-together on July 18th. at the Hotel de la Montagne on Mountain St. at approximately 6:30 7:00 is on the rooftop terrace, ask or look for Glen Pilon, so come on down and enjoy the evening and see some old buddies.

Again "Thanks to all".

Dave McA for The Generation Gap

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Verduners on the move

Just a question..from this group you can see alot of us have left and are scattered everywhere..I have always wondered is it unique to us because we are from Quebec and the poitics being what they are would dictate that or would leaving be for the greener grass as they say? I look around other places and see people who grew up together still within a short radius from home.Of course could be that there are alot of groups like ours out there. Just wondering.
Take care and like Les says HF&RV


I received this in my email today from someone on Classmates.com

Friday, July 11, 2008

New bridge to Nun's Island

It seems as if they are thinking about a new bridge to Nun's Island.  This is the photo of the proposed route.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Hi everyone, just a short note to bring everyone up-to-date with the Verdun Generation Gap 40th. Anniversary Reunion being held on July 19th. at the Verdun Legion. The response has been amazing and I have to sadly announce that the event is "SOLD OUT" My thanks to all who have contributed in some way. All proceeds will be going to charity and I will let everyone know what is happening in the near future.
The event will be filmed so ALL our friends spread over the globe will be able to see what went on even though they could not attend, again I will keep all posted when placed on U-Tube!!!!!
One other important note: There will be a Verdun get-together on July 18th. at the Hotel de la Montagne on Mountain St. at approximately 6:30 7:00 is on the rooftop terrace, ask or look for Glen Pilon, so come on down and enjoy the evening and see some old buddies.
Again "Thanks to all".
Dave McA for The Generation Gap

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mike Unger

Passed away sometime last week see Toronto Star.  Pat L

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Canadian Gasoline prices

Ask yourself if you will, why isn't Canada self sufficient in oil production and refining? Why is gas so expensive in Canada? Did you know the US imports more crude oil from Canada than from any other oil producing countries including the Saudi Arabia? If Canada has that much oil to ship most of it to the US then what is really going on? The answer is the oil companies sell to the highest bidder regardless of nationality. 
When the oil companies wanted to build the Alaskan Pipeline in the 60s the arguments were the same as today with Anwar. We need the oil to be self sufficient vs the environment of the North Slope . However as soon as the pipeline was eventually finished in Alaska, the oil companies couldn't wait to sell it to the Japanese!


Thursday, July 3, 2008


Goodmorning all,
                         Thanks for your kind words and well wishes.
My boys and I are hanging in there. This is really hard to wrap
your brain around though, after spending 20 yrs. with someone
and then they're gone instantly forever. Thankfully I do have great
friends. Deb Ireland came and spent 10days with me. She was a
huge comfort and help. Les, that's the same info I have on Lynn.
Her phone is disconnected. I have seen the Dash before and will
look at it again soon. Thank you all again.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More Montreal Scenes & Stuff

Early Montreal slushy day,........still a lot of cars around (picture early 50's)
......also has some trolley wires up there.........

Lynn or Gloria Yetman

Hi all, I've been trying to get in touch with Lynn Yetman, her phone has been
disconnected, and I've emailed Gloria, glowworm, her sister, no response, my husband died suddenly
on June 8th of a heart attack, they would like to know, if anyone can help,please
get me in touch.