Tuesday, December 14, 2004

wellington street memories

Can remember when the 58 streetcar went towards Woodland..did the circle and had to get the bus to take you further..like Crawford Park,,Lasalle..or as it was called..Ville Lasalle.There was a soda shop  on the corner of Wellington and Woodland that made the largest milkshakes. Same corner had my first view of a zoot suiter..
While attending VHS for a year..at lunch would walk down to the store that made milkshakes and had a May West for lunch.Then quit schhol and started to work at Rutherwood lumber millwork.Paid me 75 cents an hour.Even worked half a day on Saturdays..

1 comment:

jmhachey MSN said...

Hi, The bus line was 53 Lasalle -Verdun (usually Mack bus, serial 800; sometimes Brill) You can see a map of Montreal’s tramways (1941): http://www.bnquebec.ca/cargeo/htm/TRBA0141.htm The tramway is passing right in front of Woodland Restaurant. The name of the soda shop: I.C.U. Restaurant ? (on the north--east corner, there was Woodland Restaurant; still there) Have a nice day, J.M. Hachey