Monday, November 29, 2004

1978 graduated from Polyvalente MGR Richard

I lived in Dorval, but went to school in Verdun at Mgr Richard to learn a trade as a hairdresser, which I was for 10 years.There was a friend who I lost touch after graduating since I moved in Montreal, her name was Linda Comeau who also studied as a haidresser, I would just like to know how she's doing if you see this Linda send me an email.


les__f MSN said...

Hi   'blaisdenise'    When you click on the webaddress I sent you (via e-mail), you will then see a page with several choices on the E-Mail selection , and you will see a Linda Comeau listed ,with information .......I hope this is your friend...   Have Fun & Remember Verdun 

blaisdenise MSN said...

Thank you for the info  "Les__F" I will look into it.