Verdun Stadium (may as well plagerize Ken;s complete title too) lol | by Les for everyone |
Was built in the late 60′s. In the 1930′s Mayor Wilson vowed that there would never be private development on the Verdun Waterfront. People used to swim in the river and there were two main boat clubs, but the Polio scare of the late 50′s sent people away from the river.The Auditorium and Natatorium were built as public works projects that were heavily used and loved by the Verdun citizenry. The Stadium was a place for track and field and minor football leagues among other events. When I was growing up it was a field with perhaps 30 rows of wooden bleachers for fans. Verdun in the 50′s and 60′s was a sports crazy city with numerous leagues in all sports – it was common this time of year to see kids in hockey uniforms walking to outdoor rinks where leagues were busy and the general rinks were always packed. The new stadium seemed like a logical idea and it was home to the Montreal Beavers of the Continental Football League in 1966-67 – American football played in Montreal! In ’67 Alouettes placekicker, Gino Berretta, joined the Beavers as it’s well known local star. The League folded after that season and the Stadium remained as an open venue until it was demolished in the ’90′s and one section was sold for a dollar to Concordia where it now stands on the Loyola campus. This paved the way for the condo projects that now stand there, themselves a tale of greed and rule bending discussed elsewhere on this blog.
Here are a couple of black and white infrared shots taken in the mid 80′s.
Posted in Photography, Verdun | Tagged Photography, Verdun | 2 Comments »
Have a visit to Ken's site , although i'm sure many of you have already,as we've posted from here many times in the past,.but here were two photo's of the Stadium that I had not seen yet. We played all around this area (I'm sure many of you did too)...... Check out Ken's blog here..... I know we have several other shots from the staduium that we've posted over the years,(Guy has saved most of them too) perhaps he will share his album on the Stadium here too. Cheers !! HF&RV |
verdunlad1 wrote on Feb 2, '11 Great shots of the stadium lots of memories from there.. one night the cops had to chase us out while they were rebuilding it.... | When you click on the above address you have to go to page 7. Les This article in the Guardian from May 5, 1932 pages 7 Reads BLACKBURN PARK IS NOW LARGE STADIUM Grounds have been extended over 125 feet –High fence, is now being erected new stands built to hold 2000 spectators –To be officially opened Sunday 1932. Transforming Blackburn Park located on Hickson (and it just says Hickson) to Brown’s Stadiun. Plans to play a nine inning ball game guess that’s baseball plus soccer lacrosse and other sports.. Could that be the same place as the park you are talking about? No pictures...........Pauline |
kenmcl said Ken McLaughlin Seems a long way to go Ken from our neighbourhood,especially in the early 60's, However I guess you went wherever the team needed players ?? I also seem to remember you playing hockey with the Verdun Police Team ,that was the bigtime you got to play inside at the Aud,...hahahahaha Cheers HF&RV Ironic in a way, I wouldn't think of you being a team player with the police & I bet neither would they....................hahahahahah |
Hey you might have something there Ken,.first search turned up this for McCord Museum |
lesf said The only reference in the McCord site of to the Queen's Park is a photo of Ucal-Henri Dandurand who was the founder and owner of the complex. Guy |
The Brown Stadium was located at the corner of Hickson and Bannantyne. It was named after George Brown who was the owner of Brown Cartage wich was situated just across the street at 1000 Hickson. George Brown was also a Verdun City Councillor. Here are a few photos from one of my albums including a photo of one of the football teams that played at the stadium and wich I got from the Guardian. I was hoping to find a photo of the stadium but no luck, only abackground view as you can see on the photo. I am familiar with that area as I was brought in that section of Verdun in the 30s, 40s and 50s. I also took some photos of the building last winter and it is still there. I went in to chat with the present tenant and gave him a copy of an old photo wich really impressed him. Guy |
Ok this has absolutely nothing to do with this topic,otherthan the photo is credited to the Notman Photo Co. I wrote to McCord Museum years ago to point out this glaring mistake, the museum is saying that this building (car dealership) is on Bannatyne..........It Is NOT, is the building across the street from Grover's at 3rd ave & Wellington St...It is now some sort of a church ,but it was the Dominion Store in the 60's and according to Jimmy (Kungfu) an old member of ours,he lived across the street on the 3rd floor (which would be now above Grover's and he looked straight across the street at this old car dealership,.Plus as I pointed out to the museum,that there were No Streetcar Tracks on Bannatyne..........they said they would look in to it,..apprently they didn't.You cannot just go by a lovell's Directory,because as we've seen in the past Lovell's was a voluntary thing & not everyone played there game,also you can own a business & then move & noone changes the records, Car dealerships were along Bannatyne & ( I believe they still ahve some there) but this one is not. Ok mini-rant over................Yea hahahahahah I have a recent photo somewhere of the present day church which is there today.Verdun-Lasalle Babtist Church here is a Google link, check out the architecture in the whole building, look up ,way up ,as the friendly giant would,-97.15369&sspn=17.284145,36.474609&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3900+Rue+Wellington,+Verdun,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&ll=45.457271,-73.567543&spn=0,0.034161&z=15&layer=c&cbll=45.457401,-73.567506&panoid=vOTK6H6Q_Wz9mKiEHzbtdQ&cbp=12,82.34,,0,-16.36 |
1 comment:
A lot of kids got to play in that Stadium...
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