Remember the reception hall at the corner of Lasalle Blvd. & Lafleur Av. & Wellington Street in Verdun,.the War Cenotaph Monument that now stands in Willibrord Park on Verdun Av & Willibrord & 1st,.used to prudly stand in the little triangular shaped park where Wellingto meets Lasalle & Lafleur,....ahhh but back to the point ,'the reception hall' with it's Black & Pink Awning that covered the staircase up to the 2nd floor where many a wedding reception was held,
It was called Poissant Hall ..........I think that's the correct spelling, I used to think it was Poisson Hall .but that sounds a little fishy,with 1 too many 'S' Yikes I digress
.also across from this on Wellington Street ,used to be a restaurant called 'Labelle BBQ' ..........anyone have photos of that???
I just found a menu souvenir for my parent's wedding at Poissant Hall in August 27th 1955 and wanted to see if the building still existed. I googled and found out it doesn't but happy to see this picture you posted. Thanks! so much for sharing.
I just found a menu souvenir for my parent's wedding at Poissant Hall in August 27th 1955 and wanted to see if the building still existed. I googled and found out it doesn't but happy to see this picture you posted. Thanks! so much for sharing.
Glad you surfed by Geri, finding that old souvenir is pretty cool.
Cheers ! Les
I have a Labelle BBQ photo
The General..........great handle Btw:
I would love to see the LaBelle BBQ photo ,if you would like to share it.
I can add it to this original post, or make a new post.
If you want to send it to me,just use this email if you like or I will not reveal your email address but will certainly credit you as sending it in,
Always great to see old Verdun stuff, most of us are getting old and saving these old memories is fun for a lot of people to see.
Cheers !
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