Being responsible for collecting, grouping, identifying and cataloging photos for our society, (SHGV), I would like to make the following recommendations regarding photos:
Photos should contain:
Persons names and relation
And any other information.
I handle many photos in our library without these informations wich is unfortunate as they diminish their historical value. We all have photos wich we inherited from our parents some who are no longer with us and wish we could know the names on the photos. This detailed information makes our photos much more interesting. Also, we should'nt forget that our photos will be passed on to future generations.
something to share renovating old age homes, at first its very hard to see what is on that floor, first going off the evevator door you see, women and men sitting in front of those elevator doors sitting all day, waiting waiting for someone to visit them, a daughter, son, family members. most very lonely and i see that and it hurts, at times i talk to a few and chit chat away. i see at times volinteers coming in, playing music, games some bring in a cat, dog, young students come in the help out. we have been working and even started another contract here in ottawa, we get most of the jobs, because we chit chat away, bring tim hortons, talk to them yes just talking. so here's my point, the study of nap hill, teaches you to see and think, so thats what i do. nothing bad, but good if i were to write a book or getting pictures on history of verdun, first i would go to that big old age home on woodland, yes thats the place to start, these elder verduners sitting there mostly alone, would love to chit chat, give out there old pictures of verdun, the wealth of information and pictures would blow your mind. the staff would even help out, posting a board in the hallway, that the elder verduners get bigger interest. it maybe hard at first, because of fear looking at that giant building of wealth of pictures and stories. i know thats the first step to take, just a little courage, later those elders will become-best freinds forever
Metalman, I guess you are talking about the large building at the end of Woodland near the Boardwalk. I did'nt know it was an old folks home. You are right, those oldtimers must have a goldmine of souvenirs of Verdun with old photos they would like to share and talk about. Guy
Here's the spot.//Good Idea Metalman HF&RV
les for sure its a good tip, the question of the person going after the good idea many people lost because they failed the first time and quit. maybe the office staff will send you and your idea home, yet there's lots of buildings around verdun that would welcome you with open arms. with the help and enjoyment with the verdun elders, you can have a trophy of acheivement, a win win situation. the author of this dream, would get great respect from all verduners and montrealers. easier to visit and enjoy company of verdun elders, then hoping it will land on your lap. again its the question of doing it, go after your dreams guy thats it for now, have my dream to after
Les and Metalman, The Bandshell and the Pavillon used to be at that very spot where that building is now standing. That is the only photo of the Pavillon that I have been able to discover so far but hopefully a better one will turn up some day. Here are photos: Guy
Guy I have to correct you the Old Folks Home was built on the other side of the Boardwalk railings,.and they pushed the road through ( Woodland ) for access to the old folks home,.. HF&RV
Excellant photo of that building, do you know what the name of the building is and can you determine the year the photo was taken based on the autos shown. I would say the 80s-90s. I am making a copy for our archives. Guy
Hello Guy the autos in the photo are mostly of the 60's vintage, with the exception of the MonteCarlo?or Chevelle roughly a '1970 model,but the phot would be early 70's ,this was years after the buildings completion ( that I recall) the cars clsoet to us in the picture are a '65 Chev, then a late 60's or 1970 Chrysler, then about an early 70's Pontiac the next possibly a MonteCarlo/or a Chevelle ( I can't quite make that one out,but the roofline is about right-then a couple of dinky toys with teh VW on the end..the row behind them starts with a 65 or 66 Valiant) but the building was being built in the late 60's .....I understand there is a second building beside this one now, they've recovered a lot of land by backfilling into the riverside...... Interesting the changes ..... HF&RV
Building while under construction ................Here's some of the crew responsible for getting the job done,in Verdun................................ HF&RV
Sorry Guy the building under construction photo is one on Nun's Island not the Woodland Building,......I hit the send button too soon,.....Yikes,.but at least we get to see another Verdun Photo from the late 60's ..........hahahaha HF&RV
Hi Guy: Thanks for posting the Bandshell and Pav pictures. I have to agree with Les on the site correction. There was a driveway between the Bandshell building and the Pavilion. The Pavilion ran along the side of the boardwalk, behind the Bandshell. George
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