I saw this notice over at the Pointe Website and thought that I would post it here just in case there is any interest: Quote
Open Note to Students of St. Willibrord's 1953 to 1961 - Alice {Bundza} Mossey - is looking for you. Had the great pleasure of meeting 3 former students and being in touch with 1 in B.C. in the past month. Would love to hear from a bunch and see if we can have a reunion in Verdun.
Linda Minucci owns a restaurant on Hickson and Wellington which would be a great place to meet.
Pass the word on - get in touch - let's see what happens
Linda Minucci owns a restaurant on Hickson and Wellington which would be a great place to meet.
Pass the word on - get in touch - let's see what happens
Great 'Connection' notice Shirley I'm sure you have made some members day ..............Good thinking reposting here,... She (Alice) must be a terrific teacher to stay in the minds of her students for this many years,.......Congrats to Alice Bundza I hope a get together is in the offing for you all.........I know she knew Mrs Berube ( my 1st grade teacher) and I suspect she knew most of the other StWillibrord teachers too..... Again nice job ,.....................................HF&RV
Hi Shirley, I haven't heard Linda's name in like ages. Use to hang around with her in 6th grade. We all use meet for coffee before school. I am sure she will remember that.When are you planning on a reunion? Please send your answers to my email address Harriett (Grayburn) Hewitt
Sorry if I mislead anyone - this was just a copy of a post that I read over on www.homestead.com the Pte St Charles Website. I never went to St Willibrod's - I went to their sister school Congregation of Notre Dame but St. Anthony's Academy in the West End. Seems that Alice Bundza Mossey is trying to get a reunion going so you can post a message on the homestead website for her. I cant believe that you went for coffee in grade 6 - and it appears that the likely site will be Linda's Restaurant on Hickson & Wellington. I never lived in Verdun until after I married and my kids went to St. Thomas More - never lived in the Pointe either but had friends who moved there from St. Anthony's Parish.
Hi Shirley, I'm the student in B.C. that Alice Bundza refers to, we have been in touch thanks to Les for sending me to the links on our website. Alice and I have emailed each other and connected for the first time since 1953-54 ! What a treat to hear from her, and she was also the favourite teacher of many of us students back then at St.Willibroard's. Thanks to Les again for his advice on that Pointe St.Charles site. Sure wish we could connect with Gertrude Hunt who was also in our class with Alice back then..... cookie
Is there a reason you are limiting the time span to: from 1953 to 1961; as I think there are some members pre 52, including myself who attended Willibrord from 1941 to 1953 . Just curious Gord
hi Gord , you & yours have your vettes put away yet? As for the time-frame indicated ,.that was written by Alice Bundza the teacher at StWillibrord's ,.I read it as that is the time she must have taught there ? Unless you had her prior to those dates, I would bet she'd be very happy to hear from you & any others as well... Open Note to Students of St. Willibrord's 1953 to 1961 - Alice {Bundza} Mossey - is looking for you. Had the great pleasure of meeting 3 former students and being in touch with 1 in B.C. in the past month. Would love to hear from a bunch and see if we can have a reunion in Verdun.
Linda Minucci owns a restaurant on Hickson and Wellington which would be a great place to meet.
Pass the word on - get in touch - let's see what happens ...this is the note that Alice Bundza had left on the Point St Chalres site. At least that's what i think it means..?? Hope you guys had a good summer ( car shows ??)........ HF&RV
Cookie - gee My late God Mother was a Ruth Hunt married to Bill Doyle of Crawford Park - she had a brother George and a sister that Iknow of - wonder if Gertrude would be a relative. They originally lived in the Pointe I believe but she lived all her married life in the same house in Crawford Park. I dont know too much about her side of the family - my mother was a Doyle. In fact I may also be related to Doyle Principal.
Where is this website? The link above takes me to a create your own website page.Can someone post a correct link to it, please? I know my mother would like to get in touch with Alice Bundza and perhaps find other students she attended school with.
Hi MTB,.here you go http://indexgwm.homestead.com/gwmcrae.html When you click on the link it will bring you to the Point Saint Charles site run by George McCrae,.you can then click on the 'Guestbook' & you will be able to read the posted message by Alice Bundza. Good Luck HF&RV Incidentally you can find the link from this site by looking to your left hand side of this screen & you will see the word 'links' once in there you will find several links to different things ,one of them being the Point St Charles site as well..................................
Btw the VC link no longer is in service. Here's another one.Bill
I was referring to 'The Ghosts Of Griffintown' site link.
Bill if you are referring to the GriffinTown link,....... it's been changed,.Thanks .........not to be confused with the Point St Charles link, which is still working, The new webaddress Bill just gave us is now at the bottom of the Links page....... Thanks Bill HF&RV
Hi Shirley, Re: Gertrude Hunt, I can recall her sister was Brenda ,brother Tommy,they lived on 3rd avenue also, somewhere around 778-3rd upstairs, it was a large family but I cannot recall the names of the other siblings. Gertude & I were best friends ,I was the noise maker,and Gert was very quiet back then. Maybe Ruth is a sibling?? cookie
Cookie if anything Ruth was an aunt as she would have been 80+ when she died a couple years ago. I put her OBIT from the gazette in the in Memorium section http://groups.msn.com/VerdunConnections/inmemorium.msnw?action=view_list&row=75&viewtype=2&sortstring= Whomever wrote the obit never mentioned her nieces or nephews.
Shirley have you ever found an obit in the paper by merely putting a name of a loved one in the obit search space without a date of passing? That would be wonderful tool. I think computers are up to the task.
Hi Shirley, I wonder if Ruth was the older sister of Gertrude and Tommy and Brenda....I now recall when Gert & I were about 8 or 9 yrs old there was another older sister ..whether it was Ruth or not back then, not too sure. Gertrude could answer if we could ever connect to her, although I thought there was a Tommy Hunt on this site at one time. cookie
I checked the Lovell's directory for 1955 and the Family was headed by Thomas Hunt =- I was curious to see if perhaps the father was George who was Ruth's brother but it is not the same Hunt family it could be cousins.
I'm certain we had a Kenneth Hunt going to VCHS around 68ish,but I am not certain if he had any older sisters etc etc... maybe someone else here can help. DannyB if you read this, do you Remember Ken Hunt ? seems to me we all went to school together (or were at least registered to attend)..........hahahaha Doesn't gurantee any of us showed up on any regular basis...........hahahahah Good Luck with this search,.it's always neat to make an old Connection....hf&rv
Sandra The oldest Hunt gir4ls name was Francis live in the next block from me and also Perry Griffiths lived there. Bill J
Bill J Were you talking about Perry Griffiths whose parents had a convenience store on 2nd Ave between Verdun Ave & Wellington Street? If so Perry was my cousin and he has passed away in Calfornia. Colleen
Yes that was the Perry I new>but I remember his dad worked for pom bakery and they had a house on herron island.I don't recall them owning a store on the avenue.I went to trade school with Perry and played hockey with him.Yes he did pass a way in the usa but could never find out what happened.His death was kept a big secret. Bii J
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