Monday, August 9, 2004

Looking For Bellini Family

Anybody know this family let me know children are Linda,Julie-ann, Judy, Robert jr, Wendy,Sandra,and James


jan said...

I know it’s many years later since your post…..but I know them.

jan said...

I know it’s many years later since this post….but I know them.

Les_F said...

Good luck Jan, I have posted your reply to this topic. As you say it is many years since this was originally posted, and oddly enough I do not even know who initially posted this question about the Bellini family.
This looks like it was first put on here 20 years ago?? It could have been even longer. As this rendition of Verdun Connections evolved from MSN Groups (remember that?) it transitioned from there, to a group called Multiply, they very unceremoniously stopped support completely and I did my best to save everything I could from all those years ago. Unfortunately all I could find at the time this blog, although it doesn't work like the older sites,it has served to help us save this stories from Verdun for quite sometime now.
Again Jan Thanks for surfing by.
Cheers !

jan said...

Thank you Les_F for reaching out and explaining everything to me.
I was excited at the prospect of possibly helping someone find who
they were looking for and answering whatever questions I could.
All the best to everyone!!

Les_F said...

Cheers ! Jan

Anonymous said...

I am one of the people that person is looking for. I randomly came across this. How do I find out who that is?

Les_F said...

BELLINI (annoymous) Thanks for surfing by,a lot of people find us exactly that way.
I saved all these posts and stories and photos from oblivion cyberspace years ago,so many of the people who actually posed the question to start with have simply disappeared, and now it shows as if I posed the topic ,in this case I did not. So being that this was posted over 20 years ago I just don't know who asked the question first off.
Hopefully as you did someone will surf by and reach out to you,if that happens and they contact us here on this blog I will relay their contact info to you but I will never post personal info on anyone. A woman named Jan did post last March 2024 and I hope she may see your question and possibly help you. I do know there are several Verdun related FaceB groups who might be able to help you connect, I know you can ask Maggie or Sharon who have a FB site, but I am not a member of FB so how to contact them will be up to you. They are truly helpful people so look for a Verdunites site and Good Luck
Again Thanks for surfing by Cheers ! Les