Friday, August 26, 2011

Griffintown Construction Project

Phases 2 and 3 of the Griffintown project has been announced at a cost of 261 million dollars. This follows the announcement of the first phase at a cost of 475 million dollars. The 3 phases will include 2103 condos, one ALT hotel of 154 rooms, 300,000 sq ft of office space and 328,000 sq ft of commercial space

This follows the announcement of a megacomplex of 650 million dollars near the Lachine canal. Since the beginning of august there are 54 cranes in operation in Montreal, the largest since expo 67 and the olympic games.




pauline garneau said...

This site is a guided audio tour through Griffintown with the former residents of Griffintown feeling the loss of their neighborhood that will never be replaced.
My attachment is to St Ann’s Church where I was baptized and made the walk as a kid from Goose Village through the Wellington Street tunnel to the Tuesdays to listen to these residents sing in the choir.
Listen to track I to 9

right-click and select "save target as
and the audio tour will start

I’m sure you will remember every word of these beautiful hymns.

Les F said...

Here you go Pauline ,.hope it brings you some good memories.....

Cheers !! HF&RV