Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Raid at Verdun Legion No. 4 in 1965



Here's a cute incident regarding the Old Stone House. Imagine a raid was made at the Verdun Legion Branch No. 4 who used that house during the sixties and a raid was conducted at their Verdun avenue headquarters and their liquor "tolerance" suspended. Read the Guardian text of the 4th of february 1965 for full details. I hop you can enlarge the text to be able to read it.





Les F said...

Great little story Guy, I was able to enlarge the article itself (1st item posted) but couldn't enlarge the 2nd one with the Old Landmark Threatened. Good thing people wrote in or called te Guardian in those days. Keep history has become a little more important in these times. Imagine all the great old building lost to the wrecking ball,for lack of insight. The old stone house itself being the only tie to the past & the beginnings of Verdun itself.Thanks for sharing this interesting find Guy. HF&RV

Les F said...

How's the old stone house doing these days:Have you been to see it.
Les fouilles archéologiques reprennent sur le site de la maison Saint-Dizier
par Mathieu Robert-Perron
Voir tous les articles de Mathieu Robert-Perron
Article mis en ligne le 21 octobre 2006 à 7:49
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Les archéologues poursuivent leurs recherches sur le site de la plus ancienne maison de Verdun. Les fouilles archéologiques reprennent sur le site de la maison Saint-Dizier
La Ville de Montréal a retenu les services de la firme SACL inc. pour effectuer, à compter de cette semaine, de nouvelles interventions archéologiques sur le site de la maison historique Étienne Nivard-De Saint-Dizier.
Ces travaux sont requis dans le cadre du projet de restauration de la maison située au 7244, boulevard Lasalle, à l’angle de la rue Lloyd-George, dans l’arrondissement de Verdun.

Le mandat qui a été confié à SACL inc. comprend les travaux préparatoires afin d’évaluer la nature et l’ampleur des interventions archéologiques à réaliser. Par la suite, la firme entreprendra une fouille archéologique des lieux et la supervision de certains travaux ainsi que l’inventaire archéologique, l’analyse et la production du rapport archéologique. Le contrat de services évalué à 140 000 $ sera financé à même une subvention de 500 000 $ qui a été accordée par la Ville de Montréal dans le cadre de l’Entente de gestion relative au volet conservation du patrimoine bâti entre la Ville de Montréal, le ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec et la Société d’habitation du Québec.

Un premier inventaire archéologique réalisé en 2005 à l’intérieur et aux abords immédiats de la maison a permis de constater l’existence de sols archéologiques dans le sous-sol du bâtiment ainsi que dans les espaces extérieurs attenants.

« En vertu de la Loi sur les biens culturels, la Ville de Montréal se doit d’appliquer des mesures de protection des ressources archéologiques lorsqu’elle effectue des travaux en sous-sol sur ses propriétés », a expliqué le maire de l’arrondissement, Claude Trudel. « Le contrat qui vient d’être accordé à la firme SACL inc. permet donc à la Ville de rencontrer ses obligations légales en cette matière tout en nous permettant ultimement de retracer un pan de notre histoire », a conclu M. Trudel.

Guy Billard said...

Here's the first part of the text from the February 4th 1965 article on the Old House (Maison St Dizier) and the Verdun Legion Branch no. 4:

"For the second time in a very few weeks - Verdun is agog over a municipal situation in which the Canadian Legion is involved.
Some short time ago Verdun Legion Branch no. 4 jumped into the limelight when a raid was conducted on their headquarters on Verdun avenue and their liquor "tolerance" suspended - now it is the Crawford Park Legion that is hit, and through their headquarters also, the "old house" on the riverbank that was rented to them by the city in the days of Mayor Edward Wilson.
Word of the possibility that this handsome stone building on LaSalle Road might be turned into a tool-shed attached to municipal greenhouses has created a furor that has swelled beyond the ranks of the Legionnaires who might be displaced from the building - any red-blooded Verdunite with any sense of antiquity is virtually "up in arms".
For the record - apparently at the last council session a motion to move the the greenhouses from the fire station and prop them against the "old stone house" was on the agenda.
And - there is one gleam of light shining through the cloud. The matter
(continued on page 2)"


There is mention of the moving of the greenhouses next to the firestation,I will post a photo that shows the greenhouses next to the firestation as soon as I find it,


Guy Billard said...

I hope this works. Here is the photo of the firestation with the greenhouses.


Les F said...

Thanks Guy for both the picture (greenhouses) & the article....hf&rv

Les F said...

I just heard that the Verdun Legion Branch #4,on Verdun Avenue facing the City Hall building may have been sold ? I hope it is not to be Condos ?I have contacted the legion itself to ask for confirmation & what may become of the building.It's been there since 1919..........I'll let you all know what I find out.
...........Cheers ! HF&RV - Les
ps: these were great pics that Guy added a few years back,look at the old Firestation with greenhouses out front.......