Sunday, February 23, 2025

First Bank Account in this City & District

I imagine a lot of us had our first bank account in this branch at Galt & Wellington. Even as a kid this was a special building with the rounded front ,the huge clock, and if you remember it had a brass and wood with big brass handles to open the revolving door. Once inside you were met with clean marble floors ( I think it was) and what seemed like an eexceptionally long counter with tellers waiting to greet you. Then you also got one of those old Banks they gave away when opening your new acount.(wish I still had mine,just for nostalgia purposes) It was always fun to watch your bank book get updated (by hand mind you) and then a stamp. As a kid it made you feel grown up and a sense of pride Oh for it to be that simple . Anyway I saw the old photo and decided to share it here. Cheers ! Les F