Friday, March 21, 2025

Random Montreal and Verdun B&W pics

Thanks for sending me these shots,most we have seen before and over 20+ years on this site and of course the evolving internet, Inevitably we get to share old photos from time to time. and so here we can share some internet pics with all of us.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

First Bank Account in this City & District

I imagine a lot of us had our first bank account in this branch at Galt & Wellington. Even as a kid this was a special building with the rounded front ,the huge clock, and if you remember it had a brass and wood with big brass handles to open the revolving door. Once inside you were met with clean marble floors ( I think it was) and what seemed like an eexceptionally long counter with tellers waiting to greet you. Then you also got one of those old Banks they gave away when opening your new acount.(wish I still had mine,just for nostalgia purposes) It was always fun to watch your bank book get updated (by hand mind you) and then a stamp. As a kid it made you feel grown up and a sense of pride Oh for it to be that simple . Anyway I saw the old photo and decided to share it here. Cheers ! Les F

Sunday, January 19, 2025

This is a 'Cool' shot of the old Orange Julep

In the spirit of giving credit where credit is due,and not just simply posting a photo. This shot was sent to me and they said they saw it on a Montreal Golden Oldies site,who credited someone named Cliff So Thank you guys for sharing this old Montreal Landmark Bldg. covered with a Frosty looking layer of fresh snow. I don't think or at least recall ever having seen such a photo before,but having worked up the Decarie Blvd and drove past here every day during the week I must have seen the Orange Julep many times like this. We just never thought of taking a photo of it, I suppose having a camera in our pocket these days does allow for capturing different shots much easier than in the 1960's and 70's. I suppose we also just took many things for granted. In any case Thank you all for drawing our attention to it.Well done.
Cheers !