Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Verdun from days gone by

I am starting to come across old photos (I am sure we posted these years ago) on some of my old devices,external hd's etc, that I am fairly certain may provide us with a lot of the 'missing' photos that didn't seem to all make the transition from the old VC site on both MSN Groups and the Multiply site, I will try to post them as I find them (if I can) but for now here are a few.........


BobB said...

Wow. A great collection of Verdun pictures. Superb memories. I’m going to go through these. And I love the black and White shots. Everything is colour now but black & White have a charm and a feeling of their own. And I used to mess about in a darkroom way back so there is a part of this in my blood. But enough rambling........I’m going to Verdun via these photos.


Les_F said...

Glad you like the old pics Bob, I will try to post any of the old photos I find. I agree with you the B&W pics just seem to be more real to me.......I guess it is because we actually were on those streets way back when & B&W seems to be the way we think of them......strange thought as we know we only lived these times in
I also lately have been guilty of watching some old B&W TV shows, (Covid induced I guess from staying home more often) but goofy shows like leave it to beaver,but more like Perry Mason where I see all these cool old cars in all the scenes,all stuff we saw all around us on our streets........probably was just good thinking on the product makers part of including their cars in all the shows at the time,but fun to see
Cheers ! Les

Les_F said...

Oh Btw: if you click on each of the pics it will enlarge them for you.............but I assume you knew that anyway

BobB said...

But it’s worth mentioning. There are times you want to see details and clicking the picture and enlarging might be just what’s needed.


Unknown said...

Very nice, found your blog by chance and very happy to see these pictures. I am Verdunois since 2006 and love it so much. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Very nice, found your blog by chance and very happy to see these pictures. I am Verdunois since 2006 and love it so much. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Many thanks for posting Les_F. Brings me back to the simple days of many dreams.
I lived in Verdun from 1964-1999, Bannantyne x Gordon. Attended VHS '69-'74.
Its the old cars that I try to identify the year. I spotted a fastback Mustang approx '71-'73? which was my fav pic. I also like winter pics with the outdoor hockey rinks but those are rare.
I know i have my dad's pics but they are all slides!! I would need to convert.
Funny, but i also liked to walk down laneways instead of the street. Some of those backyards are huge!!
Thx again for the memories.

Les_F said...

Glad you surfed by Mac, we have posted hundreds of pics over the years (I think we started in the late 90's. Through changes in venue and hosts we migrated a couple of times to end up here on a blog site. I did save most of the older sites photos and will try to find them again and post them here in the future, We had hockey rink pics too I think. I too like the old cars,as they are the ones we grew up with.
We loved to see some of your Dad's saved pics, you should be able to use a scanner to copy thos pics,most scanner came with slide holder specifically for saving them to your computer. If you get around to it feel free to post some and I will get them on the site . Cheers ! Les

Anonymous said...

Great Pics. But needs more descriptions like the street and which direction.

Les_F said...

Glad you surfed by Anonymous, most Verdunites-(ers) of certain vintage would be able to identify where in Verdun and which street it was,However most of the fun is just seeing these old pics,no info was listed when I found the different pictures.Cheers !LesF

Anonymous said...

I think picture 6 and 8 are St Thomas More church and rec centre next door. Number 9 and 10 are the library, and possibly number 31 in the Atwater bus terminal?

Anonymous said...

I believe numbers 6 and 8 are St Thomas More church and the rec centre next door. 9 and 10 are the Library. 31 is possibly the bus terminal at Atwater .

Les_F said...

Anonymous your doing fine,other pics will come to you,as Wellington,Desmarchais,Gordon & Verdun av is there too,Hickson & Wellington...etc etc
Have Fun & Remember Verdun.again thanks for surfing by. Cheers ! LesF