Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Some Flood Pics Around Montreal May29th Rainstorm

A lot of water was in town yesterday,I suspect aging infrastructure ala wtaerpipes sewer system,afterall that's what is usually the cause of the sink-holes etc .
Today I imagine is clean up day & that is a lot of work,here are some of the oics:


Les F said...

I'd be a little concerned about that underground parking garage with water spouting through the cement wall.............That is not a good sign: The city after seeing this photo in today's gazette ,should be inspecting this place Now.

Les F said...

Verdun the other day:

Suzanne Olsten said...

Hi les,boy!did you guys get a lot of rain, I am in Boston and its beautiful here,..Suzanne

Les F said...

Hi Suzanne,...not me I am in Victoria BC where it only rains during our annual rainfest that is from Jan31st to Dec 31st. Otherthan that it's beautiful here in between Tsunami,Earthquake,Mudslides,ForestFire season & Avalanches.--lol